Volume-9 ~ Issue-1
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Abstract: The concept of Finite Element Analysis of a chassis space frame has been highlighted in this project. The topic has constrained the study of the chassis space frame. Complex assemblies are to be avoided, for sports car. The model of the chassis space frame is built using CATIA V5 and then imported to ANSYS CLASSIC 11.0 to find its finite element module. To perform a torsion and Bending Test on the computational prototype chassis to determine its torsional stiffness. To incorporate a design improvement study and note the effects on the global torsional stiffness of the chassis. The stress ,strength and degrees of freedom of the chassis will be investigated. The body shape is fixed and therefore the overall external shape of the chassis must not be altered. The engine bay must remain as open as possible to allow a variety of engines to be fitted.
Keywords: FEA , Sports car chassis.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Supplier ranking and selection in a bakery |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Anyaeche, C. O., Abegunde, A. S. |
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: | 10.9790/1684-0911015 ![]() |
Abstract: Supplier evaluation and selection is a fundamental problem in supply chain management. Many companies may not know how to evaluate proposed suppliers to integrate the different criteria upon which they want to make their decision. A number of techniques have been employed to solve this problem but were not able tosufficiently incorporate qualitative criteria into consideration for estimation of their alternatives. A multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) methodology, the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), which takes into consideration both quantitative and qualitative criteria, was used to evaluate three suppliers of improvers (a major ingredient) for bread production in a bakery,UIB, in southwest Nigeria. This method uses a ranking scale when comparing alternatives. A consistency ratio is estimated when data have been collected to check for the consistency of judgments to ensure an accurate result is obtained with the method. It was discovered that Supplier C adds more value to UIB because it had the highest priority weight of 0.346, although it was keenly followed by suppliers B and C with weights 0.336 and 0.317 respectively. Results showed that each supplier fared well under one criteria or the other and there was a generally good performance from all suppliers.
Keywords: Analytic Hierarchy Process, Supplier Evaluation, Multi-criteria Decision Making.
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Abstract: Warm mix asphalt (WMA) has been gaining increasing popularity in recent years due to energy savings and environmental benefits. The mechanism of WMA is to use some additives or technologies to reduce the viscosity of bitumen and to modify the rheological behavior of bituminous binders, and thus improve the workability of the mixture at lower temperature. In this study a paraffin wax based additive Sasobit is used to reduce the viscosity and thus mixing and compaction temperature during hot mix asphalt production. VG 30 grade bitumen binder is used in the present study. Sasobit is added in the dose of 2 percent, 3 percent and 4 percent by weight of binder. Brookfield viscometer is used to determine the viscosity of the binders with and without sasobit at test temperature of 90, 120, 150 and 180OC. Dynamic Shear Rheometer is used to study the Rheological behavior of the modified n unmodified binders. The study shows that the mixing, laying and compaction temperatures can be reduced considerably when sasobit is added to the binder. Laying and compaction temperature can be as low as 80OC with VG-30 bitumen when 4 percent sasobit is added and due to this there will be an overall reduction in quantity of emission of pollutants when the bituminous mix is made at this low temperature.
Keywords: Warm Mix Asphalt, Sasobit, Rheology, Characterization
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Biogas as Alternate Fuel in Diesel Engines: A Literature Review |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | N. H. S. Ray, M. K. Mohanty, R. C. Mohanty |
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: | 10.9790/1684-0912328 ![]() |
Abstract: Bio fuels derived from biomass are considered as good alternative to petroleum fuels. Biogas, a biomass derived fuel can be used in internal combustion (IC) engines, because of its better mixing ability with air and clean burning nature. Biogas is produced by anaerobic digestion of various organic substances such as kitchen wastes, agricultural wastes, municipal solid wastes, cow dung etc., which offers low cost and low emissions than any other secondary fuels. It can be a supplemented to liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) and compressed natural gas (CNG), if it is used in compressed form in cylinders. This paper reviews the current status and perspectives of biogas production, including the purification & storage methods and its engine applications. Lower hydrocarbon (HC), smoke and particulates emission has been reported in diesel engines operating on biogas diesel dual fuel mode. Here through detailed literature review, the combustion characteristics of biogas in I.C engines are investigated.
