Volume-7 ~ Issue-6
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Abstract: The current study was carryout to investigate the status of water supply facilities in 24 rural communities of Owo local government area of Ondo State, Nigeria. Former and informer interview, questionnaire and physical assessment conducted. Secondary data from Nigeria National Population Commission (NNPC) were used in this study. The major water supply facilities used by the communities were mostly hand dug well and boreholes which in most cases were fitted with either electric or hand pump. It was observed that all the boreholes fitted with hand pump were failed while 86 % of those fitted with electrics pump were also failed. In the case of the hand dug well more than 37 % of all the hand dug well were failed. Borehole failure was due to people ignorance, non availability of spare parts, constant water failure, poor maintenance skills and attitude of the communities. The failures of the hand dug well were mainly due to low water table or aquifer region. The survey assessment results revealed that sustainable water supply to the community could be enhancing through the use of hand pump boreholes. Hand pump boreholes appeared more reliable with low operational technology, their cost effectiveness affordability and available spare parts. The studies recommend the involvement of the community participation in the overall management of the water facility in other to enhance sustainability.
Keywords: Assessment, Communities, Questionnaire, Operational technology, Management, Affordability.
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Abstract: This paper presents the implementation of a generalized photovoltaic model using Matlab Simulink software package, which can be representative of PV cell, module, and array for easy use on simulation platform. The proposed model is designed with a user-friendly icon and a dialog box like Simulink block libraries. This makes the generalized PV model easily simulated and analyzed in conjunction with power electronics for a maximum power point tracker. Taking the effect of sunlight irradiance and cell temperature into consideration, the output current and power characteristics of PV model are simulated and optimized using the proposed model. This enables the dynamics of PV power system to be easily simulated, analyzed, and optimized. For Wind Turbine modeling and simulation of wind driven electricity generation system or WECS (an acronym for Wind Energy Conversion System) has been done. Our aim is to design and test a power 300W capacity, operating at 3 m/s to 6 m/s , induction permanent magnet generator Matlab simulation. The different components of a wind energy system namely the wind turbine, generator, rectifier, as per the scope of this project following which the design steps and modeling of the system in Matlab simulation environment - Simulink was undertaken.
Keywords: power pv cells, wind turbine, power generation 50 watt.
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Abstract: Production of waste in unpredictable amounts is almost in every part of metal and non metal casting trade. These wastes can be converted to material goods if processed for vital improvement of valuables provided it is cost-effective. Random dumping of these wastes may lead to environmental problems and therefore, presently the reuse of the waste materials in various fields is seen for fairly various periods. Copper slag is a waste product generated during the smelting process for the production of copper. It has been estimated that for every tonne of copper produced, about 1.8-2.2 tonnes of copper slag is generated as a waste. Due to increase in production capacity of copper, copper slag getting accumulated require additional dumping space and causing wastage of good cultivable land. The present paper discusses the laboratory test results of coefficient of permeability tests conducted on copper slag mixed with cement and lime. The copper slag mixed with lime and cement in various percentages were kept for curing and then tested after 7, 14, 28 days. Effective results were observed for the coefficient of permeability of copper slag on addition of lime and cement from 0% to 10%. There is a decrease in coefficient of permeability value as the percentage of addition of lime and cement increases and with the curing period. The coefficient of permeability is very high for copper slag alone. When copper slag is mixed with a binding material like lime or cement, there is a reduction in permeability. Also upon mixing the same with an expansive soil, it may be suitable to reduce the swelling characteristics by developing pozzolanic reactions.
Keywords: Cement, Copper Slag, Lime, Permeability, Sample curing.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Case Study of Tolled Road Project |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Engineer Rinaj Pathan, Prof. Dr. S. S. Pimplikar |
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: | 10.9790/1684-0762632 ![]() |
Abstract: To assess the risks involved in BOT PROJECT by studying a specific case of Implementation of integrated road development program me(IRDP) in the city on built, operate & transport (BOT) basis. To Study the individualistic approach of the involved parties. BOT has been one of the recent innovations in project finance. The Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT) scheme is a limited recourse financing technique. Many have adopted this approach as an alternative to traditional public financing for infrastructure development projects. This study examines the type of SOCIAL risk due to, force shutdown of toll booths due to public riots .This paper mainly representing therisk inBOT due to political & public pressure. A case study of IRDP project implemented in municipal corporation area through BOT is studied in detail.
