Version-1 (May-June 2017)
Version-1 Version-2 Version-3 Version-4 Version-5
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Abstract: The 21st century workplace demands a set of workplace skills for employability which the employers complain as lacking in most Nigerian graduates. It is no longer news that there exist a discrepancy between the expectations of employers of labour and those of most Nigerian graduates regarding the skills required for employment. The need therefore arises for workplace skills to be integrated into technical education programme. It is against this background, that this paper highlighted and discussed the concept of Technical education in Nigeria, concept of workplace skills, its importance and forms of workplace skills............
Keywords: 21st century, technical education, workplace skills
[1]. Aguba, C.R. (2012). Managing education in Nigeria through information and communication technology (ICT): Gains, threat and the way forward. Lead paper presented at the Association for encouraging quality education in Nigeria (ASSRQEN), held at Ebonyi State University, Abakiliki.
[2]. Szczurkwaska, A. (1997). The influence of technological development in automobile. Research in Science Education 65 (6), 105 – 115.
[3]. Ogwo, B.A. Effects of meta-learning instructional strategies on students‟ achievement in metalwork technology. Unpublished Ph.D Thesis, Department of Vocational Teacher Education, University of Nigeria, Nsukka. 2005
[4]. Shafie, L.A. & Nayan, S. (2010). Employability awareness among Malaysian undergraduates. International journal of business and management. 5(8), 119-123.
[5]. Barnett, D. (2011). Partnering industry and education for curricular enhancement: A response for greater educational achievement. Online Journal of Workforce Education and development 5 (2).
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Abstract: This study was designed to determine the effect of concept mapping strategy on students' academic performance and interest in technical drawing in technical colleges in Edo State, Nigeria. A pretest, posttest, non equivalent control group, quasi-experimental research design was adopted. Two research questions and two hypotheses tested at 0.05 level of significance guided the study. 61 students made up the experimental group and 56 students in the control group for the study; giving a total of 117 year II technical students in 2015/2016 academic session drawn from the four Edo State owned technical colleges made up the sample for this study. Two instruments: Technical Drawing Achievement Test (TDAT) and Technical Drawing Interest Inventory (TDII) were used for data collection...........
Keywords: Concept mapping, interest, technical drawing
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[3]. Oviawe, J.I. (2016). Benefits and Limitations of E-learning for Technical Drawing in Edo State Model Secondary Schools. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development 5 (3), 52-64.
[4]. National Board for Technical Education (2012). Examiners report on academic achievement in vocational and technical education. Benin: National Business and Technical Education Board
[5]. Aduda, D. (2003). Meeting gives tips on how to improve science. Nairobi, Kenya: Nation Media Group Press..
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Abstract: Now a days world is becoming more and more comfortable. Everyone wants to have more of the comfort in his share by every possible way, especially youths are the pray of this these all. To get the desire comfort and happiness, they want to keep away all the difficulties and frustration from them and there is the easiest way for this is taking drug and Alcohol. But its affect their lives, families and societies and it becomes problems for them as well as people around them. Aim of the study: The aim the present studies is to check the association between the mental health and their adjustment among the alcohol abusing students especially those who are living in rented room or hostels of Durg district...........
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Abstract: A teaching model of peer assessment being developed based on the cooperative learningmodel brings an impact of active participation of the university students who are pre-service teachers in the learning process. Based on the researchers' observation, there are some superiorities of the use of peer interactive learning over other cooperative learning models such as : 1) while having a discussion, the students are very active because they are assessed by their friends in the group, 2) the students are more self-prepared for the materials to be given (being less afraid of not understanding the contents), 3) lecturers or teachers can do assessment while they are teaching, 4) the assessment is done in the process of learning..............
Keywords: Teaching Model of Peer Assessment, Development of Peer Assessment Instrument, Analysis of Factor, Lognormal Distribution (3p)
[1]. Falchikov, N.Goldfinch, J. 2000. "Student peer Assesment in Higher education: a metaanalisis comparing peer angtheacher marks:
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Abstract: Immersive and gamified virtual environments have great potential to add value to the learning process of content inside and outside the classroom. However, this requires teachers or mediators to adopt new approaches and methodologies. So this paper developsa product,based on self-determination and connectivism theories and collaborative learning, for application and evaluation in postgraduate environments. The methodological procedures used were predominantly the bibliographical research and the conceptual model that associates learning mechanics with game mechanics. The developed product uses an open-source server platform for metaverse hosting..............
Keywords: Educational Technology,Gamification, Immersive Virtual Reality in Education, Intelligent Tutoring System, Learning Virtual Environment.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Impact of Harmattan Sun and Dust of the Eye in a Nigeria City |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | R.O.K. Meindinyo || M.C. Misra || R.C. Orji |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/7388-0703013641 ![]() |
Abstract: This work reports Studies that were carried out to investigate the impact of harmattan sun and dust on the eye. These includes ocular media absorbance, ocular related disease incidence, Sun intensity and amount of atmospheric dust during harmattan and non harmattan periods in Jos Nigeria. This is because the eye is the essential organ of sight. It functions by way of refraction of light (from objects) by the refracting media (the cornea, aqueous and vitreous humours and the lens) onto the retina. The brain which is connected to the eye through the optic nerve does the interpretation. Vision loss/blindness could result if any these parts fails to function from damage...............
