Version-1 (July-Aug 2014)
Version-1 Version-2 Version-3 Version-4 Version-5
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Indexing terms: Keywords: ICT, Higher Education, Physics, Simulations, Film Clips, Power Point Presentations
[2] Posner, G.J, Strike, K.A, Hewson, P.W. & Gertzog, W.A. (1982). Accomodation of a scientific conception: Toward a theory of conceptual change. Science Education. 66(2), p. 211–227.
[3] Richoux, B., Salvetat, C., & Beaufils, D. (2002). Simulation numérique dans l'enseignement de la physique: enjeux, conditions. Bulletin de l'Union des Physiciens, 842, p. 497-522.
[4] Lebrun, M. (2011). Impacts des TIC sur la qualité des apprentissages des étudiants et le développement professionnel des enseignants: vers une approche systémique. Revue des Sciences et Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication pour l'Education et la Formation (STICEF), 18. Available on the site of the review :
[5] Bouchaïb, A. & Benjelloun, N. (2011). Impacts des TIC sur l'enseignement et l'apprentissage des conceptions relatives au champ électrostatique en classes préparatoires aux grandes écoles d'ingénieurs (CPGE). Revue internationale des technologies en pédagogie universitaire, 8 (3), p. 66-80. Available on the site of the review :
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Abstract: The study investigated the effect of mainstreaming education onthe English language, Mathematics and Social studies academic achievement of mildly impaired pupils in northwest Nigeria. Ex-post facto research design was adopted for the study. The sample consisted of 2443 mildly impaired lower basic three pupils who were identified by classroom teachers with the use of Prevalennce of Varied mildly Impairements / Disabilities and Academic Achievement Scale and 2443non- impaired pupilsrandomlly selected from five public lower basic three secondary schools in seven states in northwest Nigeria. Data for the study were collected with an instrument 'Prevalence of Varied Mild Impairments/Disabilities and Academic Achievement Scale (POVMIDAAS). Methods of validation include: face, content and score transformation. Independent sample t – test and one way analysis of variance were used to analyze the hypotheses at 0.05 level of significance. The results shows that there is a significant difference betweenthe English language academic achievement;; Mathematics academic achievemnt; Social Studies academic achievemet; and English language, Mathematics and Social Studies academic achievements of mildly impaired and non- impaired pupils in northwest Nigeria. The paper recommends that specialists in the education of mildly impaired pupils (pupils that has mild visual, hearing, speech / language, learning and behaviour) should be employed. Teachers should employed varied teaching methods and strategies to accormondate the various categories of pupils when teaching and teachers should also help the impaired pupils to reassess as well as reinforce thier goals, values and assets as well as reinforce thier efforts for better adjustment.
Key words: Mainstreaming Education Academic Achievement, Mildly Impaired Pupils, Non-impaired Pupils, Northwest Nigeria.
[2]. Abu, J. P. (2011). The nature and needs of exceptional people. Kaduna. Hostin Publishers Limited.
[3]. Adepoju, J. O. (2004). Academic achievements are not enough. Handbook for teachers of visually Impaired. America Printing House.
[4]. Adima, E. E. (1989). Special education. Ibadan. Education Publishers.
[5]. Agulanna, G. G. (1993). Atitude of non-handicapped students toward thier handicapped school mates: Implications for school acceptance. Nigeria Journal of counselling and consulting Psychology, 2 (2) 42-48.
[6]. Bichi, M. Y. (200). Introduction to research and statistics. Debis-co Press and Publishing Company Limited.
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Abstract: This paper examines the missing link between higher education, security challenges and sustainable development in Nigeria. It could be said that the higher education could be intertwined and integrated in the issues surrounding security challenges and the plight of sustainable development in Nigeria. The paper avers that higher education is central to shaping attitudes and social interaction and both are critical to addressing insecurity challenges and sustainable development. It could be affirmed that government alone cannot provide sustainable development. The paper emphasizes developed economies where higher education is an engine for development in which individuals, religious groups, communities, and businesses ought to partake in providing education that leverages development. To this end, the paper submits that higher education could be a functional tool in curbing insecurity challenges and ensuring sustainable development in Nigeria provided the curriculum is properly implemented and monitored towards blending and interfacing local wisdom with global knowledge, values and skills, which will develop the student to become a citizen of Nigeria as well as a citizen of the global village.
Keywords: Higher Education, Contemporary Challenges, Nigeria Education, Sustainable Development
[2]. Ake, C. (2010), Democracy and Development in Africa. Ibadan: SpectrumBooks Limited
[3]. Bawden, R. (2008), "The Educative Purpose of Higher Education for Human and Social Development in the Context of Globalisation" GUNI (eds.) Higher Education in the World 3 Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
[4]. Chandler, D. (2007), The Security-Development Nexus and the Rise of Anti-Foreign Policy in Journal of International Relations and Development Vol. 10, 362–386
[5]. Chapman, D. and Austin, A. (eds.) (2002), Higher Education in the Developing World: Changing Contexts and Institutional Responses. Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press.