Key words: Anaerobic digestion, Biogas, Dual fuel, HCCI, I.C engines.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Effects of Copper Addition on the compression behavior of Al-Ca Alloy |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Prabhash Jain , Karan Singh Verma |
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: | 10.9790/1684-0912941 ![]() |
Abstract: The Al-Ca-Cu alloys containing varying amount of Cu are used to study the effect of Cu addition on their deformation behavior at varying strain rate (0.001/s, 0.01/s, 0.1/s, 1/s).The material is prepared using stir casting technique The yield stress, flow stress and elastic limit are measured from the true stress-strain graph .The Strain Rate sensitivity and strain hardening exponent are also determined for each material at different strain rate. The Strain Rate Sensitivity of this alloy is very low. These values strongly demonstrate that compressive deformation of Al-Ca-Cu alloys almost independent to the strain rate at room temperature deformation. Keywords: Compressive deformation ; Strain Rate ; Strain Rate Sensitivity ; Strain Hardening exponent ; Strength Coefficient ;Copper Contents.
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Abstract: The need for TVE is increasing as a result of so many factors: technological advancement, globalization process, knowledge economy, changes in modes of production in the work place, growing economic openness and competitiveness. TVE is very vital to the sustenance of technological development of every nation in the present 21st century. For Nigeria to become developed greater emphasis must be placed on technology education in order to improve on its quality for sustainable national development. This paper discussed extensively on quality assuranceon TVE for sustainable national development in the 21st century. The paper highlights on the concept of TVE and discusses on the status of TVE in Nigeria. Issues on sustainable development and rationale for enhancing the quality of TVE in Nigeria in the 21st century were explained. Conclusions were drawn and recommendations made amongst which are that: Government should introduce sustainable financing scheme for TVE and increase the percentage of total expenditure on education to TVE and also grant financial aids to trainees who are interested in pursuing TVE programs at whatever level and also the involvement of major Nigerian stakeholders in the provision of workshop tools, equipment and other infrastructural facilities for TVE graduates skills acquisition for sustainable national development.
Keywords: Quality Assurance; TechnicalVocationalEducation;Sustainable Development; 21sCentury.
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Abstract: Under-running of passenger vehicles is one of the important parameters to be considered during design and development of truck chassis. Front Under-run Protection Device (FUPD) plays an important role in avoiding under-running of vehicles from front side of a truck. An explicit finite element software Altair Radio's is used in FUPD analysis for impact loading. The deformation of FUPD bar and plastic strains in FUPD components are determined in the impact analysis for predicting failure of the system to meet the compliance requirements as per IS 14812-2005. Additionally, failure analysis of the FUPD attachment points with chassis is determined. Physical testing can be reduced significantly with this approach which ultimately reduces the total cycle time as well as the cost involved in product development.
Keywords: Front Under-Run Protection Device (FUPD), Chassis design, impact loading, Altair Radio's
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Abstract: The analysis of complex structures like frames, trusses and beams is carried out using the Finite Element Method (FEM) in software products like ANSYS and STAAD. The aim of this paper is to compare the deformation results of simple and complex structures obtained using these products. The same structures are also analyzed by a MATLAB program to provide a common reference for comparison. STAAD is used by civil engineers to analyze structures like beams and columns while ANSYS is generally used by mechanical engineers for structural analysis of machines, automobile roll cage, etc. Since both products employ the same fundamental principle of FEM, there should be no difference in their results. Results however, prove contradictory to this for complex structures. Since FEM is an approximate method, accuracy of the solutions cannot be a basis for their comparison and hence, none of the varying results can be termed as better or worse. Their comparison may, however, point to conservative results, significant digits and magnitude of difference so as to enable the analyst to select the software best suited for the particular application of his or her structure.
Keywords: ANSYS, comparative, Finite Element Method, MATLAB, STAAD.
[1] S.S. Rao: The Finite Element Method in Engineering(4th Ed., Elsevier Science & Technology Books, 2004)
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Abstract: Numerical investigation of unsteady natural convection flow through a fluid-saturated porous medium in a cubic enclosure which is induced by time-periodic variations in the surface temperature of a vertical wall was considered. The governing equations were written under the assumption of Darcy-law and then solved numerically using finite difference method. The problem is analyzed for different values of amplitude a in the range 0.2 ≤ a ≤ 0.8, the Rayleigh number, Ra=200, Period, τ = 0.01, time, 0 ≤ t ≤ 0.024. It was found that heat transfer increases with increasing the amplitude. The location of the maximum fluid temperature moves with time according to the periodically changing heated wall temperature. Two main cells rotating in opposite direction to each other were observed in the cavity for all values of the parameters considered. The amplitude of Nusselt number increases with the increase in the oscillating amplitude. All the results of the problem were presented in graphical form and discussed.
Keywords: Natural convection, Porous media, Time-periodic boundary conditions, Numerical study
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