Key Words: BOT, Irdp, Risk, MuncipalCorporation,State Road Development Corporation, Toll
[1] Tender Document ForIRDP Project
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Enhancement of Specific Power Output of a Gas Turbine Using Filtered Chilled Air |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | S. Suneetha, A. V. Satyanarayana |
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: | 10.9790/1684-0763336 ![]() |
Abstract: Conventionally the specific power output of the gas turbine can be increased using reheating and intercooling. The thermal efficiency can be improved by adding a regenerating at lower pressure ratios. In the present work the emphasis is given to enhance the specific power output by other means like reduction in the air temperature at the inlet duct. The power output of the gas turbine has been estimated by allowing air at reduced temperatures, step wise. The experiment is conducted till STP conditions are attained. The chiller coils are used for inlet air cooling. The variation of power output with respect to temperature is also studied. Keywords: Gas turbine, Inlet air cooling, cooling coil arrangement.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Study of Different Structural Elements Used For Thin Composite Plate |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Ms. Neha V. Potdar., Prof. Maruti A. Mohite. |
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: | 10.9790/1684-0763740 ![]() |
Abstract: Composites are extensively used in aerospace and automotive industry. The requirement usually is to create holes in composite members to facilitate mounting of various members. These holes act as stress concentration regions and the causes of failure. At present, the analytical treatments developed are very restrictive to particular cases. Thus to analyze complex hole patterns subjected to tensile loadings there is necessity of FEA software. FEA tool offers different structural elements for analysis, each with different number of nodes. Engineer has to shortlist the elements and need to carryout permutations for selecting suitable element for analysis. Thus study of these different elements is carried out as part of this paper. Different Structural Finite elements are thus studied and applied to a model under study for tensile loading condition. The results of FE Analysis are validated against analytical solution and best fit Structural element is suggested at the end if paper. Scope of this study is limited to graphite/epoxy composites and can be extended further.
Keywords: composite, FEA, ANSYS, Structural, Nodes
[1]. Ever J Barbero, "Finite Element Analysis of Composite Materials", CRC Press, Year-2011, page No: 1-105
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Abstract: The results of an experimental investigation of the mechanical properties of fly ash and Alumina reinforced aluminium alloy (LM25) composites samples, processed by stir casting route are reported in this paper. Three sets of composites with constant weight fraction of fly ash (particle size of 3-100 μm) and Al2O3(particle size of 150 μm) with different wt% were used. Composite samples have the reinforcement weight fractions of constant 3% fly Ash and varying %wt of 5, 10 and 15% Al2O3 . The main mechanical properties studied were the tensile strength,ductilityimpact strength & hardness. Unreinforced LM25 samples were also tested for the same properties. It was found that the tensile strength & hardness of the aluminium alloy (Lm25) composites increases with the increase in %wt of Al2O3 upto certain limit. in addition of more amount of reinforcement the Tensile strength decrease due to poor wettability of the reinforced material with metal aluminium matrix .And the charpy test shows decrease in impact load absorption with increase in %weight reinforcement.The Microstructure study of the samples indicated near uniform distribution of the fly ash and Al2O3 particles in the matrix. LM25 alloy is mainly used where good mechanical properties are required in castings of a shape or dimensions requiring an alloy of excellent castability in order to achieve the desired standard of soundness.The alloy is also used where resistance to corrosion is an important consideration particularly where highstrength is also required.
Key Words: LM25 Aluminum Alloy, Flyash, Al2O3, LM25 Mechanical properties.
[1]. Basavaraju.S,Arasukumar.K,Studies on Mechanical properties and tribological charecteristics of LM25 graphite-Silicon carbide and LM25-Flyash-Silicon carbide-MMCs,Vol.1,Issue1,Nov 2012.
