Series-5 (Sep. – Oct. 2022)Sep. – Oct. 2022 Issue Statistics
Series-1 Series-2 Series-3 Series-4 Series-5
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Abstract: The evolution of education and teaching philosophy leads to the iteration of teaching methods. In Chinese universities, the educational philosophy of strengthening university students' ideological and political literacy has formed a consensus, so Ideological and Political Integrated Teaching (IPIT) has been proposed as a new teaching method. Although the teaching philosophy and task of IPIT have been very clear, the specific implementation methods are still being explored. Based on the teaching content of Industrial Economics, this paper designs a plan for IPIT of industrial economics by exploring appropriate ideological and political elements of the course and integrating them into the corresponding teaching content.
Keywords: Ideological and Political Integrated Teaching (IPIT), Industrial Economics, teaching method
[1]. Wang Lu. Mining and integration of ideological and political elements in IPIT courses. Shaanxi Education. 2022 (5): 22-23
[2]. Han Xianzhou. The development process, basic status and practical reflection of IPIT . China Higher Education. 2021 (23): 20-22
[3]. Yi Yonggang. Understanding IPIT from the evolution of teaching philosophy. Shanghai Education. 2020 (18): 44
[4]. Li Laiyuan. Some thoughts on the cooperative education of IPIT and traditional ideological and political course in colleges and universities. Heilongjiang Education (Theory and Practice). 2022 (06): 6-9
[5]. Xu Kaisen, Xia Lu. From ideological and political courses to IPIT courses: course expansion, logical difference and interactive integration. Journal of Jiangsu Second Normal University. 2022,38 (04): 61-66+74.
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Abstract: Nowadays, more than ever, it seems necessary to study the issue of the integration of foreign students into the school environment and the management of the heterogeneity observed at the educational level, in order to find ways to deal social and cultural conflicts. A teacher is expected to play a decisive role as the main manager of the ethnic, linguistic and cultural diversity of the class, since s/he is expected to identify and solve problems and needs arisen by the multicultural composition of the school class. The purpose of this study is to investigate the issue of integration of foreign students at school, focusing on the role of the teacher in the process of integration, as well as the problems that emerge during this process.......
Key Word: Foreign Students, Intercultural Education, Inclusion of Minorities
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[3]. Trilianos, A. (2006). The education of repatriated and foreign students in Greece, Pedagogy-Theory and Practice, (1), 38-45.(in Greek language)
[4]. Damanakis, M. (2001). The education of repatriated and foreign students in Greece. Athens: Gutenberg. El.Stat., Statistical Issues.(in Greek language)
[5]. Evangellou, O, &Palaiologou, N. (2007). School performance of allophone students. Educational policy- Research data. Athens: Atrapos. (in Greek language)
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Abstract: Financial rewards play an important role in teachers' job commitment to school goals and objectives. If teachers in private schools are treated well in their various schools, the act of leaving one school for another school will be reduced drastically. The study investigated the financial rewards and teachers' job commitment to school goals and objectives in private secondary schools. The population consisted of 180 private secondary school teachers in Ado-Ekiti local government area of Ekiti State, Nigeria. The sample for the study comprised 100 teachers using random sampling technique from nine private secondary schools in Ado local government. The validity of the instrument was established using face and content validity. Split-half reliability was used for the study. The data were analyzed using simple percentage and frequency. The hypotheses......
Key words: Teachers, Financial Rewards, Goals, Objectives, Private Secondary Schools
[1]. Ahuja, K.K. (2002) Personnel Management.New Delhi, Kalyani Press.
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Abstract: Pantun is one of the most popular literary works today. Pantun is an old type of poetry in which each stanza consists of four lines and has a sampiran and contents. Pantun is a culture that was born from the Malay community. Lampung is one of the Malay family, in Lampung society this type of rhyme is called reciprocated rhyme (pattun recompense). Generally, the event is reciprocated rhyme (pattun in retaliation). Done at a traditional wedding ceremony, because the wedding ceremony has a sacred purpose and is full of holiness between the bride and groom. The type of research used in this research is an oral folklore research which is an expression of a cultured society. By using qualitative methods, namely research procedures that produce descriptive data in the form.....
Keywords: Tradition, Reciprocal Pantun (Pattun Setimbalan)
[1]. Bustami. 2001. Barzanji Performance in the Traditional Marriage Ceremony of the RejangTaba Society of North Bengkulu. Bengkulu. Bengkulu University
[2]. Danandjaja, J. 2005. Indonesian folklore. Jakarta: PT. Graffiti Main Library. 1997. Indonesian folklore. Jakarta: PT. Graffiti Main Library. 1994. Indonesian folklore. Jakarta: PT. Graffiti Main Library
[3]. Kuntjara, E. 2006. Cultural Research A Practical Guide. Yogyakarta: GrahaIlmu.MPSS, P., Ed. 2008. Methodology of the Study of Oral Traditions. Jakarta: Association of Oral Traditions
[4]. Ratna, N. K. 2007. Theory, Methods, and Literary Research. Yogyakarta: Student Library
[5]. Ratna, N.K. 2011. Literary Anthropology. Yogyakarta: Student Library.
