Series-1 (Jul. – Aug. 2024)Jul. – Aug. 2024 Issue Statistics
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Abstract: Pastoralist education in Kenya is riddled with a myriad of problems, key among them being the harsh climatic conditions that deter students from attending school regularly. Learners of English as a Second Language (ESL) in Kenya are immersed into learning English alongside the first language and Kiswahili at primary school level. However, despite the long exposure of approximately ten years on average, secondary school students do not learn to accurately.....
Keywords: Error Analysis, English as a Second Language, Pastoralist Learners
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Abstract: The study entitled, "comprehensive sexuality education and early pregnancy prevention in day basic education schools in Rwanda". The researcher assessed the influence of comprehensive sexuality education awareness on early pregnancy prevention in day basic education schools of Bugesera district, Rwanda. The researcher adopted a descriptive research design for data collection. The study used correlational research to examine the link between comprehensive sexuality education awareness and early pregnancy reduction in Bugesera district's public secondary.....
[1]. Abawi, L. A. (2015). Inclusion 'from the gate in': Wrapping students with personalised learning support. InternatIonal Journal of PedagogIes and learning, 10(1), 47-61.
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[3]. Chikovore, E. S., & Sooryamoorthy, R. (2024). Sexual Practices and Risky Behaviour. In Family Influence on Adolescent Sexual Behaviour in South Africa (pp. 107-145). Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland
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[5]. Karemera, J., & Niyonsenga, A. (2021). "Role of Community Leaders in Preventing Early Pregnancy in Rwandan Schools: Challenges and Opportunities." Journal of Community Health, 25(2), 45-60.
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Abstract: The technological revolution has transformed education by integrating Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) into schools, democratizing access to information and personalizing learning. This article explores the benefits and challenges of this integration. Among the benefits are improved knowledge retention, facilitated individualized learning, and the creation of a more collaborative learning environment. However, the implementation of ICT faces obstacles such as the lack of teacher preparedness and unequal access to technologies, especially in rural areas. Distance education (DE) and gamification are methods that have significantly benefited from technological advancements, expanding access to education and making learning more interactive.....
Keywords: Technological; Integration; Education; ICT (Information and Communication Technologies); Learning
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Abstract: The article presents some benefits of physical education and sports activities for student health, it also proposes solutions to develop physical education and sports activities at the Ba Ria - Vung Tau University, including: Focusing on professional training and fostering for physical education lecturers; Innovating methods of teaching physical education subjects; Increase investment in facilities and create your own equipment for training activities; Develop sports activities for students.
Key Word: physical education, sports activities, students
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Abstract: The main aim of this study was to explore the development of senior secondary school students' metacognition in geometrical optics using an explicit metacognition intervention model for problem-solving. A quantitative research method that involves a Cohort longitudinal design was adopted. Modified random sampling technique was used to select 13 students within the ability levels of high, medium and low students from a population of 156 SSII students....
Keywords: Metacognition, Knowledge Growth, Knowledge Gain, Intervention Model
[1]. Adadan, Es. (2020). Analyzing the role of metacognitive awareness in preservice chemistry teachers' understanding of gas behavior in a multi-representational instruction setting. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 57(2), 253–278.
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Abstract: Spinal anesthesia stands as a crucial component in the management of lower segment caesarean section (LSCS), offering rapid onset and predictable anesthesia. However, a well-documented complication associated with spinal anesthesia is postdural puncture headache (PDPH).1 This condition arises from cerebrospinal fluid leakage through the puncture site in the dura mater, leading to intracranial hypotension and ensuing headaches, significantly impacting postoperative recovery and patient satisfaction.2
The position....
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Afrofuturism as Resistance: Deconstructing Oppression in African American Sci-Fi |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr Kruttika Pathak |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/7388-1404014551 ![]() |
Abstract: This paper explores Afrofuturism in contemporary African American science fiction, focusing on its role in reimagining Black identity, history, and future possibilities through speculative frameworks. By blending elements of African culture, mythology, and advanced technology, Afrofuturist science fiction provides a platform for African American authors to examine racial, social, and environmental issues within a futuristic context. This analysis highlights the contributions of writers like Octavia Butler, N.K. Jemisin, and Nnedi Okorafor, whose works use science fiction to challenge conventional narratives, critique colonialism, and advocate for social justice and empowerment. Through close readings and theoretical insights, this paper underscores how Afrofuturist science fiction acts as a visionary cultural force, inspiring both resistance to oppressive systems and imagining a liberated future for the African diaspora.
[1]. Butler, Octavia E. Kindred. Beacon Press, 1979.
[2]. Butler, Octavia E. Parable of the Sower. Four Walls Eight Windows, 1993.
[3]. Delany, Samuel R. Dhalgren. Bantam Books, 1975.
[4]. Eshun, Kodwo. "Further Considerations on Afrofuturism." CR: The New Centennial Review, vol. 3, no. 2, 2003, pp. 287-302.
[5]. Gilroy, Paul. The Black Atlantic: Modernity and Double Consciousness. Harvard University Press, 1993.
[6]. Jemisin, N.K. The Fifth Season. Orbit, 2015