Series-1 (Jan. – Feb. 2024)Jan. – Feb. 2024 Issue Statistics
Series-1 Series-2 Series-3 Series-4
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Abstract: Harsh parenting is one of the most important predictors of adolescent involvement in risky and sexual behaviors, and substance use. Harsh parenting includes a wide range of aversive parenting behaviors, the most common of which include physical aggression (e.g., spanking, slapping, or hitting), and verbal aggression (e.g., yelling and cursing) directed at children who have done something wrong or angered their parents. Previous studies have examined the role of harsh parenting in psychological development, but the underlying mechanism is still unclear. Therefore, this current.......
Key Word: Harsh Parenting; Adolescents; Internalized Problems; Depression, Anxiety
[1]. Ackard, D. M., Neumark-Sztainer, D., Story, M., & Perry, C. (2006). Parent-Child Connectedness And Behavioral And Emotional Health Among Adolescents. American Journal Of Preventive Medicine, 30(1), 59-66.
[2]. Beauchaine, T. P., Gatzke-Kopp, L., & Mead, H. K. (2007). Polyvagal Theory And Developmental Psychopathology: Emotion Dysregulation And Conduct Problems From Preschool To Adolescence. Biological Psychology, 74(2), 174-184.
[3]. Beesdo-Baum, K., & Knappe, S. (2012). Developmental Epidemiology Of Anxiety Disorders. Child And Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics, 21(3), 457-478.
[4]. Belsky, J., & Pluess, M. (2009). Beyond Diathesis Stress: Differential Susceptibility To Environmental Influences. Psychological Bulletin, 135(6), 885.
[5]. Brook, C. A., & Schmidt, L. A. (2008). Social Anxiety Disorder: A Review Of Environmental Risk Factors. Neuropsychiatric Disease And Treatment.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Semantic Relationships in MAKE Causative Structures |
Country | : | Vietnam |
Authors | : | Đo Thị Phương Thúy |
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: | 10.9790/7388-1401011316 ![]() |
Abstract: "The semantic structure of a causative construction includes cause and effect. Each event has obligatory components: causes and causees are two elements of the causative verb MAKE in the event of cause, causees and predicate of result are two mandatory components of the result event. The article focuses on analyzing two semantic relationships between components in the MAKE causative structures: causative predicate MAKE and result predicate, causees and causative result..
Key Word: causers, causees, causative verbs, semantic relationships, causative structures
[1]. Comrie.B. (2000), Causatives And Transivity, John Publishing Company, Benjamins.
[2]. Comrie.B. (1989), Language Universals And Linguistic Typology: Syntax And Morphology. Chicago: University Of Chicago Press.
[3]. Halliday.M.A.K. (1994), An Introduction To Functional Grammar, Blackwell, London.
[4]. Halliday.M.A.K. (2004), Dẫn Luận Ngữ Pháp Chức Năng. Nxb Đhqghn (Bản Dịch Của Hoàng Văn Vân)
[5]. Jackendoff.R. (1995), Semantic Structure, The Mit Press, Cambridge..
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Abstract: As a formal institution, universities play a central role in character education to mature students as future leaders with national insight. The rapid pace of technological and information development has a significant impact on human life, namely the existence of a "moral" crisis, especially in the student environment. Therefore, universities are obliged to align educational functions with humanizing students into whole human beings, namely becoming individuals who are excellent, have a broad perspective, have a clear heart and have high-quality character.....
Key Word: character education, collage, moral decadence
[1] Ana Irhandayaningsih, 2007, Pendidikan Karakter Di Perguruan Tinggi: Menyikapi Dekandensi Moral Di Kalangan Generasi Muda, Ejournal Undip
[2] Daryanto. 2007. Kamus Bahasa Indonesia Lengkap. Surabaya: Apollo
[3] Dasim Budimansyah, Dkk. 2010. Model Pendidikan Karakter Di Perguruan Tinggi. Bandung: Upi Press.
