Volume-6 ~ Issue-5
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Abstract: In recent years attention has been given to the acidification and alkalization of the soils to understand physico-chemical and Engineering properties. The effect of Sulphuric acid and Orthophosphoric acid with Calcium Carbonate and Magnesium Carbonate treated soils is studied. The Optimum percentages of CaCO3 and MgCO3 mix were found for Black Cotton soil and Red Earth based on compaction test. Liquid limit is decreased with CaCO3.and increased with MgCO3. Plastic limit is increased with CaCO3 and decreased with. MgCO3. Shrinkage limit is increased with CaCO3 and decreased with MgCO3. Acidification of alkalis treated soils by one normal Sulphuric acid and one normal Ortho Phosphoric acid showed alteration and impairment in index properties. However, the effect of 1N H3PO4 on the alkali treated soils has less negative effect than with 1N H2SO4 on the index properties. It is evident that the index properties of soils are altered when compared with their initial characteristics. The reasons for the observed behavior of soils are addressed.
Keywords: Index properties, Sub surface Contamination, diffused double layer, particle aggregation, cation exchange,
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Optimizing Mobile Robot Path Planning and Navigation by Use of Differential Evolution |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Shilpa Samal, B.Hemalatha |
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: | 10.9790/1684-0651015 ![]() |
Abstract: Path planning and navigation is essential for an autonomous robot which can move avoiding the static obstacles in a real world and to reach the specific target. Optimizing path for the robot movement gives the optimal distance from the source to the target and save precious time as well. With the development of various evolutionary algorithms, the differential evolution is taking the pace in comparison to genetic algorithm. Differential evolution has been deployed quite successfully for solving global optimization problem. Differential evolution is a very simple yet powerful metaheuristics type problem solving method. In this paper we are proposing a Differential Evolution based path navigation algorithm for mobile path navigation and analyze its efficiency with other developed approaches. The proposed algorithm optimized the robot path and navigates the robot to the proper target efficiently.
Keywords- Path navigation, differential evolution, genetic algorithm, neural network
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Finite Elements Modeling and Analysis of Double Skin Composite Plates |
Country | : | Egypt |
Authors | : | Mohamedien, A.R, Omer, A.A |
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: | 10.9790/1684-0651425 ![]() |
Abstract: Double skin composite (DSC) is a form of "steel/concrete/steel" sandwich structure; the steel plates are connected to a sandwiched concrete core with welded stud shear connectors. In the present paper, a finite element model for Double Skin Composite (DSC) panels subjected to quasi-static loading is developed. A series of quasi-static finite elements models are used to analyze deformation and energy absorption capacity of such system, when perforated by rigid penetrator with conical nose shape. Pilot test model is used to investigate the failure pattern in the composite panel. The obtained results are compared to the experimental results; good agreements are obtained between finite element and previous experimental results. Results show that such elements have great ability of absorbing energy when subjected to perforation due to ductility of lower plate skin and vertical stiffness of lower shear studs. Keywords: Double skin composite; Quasi-static test; Shear connectors; Finite Elements.
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Abstract: To meet stringent vehicular exhaust emission norms worldwide, several exhaust pre-treatment and post treatment techniques have been employed in modern engines. Also concern of environmental pollution and energy crisis all over the world have caused the research attention on reduction of diesel engine exhaust emissions and saving of energy simultaneously. This investigation mainly focuses on reducing exhaust emission and energy saving by investigating diesel combustion with neat diesel fuel and a new attachment of pressurized inlet air with Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) system. Experiment was conducted in a four stroke direct injection water cooled constant speed diesel engine with pressurize inlet air attachment and EGR system, which is typically used in agricultural farm machinery. EGR was applied to the experimental engine separately and also with varying pressure of inlet air. In this study, compressor was used to pressurize the inlet air. The experiments were carried out to experimentally evaluate the performance and emissions for combine effect different EGR rates and varying inlet air pressure of the engine. Emissions of hydrocarbon (HC), NOx, carbon monoxide (CO), carbon dioxide (CO2) and temperature of the exhaust gas were measured. Performance parameters such as Brake thermal efficiency, brake specific fuel consumption (BSFC) were calculated. It was found that combined effect of pressurize inlet air attachment and EGR system provided better result on engine performance than individual EGR effect. Reductions in NOx and exhaust gas temperature were observed but emissions of HC, CO and CO2 were found to have increased with combine usage of EGR and inlet air pressure. Thus the modified engine provides more NOx reduction and better fuel economy without reducing useful characteristics (brake power, brake thermal efficiency etc) of the engine.
