Version-1 (March-April 2017)
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Abstract: The silk is the symbol of China and ancient Chinese culture; the Silk Road is not only the business and trade road, but also the civilized and open road with cultural exchange and intercommunication. In the long course of human history, the Silk Road has been always regarded as the bright cultural corridor connecting China and Western Regions, South Asia, and even European continent. In the new era, China contributes the fresh design of One Belt One Road to the world in order to cope with global economic recession, environmental degradation, terrorism threat, and regional............
Keywords: The Silk Road, Chinese civilization wisdom, cultural effect, "Culture Priority" strategy, soul-to-soul intercommunication, OBOR
[1] Editorial board. History of Silk of History of Chinese Civilization, Beijing: Encyclopedia of China Publishing House, 2010.
[2] Fu Mengzi. Re-examining the Origin and Evolution of the Ancient Silk Road. From, 2017-01-25.
[3] Baidu Wenku. Silk Road and Cultural Exchange. From, 2017-02-19.
[4] News Agency. Looking back at three years' achievements of One Belt One Road. From, 2016-10-08.
[5] Stephen C. Angle. How to understand the Rise of Chinese Culture. From, 2016-11-03.
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Abstract: This study was designed to predict students' academic performance in mathematics at the thinking level from students' psychological factors(Self-concept, test anxiety, interest in schooling, attitude towards mathematics, motivation and locus of control) and performance at the lower cognitive levels(knowledge and understanding). The survey made use of simple random sampling in selecting three hundred (300) Senior Secondary Two (S.S.2) students from six secondary schools in Calabar Metropolis of Cross River State, Nigeria. The students responded to two valid instruments: Students' psychological variables rating scale; and Mathematics achievement test. The students' psychological variables rating scale comprised of 40 questions which measured six variables...........
[1]. Afemikhe, O. A. (1985). The Effect of Formative Test on Students' Achievement in Secondary School Mathematics. Unpublished Ph.D Thesis, University of Ibadan.
[2]. Albero, P., Brown, A., Eliason, S. & Wind, J. (1997). Improving Reading through the use of Multiple Intelligences. Master's Action Research Project, U.S. Saint Xavier University & IRI Skylight.
[3]. Archana, K. & Chamundeswari S. (2013). Self-concept and Academic Achievement of students at the High School. Journal of Sociological Research. Vol. 4 pp. 105 – 113.
[4]. Boggiano, A. K. Shiews, A., Barrett M., Kellam, T., Thompson E., Simons, J., & Katz, P. (1992). Helpless deficits in Students: The role of motivational orientation. Motivation and Emotion, 16(3), 271 – 296.
[5]. Boggiano, A. K., & Pittman, T. S. (Eds.). (1992). Achievement and motivation: A social-development perspective. Cambridge University Press..
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Abstract: This study was designed to investigate the attitude of students towards entrepreneurial studies in the University of Calabar, Cross River State, Nigeria. To achieve this purpose, one hypothesis was formulated and a Survey research design was adopted for the study. A sample of two hundred and twenty five (225) respondents was randomly selected from a population of 20193 of the undergraduate students of the University of Calabar as at 2014/2015 academic session. The selection was done through the stratified random sampling technique. The questionnaire was the main instruments used for data collection. The reliability estimate of the instrument was established using the Cronbach alpha estimate.............
[1]. Allawadi, S. C. (2010). Entrepreneurship Challenges in 21st Century. Mumbai: Indian Institute of Materials Management.
[2]. Amaewhule, W. A. (2007). Education, the world of work and the challenge ofchange: In search of intervention strategies. Inaugural lecture series No 23; River State University of Science and Technology, Nkpolu, Port Harcourt.
[3]. Armington, B. (2002). Entrepreneurship development and employment generation in Nigeria: Problems and prospects. Universal Journal of Education and General Studies, 1(4), 88 – 102
[4]. Awogbenie, E. & Iwuamadi,I. (2010). A longitudinal study of the entrepreneurial intentions of University students. Academy of entrepreneurship Journal, 10(2), 3 – 16.
[5]. Bassey, U. U., & Archibong, I. A. (2005). Assuring quality graduate output through entrepreneurial oriented education in NigerianUniversities. Nigerian Journal of Curriculum Studies, 12(3), 18-23.
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Abstract: This study entitled "Investigation on the Influence of Leadership Styles on Students' Academic Performance in Selected Secondary Schools: A Case Study of Gasabo District, Kigali, Rwanda aims at assessing the impact of leadership styles on academic performance of students in secondary schools located in Gasabo District, Kigali, Rwanda. The study followed descriptive surveydesign. The study revealedthat democratic leadership style was highly applied than the remaining leadership styles because its average mean is 3.49 which is interpreted as high mean while others are used moderately. It was also revealed that in selected schools they perform moderately in general but it was revealed that students hold the character of competitiveness among themselves.............