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Abstract: This paper is set to examine the trend ofunemployment and poverty amongadults and youths in Ekiti State with a bid to tackle this problems through the programmes ofliteracy education and lifelong learning skills.It particularly discussed the issue of illiteracy, unemployment and poverty as they affect adults and youths in rural communities.The paper defines the concept and programmes of literacy education. It also examines lifelong learning skills that can empower adults and youths in Ekiti State. The paper considered the potentials of literacy education and lifelong skillsin empowering adults and youthsas means of eradicating unemployment, poverty and dependency in its totality. The paper concludes that, engaging adult and youths inprogrammes of literacy and lifelong skills will empower adults and youths.......
Key Words: Unemployment, poverty, Literacy, lifelong-skills, self-reliance and societaldevelopment
[1]. Adeyemo, C. W. (2019).Vocational and Technical Education as tools for Economic Breakthrough in Nigeria. International Journal of Adult Learning and Continuing Education Ekiti State University, Ado-Ekiti. 3 (1). 111-117.
[2]. Adeyemo C. W. (2014).Implementing Vocational skills training among Rural Women for equal access to qualitative education. International Journal of Advanced Research. 2(4), 429-432. U. K.
[3]. Adeyemo C.W. (2009). Basic Elements of Literacy Education. Lagos. St. Maotex Publishers.
[4]. Fasokun, T. O. (2008). Status of Adult Education Practice in Nigeria. In IgboR. O. Ed. Contemporary Adult Education on inclusive approach, Nigeria: CIDJAB Printing Press 1-36.
[5]. Olofintoye T. T. & Adeyemo C. W. (2018) Counselling People with Hearing Impairment towards Acquisition of Vocational Skills for Economic Sustainability. Journal of Counselling and Applied Psychology (JOCAP) 4 (2) 73-78.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Developing the 6 Graders' Artistic Creativity |
Country | : | Vietnam |
Authors | : | Hoang ThiHaiHoa || Nguyen Thi Hong Chuyen |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/7388-1205053034 ![]() |
Abstract: Applied Art teaching method is an important solution to improve the quality of education from primary school to lower secondary school in the Art field as well as to develop students' artistic creativity and their passion on Art while still studying at schools. This paper discusses the concepts of teaching Art; the purposes, meanings and benefits of solutions to support teachers and students to improve their Art abilities. The aim of this study is to survey on the current situation of Art abilities in developing students' drawing ability at Chu Van An Lower Secondary school. The participants of the study were the 6 graders who are studying at Chu Van An Lower Secondary school. The study collected the data related to the students' attitude on developing art abilities in art teaching in the current context and their.....
Key Word: Art teaching methods, artistic creativity, applied art, ability to create applied art.
[1]. Resolution No.29–NQ/TW–November4, 2013 and Resolution No.88/2014/QH13.
[2]. Ministry of Education and Training (December 26, 20218) General education program at - Circular No. 32/2018/TT-BGDĐT
[3] Basic Fine Arts Textbook - Author Ngo Ba Cong - Pedagogical University Publishing House
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Abstract: Indonesia has a variety of distinctive and unique regional languages. Language has an important role in all aspects of human life because language is used as a means of communicating with people in everyday life. One of them is the people of Lampung, although they live in the same province but have two different languages, namely dialect A (Api) and Dialect O (Nyo). Mosok is one of the Lampung people's cultures in Kibang Menggala which involves language in it. Mosok is held during the wedding process.The method used is descriptive qualitative, with interview data collection techniques on informants conducted in depth. Mosok is a tradition of traditional Lampung weddings in the tiyuhKibang community, Menggala sub-district. Mosokat the wedding has the meaning of being....
Keywords: Mosok, Lampung Pepadun
[1]. Aryani, Farida. (2015). PiilPesenggiri's Conception According to Indigenous Peoples of Lampung Waykanan in Waykanan District: A Discourse Analysis Approach. Bandar Lampung: Aura Printing and Publishing
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[3]. Alexander, Shah. (2005). Marriage Customary Law. Bandar Lampung: University of Lampung
[4]. Koentjaraningrat. (1984). Introduction to Anthropology –Volume 1, second printing, Jakarta: RinekaCipta.
[5]. Maryaeni. (2005). Qualitative Research Methods.Jakarta: RinekaCipta.