Keyword: Diesel engine, Emission, Exhaust gas recirculation, Inlet air pressure, NOx.
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Abstract: An experiment was conducted to perform the parametric optimization of CNC end milling machine tool in varying condition. The tool used for experiment was of Solid Carbide and the Mild Steel work piece was used during experiment. The experiment has been taken place efficiently and completes its all objective of optimization. The practical result can be used in industry to get the desirable Surface Roughness and Material Removal Rate for the work piece by using suitable parameter combination.
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Abstract: In structural applications, beam is one of the most common structural members that have been considered in design. This paper is intended to provide tools that ensure better designing options for composite laminates of I -beam. In this Paper an analytical method & FEM approach calculating axial stiffness , Axial stress ,Axial strain of flange and web laminates. The results show the stacking sequence and fiber angle orientation strongly affects strength of composite I-beam.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Review on Study of Lake Water Using Multi Sensor Remote Sensing Data |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Balasaheb Jamadar., Purandara, B.K |
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: | 10.9790/1684-0655052 ![]() |
Abstract: In this paper multi sensor satellite data i.e. IRS LISS III or Landsat TM/ETM+ or OCEANSAT-1(IRS-P4) consisting of an Ocean Color Monitoring operating in eight spectral band data are used for extracting information useful to hydrological projects such as monitoring the water quality of lakes. Changes of the area extent of the lakes are estimated from the multitemporal satellite images. Surface water temperature patterns of the lakes are mapped and anomalies are identified. Emphasis is given on the investigation of capabilities of IRS LISS III or Landsat TM/ETM+ or OCEANSAT-1(IRS-P4) data in monitoring water quality of lakes. A classification scheme regarding various water quality parameters (Secchi depth, Turbitidity, Chlorophylle –α and Total Total phosphorus) is created based on combinations of different bands.
Keywords - Remote sensing, Spectral band, lake monitoring, water quality
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[8]. Asadil, Padmaja, Vuppala and Reddy (2007) used RS and GIS along with field studies for the estimation of land use changes on the quality of surface water.
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Abstract: This paper reports stress analysis of two pipes intersection using finite element method. The equal combinations of dimensions of run pipe and the branch pipe are used to investigate the stresses in pipe at the intersection. The stress intensity factors are determined for various angular locations at intersection.
Keywords— Stress analysis, Finite element method, Pipe T-joint.
[1]. K.Satyanarayanaa, R.T.Naik, L.V.V.Gopala Raoc and R.T.Babu Naikd," Static Strength Analysis of Tubular T-Joints Using Ansys". ISSN 2090-424X Journal of Basic and Applied Scientific Research. Res 1(9), Pg. 989-997.
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[5]. M. D. Xue, D. F. Li and K. C. Hwang, A Thin Shell Theoretical Solution for Two Intersecting Cylindrical Shells Due to External Branch Pipe Moments. Vol. no. 3. Pg.129-134.
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Abstract: Beam and column where intersects is called as joint or junction. The different types of joints are classified as corner joint, exterior joint, interior joint etc. on beam column joint applying quasi-static loading on cantilever end of the beam. and study of various parameters as to be find out on corner and exterior beam column joint i.e. maximum stress, minimum stress, displacement and variation in stiffness of beam column joint can be analyzed in Ansys software ( Non-Linear FEM Software) Significant experimental research has been conducted over the past three decades on hysteretic behavior of beam-column joints of RC frames under cyclic displacement loading. The various research studies focused on corner and exterior beam column joints and their behavior, support conditions of beam-column joints. Some recent experimental studies, however, addressed beam-column joints of substandard RC frames with weak columns, poor anchorage of longitudinal beam bars and insufficient transverse reinforcement. the behavior of exterior beam column joint is different than the corner beam column joint.