Keywords: Authoritative, democratic, laissez-faire, and transformational leadership styles
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Abstract: This study aimed to examine the effect of web-based learner autonomy strategy vs. learner autonomy text based students' achievement in entrepreneurship subject at SMK Negeri 3 Jember, East Java, Indonesia. It was using a quasi-experimental design nonequivalent control group designs. The data analysis was using analysis of variance (Anova) factorial design 2x2, it was performed on the tenth grade students in SMK Negeri 3 Jember. They were 91 students as research subjects. The students were divided into two groups: the experimental groups were 47 students and control groups were 44 students. The technique of determining the subject of the research was done randomly..............
Keywords: Learner autonomy, achievement motivation, and learning achievement.
[1] Abouserie, R. 1995. Self-esteem and achievement motivation as determinants of students' approaches to studying, Studies in Higher Education, 20: 1, 19-26
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Abstract: Transition from high-school to university is a hard moment for students following scientific studies, particularly at math. It's a delicate situation renown at an international level. The question of improving transition from secondary-school to university is not new. It has been tackled by numerous mathematicians and pedagogues. For this purpose, an educational and scientific meeting was held on February 27th ,2016 at Abderrahmane Belkorchi High-school, under the aegis of the Regional Directory of Moulay Rachid and in partnership with the Faculty of Sciences.............
Keywords: High-school-university transition, Obstacles, Difficulties, Foreign language.
[1]. Chakib,A.,Zahour,G.,Talbi,M.,Radid,M. Obstacles linguistiques liés à l'apprentissage des Sciences de la terre au Supérieur. Élaboration d'un didacticiel de traduction des termes géologiques « Lexigloss ».Revue EpiNet(EPI). (2013). [date de consultation 01/11/2O16]
[2]. Khyati,A.,Talbi,M.,Boumahmaza,M. 25ème colloque de l'ADMEE-Europe Fribourg : Evaluation et autoévaluation, quels espaces de formation, Former à l'évaluation des apprentissages en physique et chimie. (2013).
[4]. Mounia,S. FOS/FOU :Quel «français»pour les étudiants algériens des filières scientifiques ? (2011).
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Abstract: A sound, reasonable and mature evaluation mechanism is the fundamental guarantee for conducting the practical teaching for the course of ideological and political theories smoothly and effectively, and it is necessary to construct the evaluation mechanism carefully and meticulously on the principles of efficiency and feasibility, objectiveness and fairness, interaction and feedback, and equal attention to quantity and quality. To construct the practical teaching evaluation mechanism for the course of ideological and political theories, it is necessary to perfect the evaluation subject team..............
Keywords: The Course of Ideological and Political Theories; Practical Teaching; Evaluation Mechanism
[1]. Qiang S. On the Core Principle of College Ideological and Political Education [J]. Journal of Yangzhou University (Higher Education Study Edition), 2010, 14(5): 78-81.
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[3]. Yi W. Application Design and Discussion about College Ideological and Political Education Microblog [J]. Journal of QiqiharJunior Teachers 'College, 2012, 4: 5-7.
[4]. Hui-Ying F. College Students' Internet Ideological and Political Education Interaction [J]. Journal of Jimei University (Education Science Edition), 2010, 4: 019.
[5]. Chen W. Research on network environment ideological and political information access by using analytic hierarchy process[J]. BioTechnology: An Indian Journal, 2014, 10(5).
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Abstract: The local knowledge which is unique to the school children in the core indigenous areas of Moro local Government area of Kwara State is explored in a qualitative research using free flowing interview as well as observation of the way the children employed such knowledge in the areas of cattle rearing, planting and plant protection, harvesting of crops as well as charcoal making. Children aged between 5 and 12 years in two communities, Yeregi and Gaa Lanu who were actively involved in farming took part in the study. The study also examined gender stereotyping in the indigenous activities handled by children............
Keywords: farming, gender stereotype, indigenous knowledge, interview, observation, qualitative method.
[1]. Anis,F. (2016). Observation as a research tool of qualitative research. Available online www.academia/3521545/OBSERVATION_AS_A_TOOL_OF_QUALITATIVE_RESEARCH
[2]. Bernard Van Leer foundation (1983- 1990).Indigenous children and early childhooddevelopment programmes:A matter of access and content. Submission for the Day of General Discussion on the Rights of Indigenous Children .
