Version-4 (July-August 2018)
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Abstract: This research aims to produce a product of problem based learning learning model based on higher order thinking skill onthematic learning of 4th grader at Public Elementary School 1 of Merak Batin. The total of research population was 60 learnersandthe sampling technique used was cluster random sampling technique,so the total of sample taken is 44 learners. Data collection techniques that used were questionnairesandtests. Furthermore, it was analyzed descriptivelyandtested with t-test. The research result shows that the average score of normalized N-Gainis 0,82 (high), the obtained efficiency value ratio is 1,03>1 (high), attractiveness83% (attractive) andthere aresignificant results of average scores of posttest and pretest namely 93>64 which shows that tcount>ttablewith score of 34,79>2,09.
Keywords: problem based learning, higher order thinking skill, thematic.
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Abstract: This research is aimed togain valid and reliable data about the correlation between entrepreneurship education, emotional intelligence and enterprise desire in college students of economic departure in Indonesia. The population of this research is taken from college students from Business Management, Accounting, and Marketing Departure. The number of population is 1.293 students (2015/ 2016). The number of samples is 60 students by using a simple random technique. The data collection technique is a questioner. The data is analyzed by regression analysis. Based on the data analysis and the result of the research shows the significant effect between entrepreneurship educations to the enterprise intention, there is a significant effect between emotional intelligence to the enterprise intention, and the effect between entrepreneurship education and emotional intelligence to the intention of the enterprise..
Keywords: Entrepreneurship education, emotional intelligence, and enterprise intention
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Abstract: Student motivation to learn is very influential on the course of the learning process in the classroom and student learning outcomes. This research is a classroom action that is having problems, lack of motivation to learn. The purpose of this research is to increase the motivation to learn and creative thinking skills of students with a team game tournament cooperative learning model collaborated with learning start with a question model. The study consisted of two cycles, each cycle consisting of four activities, including planning, action, and observation, and ends.............
Keywords: Creative thinking skills, innovative question, the motivation to learn, team game tournament
[1]. Arikunto S, Research Procedure A Practice Approach. 2002. Rineka CiptaReserved. Jakarta.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Study of Problem-based Learning Using Practical-based Approach in Management Education |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Te-Tsai Lu |
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: | 10.9790/7388-0804042227 ![]() |
Abstract: This study aimed to integrate the Babson entrepreneurial 5P practice method of practical-based approach, which is applied to the teaching courses when guiding students to solve industrial problems. The results showed that that through the game based enlightenment activities, students' willingness to participate in interaction can be improved; the students have made significant progress in the industrial environment and the interaction between the organization itself and other elements; before and after the experiment that the students thought they had more opinions than others after learning, but did not think that these ideas were very different from others; students feel the importance of the team and the self reflection; and students feel that they are more able to reflect on the interaction with others and their emotional reactions after class
Keywords: Industrial practice case; 5P practice method; Practical-based approach; Management education
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Abstract: In this paper, we aimed to analyze discursive clues in relation to the word 'nature'and 'environment' in the poem Cora Coralina: Quem é você? To do such, we used the transitivity system from Halliday and Matthiessen's Systemic Functional Linguistics (2014) as well as Bardin's content analysis (2015), forming a triangulation of theories and methods. As a complement to this study, we elaborated a dramaturgy according to Spolin's Theater Games (1990). We concluded that the conception of mother nature and subject nature are predominant in the poem. In regard to the conception of environment, we identified a complex concept that comprehends the relation man-nature-society which are necessary to schools' environmental education. Such study reinforces Nussbaum's assumptions (2015) concerning the necessity of schools in bringing closer Literature, Art and Education.
