Series-2 (Nov. – Dec 2023)Nov. – Dec. 2023 Issue Statistics
Series-1 Series-2 Series-3 Series-4 Series-5
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Abstract: Background: A majority of secondary school students' score has been usually below the set pass mark in their final national examinations. As a result, this low achievement hinders individuals from pursuing careers that they desire as well as contribute to lack of enough work forces in key sectors of the economy. Studies on academic achievement have been conducted on different psychological variables but very few have been done on self-regulated learning in Kenya. Therefore, this study sought to examine self-regulated learning as a correlate of academic achievement of secondary school students.......
Key Word: Self-regulated learning; Academic Achievement
[1]. Bandura, A. (1986). Social Cognitive Theory Of Self-Regulation. Organizational Behavior And Human Decision Processes, 50, 248-287.
[2]. Broadbent, J. & Poon, W. L.(2015). Self-Regulated Learning Strategies & Academic Achievement In Online Higher Education Learning Environments: A Systematic Review. The Internet And Higher Education, 27, 1-13.
[3]. Cohen, L., Manion, L., & Morrison, K. (2011). Research Methods In Education (7th Ed.). New York, NY: Routledge.
[4]. Crocker, J., Karpinski, A., Quinn, D. M.,& Chase, S. K.(2003). When Grades Determine Self- Worth: Consequences Of Contingent Self-Worth For Male And Female Engineering And Psychology Majors. Journal Of Personality And Social Psychology, 85(3), 507-516.
[5]. Edossa, A. K., Schroeders, U. & Weinert, S. (2018). The Development Of Emotional And Behavioral Self-Regulation And Their Effects On Academic Achievement In Childhood. International Journal Of Behavioral Development, 42(2), 192-202
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Abstract: La réussite scolaire des apprenants est une préoccupation major de tous les acteurs d'un système éducatif. Tous ces acteurs sont prêts à s'impliquer de diverses manières pour garantir le succès des apprenants. Le soutien scolaire à travers les centres d'encadrements constitue l'une des principales aides que peut fournir la société. Cette étude a pour objectif d'évaluer l'apport des centres d'encadrement dans l'apprentissage des sciences physiques en classe de terminale scientifique. Pour ce faire, il a été privilégié une approche méthodologique combinant entretien semi-directif, questionnaire et analyse documentaire. Il en ressort que les centres d'encadrement des apprenants des classes de terminale scientifique ont une cote positive assez.....
Keywords: soutien scolaire, centres d'encadrement, apprentissage, rendement scolaire, sciences physiques
[1]. BRAY Mark, 2011, L'ombre Du Système Éducation : Quel Soutien Scolaire Privé, Quelle Politique Publique ? Paris, UNESCO-IIPE, 140p.
[2]. CAILLE Jean-Paul, 2010, « Les Cours Particuliers En Première Année De Collège : Un Entrant En Sixième Sur Dix Bénéficie De Soutien Scolaire Payant », Éducation & Formations,79, P. 59-80.
[3]. CARROLL John B., 1963, « A Model Of School Learning ». Teachers College Record, 64(8), P. 723-733.
[4]. CENTRE D'ANALYSE STRATÉGIQUE, 2013, Quelle Organisation Pour Le Soutien Scolaire ? , La Note D'analyse, 315, P. 1-12.
[5]. COLLAS Thomas, 2013, « Le Public Du Soutien Scolaire Privé : Cours Particuliers Et Façonnement Familial De La Scolarité », Revue Française De Sociologie,3 (54), P.465-506.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Modeling And Class-Room Study Of Demographic Projections |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | P. Arun || Jasneet Kaur Wadhwa |
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: | 10.9790/7388-1306021823 ![]() |
Abstract: The study discusses the advantages of introducing software simulations for population demography studies at the undergraduate level, for students with some knowledge in programming. It highlights India's potential for economic growth through investments in human resources and the need to bridge the gap between economic issues and policy decisions based on population dynamics. The reference to the previous work that demonstrates the ease of simulating population projections using basic inputs like birth and death rates is used and we propose to advance this idea by incorporating fertility rates and additional factors such as immigration, emigration, and natural calamities in the simulation. Based on this, the population of India to the year 2111 has been projected using the birth rate, death rate and Age Specific Fertility Rate data from Census data. The study concludes by emphasizing the benefits of such simulations in training students to project beyond the limitations of census exercises and make informed policy decisions.
Keywords: Population demography, Population Projection, Fertility rate
[1]. Barreto, H. 2018. Let's Put Demography Back Into Economics: Population Pyramids In Excel, The Journal Of Economic Education 49: 91-102
[2]. Bloom, D. E., Canning, D. And Malaney, P. 2000. Demographic Change And Economic Growth In Asia. Population And Development Review 26: 257–90.
[3]. Bloom, D.E., Canning, D. And Sevilla, J. 2003. Th E Demographic Dividend: A New Perspective On The Economic Consequences Of Population Change. Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation.
[4]. Canning, D., Raja, S., Yazbeck, A.S. 2015. Africa's Demographic Transition: Dividend Or Disaster? World Bank Publications.
[5]. Comfort, A. 1964. Time, Cells, And Aging. New York: Holt, Rinehart, And Winston.
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Abstract: As an engineering discipline closely combined with the production practice, the undergraduate major
of machinery needs to be integrated with the industrial demand in th e practical teaching process of this major,
so as to guide students to participate in the actual production problems of enterprises, deepen their
understanding of mechanical theoretical knowledge in the process of industry university research practice, and
improve their hands on ability to solve and analyze problems. At the same time, with the development of society
and industry, mechanical discipline and electronic information, control engineering, artificial intelligence,
material science and other discip....
Keywords:i ndustry university research; i nterdisciplinary integration; p ractical teaching ; m echanical undergraduate
[1]. Chu W.B. (2022) Research on application of mechanical automation based on the development of intelligence and
informatization.China's high and new techn ology (14):98 100.
[2]. Duan J.J.,Dong J.Z.,Zhao F.W. (2019) Research on the T eaching M ode of T extile M achinery M odeling D esign B ased on
I nterdisciplinary I ntegration Industrial Design, (5):38 39.
[3]. Liu A.Q.,Wang Y.P.,Hou Z.G., Liu J.G. (2022). Discussion on t he construction of practical teaching system of mechanical majors in
applied undergraduate universities.Equipment Manufacturing Technology , (10):178 181.
[4]. Liu X.B., Xu H., Liu J.Z., Li T.X. (2023). Reform and Exploration of Practical Teaching System of Mech anical Specialty under the
Background of New Engineering .The Theory and Pracice of Innovation And 6(3):59 61.
[5]. Pang C.J.,Fan C.Y.,Li Y.T.,Bian J. (2022) Research on engineering curriculum teaching reform based on the training of new
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Study On Primary Teachers' Awareness Of Mental Health In The Hooghly District |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Pratiksha Goswami |
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: | 10.9790/7388-1306022834 ![]() |
Abstract: Primary education is fundamental in laying the foundation for a child's academic journey, with teachers playing a significant part in shaping this pivotal time. T he present investigation was an attempt to understand the current state or the degree of awareness of mental health possessed by the teachers at the primary level of educatio n in Hooghly District of West Bengal. A cross sectional survey design was implemented by the researcher among 142 primary school teachers . T eachers' awareness of children mental health was considered as the dependent variable and that was hypothesized to b e related to various demographic factors as the independent variables viz., gender, habitation, mental health related any training and teaching experience (in years). The original version of Perception of primary school teachers on children's Mental Health questionnaire developed by Habtamu Kerebih, Hailay Abrha, Reiner Frank and Mubarek Abera....
Index Terms- Mental health, Mental health awareness, Primary education level, Well being
[1]. World Health Organization . (2019). Mental Health: Strengthening Our Response. Retrieved From Https://Www.Who.Int/News
Room/Fact Sheets/Detail/Mental Health Strengthenin g Our Response
[2]. Corrigan , P . W . (2016). The Stigma Of Mental Illness : Explanatory Models And Methods For Change . Applied And Preventive
Psychology , 11(3), 179 190. Https://Doi.Org/10.1016/J.Appsy.2005.09.001
[3]. Patel , V ., Saxena , S ., Lund , C ., Thornicroft , G ., Baingana , F ., Bolton , P ., ... & Unützer , J . (2018). The Lancet Commission On Global
Mental Health And Sustainable Development. The Lancet , 392(10157), 1553 1598. Https://Doi.Org/10.101 6/ S0140
6736(18)31612 X
[4]. Smith , M . (2020). The Importance Of Mental Health Awareness . Psychology Today . Retrieved From
Mentally Strong People Dont Do/202005/The Importance Mental Health
[5]. Weare , K . (2013). Developing The Emotionally Literate School . Sage Publications
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Embracing The Extraordinary: 14 Unconventional Careers For A Changing Job Market |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Joanna Tresa |
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: | 10.9790/7388-1306023570 ![]() |
Abstract: In an ever-evolving landscape of technological advancements and opportunities, the traditional notions of career paths and success have undergone a significant transformation. The changing landscape of career pathways has ushered in a new era, where unconventional and off-beat professions are taking centre stage. As individuals seek fulfilling and financially rewarding careers, the importance of Return on Investment (ROI) and cost-effectiveness has become increasingly prominent in their decision-making process.
Gone are the days when the pursuit of careers was confined to well-trodden paths of medicine and engineering, accompanied by hefty tuition fees and prolonged educational journeys. Today, a paradigm shift has occurred, as individuals recognise the immense potential and benefits of exploring alternative career choices that offer not only high demand and good scope but also remarkable ROI.....
[1]. Quadri, M. O. (2018). Influence Of Career Choice On Professional And Job Commitment Of Librarians In Selected Libraries In Oyo And Ogun States, Nigeria. Library Philosophy And Practice, 1.
[2]. Kunnen, E. S. (2013). The Effects Of Career Choice Guidance On Identity Development. Education Research International, 2013.
[3]. Humayon, A. A., Raza, S., & Khan, R. A. (2018). Effect Of Family Influence, Personal Interest And Economic Considerations On Career Choice Amongst Undergraduate Students In Higher Educational Institutions Of Vehari, Pakistan. International Journal Of Organizational Leadership, 7(2).
[4]. Hermawan, R., & Farozin, M. (2018). The Role Of Career Exploration In Career Decision Participants. COUNS-EDU: The International Journal Of Counseling And Education, 3(4), 126.
[5]. Cho, H. (2017). The Role Of Career Counselling In Job And Career Development. Pertanika Journal Of Social Sciences And Humanities, 25, 29-38.