[4] Edward Sallis. 2010. Total Quality Management In Education, Manajemen Mutu Pendidikan. Yogjakarta: Ircisod.
[5] Epifan Solanta,2015, Https: //Edukasi.Okezone.Com/Read/2015/02/19/65/1107939/ Dekadensi-Moral-Mahasiswa-Masa-Kini
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Abstract: The purpose of this research is to evaluate factors that affect lecturers' work motivation. The data was collected, processed and analyzed from 150 lecturers at Ba Ria-Vung Tau University. The research results have identified 5 influencing factors: (1) relationships with colleagues; (2) direct leadership; (3) training and development; (4) student attitude and (5) the recognition. The research results are also a practical basis to help school leaders and policy makers promulgate accurate, scientific and reasonable policies, plans and measures to evaluate lecturers' work motivation.
Key Word: factors affecting, teaching motivation, lecturer
[1]. Yuan, Yongkang And Hongjie Zhen, Teaching And Researching Motivation. Frontiers In Psychology, 2021, 12.
[2]. Griffin, R.W., Management: Principles And Practices. 2013: South-Western Cengage Learning.
[3]. Han, Jiying And Hongbiao Yin, Teacher Motivation: Definition, Research Development And Implications For Teachers. Cogent Education, 2016. 3(1): P. 1217819.
[4]. Munyengabe, Sylvestre, Et Al., Factors And Levels Associated With Lecturers' Motivation And Job Satisfaction In A Chinese University. Eurasia Journal Of Mathematics, Science And Technology Education, 2017. 13: P. 6415-6430.
[5]. Mitchell, Terence R., Motivation: New Directions For Theory, Research, And Practice. The Academy Of Management Review, 1982. 7(1): P. 80-88.
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Abstract: The study investigated the relationship between the attitude of students and their course of study at the University. It also examined the disposition of students who study Education as a course of study towards teaching as a career; and established the relationship in the attitude of male and female students towards teaching careers. These were with a view to addressing the negative attitude students have on teaching profession. The research design adopted descriptive survey research design for this study. The population of the study comprised all the Faculty of Education students in Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife and University of Ilesa, Ilesa both in Osun State, Nigeria. The sample of the study comprised 120 students (males and females) randomly selected from two institutions understudy......
Key Word: Investigation, students, disposition, teaching profession, career, college, university
[1]. Acker, S. (1994). Gendered Education: Sociological Reflections On Women, Teaching And Feminism, Philadephia: Open University Press.
[2]. Adamu (2017). How We Will Enhance Teaching Profession And Make Attractive To The Best Brains. Vanguard Oct 4.
[3]. Adewuyi, J. O., & Ogunwuyi, A. O. (2002). Introduction To Teacher Education, Oyo Odumatt Press.
[4]. Ehindero, O. J. (2006). "Professionalization: The Unfinished Business Of Teacher Education. Introduction To Teaching Profession". Lagos: Literamed Publications Ltd. Pp. 1 – 11.
[5]. Falore, Bola (2016). Nigeria Guardian Of January 28.
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Abstract: Background: Nurses must leverage their professional knowledge to ma k e appropriate decisions to resolve care related problems. Therefore, nursing professionals have suggested that core nursing literacy courses at universities should cover develop ing critical thinking skills. Purpose: To investi gate the effects of a blended learning intervention involving problem based ( PBL ) and team based (TBL) learning on students' critical thinking skills disposition and learning outcomes Methods:.......
Key Word: C hild health nursing, problem based learning, team based learning, blended learning, critical thinking
[1]. Benítez Chavira La, Zárate Grajales Ra, Moreno Monsiváis Mg, Vite Rodríguez Cx, Hernández Rosales Cm, Brito Carbajal Ce.
The Effect Of Problem Based Learning On Care Management Skills: A Quasi Experimental Study. Rev. Latino Am. Enfermagem .