[3]. BrookerMartin Woodhead (2010) Culture and Learning Early Childhood In Focus 6 Rights of the 16 Bernard Van Leer Foundation
[4]. Eyong Charles Takoyoh (2007) Indigenous Knowledge and Sustainable Development in Africa:Case Study on Central Africa Indigenous Knowledge Systems andTribes and Tribals, Special Volume No. 1: 121-139
[5]. Jessica Ball, M.P.H., Ph.D.Onowa McIvor, M.A., Ph.D. (Cand.) (2005) Learning About Teaching As If Communities Mattered: Strengthening Capacity Through Partnerships. Paper prepared for a presentation at the World Indigenous Peoples' Conference on Education held at the University of Waikato in Hamilton, Atearoa/New Zealand, November 27-December 1, 2005..
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Abstract: Background; Over the past decades, it has been a tradition for primary schools to operate a 6hr/day instruction time schedule. The tradition is gradually waning as it can be observed that some schools have extended their school instruction time to bout 7 - 8hrs/day. There are controversies surrounding this move in terms of benefits and losses. Time has been considered as a very important factor in teaching and learning. Some authorities lay emphasis more on the quality use of time than the quantity of time. Method; A descriptive cross-sectional study of the opinion of about two hundred and one adults randomly selected in Abakaliki was doneusingLikert scale rated questionnaires..............
Keywords: Primary schools, Instruction time, policies, academic performance
[1]. OECD. Education in focus. How is learning time organized in Primary and Secondary education? (2016) (accessed on 8th Nov. 2016 from)
[2]. Gewert C. Consensus on Learning Time Builds. Educational Week. 2008: 28(5);1-4
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[4]. Caroll JBA. Model of school learning. Teachers college record. Harvard University, 1963;64: 723 -33.
[5]. Gromada A, Shewbridge C. "Student learning time; A literature review" OECD Education working papers, No127, 2016 OECD publishing Paris.
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Abstract: The purpose of this study is to assess comprehensively the differences in achievement of students who follow the teaching of calculus with the method of discussion and expository method and determine differences in academic achievement of students who have learning habits Delay Avoidance study and habits Work Methods also know the interaction between the learning methods mentioned, this research using a quasi-experimental that conducted in STMIK Pelita Nusantara Medan..............
Keywords: Method of Discussion, Study Habits, Delay Avoidance Habits, Work Methods Habits
[1] Arikunto, S., (1999), Dasar-Dasar Evaluasi Pendidikan (Edisi Revisi), Jakarta : Bumi Aksara.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Communication Skills |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Mohd. Muzzaffar Hussain Khan || Shaik. Liyakhath Ali |
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: | 10.9790/7388-0702016466 ![]() |
Abstract: Communication skills are of paramount importance in the era of globalization. Communication is defined at the sum of all things a person does when he wants to create understanding in the mind of another. It involves a systematic and continuous process of telling, listening and understanding. Effective communication involves listening speaking and taking turns. An effective communicator exhibits effective interpersonal communication skills. Good communication is a leadership quality. All effective leaders communicate in their unique communication style..............
Keywords: Communication, linguistic, gestures, soft skill, genuine.
[1]. Personality development and communicative English,Dr.B.V. Pattabhi Ram,Dr.Ravikanth Rao,Dr. M.Hariprasad and Prof.V.Prakasam,Neelkamal Publications Pvt, Ltd.Edutracks, August, 2009, Vol B.No, 12
[2]. Essentials of Educational Psychology by J.C Agarwal-Vikas Publications.
[3]. Educational Psychology by S.S. Mathur – Vinod Pustak Mandir.
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Abstract: Globalization and education that gave birth to an order of a new society known as the (knowledge based society) which is the beginning of the process of globalization, where the education rapidly developing science that is the foundation of globalization, namely the economic, educational and political world, a science-based in society, which is based on education and science are constantly changing and evolving, the reflexivity of human attitudes towards the challenges of a changing world, the ability to reflect, evaluate about his life based on the ratio...............
Keywords: Education, motivation and challenge, Globalization
[1]. Sanusi, Ahmad (2016). Pendidikan untu Kearifan, Mempertimbangkan Kembali Sistem Nilai, Belajar dan Kecerdasa, Editor Iriantara Yosal, Bandung, Nuasansa Cendikia.
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[4]. Aisyah, Siti. (2008). Pembelajaran Terpadu Buku materi Pokok PGTKJakarta: Universitas Terbuka.
[5]. Azwar, S. (2010). Sikap manusia, teori, dan pengukurannya. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar
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Abstract: The present study tried to find the best estimation of the reliability of the academic delay of gratification scale, originally prepared by Hefer Bembenutty and Stuart Karabenick, as per the nature of the data obtained on the administration of this scale on the selected sample.479 professional courses students from engineering, law, education and pharmacy of Sultan Ul Uloom Education Society, Hyderabad, were part of the study. The scale was found to be congeneric, with unidimensionality and unequal factor loadings of the items on the factor ADOG through confirmatory factor analysis using SPSS AMOS ver.23.Komolgorov-Smirnov test and Shapiro-Wilk test using SPSS Statistics Ver.23..............