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Abstract: Infection prevention and control training is a technical training for Puskesmas staff. In infection prevention and control training there are several stages of activity. The stages are preparation, training process, and training evaluation stage. participants must take the pre-test and post-test for the learning evaluation process. The pre-test aims to find out how far the participants have been exposed to the material, while the post-test is to find out how far the participants can understand the material. Based on the test results, participants often get a minimum score.According to the participants, the questions asked were difficult to understand. Questions that are too difficult to understand......
Keywords: Bloom's Taxonomy, Construction, Measuring Tool, Cognitive
[1]. Creswell, J. W. (2017). Research Design, Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approach. (A. F. Pancasari, Translator) Yogyakarta, Indonesia: Edition 4, 11th edition of Pustaka Pelajar. Picked October 14, 2022
[2]. Dali, S.N. (2022). Score Theory On Mental Measurement (Third ed. ed.). Jakarta, DKI Jakarta, Indonesia: PT Nagarani Citrayasa. Picked October 15, 2022
[3]. Dian NF, M. (2021, Novemver). Bloom's Taxonomy: A Model in Formulating Learning Objectives. (D. B. Sari, Editor.) Taken October 15, 2022, from the Education and Training Center of the National Library of the Republic of Indonesia: learning
[4]. FaizZulkifli, R. Z. (2022, March). A Revised Bloom's Taxonomy: An Essential Approach to Constructing Assessment Questions for the Probability and Statistics Course. International Academic Research in Business ang social Science(Vol. 12, No. 3, 2022), 588 –602. doi:'s_Taxonomy bloom
[5]. Guadalupe Elizabeth Morales-Martinez and Janneth Trejo-Quintana, D. J.-C.-H. (2021, February). Chronometric Constructive Cognitive Learning Evaluation Model: Measuring the Construction of the Human Cognition Schema of Psychology Students. International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research (Vol. 20, No. 2, February 2021), pp. 1-21. doi:
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Abstract: Background: This developmental study was urgent to conduct not only to improve the students' Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) but also to design Flipped Classroom (FC) model and develop a valid, practical, and effective FC model Materials and Methods: The study adopted Thiagarajan, Semmel, and Semmel's model, which was modified through four stages: defining, designing, developing, and disseminating.The research subjects were all ten grade students joining the Crafts and Entrepreneurship subject and the teacher teaching the subject in Senior High School 1 Gowa. Expert judges rated the learning model and media. Data were collected through Focus Groups Discussion (FGD), Interviews, Documentation, Questionnaires, Checklist, and Scale. Data were then analyzed descriptively......
Key Word: Development, Flipped Classroommodel, HOTS
[1]. Agustiningrum,A.,&Haryono,A.(2017).PenerapanModelPembelajaranFlippedClassroomDanCourseReviewHorayBerbasisLessonStudyUntukMeningkatkanAktivitas Dan Hasil BelajarSiswa Pada Mata Pelajaran Ekonomi Di Kelas XI IPS 2 MANKota Batu.10(2), 111–120.
[2]. Afandi &Sajidan. (2017). StimulasiKeterampilan Tingkat Tinggi. UNSPRESS.
[3]. Arends, R.I. (2015). Learning to Teach. New York: McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc..
[4]. Bogdan, R.C. & Biklen, S.K. (2015). Qualitative Research for Education: An Intriduction to Theory. Boston: Allyn and Bacon, Inc.
[5]. Butcher, C., Davies, C., & Highton, M. (2014) Designing learning from module outline to effective teaching.New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
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Abstract: Adherence to principles of responsible conduct in researchis at the heart of doctoral supervision, and lack of it severely affects the quality and credibility of such study outcomes. Very few studies have investigated the level of knowledge and practice of responsible research ethics in institutions of higher learning in Kenya, a gap this study sought to address. The objective of this study was to investigate the knowledge and practice of responsible research ethics among doctoral students and Alumni at Kibabii University, Kenya. To realize its objective, the study conducted a cross sectional survey using a structured questionnaire to gather relevant information from 25 doctoral students and Alumni of the University......
Key Word: Knowledge, Practice, Responsible Research Ethics
[1]. Adams, D (2012) The issues and challenges of research ethics education in the university, particularly in the area of the social sciences. Teaching Ethics 12(2): 141–144
[2]. Arda, B (2012) Publication ethics from the perspective of PhD students of health sciences: A limited experience. Science and Engineering Ethics 18(2): 213–222.
[3]. Botha, J. and Mouton, J. 2019. "The execution phase: Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) and ethics, literature review, project management and examination." Course material of Module 6 of the DIES/CREST Training Course for Supervisors of Doctoral Candidates at African Universities. Stellenbosch University
[4]. Bowater, LL, Wilkinson, MM (2012) Twelve tips to teaching (legal and ethical aspects of) research ethics/responsible conduct of research. Medical Teacher 34(2): 108–115.
[5]. Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, and Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (2014) Tri-Council Policy Statement: Ethical Conduct for Research Involving Humans (TCPS 2). Available at: