Series-4 (July – Aug. 2023)July – Aug. 2023 Issue Statistics
Series-1 Series-2 Series-3 Series-4
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Abstract: Background: Cerebral palsy concerns the medical community due to its high prevalence, its complexity and its difficult treatment. These are some of the reasons why scientists need to further investigate this particular disease the effectiveness of hydrotherapy in the rehabilitation of numerous diseases and in particular cerebral palsy, however there are no documented recommendations for the Halliwick method and its effect on the mobility and health of patients with cerebral palsy. Purpose: The purpose of this work is the systematic study of the modern literature regarding the effects of hydrotherapy and specifically the Halliwick method on the overall health and functionality of people diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy....
Keywords: Hydrotherapy, Cerebral Palsy, Halliwick , Effects ,Rehabilitation
[1] Krigger Kw. Cerebral Palsy: An Overview. Cerebral Palsy. 2006;73(1).
[2] A Report: The Definition And Classification Of Cerebral Palsy April 2006. Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology.
[3] Sadowska M, Sarecka-Hujar B, Kopyta I. Cerebral Palsy: Current Opinions On Definition, Epidemiology, Risk Factors, Classification And Treatment Options. Ndt.
[4] Paul S, Nahar A, Bhagawati M, Kunwar Aj. A Review On Recent Advances Of Cerebral Palsy. Kumar G, Επιμελητής. Oxidative Medicine And Cellular Longevity.
[5] Abd Elmagid Ds, Magdy H. Evaluation Of Risk Factors For Cerebral Palsy. Egypt J Neurol Psychiatry Neurosurg
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Abstract: The study sought to investigate the awareness and use of blended instructional models by federal and state university lecturers in South – East Nigeria. Two research questions guided the study while two null hypotheses were tested at 0.05 level of significance. A descriptive survey research design was adopted for the study. The population comprised 1216 lecturers in the Faculty of Education across eight federal and state universities in South – East Nigeria. The sample drawn from the population for the study was 275. The statistical tool used to arrive at the sample size was Taro – Yamane. The sample was drawn using stratified proportionate simple random sampling techniques and simple percentage. The instruments for data collection was a structured questionnaire titled 'Awareness.......
Keywords: Awareness, Use, Blended instructional models, Federal, State, University education
[1]. Adenariwo, F. K. (2022). Awareness And Usage Of E- Resources Among Undergraduates In Fountain University, Osun State, Nigeria. Libray Philosophy And Practice (E – Journal). 7210. Https://Digitalcommons.Unl.Edu/Libphilprac/7210.
[2]. Baris, C. (2020). The Effect Of Blended Learning On Academic Achievement And Attitudes At Social Studies Courses. Open Journal For Educational Research, 4 (2), 143 – 150. Https://Doi.Org/10.32591/Coas.Ojer.0402.05143c.
[3]. Bobon, G. And Gabriel, J. (2021). Benefits, Challenges And Prospects Of Integrating E-Learning Into Nigerian Tertiary Institutions: A Mini View. International Journal Of Education And Development Using Information And Communication Technology, 17 (3), 6 – 18.
[4]. Bryan, A. And Volchenkova, K. N. (2016). Blended Learning Definition, Models, Implications For Higher Education. Educational Sciences 8 (2), 24 – 30. Doi: Https://Doi.Org/1014529/Ped160204.
[5]. Cleveland – Innes, M. And Wilton, D. (2018). Guide To Blended Learning. Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada: Commonwealth Of Learning
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Abstract: The purpose of this study was to investigate the challenges faced by primary school educators in including learners with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in mainstream classrooms in the Hhohho region of Eswatini. The study was qualitative in nature and took a phenomenological research design. Thirty (30) participants participated in the study and they were purposively selected. Data were collected through individual interviews. It was then transcribed and categorised into themes that emerged from the study and then interpreted. The findings revealed that teachers experience a lot of challenges which include lack of training in inclusive education, lack of motivation to include learners with ADHD which is aggravated by the large numbers in classrooms. Also, support from the Ministry of Education and Training was not enough. However, it was revealed that.......
Keywords: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Inclusive Education, special needs education
[1]. Ajinkya, S., Kaur, D., Gursale, A.& Jadhav, P. (2013). Prevalence Of Parent-Rated
[2]. Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder And Associated Parent-Related Factors In Primary School Children Of Navi Mumbai-A School Based Study. Indian Journal Paediatric: 80:207-10.
[3]. American Psychiatric Association. (2000). Diagnostic Statistical Manual Of Mental Disorders. Washington D.C: American Psychiatric Association.
[4]. Anderson, C., Klassen, R. & Georgiou, G. (2007). What Teachers Say They Need And What School Psychologists Can Offer. School Psychology International, 28:131-147.
