Series-3 (May – June 2023)May-June 2023 Issue Statistics
Series-1 Series-2 Series-3 Series-4 Series-5
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Abstract: It is obvious that the greatest concern of teachers is the learning of their students. However, there is an unquestionable need to understand what constitutes an effective educational process. The study attempted to examine Moroccans teacher's perceptions regarding teacher and teaching effectiveness in a higher education context. In this qualitative study, the data was gathered by using open-ended surveys. The questionnaire was conducted to 12 lecturers at a university in Fes, Morocco. The results indicated that teachers 'perceptions of an effective teacher and effective teaching show their students' concerns. So they opt for personal qualities and professional acts which help students to overcome their social and academic problems. The findings provide valuable direction for teachers in the higher education.
Key Word: teachers, higher education, qualitative study, effective teacher, effective teaching
[1]. Akerlind G S 2004. A new dimension to understanding university teaching. Teaching in Higher Education, 9(3) : 363-375
[2]. Anderson L 1992 : Accroître l'efficacité des enseignants. Paris : Unesco.
[3]. Avalos B, Haddad W 1979. "A Review of Teacher Effectiveness Research in Africa, India, Latin America, Middle East, Malaysia, Philippines and Thailand: Synthesis of Results." Ottawa: International Development Research Centre.
[4]. Babbie E 2008. The Practice of Social Research, 4th ed. Belmont: Wadsworth Publishing Co.
[5]. Bastick T 1999. A Technique for Measuring Effective Teaching of Professional Courses. Paper presented at the
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Abstract: This study aims to introduce gulai bebat in order to know the history, culture, and how to make it so that it can be known by the wider community. The research method used is a qualitative descriptive method by conducting interviews with the community directly through the snowball sampling technique which initially interviews with small numbers, and then becomes large, then makes data reduction by making abstractions. Researchers found that gulai bebat existed since ancient times, but it is not known for sure the year and who invented it........
Key Word: gulai bebat, traditional food, local wisdom
[1] Turgarini, Dewi & Abdillah, Fitri (2016), Local Culinary: Tourist Attractions Vs Cultural Identity. Bali: Promoting Cultural & Heritage Tourism.
[2] Prihatini, R. I. (2008), Analysis of Adequacy of Heat in the Coconut Milk Pasteurization Process. Bogor: Faculty of Agricultural Technology IPB.
[3] Sugiono (2010), Quantitative Qualitative Research Methods and R & D. Bandung: CV. Alphabet.
[4] Moleong, L. J. (2007), Qualitative Research Methodology. Bandung: PT Juvenile Rosdakarya Offset.
[5] Koentjaraningrat (2015), Culture, Mentality and Development, Jakarta: Kompas Gramedia.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | EFL Teachers' Perspectives On Blended Learning In Post-Covid 19 Period |
Country | : | Vietnam |
Authors | : | Le Thi Thu Huong || Nguyen Thu Hang |
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: | 10.9790/ 7388-1303031319 ![]() |
Abstract: The study seeks to understand Vietnamese high school EFL teachers' perspectives regarding the effects of blended learning (BL) approach when applied in EFL settings, and its preventing factors after the Covid-19 pandemic has been under control. Participants of the study were 32 EFL teachers from local high schools in a province in Northern Vietnam. Questionnaires and semi-structured interviews were the primary sources of information. The questionnaires were disseminated to accumulate massive opinions from teachers, while in-depth interviews were conducted.....
Key Words: Teachers' perspectives, Blended learning, Effects of Blended learning, Difficulties of Blended learning
[1]. Albiladi and Alshareef (2019). Blended Learning in English Teaching and Learning: A Review of the Current Literature. Journal of Language Teaching and Research, 10 (2), 232-238. DOI:
[2]. Adas, D., & Bakir, A. (2013). Writing difficulties and new solutions: Blended learning as an approach to improve writing abilities. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 3(9), 254-266.
[3]. Banditvilai, C. (2016). Enhancing Students' Language Skills through Blended Learning. Electronic Journal of e-Learning, 14(3), 220-229.
[4]. Bonk, C. J., & Graham, C. R. (2006). The handbook of blended learning: Global perspectives, local designs. San Francisco, CA: Pfeiffer Publishing.
[5]. Betts, K. (2014). Factors influencing faculty participation & retention in online & blended education. Online Journal of Distance Learning Administration, 17(1), 1.
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Abstract: This study discussed how the CDIO model could be applied to the teaching of spoken English to preschoolers in China through the literature review approach. spoken English teaching plays an important role in developing good spoken expression and communicative skills among preschoolers in China, yet there are currently problems existing such as a single teaching method and a mismatch between teaching content and students' actual needs. CDIO model, as a teaching model with engineering practice as the core, has been widely used in higher education. This study.......
Key words: CDIO model, spoken English teaching, preschoolers, curriculum, teaching method, evaluation
[1]. Cao Ruio. (2018). The Importance of Language Development in Preschool Children. Teaching Research for Secondary School Curriculum Coaching (05).
[2]. Guo, Y. (2019). Survey on the Current Situation of Teaching English to Young Children. Henan Agriculture, (06).
[3]. Isam Zabalawi. (2018). Engineering Education for Future World: The CDIO Approach. 28th Arab Engineering Conference, 11-13 Dec.
[4]. Li, H. (2014). CDIO Model Design for Business English Writing Process Based on Individual and Team Writing. Journal of Lanzhou Institute of Education, (05).
[5]. Richardus Krishna Adyaksa. (2020). The Importance of English in Early Childhood Education.
