Series-3 (Mar. – Apr. 2021)Mar. – Apr. 2021 Issue Statistics
Series-1 Series-2 Series-3 Series-4 Series-5 Series-6
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Abstract: The objective of the research were to find out the difference in vocabulary achievement between students who were taught with the CTL-Based Board Race Game and the Board Race Game, and to investigate students' perception in vocabulary class through the modified CTL-Based Board Race Game and the Board Race Game. The subjects of this research were the student at SMPN 2 Tumijajar. The data were obtained from the pre- test, posttest, and questionnaire. The quantitative approach was used to find out the difference in vocabulary achievement between students who were taught with the modified Board Race Game based on CTL and the Board Race Game. The result showed that the vocabulary achievement of students who were taught with the CTL-Based Board Race Game increases higher than the vocabulary achievement of students who were taught with the Board Race Game. It indicated that CTL-Based Board Race Game was better than Board Race Game to enhance the students' vocabulary achievement.
Keywords: Contextual Teaching Learning; Board Race Game; Vocabulary; Vocabulary achievement
[1]. Bavi. (2018). The Effect of Using Fun Activities on Learning Vocabulary at the Elementary Level. Finland: Journal of Language and Research
[2]. Bakhsh. (2016). Using Games as a Tool in Teaching Vocabulary to Young Learners. Canada: English Language Teaching.
[3]. Baker, E.D., Hope, L., and Karandjeff. K. 2009. Contextualized Teaching & Learning: A Faculty Primer A Review of Literature and Faculty Practices with Implications for California Community College Practitioners.
[4]. Berns, R.G. and Erickson, P.M., 2001. Contextual Teaching and Learning:Preparing Students for the New Economy.
[5]. Brown, Douglas H. (1994). Teaching by Principles: An Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy. Second Edition. Longman Inc..
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Abstract: Background: Social skills are important assets that every child must possess in order to face their future lives. Good social skills help children easily interact with other people, so they can manage to actualize their potentials. Social skills can be manifested by children building relationships and making interactions with their environments. Peer relationship as an important aspect in the manifestation of social skills has high contribution to children's social and cognitive development. One of the activities that can encourage social interactions is traditional games. Materials and Methods: This study.......
Keywords: Traditional Game; Social Skills; Learning Model
[1] J. K. Coates and H. Pimlott‐Wilson, "Learning while playing: Children's forest school experiences in the UK," Br. Educ. Res. J., vol. 45, no. 1, pp. 21–40, 2019.
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[3] A. M. Colman, Game theory and experimental games: The study of strategic interaction. Elsevier, 2016.
[4] K. W. Merrell and G. Gimpel, Social skills of children and adolescents: Conceptualization, assessment, treatment. Psychology Press, 2014.
[5] B. Scassellati et al., "Improving social skills in children with ASD using a long-term, in-home social robot," Sci. Robot., vol. 3, no. 21, 2018.
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Abstract: The objectives of the research were to find out which women's language features used by female English teachers in delivering the materials about mispronounced words and what impact affected the results of students' acceptance. The approach of the research was qualitative by using document analysis. The participants were 3 female English teachers who actively use YouTube to teach particular materials. Data reduction, data display and conclusion drawing were used to analyze the data. The result showed that there are 4 women's language features used by female English teachers consistently.
Keywords: female English teachers, mispronounced words, women's language features
[1]. Adachi, N. (2002). Negotiation of Speech Style in Japanese Women's Language: Vantage Theory as Cognitive Sociolinguistics. Language Sciences, 575-590.
[2]. Aliakbari, M., & Amiri, M. (2018). Foreign Language Identity and Iranian Learners' Achievement: A Relational Approach. System, 80-90.
[3]. Aronson, J. (1995). A pragmatic view of thematic analysis. The Qualitative Report, 2(1), 1–3.
[4]. Bowen, G. A. (2009). Document analysis as a qualitative research method. Qualitative Research Journal, 27-40.[5]. Chandra, D., & Yulia, M. F. (2018). Nicki Minaj's Comments in American Idol Season 12: An Analysis of Women's Language Features. International Journal of Humanity Studies, 185-193.
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Abstract: In communication, to express ideas, feelings and thought people may use different kind of language with certain people in the right situations to communicate each other. The language used by people in society has variation which different context in each community. This study aimed to analyze registers about health, especially about covid-19 contained in online written news. It aimed to obtain a list of words and phrases that are commonly used by the medical team in mentioning certain terms about Covid-19 in the field of health which can give the contribution as the reference for common people. The study was delimited in the analysis of health registers of Covid-19 news in Jakarta Post online newspaper. The methodology used in this study was analytical research method and document analysis. The findings of the study were: (1) the health registers were identified in the health articles in Jakarta Post online newspaper were in word and phrase form; (2) the word formation mostly found was borrowing word, (3) the findings of the research had contribution to help common people to easy understand of covid-19 news.