Keywords- beam , column, corner, exterior , joint, quasi-static.
[1] Hwang Shyh-Jiann and Lee Hung-Jen Analytical Model for Predicting Shear Strengths of Exterior Reinforced Concrete Beam-Column Joints for Seismic Resistance ACI Structural Journal, September-October 2005 , Vol. 96, No.5.
[2] H. F. Wong and J. S. Kuang Effect of Beam-Column depth ratio on design on joint seismic Proceedings of Institution of Civil Engineers Structures and Buildings,2008 , 91-101
[3] Jaehong kim and James .M. Lafave Key influence parameters for the Joint shear behavior of RC beam-column Connections Engineering Structures, 2007, 2523-2539.
[4] Bing Li, Yiming Wu, and Tso-Chien Pan. Seismic Behavior of Non seismically Detailed Interior Beam-Wide Column Joints-Part II: Theoretical Comparisons and Analytical Studies. ACI Structural Journal, January-February 2003, V.100, No.1.
[5] Lowes.N.Laira, Mitra Nilanjan and Altoontash Arash A beam-column Joint model for simulating the earthquake response of Reinforced Concrete Frames. Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center (PEER) , 2004,1-66.
[6] Murty.C.V.R, Rai.C.Durgesh, Bajpai.K.K and Jain.S.K Anchorage detail and joint design in seismic RC Frames. The Indian Concrete Journal, April 2001 , 274-280.
[7] Pampanin.S., Calvi.G.M. and Morati.M. Seismic Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Beam-Column Joints designed for GrLoads 12th European Conference on Earthquake Engineering, 1998 ,1-10.
[8] Hegger Josef, Sherif Alaa and Roeser Wolfgang Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Beam-ColConnections ACI Structural Journal, Sept-Oct 2004, 604-614.
[9] R. Vollum and D. Parker External beam-column joints design to Eurocode2 Magazine of Concrete Research,2008, 511-521.
[10] Shamim Mohammad and Kumar. V Behavior of reinforced concrete Beam column joints-A review Journal of StruEngineering Vol.26, No.3, 1999, 207-214.
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Abstract: The paper is part of an ongoing research project on traffic management strategies for Peshawar Pakistan. A survey of all the existing public transport stops on University Road Peshawar conducted for identification of bus lane. Peak hour demand was calculated in terms of actual Passengers per hour per direction (Pphpd)along the entire corridor which acts a warrant test for the provision of a separate lane for public transport vehicles in Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) System. Saturation Levelsand Dwell Times (sec)at every stop both for busses and for wagons usingfrequency, clearance time, amount of boarding and alighting passengers and journey time of existing public transport system were analyzed.From data analysis, theSaturation Levels and Dwell Times at every stop were found higher than the recommended values mainly because of the obstruction due to private vehicles in front of public transport vehicles,a comparatively high percentage of private vehicles with respect to public transport vehicles and the prolong stay of drivers atbus stops. The Saturation Levels and Dwell Times (sec) for the proposed BRT system was re-analyzed. Finally, result of the proposed BRT system was incorporated in S-Paramics software to develop a public transport model.
Keywords: Peak hour Demand, Warrant test, SaturationLevels, Dwell Times.
[1]. Bus Rapid Transit Planning Guide 2007 by Institute for Transportation and Development Policy (ITDP).
[2]. Characteristics of Bus Rapid Transit for Decision-Making, Project No: FTA-VA-26-7222-2004.1, August 2004 by Federal Transit
and Administration United States Department of Transportation.
[3]. A Preliminary Feasibility Study of Bus Rapid Transit System in Dhaka by S. M. Sohel Mahmud and Mohammad IbnaAnwar, May
[4]. Hossain, Moazzem. 2006. The issues and realities of BRT planning initiatives in Developing Asian cities. Journal of Public
Transportation BRT Special Edition.
[5]. Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES). 2007. Best Practice Environmental Policy in Asia and the Pacific. International
Review for Environmental Strategies Special Edition.