Keywords: Harmattan sun, Dust, Human eye
[1]. N. Minka, (2016). Effect of Cold-Dry (Harmattan) and Hot –Dry Seasons.
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Abstract: Infertility, barrenness or involuntary childlessness is a health problem that affects many couples culturally, socially and also psychologically. It is the inability to reproduce by natural means (Dyer, Abrahams, Hoffman& van der Spuy, 2002:1657-62) Infertility could be primary meaning the couple have never carried a pregnancy after at least one year of having sex without using any birth control method or inability to carry a pregnancy until birth. Secondary infertility which means couples have been able to get pregnant at least once but now are unable (Tabong & Adongo, 2013:Online).
[1]. Chhabra, Srujana, D & Annapurna, M.A.2012.Health seeking practices of infertile women The open Reproductive Science Journal. (4) pp.10-13
[2]. Dyer, S.J N., Abrahams, N., Hoffman, M & Van der Spuy, Z.M. 2002. Infertility in South Africa: women's reproductive health knowledge and treatment-seeking behaviour for involuntary childlessness.Human Reproduction (7) Issue 6.pp 1657-1662.
[3]. Dyer,S.J.N. & Patel,M .2012. The economic impact of infertility on women in developing countries - a systematic review. Facts, Views & Vision. Issues in Obstetrics, Gynecology & Reproductive Health (4) No 2.pp 102-109.
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Abstract: The rate of unemployment in Nigeria is alarming. There is need for science students to develop entrepreneurial skills which is a way of reducing unemployment and becoming self – reliant thereby eradicating poverty. These skills can only be developed through efficient and effective knowledge of science education. This study therefore employed a descriptive survey design to investigate strategies in promoting entrepreneurial skills for science education students for poverty eradication. Forty-one science education students from Michael Okpara University of Agriculture Umudike Umuahia in Abia State were randomly sampled and used for the study. Two research questions and one hypothesis tested at 0.05 level of significance guided the study...............
Keywords: Science Education, Poverty, Poverty Eradication and Entrepreneurial skills.
[1]. B. Bakere, Addressing Youth Unemployment in Nigeria.2013, /addressing- Retrieved 29th June, 2014.
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Abstract: This study set out to investigate factors influencing female participation in science and technology in Nigeria. Five research questions were posed and one null hypothesis was set for analysis. Forty one science education students in Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike were the subjects of this study. Survey design was utilized. A 19-item questionnaire adapted by the researcher served as instrument of data collection. Research questions were analysed with mean and t-test was used to analyze the hypothesis. Results show that home, school and society are important factors influencing female participation in science and technology in Nigeria.............
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Abstract: With the huge technological progress, Technology fever has invaded all social and economic fields and one of these fields is the educational one. The e-learning systems which are based on the principle of the online courses, these systems are the most important aspects of the involvement of technology in education. However, when we are talking about any computer system using any kind of networks we are supposed to treat the security issue of this system. Although the security issue is important, it hadn't got much attention in the development of an e-learning platform. In this article we're going to expose some vulnerability that we can find in the connecting bridge between the profiles of learners and other resources in the e-learning platform.
Keywords: Security, e-learning, vulnerability, Profile of learners, control access.
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[3]. J. Bernard, T.-W. Chang, E. Popescu, S. Graf, Expert Systems with Applications, Vol. 75 (2017), pp. 94-108.
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Abstract: A desirable education system should nurture and develop learner`s potential through holistic implementation of the set curriculum. An examination-oriented fails to inculcate practical skills, knowledge, desired values, beliefs and attitudes in learners. The purpose of the study therefore was to assess the implications of examination-oriented system of education on the development of holistic learners in public secondary schools, Nyeri County, Kenya. The objectives of this study were to establish the effects of examinations, school factors, and curriculum implementation on the development of holistic learners in public secondary schools in Nyeri County, Kenya...............
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Abstract: This research aims to knowing the improvement of students' self-efficacy and social studies learning outcomes result by implementing Find Someone Who and Two Stay Two Stray models. This research is a Classroom Action Research involving 24 students of the ninth grade of SMP Negeri 3 Sadaniang, Mempawah District, West Kalimantan Province. This study was conducted in two cycles. The data collection in this study was conducted by using observation, questionnaire, and interview. Technique of data analysis was done by using descriptive qualitative............
Keywords: Find Someone Who, Two Stay Two Stray, Self-Efficacy
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Abstract: This study was conceived to help determine the prospective impact of introduction of ICT on achievement in English language reading skills in Kenyan secondary schools. The study was conducted among Form 2 students in four selected secondary schools in Nakuru County. The study used Randomized Control Trial (RCT)approach, through the pre-test-post-test method. Data were collected in two stages, first at the pre-test stage before the intervention, followed by the post-test stage after the Reliability of the instruments was estimated using Cronbach's alpha; where a correlation co-efficient of ≥ 0.81 was achieved. Sampling for the study was through the multi-stage technique, with purposive sampling first to identify schools with desired characteristics, followed by random selection to select schools for the study.............
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