Series-3 (Jan. – Feb. 2023)Jan. – Feb. 2023 Issue Statistics
Series-1 Series-2 Series-3 Series-4
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Original Sense of Praxis in Karl Marx |
Country | : | Mexico |
Authors | : | Arturo G. Rillo || Beatriz Elina Martínez-Carrillo |
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: | 10.9790/7388-1301030113 ![]() |
Abstract: Background: The original meaning of the concept of praxis is being diluted in the genuine aspiration to update the thought of Karl Marx to the historical context of the individual being-in-the-world; Therefore, the question arises: what are the structural elements of praxis that make it possible to reconstruct the original meaning of its horizon of understanding? The study was carried out with the purpose of reconstructing the original meaning in the understanding of the concept of praxis through the characterization of its epistemic matrix. Materials and Methods: An analytical and documentary study was carried out from the field of philosophical hermeneutics elaborated by Hans-Georg Gadamer......
Keywords: Praxis; practical-critical activity; humanism; self-awareness; private property.
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Abstract: Principals have a role in influencing, coordinating, mobilizing, and harmonizing all educational resources available at school. Teachers have an essential role as policy implementers, one of which is the implementation of the emergency curriculum. This study aims to determine: (1) how is the variable description of the effectiveness of emergency curriculum implementation, managerial competence, principal supervision, and teacher competence in Pakis District Elementary Schools, (2) whether there is a simultaneous influence of managerial competence, principal supervision, teacher competence and training education on the effectiveness of the implementation of the covid emergency curriculum in Pakis District Elementary Schools, (3) is there a partial influence of managerial competence, principal supervision, teacher competence, education and training on the effectiveness of....
Key Word: Managerial Competence, Principal Supervision, Teacher Competence, Training Education, Emergency Curriculum Implementation
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Abstract: The strength of any school lies in its leadership. Principal leadership behaviour can influence performance in general in their schools for both the students and teachers. The presence of different variables affecting principal's leadership behavior creates a gap on its role in contributing to teacher performance. The study's objective was investigate the impact of principals' leadership styles on teachers' performance in Kitui County public secondary schools. This study used a mixed methods approach and descriptive survey research design to uncover and evaluate the viewpoint of teachers and the indicators of school environment. Participants were 2417 instructors from Kitui County's 400 public secondary schools.........
Key Word: Principal's Leadership Behaviour, Teacher Performance, Public Secondary Schools, Kitui County
[1]. Maxwell S., Reynolds, K.J., Lee E. Subasic E & Broomhead, D. (2017). The impact of School Climate and School Identification with Student and Teacher Data. Australia, University of Newcastle, FrontPsychol812069.doi 10.3389/fpsyg.2017 02069 [2]. UNESCO (2016). Teachers in the Asia Pacific: Career progression and professional development. Bangkok Office. Asia and Pacific Regional Bureau for Education [3]. Jepketer, A. (2017). Influence of Teaching Strategies on Student's Performance in Academic Achievement and Co-curricular Activities in Public Secondary Schools in Nandi County, Kenya. PhD Thesis. [4]. Weathers M (2011). Teacher community in urban elementary schools: the role of Leadership and bureaucratic accountability. Education policy analysis, 19(3), 1- 39. Retrieved from http://www.hwilson [5]. Cohen, J. (2012): school climate and culture improvement: A prosocial strategy that ecognizes educates and supports the whole child and the whole school community. In P.M Brown, M. W Corrigan & Higgins' Alessandro (Eds). The Handbook of prosocial Education (pp.227-270). Blue Ridge summit, P.A: Rawman and Littlefield publishing group.
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Abstract: This research was conducted to assess teachers' readiness to adopt the new model of online teaching and learning at a state university in Zimbabwe during and post covid-19 pandemic. This was prompted by the fact that most institutions of learning were forced to adopt online learning as a replacement to the traditional face-to-face classroom model in response to persistent lockdowns without assessing their readiness from various ways such as teachers' and students' readiness. The quantitative research approach was adopted and data was collected through structured and guided questionnaires. Descriptive and inferential statistics from SPSS were used for data analysis. The major findings are that teachers are prepared to shift from face-to-face mode of learning to online learning and they do possess skills required for conducting online lectures. Teachers are developing a positive attitude towards the new norm, but more training is needed particularly on advanced computer skills.
Key Word: Online teaching, Learning,
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Abstract: Background: The accreditation of medical education in Mexico dates from 1996. Since then, the self-assessment instrument has been revised 4 times. The version approved in 2018 is used to dictate international accreditations, hence the importance of analyzing the structure of the instrument. In this context, the study was carried out with the purpose of analyzing the "institutional organization and government" as a category of quality evaluation in the accreditation process carried out in Mexico by the Mexican Council for the Accreditation of Medical Education........
Key Word: Institutional organization;Quality management; Accreditation, COMAEM.
[1]. United Nations. Transforming our world. The 2030 agenda for sustainable development. Recovered from:
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[3]. Almurayh A, Saeed S, Aldhafferi N, Alqahtani A, Saqib M. Sustainable Education Quality Improvement Using Academic Accreditation: Findings from a University in Saudi Arabia. Sustainability, 2022:14:16968. DOI: 10.3390/su142416968
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Abstract: Background: Multicultural Education Literature Study in Indonesia. Indonesia is country multicultural biggest in world. Management diversity the Becomes very urgent for maintain unity nation Indonesia and fight for progress . This study will discuss multiculturalism in the context of education in Indonesia. That is to see how the development of multicultural education, the importance of multicultural education, and the implementation of multicultural education in Indonesia. Materials and methods: Types study use study qualitative with method studies literature ( literature review ). Technique election literature........
Keywords: Education, Multicultural
[1]. Nurcahyono, Okta Hadi. 2018. Multicultural Education in Indonesia: Synchronic and Diachronic Analysis. Habitus: Journal of Education, Sociology and Anthropology Vol. 2 No.1 March 2018 Pg. 105-115.
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Abstract: Education is the process of facilitating learning. It is the most powerful instrument of social, economic and cultural transformation necessary for the realization of national goals. It cultivates social, moral and spiritual values among people (Report of the Indian Education Commission, 1964-66). It helps in the transmission of culture from one generation to the other. It helps in the acquisition of knowledge, skills, values, morals, beliefs and habits necessary for the human living. It helps to increase the productivity, achieve national and emotional integration; and accelerate the process of modernization. Curriculum and Pedagogy play a significant role in the teaching learning process at elementary level. The curriculum should be transacted applying suitable pedagogy in order to.......
Key words: Elementary school teachers, Multi-grade teaching, Attitude, Classroom teaching
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | STEM Discipline and Tribal indigenous knowledge for self -Reliant India |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Priyanka Karunamay |
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: | 10.9790/7388-1301036063 ![]() |
Abstract: Now we live in knowledge era, knowledge power is essential for the achieving the developmental goals specially 2030 Agenda. Through this review-based work researcher explored and unique pedagogy based on STEAM with the convergent of Indigenous pedagogy. Through the searching the literature review it was explored the STEAM Learning and Tribal Indigenous knowledge helpful for the Self-Reliant India.
Key words: STEAM, Discipline, Tribal, Tribal Indigenous Knowledge, Self-Reliant
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