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Abstract: English has emerged as a global lingua franca and is regarded as a vital subject in the educational system of Vietnam at all levels. Mastery of the English language has become increasingly significant for students to secure employment opportunities in their future careers. Despite this, the standard of English pronunciation in many schools in Vietnam, including Phuc Xuan Secondary School, remains a challenge. Poor pronunciation skills can negatively impact listening comprehension, confusing teachers and other students. The present study aims to identify the common mistakes made by students at Phuc Xuan School, analyze the underlying causes, and propose solutions to improve........
Keywords: pronunciation, pronunciation mistakes, secondary students, Thainguyen
[1]. Avery, & Ehrlich. (1992). Teaching American English pronunciation. Oxford: University Press.
[2]. Avery, P & Susan, E. (1912), Teaching American English Pronunciation, OUP
[3]. Brown, J.D & Rodgers, T.S. (2002), Doing Second Language Research, OUP
[4]. Barbara A. H., Brian B. (1997). The Status of Final Consonant Clusters in English Syllables: Evidence from Children Journal of Experimental Child Psychology Volume 64, Issue 1, p. 119-136 University of New England, New South Wales, Australia. Retrieved January 16, 2009.
[5]. Cruttenden, A. (2001), Gimson's Pronunciation of English, Arnold
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Abstract: The paper aimed to investigate the effects of using Quizlet for improving students' word retention and explore the students' attitude towards this approach. A total of 35 students at a public university in Vietnam participated in this study. The data were collected by a vocabulary tests and questionnaire items to answer the two research questions. The findings showed that Quizlet application had positive effect on the students' word retentiveness. Data from the vocabulary tests scores demonstrated that Quizlet application helped the students develop and improve their vocabulary retention. Additionally, results of the questionnaire showed that most of the students expressed positive attitudes towards applying Quizlet application. The study also made some suggestions for lecturers and administrators to apply and use Quizlet application effectively in teaching English vocabulary.
Keywords: teaching English, vocabulary retention, quizlet application
[1]. Alqahtani, M. (2015). The importance of vocabulary in language learning and how to be taught. International Journal of Teaching and Education, 3(3), 21-24.
[2]. Anjaniputra, A., G., & Salsabila, V. A. (2018). The merits of Quizlet for vocabulary learning at tertiary level. Indonesian EFL Journal, 4(2), 1-11.
[3]. Arikunto, S (2012). Dasar-dasar Evaluasi Pendidikan. Bumi Aksara, Jakarta.
[4]. Chien, C. (2013). Perception and practice of Taiwanese EFL learners' making vocabulary flashcard on Quizlet [Paper presentation]. The IADIS International Conference e-Learning, Prague, Czech Republic
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Abstract: The purpose of this study was to describe the form and meaning of deixis through WhatsApp chat between lecturers and the writer as student Master Degree of English Education Study Program, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, University of Lampung. The research data is in the form of words that contain types of deixis, namely person deixis, place, time, discourse, and social deixis. The source of the data was obtained from communication on WhatsApp chat between lecturers and writer as a student of the Language and Literature Education Study Program, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, University of Lampung. The data were analysed in 3 stages,......
Keywords: Deixis, Cmmunication, WhatsApp Chat
[1]. Brown, P., & Levinson, S. C. (1987). Politeness: Some universals in language usage (Vol. 4). New York: Cambridge University Press.
[2]. Creswell, J. W., & Creswell, J. D. (2017). Research design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches. USA: Sage publications.
[3]. Cruse, A. 2001. Meaning in Language: An Introduction to Semantics and Pragmatics. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
[4]. Levinson, S.C. 1983. Pragmatics. Cambridge. Cambridge University Press. Levinson, S.C. 2004. The Handbook of Pragmatics. Ed. Horn, L.R and Ward, G. Cornwall: Blackwell Publishing
[5]. Mayori, W., Putra, N. A. J., & Suarnajaya, I. W. (2020). A Comparative Study of Deixis Used by Foreign and Local English Teachers in Vocational High School. Journal of Education Research and Evaluation, 4(3), 240-246
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Abstract: Problems of student underachievement continue to worry educators all over the world especially in developing countries such as Liberia. Attempts to investigate causes of underachievement among students found relationship between anxiety and intelligence amongst students. Several studies sparked interests to study the test anxiety in more detail to assess its causes, effects, and levels across different sub-populations. These led to the development of different instruments to measure existence of different forms of test. Validation studies for these instruments led Cassady and Johnson to develop the Cognitive Test Anxiety Scale (CTAS). Some Western and European countries had begun investigating the relationship and found that Test anxiety has detrimental effects on learner academic performance, but such research......
Keywords: Structural equivalence, Cognitive Test Anxiety, academic performance
[1]. Akinsola, E. F. & Nwajei, A. D. (2013). Test Anxiety, Depression and Academic Performance: Assessment and Management Using Relaxation and Cognitive Restructuring Techniques. Psychology Journal, 4 (6A1), 18-24. Retrieved from
[2]. Baghaei, P. & Cassady, J. (2014). Validation of the Persian Translation of the Cognitive Test Anxiety Scale. SAGE: 1– 11. doi: 10.1177/2158244014555113
[3]. Bandalos, D. L., Yates, K., & Thorndike-Christ, T. (1995). Effects of math self-concept, perceived self-efficacy, and attributions for failure and success on test anxiety. Journal of
[4]. Educational Psychology, 87, 611–623.
[5]. Cassady, J. C. (2001). Self-reported GPA and SAT: A methodological note. Practical Assessment, Research, and Evaluation 7(12). Retrieved from