[5]. Armstrong, F., Armstrong, D. &Barton, L. (2000). Inclusive Education. Policy, Context And Comparative Perspectives. London: David Fulton Publishers
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Effects Of Algebra Tiles In The Teaching And Learning Of Algebraic Expressions |
Country | : | GHANA |
Authors | : | Shaban Museh |
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: | 10.9790/7388-1304043746 ![]() |
Abstract: This study is aimed at using algebra tiles to assist students at the basic level to understand the concept of addition and subtraction of algebraic expressions in East Mamprusi Municipality of the North East Region of Ghana. The study also aims at providing practical ways by which teachers can use them to handle the topic effectively. A good grasp of algebraic expressions will help improve pupils' performance in exponents, polynomials, quadratic equations among others. Action research design was adopted for this study. Two research questions were formulated to guide the study. Achievement pre-test and post-test were developed and administered to the pupils and they were analyzed using simple frequency distribution tables. Percentages and average scores of the students were also calculated.......
Keywords: Algebra tiles, algebraic expressions, pre-test, post-test
[1]. Aburime, F. E. (2007). How Manipulatives Affect The Mathematics Achievement Of Students In Nigeria School. Educational Research Quarterly, 31(1), 3-15
[2]. Adeniyi, A. L., Oyekanmi, A. O, &Tijani, M. O. (2011). Essentials Of Business Research Methods. Lagos: CSS Bookshops Limited.
[3]. Anthony-Krueger, C. &Sokpe, B. Y. (2006).A Guide To Writing Successful Long Essay And Thesis.
[4]. Cape Coast: YACI Press.
[5]. Popoola, S. O. (2011), Research Methodoligies In Library And Information Science
[6]. Elliot, R(1991). Action Research For Educational Change. Buckingham, UK: Open University Press
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Abstract: The purposes of this research were to study. 1) The organizational discipline of educational institution. 2) The knowledge management to learning organization of educational institution. 3) The organizational discipline affects knowledge management to the learning organization of educational institutions. The samples were administrators and teachers from primary school 126 persons, secondary schools 126 persons, vocational school 126 persons and university 126 persons total 504 persons. The research instrument was a questionnaire. It has validity between 0.60-1.0 and reliability has .875 The statistics used for analysis were frequencies percentage, mean, standard deviation and stepwise multiple regression analysis.
The research findings were as follows.......
Keywords: Discipline management, Knowledge management, Learning organization
[1]. Boondi Bunyakij. (2004). Knowledge Management. Bangkok: Jirawat Express Co., Ltd.
[2]. Boonjira Phadermrod. (2015). Discipline Of Learning That Affects Being A Learning
[3]. Organization Office Of Marine And Coastal Resources Management 3
[4]. (Phetchaburi) Department Of Marine And Coastal Resources. Business Thesis
[5]. Master Of Business Administration Silpakorn University.
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Abstract: The study examined the difference between the performance of distance learning and full time science education students in academic and professional courses in the Institute of Education, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile Ife; and investigated the difference between the proportion of distance learning and full time science education students by their degree classifications. These were with a view to ascertaining the quality of the programmes. The study adopted descriptive survey (ex post facto type) research design. The population for this study consisted of full time and distance learning science education students 2021 and 2022 respectively. The number of full time and.......
Keywords: Comparative study, academic, professional, performance, science education, distance learning, conventional university
Adams, R. S. (2019): Review article on "evaluation of higher education" by Dressel, P.L. in Australian Journal of Higher Education, 1, 2; 109 110.
Ezeani, C.E. (1984): Optimum Utilisation of Limited personnel resources and materials for effective science teaching in Nigeria.
Ezeani, C.E. (1985): Access to university education and the implications of combining work with higher level training in conventional university system in Nigeria.
Ojo, A. (2019). Paper presented at the 13th World Conference of the International Council for Distance Education, Melbourne, Australia.
Meddleton, I.G. (2022): "A study of the progress of part time students at university level' Australian Journal of Higher Education;,2, 2; 138 151..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Importance of Smart Classrooms for Education: A Crucial Method |
Country | : | iNDIA |
Authors | : | Dr. Devendra Kumar Dixit |
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: | 10.9790/7388-1304045861 ![]() |
Abstract: Thousands of years have seen several educational revolutions. Modern education has a fresh revolution driven by technology and the internet. Since it helps to define the core nature of the experience—which is impossible without it—information and communication technology is now basic for the teaching and learning process. Learning and teaching so have actual and positive results. Given the continually growing technological sphere, there surely are further improvements to be investigated for future use in the classroom. Smart classrooms allow one to meet these......
Keywords: Smart classrooms, Internet, www, learning and teaching etc
[1]. Holmes, B. & Gardner, J. (2006). E-Learning: Concepts and Practice, London: SAGE Publications.
[2]. Yang, N. &Arjomand, L. H. (1999). "Opportunities and Challenges in Computer- Mediated Business Education: An Exploratory Investigation of Online Programs," Academy of Educational Leadership Journal, 17-29.
[3]. Ozer, Kendig& Elisha (2010). Inclusion of Technology INTOthe Classroom and How it Influences Teaching Practice and Student Engagement, Wilmington University.
[4]. Sevindik, T. (2010). Future's Learning Environments in Health Education: The Effects of Smart Classrooms on the Academic achievements of the students at Health College, Telematics and Informatics, vol27, 314-322.
[5]. Tornabene, L.(1998). The Smart Classroom Verses the Traditional Classroom: What the Student's Are Saying.