[6]. Transportation Engineering 2nd edition by James H. Banks.
[7]. Broken Arrow to Tulsa Mass Transit Feasibility Study by Lonnie E. Blaydes Consulting, April 2007.
[8]. Pre-Feasibility Study for Bus Rapid Transit Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh by the Institute for Transportation and Development Policy,
March, 2005.
[9]. Bus Rapid Transit Ridership Analysis by U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Transit Administration, June 2005.
[10]. Harsanto, Damar. 2003. City urged to involve public in busway plan. The Jakarta Post, February 27.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Modeling and Analysis of Two Wheeler Connecting Rod by Using Ansys |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | B. Anusha, C.Vijaya Bhaskar Reddy |
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: | 10.9790/1684-0658387 ![]() |
Abstract: Connecting rod is a major link inside of a internal combustion engine. It is the intermediate member between the piston and the crankshaft. Its primary function is to transmit the push and pull from the piston pin to the crank pin thus converting the reciprocating motion of piston in to rotary motion of the crank. In this paper a static analysis is conducted on a connecting rod of a single cylinder 4-stroke petrol engine. The model is developed using Solid modeling software i.e. PRO/E (creo-parametric). Further finite element analysis is done to determine the von-misses stresses shear stress and strains for the given loading conditions.
Keywords - ANSYS Workbench, connecting rod, Finite Element analysis, PRO/E (creo-parametric).
[1] Vivek.c.pathade, Bhumeshwar Patle, Ajay N. Ingale "Stress Analysis of I.C. Engine Connecting Rod by FEM", International Journal of Engineering and Innovative Technology, Vol-1, Issue-3, March2012.
[2] k. Sudershn Kumar, Dr. k. Tirupathi Reddy, Syed Altaf Hussan "Modeling and analysis of two Wheeler connecting rod", International Journal of Modern Engineering Research, Vol -2, Issue- 5, Sep-Oct-2012.
[3] Anil Kumar, Kamaldeep Grover, Balvinder budina "optimization of connecting rod parameters using CAE tools", International Journal of Latest Trends in Engineering and Technology, Vol- 1, Issue- 3 , Sep2012.
[4] Suraj Pal, Sunil Kumar, "Design Evaluation and Optimization of Connecting Rod Parameters Using FEM", International Journal of Engineering and Management Research, Vol- 2, Issue- 6, Dec 2012.
[5] Dr S B jaju, P G Chakra, "Modeling and Optimization of Connecting rod of Four Stroke Single Cylinder Engine for Optimization of cost and material".
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Modeling and Analysis of Tractor Trolley Axle Using Ansys |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | P.Manasa, C.Vijaya Bhaskar Reddy |
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: | 10.9790/1684-0658892 ![]() |
Abstract: Tractor trolley (or) trailers are very popular and cheaper mode of goods and transport in rural as well as urban areas. In India, various small scale industries are adopting the crude methodologies for designing and manufacturing machine components. One such industry producing tractor trolleys for agricultural use has been identified for this study. In this paper a static analysis is conducted on a tractor trolley axle. The solid modeling of axle is developed by CATIA-V5. Analysis is done using ANSYS work bench. Most of the tractor trolley axle used today is rectangular cross section type which in turn leads to increase in the weight of tractor trolley and axle. In this paper an attempt has made by replacing rectangular cross section with circular section which result in reducing the weight of the axle and the cost.
[1] Harish V. Katore, Santosh B. Jaju,"Redesiginig of Tractor Trolley Axle Using Ansys", IJEST, Vol 3, Issue 6, June 2011. [2] Sanjoy Aloni, Sandip Khedkar, "Comparative Evaluation Of Tractor Trolley Axle By Using FEM Approach", IJEST, Vol 4, Issue 4, April 2012. [3] Happy Bansal, Sunil Kumar," Weight Reduction And Analysis Of Trolley Axle Using Ansys", IJEMR, Vol 2, Issue 6, December 2012.
[4] Osman Asi, "Fatigue Failure Of Rear Axle Shaft Of an Automobile," Vol 13 Feb 2006.