Keywords: health registers, online newspaper, word-formation
[1]. Ambarsari, Nur Ratih & Rusnaningtias, Erlita.(2016). The Study of Register Used by Doctors and Nurses at Adi Husada Undaan Wetan Hospital Surabaya. Anglicist Volume 05 No 01
[2]. Arikunto, Suharsimi. (2002). Proses Penelitian Sutau Pendekatan Praktik. Jakarta: PT. Asdi Mahasatya
[3]. Bauer, L. (1983). English Word Formation. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
[4]. Biber, Douglas & Finegan, Edward. (1994). Sociolinguistic Perspectives on Register. New York: Oxford University Press.
[5]. Bowen, G. A. (2009). Document Analysis As A Qualitative Research Method. Qualitative Research Journal, 9(2), 27-40..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Using the Second Classroom as a Platform to Improve College Students' Employability |
Country | : | china |
Authors | : | Cui Han |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/7388-1102033133 ![]() |
Abstract: In recent years, with the continuous expansion of colleges and universities in my country, the oversupply of graduates has made the phenomenon of college students' employment difficulties attract more and more attention from the society. At the same time, the lack of employability of college students is also one of the reasons. The second classroom in colleges and universities plays an important role in improving the comprehensive quality and employability of students with its flexible form, rich content and good effects. Therefore, it is particularly important to develop activities in colleges and universities to improve the employability of students through the second classroom. important.
Keywords: :Second Classroom ;College Students ;Employment
[1]. Sun Lian. The problem analysis and countermeasure research of college students with difficulties in obtaining employment. [J]. Knowledge Economy, 2009, (19).
[2]. Cao Bingxue, etc. Problems and countermeasures in the management of the second classroom credit system in colleges and universities. [J]. China's off-campus education, 2010, (08).
[3]. Peng Yancheng, etc. Research on Second Class Education in Colleges and Universities. [J]. Legal System and Society, 2010, (04).
[4]. Liu Fan. On the construction and practice of "Second Classroom". [J]. Journal of Jilin Province Education College, 2010, (05).
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Abstract: The study aimed to identify The impact of using blended learning method on tenth grade achievement in math in Southern al-Mazar directorate of education .The study sample consisted of (65) male and (74) female students purposively selected from of tenthgrade students in schools in al-karakgovernorate for the 2019/2020 academic year, they were divided into four sections in two schools, one for boys and the other for girls, the sections were chosen by means of blended learning and traditional learning. The study tool consisted of an educational material and an achievement test to measure student achievement, and the validity and reliability of the study tool was verified. The results of the.....
Keywords: blended learning,achievement,math.
[1]. Ababsa, Maysa. (2012). The effect of teaching physics using blended learning and e-learning on achievement and attitudes toward subject among tenth grade female students in Aqaba Governorate. Unpublished MA thesis, Mutah University, Jordan
[2]. Abu Libda, Khattab. (2008). The Jordanian National Report on the International Study of Mathematics and Math for the year 2007. The National Center for Human Resources Development, Amman: Jordan
[3]. SafasfehJehan .(2016).Comparing the impact of learning by discovery and a computerized educational program on eighth grade achievement in science in Tafila. Unpunished master thesis -Mutah University - Kerak - Jordan
[4]. Al-Feki, Abdullah. (2011). Blended Learning. Amman: House of Culture for Publishing.
[5]. Al-Ghamdi, Khadija. (2007). "blended learning", Journal of Human Maths, edition 35, Fifth year, extracted on 07/15/2010, available on the website:
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Abstract: The study investigated the effects of the use of computer animation and inquiry method on chemistry students' critical thinking achievement in Onitsha Education Zone of Anambra state. Two research questions and three null hypotheses guided the study. A quasi-experimental research was used in the study. The population of the study consisted of all the 2,469 senior secondary year two chemistry students. Sample comprised of 233 students chemistry students. The instruments used for data collection were chemistry Achievement Test (CAT) and Watson-Glazer Critical Thinking Appraisal (WCTA). The reliability coefficient of CAT and WCTA were established using Kuder Richardson formula (KR-20) to be 0.96 and 0.67 respectively. The research questions were answered using mean and standard deviation. The null hypotheses were tested at 0.05 level of significance.....
Keywords: Animation, critical thinking, achievement, chemistry
[1]. Abdi, A. (2014). The effect of inquiry-based learning method on students' academic achievement in science course. Universal Journal of Educational Research, 2(1), 37-41.