Keywords: Academic Delay of Gratification Scale, Cronbach's Alpha, Composite Reliability, Greatest Lower Bound, Guttman's Lambda 2, Omega Coefficient.
[1] Bembenutty, H., & Karabenick, S. A., Academic Delay of Gratification Scale. A New Measurement for Delay of Gratification, Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association, Philadelphia, PA, March 1996.
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Abstract: The 2016 United States Presidential Election came on the 8th November and gone with Donald Trump haven been declared as 'President Elect" and has assumed office on the 20th January 2017 as the 45th President of the United States of America . Donald Trump's victory during the primary election of Republican Party and the U.S presidential election from nowhere continue to beat the imagination of people globally. This study was carried out using qualitative content analysis and relied heavily on the texts from social media network comments as well as on print/electronic media publications. These includes twitter, facebook, radio and television and cable news, documentary..............
Keywords: United States, presidential election, reasons why Donald Trump won
[1]. Anderson, L.V. (2016). White Woman Sold out Sisterhood and the World by Voting for Trump. CNN in XX Factor. November 9. Available online at factor/2016/11/09/ white_women_ sold_out_ the_sisterhood_and_the_world_by_voting_for_trump.html
[2]. Ball, K. (2016). The Democratic Party Deserved to Die. The Huffington Post. November 10. Available online at http://www to-die_us_58236ad5e4b0aac62488cde5
[3]. Barrington, R. (2016). Trump won because Voters believed the System was Corrupt. They were right. The Telegraph. UK. November 9. Available online at
[4]. Berman, A. (2016). Voter turnout in Wisconsin at lowest level in 20 years and down 15% in Milwankee, where 70% black voters live. Ariberman. November 10.
[5]. Cardillo, J. (2016). Trump Won Because He Listened to the American People. It is Really that Simple. Available online at
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Yola Eco-Sentials - A SustainableUniversity-Community Engagement Project |
Country | : | Indonesia |
Authors | : | Jelena Zivkovic || Raymond Obindu |
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: | 10.9790/7388-0702019195 ![]() |
Abstract: This paper briefs about the Yola Eco-Sentials, a social enterprise which provides the best quality products made with high expertise ranging from designer bags, shoes, furniture's, accessories made from plarn and eco bricks for building long lasting infrastructures to meet the vast demands for fashionable products and durable building materials geared from recycled manufactured materials. This project is where women from the local community come together to the university campus once a week to learn from each other and to strengthen their relationships..............
[1]. Arimah, B. C. (2001). Nature and determinants of the linkages between informal and formal sector enterprises in Nigeria. African Development Review, vol.13 no. (1), pp. 114-144.
[2]. Aslin, H., & Brown, V. (2004). Towards Whole of Community Engagement: a practical toolkit.
[3]. Bringle, R. G., & Hatcher, J. A. (2002). Campus–community partnerships: The terms of engagement. Journal of Social Issues, vol. 58 no. (3), pp. 503-516.
[4]. Di Domenico, M., Haugh, H., & Tracey, P. (2010). Social bricolage: Theorizing social value creation in social enterprises. Entrepreneurship theory and practice,vol. 34 no. (4), pp. 681-703.
[5]. E Ite, U. (2004). Multinationals and corporate social responsibility in developing countries: a case study of Nigeria. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, vol. 11 no. (1), pp. 1-11.
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Abstract: Attitude is a tendency to take sides or reject an idea, a concept or a particular idea. Attitude is said positive if it has a tendency to side with something and vice versa, lecturer in Indonesia, in general, are still not using technology in learning activity because various factors affecting the bleak facilities were inadequate, the inability to integrate technology and tend to have a negative attitude in the use of technology. Geogebra is a software that could utilize in the process of learning mathematics. The purpose of this study to analyse how the attitudes of teachers towards the use of Geogebra software in teaching Mathematics.
Keywords: Teacher Activity, Attitude Teaching, Geogebra Software, Mathematics Teacher
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[3]. Mehanovic, Sanela. 2011. The Potential and Challenges of the Use of Dynamic Software in Upper Secondary Mathematics Students' and Teachers'Work with Integrals in Geogebra Based Environments. Sweden : Department of Mathematics Linkoping University.
[4]. Mehdiyev, Rafiq. 2009. Exploring students' learning experiences when using a Dynamic Geometry Software (DGS) tool in geometry class at asecondary school in Azerbaijan. Netherlands: Universitas van Amsterdam.
[5]. Seeley, Cathy L. 2006. Technology is a Tool, Cathy-Seeley/Technology-Is-a-Tool/