Version-4 (July-August 2017)
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Abstract: Cerebrovascular stroke is a term that refers to a functional abnormality of the central nervous system (CNS) that occurs when the blood supply to the brain is disrupted. The stroke Adapted Sickness Impact Profile (SA-SIP30) is a useful measure, giving valuable information about the patients' subjective perceptions of their situation after stroke. The aim of the study was to explore the sickness profile for patients with stroke. A descriptive exploratory research design was utilized to achieve the aim of the study. A purposive sample of 45 stroke adult patients regardless gender, their age ranged from.............
Keywords:Stroke, Sickness Impact Profile, Modified Rankin Scale.
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Abstract: Health education on HIV/AIDS is very important for the teenagers because the rate of HIV/AIDS incident is annual increasing. HIV/AIDS is the problem of community health which needs a very serious attention. This is seen through the rapid spread of this disease to any community and beyond the boundaries of the countries in the world. The purpose of this quasi-experimental study with one group pre test and post test design was to know the knowledge and attitude of the students towards HIV/AIDS. The population of this study was 348 and samples 138 students from Senior:..............
Keywords: HIV/AIDS, Peer Group, Interactive Lecture, Knowledge, Attitude
[1]. Arikunto, S., 2006. Prosedur Penelitian : Suatu Pendekatan Praktek. Penerbit Rineka Cipta Jakarta.
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[4]. Bantari, W., 2005; Pengaruh Pendidikan Kelompok Sebaya terhadap Pengetahuan dan Sikap tentang HIV/AIDS pada siswa siswi SMU di Kotamadya Depok. Tesis S2. Perpustakaan UI. Jakarta.
[5]. Depkes RI, 1997 AIDS Dan Penanggulangannya, Bahan Bacaan Untuk Siswa dan Mahasiswa Pendidikan Kesehatan, edisi ketiga. Bandung: Studio Driya Medika.
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Abstract: Adolescence is seen as a nutritional vulnerable time that requires special nutritional needs. In addition, in this age dietary habits are still developing which track into adulthood. Nutritional health education is one of the most important determinants of food choice that make adolescents choose healthy diet. Thus, it will likely prevent health problems such as overweight, obesity and the development of chronic diseases later in life. Schools are uniquely positioned to shape children's eating habits. Therefore, the possibility of correcting eating habits can be done through health education. Educational strategies include traditional which include lecturing being passive learner and non traditional methods include computer based simulation............
Keywords: Adolescents, Nutritional knowledge, Dietary habits, Schools pupils, Nutritional health education, Educational strategies, Traditional- based education, Computer –based education.
[1] Brenhouse, H. & Andersen, S. L. (2011). Developmental trajectories during adolescence in males and females: A cross-species understanding of underlying brain changes. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 1-17.
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Abstract: In the present study, we evaluated the effectiveness of participation in assertiveness training programme upon the assertiveness skills of alcoholic patients. 60 alcoholic patients (30 in control group and 30 in experimental group) completed the Rathus Assertiveness Schedule. The alcoholic patients in the control group were allowed to participate in all alcoholism unit treatment and activities except those involving assertiveness training. Post test was done on the 15th day. Data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. Participants in the intervention...........
Keywords: Alcoholic Patients, Assertiveness Skills, Assertiveness training, De-addiction centers
[1] Center, R. (2017). The Neurological Nature of Addiction & Alcoholism - Recovery First Treatment Center. [online] Recovery First Treatment Center. Available at: [Accessed 20 Jul. 2017]. [2] Global status report on alcohol and health [Internet]. 2014 [cited 21 July 2017]. Available from:
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Alzheimer's Disease - An Analytical View |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Tushar Kanti Ghara || Krishna Roy |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/1959-0604043135 ![]() |
Abstract: Alzheimer's disease (AD) and other forms of dementia are a growing public health problem among the elderly people in developed and developing countries, whose aging population is increasing. The aging population size is now bigger for all the countries due to sustainable development in health care system around the globe. It is estimated that by the year 2020, 70% of the world's population aged 60 and above will be living in developing countries, more than 14% in India.[1] The estimates of rate at which new disease develops can only be measured accurately in prospective incidence studies............
[1]. World Health Organization. Fact Sheet No 135. Geneva: World Health Organization; 1998. Population Ageing – A Public Health Challenge.
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[4]. Chandra V, Pandav R, Dodge HH, Johnston JM, Belle SH, DeKosky ST, et al. Incidence of Alzheimer's disease in a rural community in India: The Indo-US study. Neurology. 2001;57:985–9.
[5]. Yoshitake T, Kiyohara Y, Kato I, Ohmura T, Iwamoto H, Nakayama K, et al. Incidence and risk factors of vascular dementia and Alzheimer's disease in a defined elderly Japanese population: The Hisayama study. Neurology. 1995;45:1161–8.
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Abstract: Aim: The purpose of the study is to conduct the validity-reliability study the Turkish version of Self-Efficacy for Managing Chronic Disease 6-Item Scale (SEMCD) in migraine patients.