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Abstract: This study aims to describe the use of the PCK instrument on science teacher training in Lampung province. Research method is a survey method using purposive sampling technique. Qualitative data in the form of questionnaire data on 2013 Curriculum training. The selected sample consisted of 75 science teachers who were members of the MGMP in Lampung Province, gave 2013 Curriculum technical guidance (bimtek), and used all training instruments. Teacher perceptions data in the form of data collected with various profiles (gender, age, teaching time, and highest education). The results showed that training training was very high (90%) for PCK teachers. Meanwhile, in the profile comparison, information instruments for PCK were very high (97.4%) for female science teachers; Information instruments for PCK is very high category (100%) for science teachers aged 25-29 years and 50-59, teaching time 0-5 years, and 16-20 years, and diploma and master education levels
Keywords: PCK, science teacher, training instrument
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Abstract: This study aimed to describe the perception of junior high science teachers on training to improve PCK. Survey with purposive sampling technique, amounted to 254 teachers who are scattered in Lampung Province. Data taken with the teacher's perception questionnaires reveal about the impact, challenges and strategies that are expected by the teacher in training. Furthermore, the data were analyzed by gender, length of teaching and educational background. The results showed that a large part (86.3%) of teachers feel the impact of training on competence "small". Women teachers feel the impact of greater training than men. Teachers stated constraints are felt in the..........
Keywords: Kurikulum 2013, PCK, Training of science teachers
[1]. KementerianPendidikandanKebudayaan.2003. SistemPendidikanNasional. Depdiknas: Jakarta
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[3]. Bayar, A. 2014. The Components of Effective Professional Development Activities in terms of Teachers' Perspective. International Online Journal of Educational Sciences. 6 (2). 319-327.
[4]. Tanang, H & Abu, B. 2014. Teacher Professionalism and Professional Development Practices in South Sulawesi, Indonesia. Journal of Curriculum and Teaching 3 (2). 25-42.
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Abstract: The utilization of computers as one of the media used for learning evaluation expected to be able to answer the shortcomings of Paper-Based Test (PBT). Assessment of learning biology is one of the required course in biology education department, Universitas Sulawesi Barat. But in this course, there has not been any evaluation instrument based on Computer Based Test (CBT). Therefore, the authors feel interested in developing an evaluation instrument based on CBT. The type of this study is R&D, adapting from the Plomp's model, with stages: the preliminary investigation, design, construction, evaluation, and implementation. To view the validity of the evaluation instrument, we used the validation sheets instrument. The evaluation instrument in this study was validated by the content expert and instructional design expert. Validation results showed the average percentage of assessment by the content expert is 87% (very valid), and the instructional design expert is 82% (valid). Furthermore, the results of testing readability of small groups consisting of 21 students who have different academic ability (high, middle, and low) showed the average percentage of assessment is 93% (very valid)..
Keywords: Paper-based test, computer based test, evaluation instrument, assessment of learning biology..
[1]. Henriques, I. C., Sobreiro, V. A., and Kimura, H. Science and Technology Park: Future Challenges. Technology in Society, 53, 2018, 144-160.
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[3]. Bennett, R. E. Inexorable and Inevitable: the Continuing Story of Technology and Assessment. The Journal of Technology, Learning, and Assessment, 1(1), 2002, 1-23.
[4]. Johnson, R. B., and Christensen, L., Educational research: Quantitative, qualitative, and mixed approaches. (California: SAGE Publications, 2014).
[5]. Plomp, T. Educational & Training System Design: Design of Education and Training. (Netherland: University of Twente, 1997)..
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Abstract: The failure to achieve education and essential skills for life is a big problem to children with intellectual challenge. The purpose of this study was to determine the influence of teachers' academic qualification on the retention rates of learners with intellectual challenges in the special units in public primary schools in Kikuyu Sub-County. The researcher included all the 8 schools Kikuyu Sub-County, Kiambu County in this study and interviewed all the teachers and the head teachers. The collected data was analyzed using both quantitative and qualitative data analysis approaches whereby both descriptive and inferential statistics were used. This study was guided by the Self Efficacy Theory. The study used a descriptive survey design. The target population for the study included..........
Keywords: Teachers' Academic Qualification, Retention Rates, Intellectual Challenge, Special Unit, Public Primary Schools
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