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Abstract: This paper examines the interconnections between holistic education and education of learners in conflict affected areas in Nigeria. It is not uncommon that the two engaged and integrated at once so that issues in conflict affected areas are addressed in holistic education. The paper posits that education is central to shaping attitudes and social interaction and both are critical to addressing the legacies of conflict. This is based on the feelings that learners in the conflict affected areas are not being given transformative education to align them with the community. The paper argues that holistic education teaches learners how to care about the world, because being care about the world, means being care about our communities. It is believed that kids learn in communion. To learn in communion means to experience connection. To this end, the paper submits that holistic education could be a functional tool in curbing insurgency in Africa continent and Nigeria in particular provided is properly implemented and monitored towards blending and interfacing local wisdom with global knowledge, values and skills required in contemporary Nigeria society.
Keywords: Holistic Education, Contemporary Nigeria, Conflict Area, Education of Learners.
[2]. Adeolu, T. E. (2011). Teacher education in Nigeria: Problems and issues. In B.O. Ukeje, L. O. Ocho & E. O. Fagbamiye (Eds) Issues and concern in educational administration: The Nigerian case in international perspective. Lagos: Macmillan
[3]. Barakat, L. et al (2008). Can education interrupt fragility: Toward the resilient citizen and adaptable state. In K. Mundy, & S. Dryden-Peterson (Eds.), Educating children in conflict zones: Research, policy, and practice for systemic change (pp. 33-48). New York: Teacher's College Press.
[4]. Barakat, B., and Urdal, H. (2009). Breaking the waves? Does education mediate the relationship between youth bulges and political violence? Washington, D.C.: World Bank.
[5]. Bush, K. D., and Saltarelli, D. (2000). The two faces of education in ethnic conflict. Florence: UNICEF. Retrieved from
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Canned Questions Using Quranic Verses in English |
Country | : | Saudi Arabia |
Authors | : | Dr Lubna Almenoar |
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: | 10.9790/7388-04412936 ![]() |
Abstract: Questioning as an instructional strategy can aid in student engagement when conducting interactive or communicative type of language teaching and learning. Passive students will inevitably become active when working on the responses to the questioning strategies of teachers. Questioning can also aid the teacher in finding out whether actual learning has taken place through the students' responses.
Keywords: Literary Text, Cultural Content, Communicative Language Learning, ESL, Questioning Strategies, Critical Thinking
[2]. Center for Open Educational Resources and Language Learning (COERLL) (2012). The Culturally Responsive Classroom.The University of Texas at Austin. Retrieved from on June 30th, 2012.
[3]. ESL (2012). ESL Classroom and Cultural Sensitivity. Your Dictionary.Retrieved from on June 30th, 2012.
[4]. Saunders, W., O'Brien, G., Lennon, D., & McLean, J. (1999). Making the transition toEnglish literacy successful: Effective strategies for studying literature with transition students. Educational Practice Reports, Center for Research on Education, Diversity and Excellence, UC Berkeley. Retrieved from on June 30th, 2012.
[5]. Vogt, M.E. and Echevarria, J. 99 Ideas and Activities for Teaching English Language Learners with the SIOP Model. Boston, Mass: Pearson Education. 2008.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Role of Education Commission in development of Primary Education in Bangladesh |
Country | : | Bangladesh |
Authors | : | Dr. Md. Khaleduzzaman |
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: | 10.9790/7388-04413750 ![]() |
[2]. Sattar, Ellen. Universal Primary Education in Bangladesh, Dhaka: University Press Limited, 1982, p. 16.
[3]. GOB, The Primary Schools (Taking Over) Act (The Bangladesh Gazette Extra, Feb. 5) 1974.
[4]. GOB, The Primary Education Act, 1981 (Act No IV of 1981) (Bangladesh Gezatte, Extra, dated the 30th April, 1981), p.2.
[5]. GOB, The primary Education Act, 1981 (Act no IV of 1981) (Bangladesh Gazette, Extra, dated the 30th April, 1981), pp. 5-6.
[6]. GOB, Decentralization of Powers and Functions Relating to Management of Primary Education (No. SX/lOM-5/82/735-Edn. (Dhaka: Ministry of Education, the 15th August, 1983), p. 3.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | शिक्षा के समान अधिकार अधिनियम- के संदर्भ में प्राथमिक शालाओं की वर्तमान स्थिति का अध्ययन |
Country | : | भारत |
Authors | : | डॉ पद्म श्री |
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: | 10.9790/7388-0404015155 ![]() |
भारतीय संविधान में भी स्पष्ट किया गया है कि संविधान के क्रियान्वित होने के 10 वर्षों के मध्य राज्य उन सभी बच्चों के लिए जो 14 वर्ष आयु प्राप्त नहीं कर लेते निःशुल्क व अनिवार्य शिक्षा का प्रावधान करेगा।
2. दास, जे.आर. एवं गर्ग, पी.पी. (1985) ने इम्पेक्ट आफ प्री प्रायमरी एजुकेशन ड्राप आऊट, स्टेश्निशन एण्ड एकेमिक परफारमेन्स.