Series-2 (Jul. – Aug. 2022)Jul. – Aug. 2022 Issue Statistics
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Abstract: This papermainly takes English majors in Panzhihua University as the research object, adopting methods of questionnaire and literature research. By studying the impact of the ―double reduction‖ policy on the development and the current employment situation of English majors in Panzhihua University, the authors try to explore the problems existing under the ―double reduction‖ policy, analyze the reasons and propose strategies.
Key words: ―Double Reduction‖ policy, English major, Employment
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Abstract: BACKGROUND: A poor ergonomically and non-scientifically designed work environment and work station may severely affect the labour force's physical stress, labour productivity, and job performance.7 Musculoskeletal Disorders are described as an injury or dysfunction that commonly involves the supporting structures of the body as well as the nerves, muscles, bones and cartilages.8 In developing countries, musculoskeletal disorders are of serious concern. Many factors play a significant role in ergonomics, and these factors determine the health, safety, comfort and efficient performance at workplace.1In an Indian small scale manufacturing industries most of the work is still carried out standing and manually hence the issues of work related musculoskeletal disorders.....
KEY WORDS- REBA, QEC, Ergonomics, Work related Musculoskeletal Disorders
[1]. Jagdish R, Asif Ansari, Sameer Quaraishi et al. Ergonomic risk assessment of working postures in small scale industriesGrenze International journal of Engineering and Technology. 2018;(1):202-203
[2]. N.AAnsari and M.J.Sheikh Evaluation of posture by REBA and RULA at small scale manufacturing industry International Organization of Scientific Research Journal of Mech. Engineering 2014; (69): 18-23
[3]. Javier E.Ahfriliandre, IrzaPratama, IsyaNafia et al. The Work posture analysis of packaging workers at PT.X using the REBA method Turkish journal of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation 2021;32(3): 6260-6261
[4]. Mohammad Khandan, ShahramVosoughi Ergonomis assessment if posture risk factors among Iranian workers Iranian Rehabilitation Journal 2018;16(1): 12-13
[5]. MohommadDidarHossain, AfzalAftab Prevalence of work related musculoskeletal disorders and ergonomic risk assessment among readymade garment workers of Bangladesh;PublicLibraryOf Science ONE 2018;13(7): 3-5.
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Abstract: Online learning has become the most appropriate learning mode in numerous universities because of the COVID-19 pandemic. However, at the University of Guyana, there was little to no preparation in place to deal with the shift from face-to-face to the online mode of learning. During the pandemic, it was online learning that facilitated the university to keep its doors open. This study aimed at investigating students' online learning experiences with first-year Mathematics courses in the Department of Mathematics, Physics and Statistics, Faculty of Natural Sciences at the University of Guyana, Turkeyen Campus. The intended purpose of this study was to bring awareness of students' satisfaction with the online environment. Students' satisfaction with the online learning environment is critical to learning........
Key words: Online Learning Environment; First-Year Mathematics Courses; Student Experiences; Student Satisfaction; Student Assessment.
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[4]. Elshami, W., Taha, M. H., Abuzaid, M., Saravanan, C., Al Kawas, S., & Abdalla, M. E. (2021). Satisfaction with online learning in the new normal: perspective of students and faculty at medical and health sciences colleges. Medical Education Online, 26(1), 1920090.
[5]. IIgaz, H., & Gulbahar, Y. (2015). A Snapshot of Online Learners: e-Readiness, e-Satisfaction and Expectations. International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning, 16(2), 171-187.
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Abstract: Education and Training plays a vital role in transforming people towards sustainable development.Sustainable development is a development the meets the needs and aspirations of the present generation without depriving the future generation the resources to satisfy their own needs.Technical and vocational education and training is that aspect of education and training that will cater for the present and future needs of all learners regardless of class, ethnicity,location, age and other socially ascribed traits. Unfortunately, TVET programmes in Nigeria has been faced with so many challenges that prevents the recipients from acquiring the skills that will lead the country towards achieving sustainable......
Keywords: Sustainability, technical and vocational education and training, transformation
[1]. Abubakar, A.B (2013). Education and sustainable national development in Nigeria; challenges and way forward. International Journal of social and humanistic sciences 14,6572.