[2]. Harish K.Garg1, Ketan Verma2, Alakesh Manna3, Rajesh Kumar4,Hybrid Metal Matrix Composites and further improvement in their machinability, Vol.1,Issue 1 :36-44,May-June(2012).
[3]. V.C.UVARAJA, N. NATARAJAN , Optimization on Friction and Wear Process Parameters Using Taguchi Technique, Volume 2 No. 4, April, 2012.
[4]. A. Anandha Moorthy, Dr. N. Natarajan, R. Sivakumar, M. Manojkumar, M. Suresh, Dry Sliding Wear and Mechanical Behavior of Aluminium/Fly ash/Graphite Hybrid Metal Matrix Composite Using Taguchi Method, Vol.2, Issue.3, May-June 2012 pp-1224-1230.
[5]. Unlu, (2008) studied the properties of Al based Al2O3 and SiC particle reinforced composite materials.
[6]. S. Venkat Prasat, R. Subramanian, N. Radhika, B. Anandavel, L. Arun, N. Praveen, Influence of Parameters on the Dry Sliding Wear Behaviour of
[7]. Aluminium/Fly ash/Graphite Hybrid Metal Matrix Composites, ISSN 1450-216X Vol.53 No.2 (2011), pp.280-290
[8]. Veereshkumar et al. (2009) studied the mechanical properties of Al6061-Al2O3 and Al7075- SiC composites.
[9]. Ashok Kr. Mishra, Rakesh Sheokand, Dr. R K Srivastava Tribological Behaviour of Al-6061 / SiC Metal Matrix Composite by Taguchi's Techniques ,Volume 2, Issue 10, October 2012 ISSN 2250-3153.
[10]. Sudarshan et al. (2008) studied characterization of A356 Al - fly ash particle composites with fly ash particles of narrow range( 53-106μm) and wide size range(0.5-400 μm).
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Abstract: Supply chain management (SCM) is a concept that has flourished in manufacturing, originating from Just-In-Time (JIT) production and logistics. Today, SCM represents an autonomous managerial concept, although still largely dominated by logistics. Previous initiatives to advance the construction supply chain have been somewhat partial. The generic methodology offered by SCM contributes to better understanding and resolution of basic problems in construction supply chains, and gives directions for construction supply chain development. The practical solutions offered by SCM, however, have to be developed in construction practice itself, taking into account the specific characteristics and local conditions of construction supply chains. Construction supply chain management's potential for contributing to profitability. Construction supply chain has gained significance because of the increasing number of potential complex private and public sector construction projects. In the construction process costly delays in materials, equipments, and services erode profits. Construction supply chain management through the integration and coordination of materials, information, and money flows between the various project partners resolves delays and offers a new means of increasing profitability. CSCM's emphasis on information sharing and communications fosters cooperation and collaboration among supply chain members. Project management and execution are the final tests of how well the supply chain is working. Tracking progress in the field ensures that a project will be on-time and under-budget and within specifications. Sharing field measurements with all members in accordance with supply chain values is the final predictor of a profitable project.
Keywords: CSCM, Construction Supply chain management, JIT (Just in time), profitability, under-budget
[1]. Altekar R.V. (2005), "A Textbook of Supply Chain Management: Concepts and Cases", Prentice Hall India Publications, New Delhi, India, (1-11, 43-45, 96-104, 174-182, 190-192, 199-200, 396-398)
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[3]. Handbook on Construction Supply Chain Management. ( William J. O Brien, Carlos T. Formoso, Ruben Vrijhoef, Kerry A. London)
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[6]. Construction Supply Chain modelling: a research review & interdisciplinary reserach agenda (William J. O Brien, Kerry London & Ruben Vrijhoef)
[7]. Benton, W. C., Purchasing and Supply Management, McGraw-Hill, New York, 2007.