[2]. Abdurasaq, H., Ganiyu, B. & Isaac, A. (2017). Effects of computer animation instructional package on students' achievement in practical biology. Retrieved from
[3]. Abubakar, M.N. & Ashiru, A. (2010). Towards effective teaching of inorganic chemistry. STAN Chemistry Panel Series, 5, 16-21.
[4]. Amal, G. & Samar, M.K. (2018). Effect of computer animation via movies on biology academic achievement among students. Journal of Education and Practice, 9(8), 25-36.
[5]. Aniodo, H.C.O. & Eze, G.N. (2014). Achieving effectiveness in secondary school. Chemistry classroom using constructionist approach: The case case study of physical and chemical changes. 55th annual conference proceedings of STAN.
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Abstract: Background: A company engaged in stamping and tooling, has a dies manufacturing process where there are several processes, one of which is handwork by operator in the finishing department. During the handwork process, operator is standing and resting by using one hand with his head down. The working positions feel uncomfortable because dies are underneath so the body has to. This position can cause the operator to experience complaints in the waist (low back pain). The purpose of this study was to identify the body and see the factors that influence low back pain complaints in order to provide posture improvement. An analyzed using the Nordic Body Map (NBM) and the Rapid Entire Body Assessment (REBA) methods......
Keywords: Nordic Body Map (NBM); Rapid Entire Body Assessment (REBA); Body Posture; Low Back Pain (LBP).
[1]. Devi, T., Purba, I. G., & Lestari, M. (2017). Faktor Risiko Keluhan Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs) Pada Aktivitas Pengangkutan Beras di PT Buyung Poetra Pangan Pegayut Ogan Ilir. Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat, [online] Volume 8 (2), Hal. 125–134: [Accessed 29 Sept. 2020]
[2]. Dewangan, C. P., & Singh, A. K. (2015). Ergonomic Study and Design of the Pulpit of a Wire Rod Mill at an Integrated Steel Plant. Journal of Industrial Engineering, [online] Volume 2015 (1993), Hal 1–11: [Accessed 6 Oct. 2020].
[3]. Harwanti, S., Ulfah, N., & Nurcahyo, P. J. (2019). Faktor-Faktor Yang Berpengaruh Terhadap Low Back Pain (Lbp) Pada Pekerja Di Home Industri Batik Sokaraja Kabupaten Banyumas. Jurnal Kesmas Indonesia, [online] Volume 10 (2), Hal. 12: [Accessed 29 Sept. 2020].
[4]. Hignett, S., & McAtamney, L. (2000). Rapid Entire Body Assessment (REBA). Journal Applied Ergonomics, [online] Volume 31 (2), Hal. 201–205: [Accessed 30 Sept. 2020].
[5]. Kazemi, S. (2016). Evaluation of Ergonomic Postures of Physical Education and Sport Science by REBA and Its Relation to Prevalence of Musculoskeletal Disorders. International Journal of Science Culture and Sport, [online] Volume 4 (19), Hal. 260–260: [Accessed 29 Sept. 2020].
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Abstract: Background: Any career in STEM discipline is shaped by the attitudes towards science education in secondary schools. In turn, attitudes are determined by teachers, environment and individual factors. The unsatisfactory performance in the national examination in Kenya in Biology, calls for a review of the student-related factors influencing achievements. On the other hand, the adoption of ICT in learning has been proven to have a positive impact on the student's attitudes, however, there is limited empirical evidence to support the use of ICT in teaching Biology classes in Kenya. Due to the dearth in studies within the local context, the study examined how Computer Assisted Learning (CAL) or Computer-Aided Instruction.....
Keywords: Computer-assisted Instruction; computer-assisted education; computer-assisted learning; computational attitudes; learning styles.
[1]. Ahmad, S. Z., & Abdul Mutalib, A. (2015). Exploring computer-assisted learning for low achieving children: A comparative analysis study. Jurnal Teknologi, 77(29), 1-7. [2]. Barmby, P., Kind, P. M., & Jones, K. (2008). Examining changing attitudes in secondary school science. International journal of science education, 30(8), 1075-1093. [3]. Bloomfield, J., Roberts, J., & While, A. (2010). The effect of computer-assisted learning versus conventional teaching methods on the acquisition and retention of handwashing theory and skills in pre-qualification nursing students: a randomised controlled trial. International journal of nursing studies, 47(3), 287-294. [4]. Chang, K. E., Sung, Y. T., & Lin, S. F. (2006). Computer-assisted learning for mathematical problem-solving. Computers & Education, 46(2), 140-151. [5]. Christidou, V. (2011). Interest, Attitudes and Images Related to Science: Combining Students' Voices with the Voices of School Science, Teachers, and Popular Science. International Journal of Environmental and Science Education, 6(2), 141-159