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Abstract: The study investigated how the mentorship roles of head teachers as school cultural builders influence the performance of the newly deployed/transferred teachers in Lufwanyama District. The study was anchored on Kram's Mentor Role theory and Path-Goal theory. A mixed methods research approach and a descriptive survey design were adopted. The target was public secondary schools, head teachers, HODs and teachers. Purposive sampling was used to select 16 public secondary schools and 16 head teachers. Stratified and simple random sampling was adopted to select 33 out of 112 HODs, and 93 out of 311 teachers. Questionnaires were used to collect data from teachers and HODs, while interviews were used to collect data from head teachers. Quantitative data were analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 21 and presented in frequencies, tables, percentages.....
Keywords: Investigating, Head-Teacher, Mentorship, Head-teacher, Newly deployed/transferred, Performance.
[1]. Allen, T. D., & Poteet, M. L, (2010).Developing effective mentoring relationships: Strategies from the mentor's point of view.The Career Development Quarterly, 48(1) 59-73.
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Abstract: The basic development of art and design in casual clothing with the collaboration of Longevity and Pengretret ornaments is a study of student creativity in creating regional cultural products that are developed following the development of today's technology. The method used in this creative activity is descriptive explosive. The stages of basic development of art and design in casual clothing are as follows: concept map design, shape sketches, motif design and fashion design in corel draw, embroidery motifs and application to women's casual clothing. This creative activity can produce creative, innovative, and unique products in the field of textile and fashion design. Thanks to the knowledge and skills acquired by the younger generation, it is hoped that later they will be able to create new jobs in the field of art and design. So that the preservation of regional culture continues to develop well..
[1]. Gasimova Elfana Nasimi. (2021). Design as a Factor in the Development of a Country's Economy. Research in World Economy. DOI:10.5430/rwe.v12n1p82.
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[5]. PatriziaGazzola. (2020). TrendsintheFashionIndustry.ThePerceptionofSustainabilityandCircularEconomy:
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Abstract: Weighted sum of scores found over behavioral and perceptual-cognitive dimensions allow set to specific differential diagnosis with high reliability rating for currently three levels of autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Indeed, a total of 124 people with ASD have participated in this study, 81 with ASD level- 1, 25 with ASD level- 2 and 18 with ASD level- 3 to aim the observations along six basic dimensions that make up disorder basic diagnosis: development, communication, interaction, behavior, attention and cognition. Differential data found by means of t test for independent samples allows conclude there´re significant differences relating the ASD level. Therefore it´s possible establish differential averages for each ASD level beginning p frequencies analysis regarding to total means, being ASD level- 1: between 5.77 and 7.88, ASD level- 2: between 7.89 and 9.01 and ASD level- 3: ≥ 9.02..
Key Word: Autism Spectrum Disorder, Perception- Cognition, ASD´ levels, DSM-5.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Assessing Students' Preparedness for College Reading through the Blackboard LMS |
Country | : | USA |
Authors | : | Victoria M. Rey |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/7388-1204025460 ![]() |
Abstract: To determine the incoming college students' preparedness for reading before the pandemic, several post-secondary institutions used the Accuplacer test and other multiple measures. On March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization declared COVID-19 a pandemic (CDC Museum COVID-19 Timeline). Due to the limitations of administering the Accuplacer test during the pandemic, Kean University, USA used the Departmental Reading Test.Incoming first-year students who were placed in a Developmental Reading course based on the evaluation of their transcript of records and GPA took this test on the Blackboard Learning Management System (LMS). This study investigated the difference between the course placements of students before and after they had taken the......
Key Word: Assessment, Blackboard LMS, college reading, reading preparedness, remedial reading, reading test, developmental reading
[1]. Al-khresheh, M. (2022). Revisiting the effectiveness of Blackboard learning management system in teaching English in the Era of COVID-19. World Journal of English Language. 12(1), 1-14, doi:10.5430/wjel.v12n1.
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[5]. Bailey, T., Jeong, D. W., & Cho, S. (2010). Referral, enrollment, and completion in developmental education sequences in community colleges. Economics of Education Review. 29(2), 255–270.
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Abstract: Introduction : Intrauterine insemination is a fertility treatment method in which processed sperm from either the partner or the donor is deposited within the uterine cavity, usually near the time of ovulation. For the first three to four cycles, IUI is usually effective. So, in this study, we attempted to analyse the factors involved in the success of IUI. Aim : The main aim of this study is to determine thefactors influencing and predicting the success of IUI. Methodology :This is a cross-sectional retrospective observational study conducted at the Institute of Reproductive Medicine at MMM between January 2018 and December 2019 in subfertile women attending the IRM OPD and being scheduled for IUI. The proforma was completed, and data was analysed to determine the factors influencing IUI success......
Key Word: Intrauterine insemination, predictors of IUI,sub-fertile