[8]. Harris, L. D., and M. B. Perlberg, 2008, "The Advantage of the Consensus DOCS," presented at Winds of Change, "The Consensus DOCS," American Bar Association Forum on the Construction Industry,
[9]. MacBeth, D. K., and N. Ferguson, 1994. Partnership Sourcing: An Integrated Supply Chain Management Approach, Pitman Publishing, London,
[10]. J.L. Gattorna and D.W. Walters (2006), "A Textbook of Managing the Supply Chain: A Strategic Perspective", Palgrave Publications, New York, USA, (1-17, 122-136, 165-171, 189-195)
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Investigating and Classifying the Applications of Flexible Manufacturing Systems in Customization |
Country | : | Iran |
Authors | : | Ahmad Afsari |
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: | 10.9790/1684-07665462 ![]() |
Abstract: The recent manufacturing environment is characterized as having diverse products due to mass customization, short production lead-time, and unstable customer demand. Today, the need for flexibility, quick responsiveness, and robustness to system uncertainties in production scheduling decisions has increased significantly. In traditional job shops, tooling is usually assumed as a fixed resource. However, when tooling resource is shared among different machines, a greater product variety, routing flexibility with a smaller tool inventory can be realized. Such a strategy is usually enabled by an automatic tool changing mechanism and tool delivery system to reduce the time for tooling setup, hence allows parts to be processed in small batches. In this research, a dynamic scheduling problem under flexible tooling resource constraints is studied. An integrated approach is proposed to allow two levels of hierarchical, dynamic decision making for job scheduling and tool flow control in Automated Manufacturing Systems. It decomposes the overall problem into a series of static sub-problems for each scheduling window, handles random disruptions by updating job ready time, completion time, and machine status on a rolling horizon basis, and considers the machine availability explicitly in generating schedules. Two types of manufacturing system models are used in simulation studies to test the effectiveness of the proposed dynamic scheduling approach. First, hypothetical models are generated using some generic shop flow structures (e.g. flexible flow shops, job shops, and single-stage systems) and configurations(Insup,Um.,et al.,2009).They are tested to provide the empirical evidence about how well the proposed approach performs for the general automated manufacturing systems where parts have alternative routings. Second, a model based on a real industrial flexible manufacturing system was used to test the effectiveness of the proposed approach when machine types, part routing, tooling, and other production parameters closely mimic to the real flexible manufacturing operations.
Keywords: Flexible manufacturing system; Customization; Agile manufacturing; Distributed control; Automated production
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[10]. Lori L ,Koste., 1999. "A theoretical framework for analyzing the dimensions of manufacturingflexibility, " Journal of Operations Management PP: 75-93
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Improvements in efficiency of solar parabolic trough |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Alok Kumar |
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: | 10.9790/1684-0766375 ![]() |
Abstract: Solar energy is primary source of all type of energy which is present in nature i.e. all the energy derived from it. So, direct utilization of solar energy into useful energy is important. There are so many solar thermal equipments in which concentrating type collector heated the fluid up to 100 to 4000C. It is employed for a variety of applications such as power generation, industrial steam generation and hot water production. Parabolic trough collector is preferred for steam generation because high temperatures can achieve. Cylindrical parabolic trough type collector consists of selective concentrator and a receiver tube. The selective cover system prevents the heat loss (convective and radiative) from the receiver tube and improves the performance of solar parabolic trough. Also evacuated chamber is created to reduce the loss of heat and reduce the corrosion of concentrator surface. Tracking system is embedded in the solar parabolic trough for tracking the sun energy movement. This report presents the evaluation of solar insolation in terms of monthly average hourly global radiation in Patna on 10th April, 2013. On the basis of this solar energy flux, comparative study of the instantaneous efficiency of solar parabolic trough is done. Here four different types of cover system are mathematically analyzed. (i) Single glass cover on receiver (ii) Double glass cover on receiver (iii) Single glass cover on aperture (iv)Double glass cover on aperture. This report contains many graphs to illustrate the effect on instantaneous efficiency on variation of primary parameter. With the help of MATLAB R201a software mathematical calculation is obtained.
Keywords: absorber, matlab software, receiver, solar parabolic collector,
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Abstract: This article will review a design and analysis study that reduces trailer chassis mass while minimizing the total cost impact. Design approaches, material selections and proposed section were reviewed. The Trailer chassis main member were quantified and summarized to create an overall mass and weighted cost estimate for a low mass Trailer.
Keywords: Optimization, Chassis frame, Flat bed trailer, Shear stress
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