Method: The sample of the methodological and descriptive study consisted of 343 migraine patients in the neurology outpatient clinic of a university hospital. Language validity of SEMCD scale was conducted with back translation and expert panel methods. Reliability analysis was performed with test-retest correlation, item-total score correlation and internal consistency analysis.............
Keywords: Migraine, psychological adaptation, psychometric, self-efficacy, chronic disease management
[1] Bandura, Self-efficacy: Toward a unifying theory of behavior change, Psychological Review, 84, 1977, 191-215.
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[5] R.B. Curtin, B.A. Walters, D. Schatell, P. Pennell, M. Wise and K. Klicko, Self-effcacy and self-management behaviors in patients with chronic kidney disease, Adv Chronic Kidney Disease;15,2008, 191-205
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Abstract: Involved in pregnancy examination in gradually and intensive, would made the pregnant women had physiology childbirth, when the childbirth was done by mother own power and by usual passage. This research objective was determining the relation between the third trimester pregnancy exercise with the duration of second stage of childbirth in Minggiran Village Sub District of Papar, District of Kediri. This was an correlational research, with the population of all childbirth record in The Minggiran Village Sub District of Papar, District of Kediri amount 62 persons using purposive sampling to get 60 pregnan women. The variable measurement was using partograph and exercise record and the result then analyzed by chi square.The implementation.............
Keywords: Pregnancy Exercise, Second Stage Childbirth
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Abstract: Baby bottle tooth decay (BBTD), a term endorsed by the Healthy Mothers-Healthy Babies Coalition, is a disease (also called nursing caries or early childhood caries) young children, characterized by a distinctive pattern of tooth decay in the primary dentition. The four maxillary incisors are most frequently affected. Baby bottle tooth decay (BBTD), is the most common chronic disease in young children and may develop as soon as teeth erupt. It is a multi-factorial disease that affects infants and toddlers, affecting their general health and growth pattern. BBTD affects the quality of life of families and their affected children due to dental pain and subsequent tooth loss resulting in difficulty in eating.............
Keywords: Baby bottle tooth decay, chronic disease, infants mothers
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Abstract: Objectives: The study aims to: Evaluate the effectiveness of an educational video intervention in lowering level of anxiety among patients admitted for diagnostic cardiac catheterization in Al-Nasiriya's cardiac center; determine the association between educational video and demographic characteristics such as (age, gender, and educational level, socioeconomic status).
Methodology: A quasi experimental study design is carried out at Al-Nasiriya's Cardiac Center in Al-Nasiriyah City, from October 11th, 2016 to April 24th, 2017. To evaluate the effectiveness of an educational video intervention in lowering level of anxiety among patients admitted for diagnostic cardiac catheterization and to Determine association between educational video and demographic characteristics such as (age, gender, and educational level)..............
Keywords: Anxiety, Educational, Effectiveness, video, Catheterization
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Abstract: Objective(s): The present study aims to: (1) identify adolescents' QOL who receive hemodialysistherapy, (2) determine the impact of hemodialysis on adolescents' QOL, and (3) find out the relationship between QOL of adolescents who receive hemodialysis therapy and their sociodemographic characteristics. Methodology:A descriptive study was conducted on adolescentsof both genderswho experience chronic renal failure and receiving hemodialysis therapy, and their age range between 10 years to 19 years. The study started from the period of September2nd,2016 to May 22nd,2017.The present study was carried out at thedialysis centers in Baghdad Teaching Hospitals.A non-probability (purposive) sample of (50) patients who have been attending at Hemodialysis units.............
Keywords: Hemodialysis, Quality of life,Adolescents
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Abstract: The present study aims todetermine the effectiveness of an educational program of cardiopulmonary resuscitation on nurses' knowledge at Imam Hussein Medical City in holy kerbala'a governorate.Methodology:A quantitative approach using quasi-experimental design (two-group pre-test-posttest design) has been conducted in this study to determine the effectiveness of an educational program on nurses knowledge concerning cardiopulmonary resuscitation with application of pre and post- test approach for the study group and control group to evaluate their knowledge during the period.............
Keywords: Effectiveness,Educational Program, Knowledge, Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
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Abstract: This study aimed to evaluate the effect of applying a modified standard of antenatal care on the quality of nursing practices and women's satisfaction. Design: A quasi experimental research design was used. Setting: This study was conducted at antenatal clinics at the obstetrics and gynecology center in Mansoura University Hospital, Egypt. Subjects: The study subjects included all nurses working at the antenatal clinic (20 nurses) and a purposive sample consisted of 180 pregnant women selected according to the inclusion criteria.............
[1]. Abbas, H. 2014. Dimensions of Quality of Antenatal Care Service at Suez, Egypt. Journal of Family Medical Primary Care. 3(3):
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Abstract: Background There are limited of knowledge regarding ascites self-management among liver cirrhosis patients. Aim of the study: To assess level of patient knowledge with liver cirrhosis regarding ascites management and providing them with instructions nursing guideline. Setting: This study was conducted in internal medicine department and intermediate critical care unit at Minia University hospital, and internal medicine department at Minia General Hospital..............
Keywords: Knowledge , Ascites, Liver cirrhosis, Patients
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