[2]. Kwan Cy, Lee Mc. Medical Education Pendulum: From Lecture Based Learning To Problem Based Learning And Swing To
Large Class Small Group Team Based Learning. J Med, 2021, 10.2: 1 17.
[3]. Hrynchaki P, Batty H. The Educational Theory Basis Of Team Based Learning. Medical Teacher, 2012, 34.10: 796 801.
[4]. Cheng Cy, Liou Sr, Hsu Th, Pan M Y, Liu Hc, Chang Ch. Preparing Nursing Students To Be Competent For Future Professional
Practice: Applying The Team Based Learning Teaching Strategy. Journal Of Professi onal Nursing, 2014, 30.4: 347 356.
[5]. Diamond Kk, Vasquez C, Borroni C, Paredes R. Exploring Veterinary Medicine Students' Experiences With Team Based Learning
At The Universidad Andrés Bello. Journal Of Veterinary Medical Education, 2020, 47.4: 421 429..
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Abstract: The study developed and validated an Employability Readiness Scale for University Undergraduates (ERSUU) in North-Central Nigeria. The dearth of reliable employability readiness scale for assessing employability skills of undergraduate students and the increasing high rate of unemployment among graduates which had resulted from mismatch between the skills possessed by graduates and the skills desired by employers of labour in modern global economy prompted the study. The population of the study comprised of 33,980 final year university undergraduates in 2021/2022 academic session. A sample of 1,093 students was drawn from the population using a proportional stratified sampling technique.......
Key Word: Development, Validation, Employability Readiness Scale
[1]. Abdul-Hamid, M. S., Islam, R., & Abd-Manaf, N. H. (2014). Employability Skills Development Approaches: An Application Of The Analytic Network Process. Asian Academy Of Management Journal, 19(1), 93-111.
[2]. Adegoke, B. A. (2013). Multivariate Statistical Methods For Behavioural And Social Sciences Research. Ibadan: Esthom Graphics Prints.
[3]. Adewale, B. (2013, April). Unemployment Saga In Nigeria. The Nigerian Tribune, Pp.12-14.
[4]. Bhandari, P. (2021). Sampling Technique: Introductory Guide And Examples. Retrieved On January 28, 2023 FromHttps://Www.Scribbr.Com/Methodology/Sampling.
[5]. Bruin, J. (2011). A Practical Introduction To Factor Analysis: Exploratory Factor Analysis. Retrieved On February 10, 2023 From Https://Www.Stats.Oarc.Ucla.Edu/Stat/Ad/Analyis
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Produção Científica Acerca Do Pensamento Crítico: Abordagem Teórica Ou Juízo De Valor? |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | xxx |
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: | 10.9790/7388-1401015155 ![]() |
Abstract: A disseminação do tema pensamento crítico tem despertado interesse em pesquisas e estudos acadêmicos/científicos tanto no Brasil quanto em outros continentes. Este estudo objetivou mapear artigos científicos que contemplem a expressão Pensamento Crítico (PC) através de uma pesquisa no Google Acadêmico, em um período delimitado entre 2012 e 2022, considerando as dez primeiras páginas da ferramenta de busca. Para tal, a questão de investigação proposta busca perceber em que aspectos os estudos desenvolvidos nos últimos dez anos aprofundam.......
Key Word: Produção científica; Pensamento Crítico; Juízo de valor.
[1]. chizzotti, A. Pesquisa Qualitativa Em Ciências Humana E Sociais. Petrópolis: Vozes, 2006. [2]. Cohen, M. Habilidades De Pensamento Crítico Para Leigos. 1a Ed. Rio De Janeiro - Rj: Alta Books, 2017. [3]. Colla, P. E. B. Et Al. Pensamento Crítico Como Uma Competência Na Formação Do Professor E Pesquisador Sob A Ótica De Bloom. Xliii Encontro Da Anpad - Enanpad, P. 1–15, 2019. [4]. Dal-Farra, R. A.; Lopes, P. T. C. Métodos Mistos De Pesquisa Em Educação: Pressupostos Teóricos. Nuances: Estudos Sobre Educação, V. 24 N.3, P. 67–80, 2013. [5]. Kuark, F. Da S.; Manhães, F. C.; Medeiros, C. H. Metodologia Da Pesquisa: Um Guia Prático. Itabuna - Ba: Via Litterarum Editora, 2010.
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Abstract: To analyze the impact of subjective well-being and resilience on college students' interpersonal relationship distress, this study randomly selected 742 college students for measurement. The results showed: (1) In terms of gender, there were significant differences in resilience, social interaction and friendship distress, and cross-gender friendship dimension distress among college students. (2) In terms of grade, there was only a significant difference in the interpersonal dealing dimension distress. Among them, the sophomore grade had the highest interpersonal dealing distress, followed by the senior grade. (3) The intensity of subjective well-being was positively correlated with the level of resilience, and there was a positive linear correlation between interpersonal relationship distress.......
Key Word: College students(students); Subjective well-being (SWB); Interpersonal relationship distress(IRD); Resilience; Mediating effect.
[1]. Diener, E., Oishi, S., & Lucas, R. E. (2015). National Accounts Of Subjective Well-Being. Am Psychol, 70(3): 234-242. Doi:10.1037/A0038899
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[5]. Hou B., Ji, L, Chen, Z., Et Al. (2020). Role Of Rs454214 In Personality Mediated Depression And Subjective Well⁃Being. Sci Rep,10(1): 1-8. Doi: 10.1038/S41598-020-62486-X
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Abstract: The ability of leaders to drive change and make significant, quantifiable contributions to the improvement of education has led to the recent global emphasis on educational leadership. Since education reform affects all parties involved in different ways, it is considered a long-term and difficult project. Thus, through community interaction, this desktop research investigated the connection between the leadership role and changes in education. Researchers who conducted investigations, case studies that examined how leadership roles impact educational development, correlational research, longitudinal studies, and assessments.......
Key Word: Educational leadership, Educational changes, Leadership position, Academic achievement, Community engagement, Staff empowerment, Culture building, Teaching, Learning.
[1]. Aisyah, S., And Afrizal, A. (2022) Research Trends In Mobile Learning: A Systematic Literature Review From 2011-2021. International Journal Of Educational Technology And Instruction (Ijeti), 1(1), 49-61.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Feminist Perspectives in Contemporary African Literature |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Digvijay Singh |
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: | 10.9790/7388-1401017380 ![]() |
Abstract: The passage discusses two emerging feminist perspectives in Africa: third-wave feminism and post-feminism. Third-wave feminism is portrayed as a continuation of the second-wave, aiming to build on both the perceived failures and successes of its predecessor. On the other hand, post-feminism lacks a clear definition, and traditional feminists often view it with skepticism, seeing it as an assumption rather than a concrete ideology. This skepticism is deemed particularly relevant to Africa at the present moment.
Despite the uncertainty......
[1]. Nnolim, C. (1994). A house divided: Feminism in African literature. In H. Chukwuma (Ed.)Feminism in African literature: Essays on criticism (pp. 248-261). Enugu: New Generation Books.
[2]. Nwapa, F. (2007). Women and creative writing. Olaniyan, T.&Quayson, A. (Eds.)African literature: An anthology of criticism (pp. 526-532). Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishing.
[3]. Ogundipe-Leslie, M. (2009).Stiwanism: Feminism in an African context. In Olaniyan, T.&Quayson, A. (Eds.)African literature: An anthology of criticism (pp. 5542-550). Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishing.
[4]. Ogunyemi, C. O. (1988). Women and Nigerian Literature. In Ogunbiyi, Y. (Ed.)Perspectives on Nigerian Literature: 1700 to the present (pp. 60-67). Lagos: Guardian Press.