Version-1 (Sep-Oct 2018)
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Abstract: This study investigated the influence of teachers' factors on academic performance of Business Studies' students in Edo State. Three research questions were raised with three corresponding hypotheses formulated and tested at alpha level of 0.05. The study utilized a correlational design and a total sample size of 2,374 Business Studies' students and 65 Business Studies teachers were used for the study. Three instruments were developed by the researcher and they were all validated by experts and only Business Studies Achievement Test (BUSAT) was subjected to reliability and it yielded a co-efficient of 0.87. The data collected were analyzed using the Statistical Packages for Social Sciences (SPSS). The analysis yielded the following results among others: there is a significant relationship between teachers' qualification and students' academic performance in Business Studies; there is a significant...........
[1]. Abdi, A. (2014). The effect of inquiry-based learning method on students' academic achievement in science course. Universal Journal of educational Research, 2(1): 37- 41.
[2]. Adamu, I. (2009). Influence of information and communication technology on Business Education in colleges of Education in Nigeria. Unpublished Med thesis work submitted to the Department of Vocational and Technical Education, Faculty of Education, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria.
[3]. Adelola, K.L. (2004). The effect of peer tutoring on students' academic achievement in business studies. Unpublished M.Ed. project, Department of Vocational and Technical Education. University, Benin city.
[4]. Adepoju, T.L. (2011). A study of secondary school students' academic performance at the senior school certificate examinations and implications for educational planning and policy in Nigeria. African Research Review, 5(6): 314-333.
[5]. Akinsolu, A.O. (2010). Teachers and students academic performance in Nigerian secondary schools: implications for planning. Florida Journal of Educational Administration and Policy, 3(2): 86-103.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Application of Inquiry Learning Method in Natural Science Subject |
Country | : | Indonesia |
Authors | : | Rahmaniah || Patta Bundu || Nurhayati |
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: | 10.9790/7388-0805010815 ![]() |
Abstract: This research is conducted due to the lack of science practice activities for students Grade VII at MTs Al Fudlola, a junior high school located in Porong, Sidoarjo. These lack activities drive students to have a low interest in learning process. In fact, guidance for the practice activities can be found in textbooks and practice-books (LKS), but it is not contextual and applicable enough. Therefore, this research is purposed to improve interests and understanding of students Grade VII at MTs Al Fudlola on environmental pollution. A main problem found in conducting this research is the students have no concerns and curiosity on environmental issues around them even though their school is only a kilometer far from the central of mud bursts, known as Lumpur Lapindo.........
Keywords: contextual education, inquiry method, environmental pollution, findings on studying science
[1]. W. Widodo, F. Rachmadiarti, and S. Nurul, Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam. Jakarta: Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, 2014.
[2]. B. Johnson Elaine, Contextual teaching and Learning. Corwin Press, Inc, 2002.
[3]. N. Suryani and L. Agung, Strategi Belajar Mengajar. Yogyakarta: Penerbit Ombak, 2012.
[4]. M. Muslich, KTSP: pembelajaran berbasis kompetensi dan kontekstual, panduan bagi guru, kepala sekolah, dan pengawas sekolah. Bumi Aksara, 2007.
[5]. Nurhadi, Pendekatan Kontekstual. Jakarta: Depdiknas, 2002.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Field Maker Training of Traffic Signs English Translation |
Country | : | China |
Authors | : | Zhongwen Liu || Chengcheng Liu || Yuxue Zheng |
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: | 10.9790/7388-0805011619 ![]() |
Abstract: Maker education relies upon hands-on, often collaborative, learning experiences as a method for solving authentic problems. The paper is based on a trial experiment that apply maker education in English policing field training of traffic signs translation, participants study the related knowledge and interact through a QQ group, investigate on the scene to spot problem or doubts on English translation, conslut online or with traffic policemen, English teachers, professional course teachers to understand the task, analyze the problem, design solutions, apply in practice and revise solutions before submitting the final solutions to be used in policing pracitce. Outcomes show that interdisciplinary skills are improved and proposals on the unification of traffic signs English translation nationwide are presented..
Keywords: Maker training, English for policing, traffic signs, challenging tasks, solutions
[1]. [Online] Available:, 2018-08-20.
[2]. Blikstein, Paulo,Krannich, Dennis, The makers' movement and FabLabs in education: experiences, technologies, and research, Proceedings of the 12th international conference on interaction design and children: 2013, 613–616.
[3]. Penketh, high becomes first state school in the country to build dedicated 'makerspace', Warrington Guardian. Retrieved 2018-04-15.
[4]. The First White House Maker Faire, The White House, Retrieved 2016-12-12.
[5]. Cheng Gang, Shi Jinyang, Maker Education: From the Perspective of Circularization, China Educational Technology, 11, 2016, 11.
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Abstract: Task Hierarchy Analysis Model in Cooperative Learning Strategy and Chemistry Students' Performance were investigated in Nwangele Local Government Area of ImoState. Two objectives, two research questions and two hypotheses guided the study. Quasi-experimental design involving pre-test and post-test non-equivalent group was adopted for the study. Out of the total population of four hundred and fifty (450) SS2 Chemistry students, one hundred and six (106) students in two intact classes purposively selected were used as the sample size. Chemistry Performance Test (CPT) which contained twenty (20) multiple choice questions drawn from the topic taught (Acid-Base Reactions) was used for data collection. The instrument was validated with the reliability index of 0.76 using Pearson Product Moment Correlation (PPMC) to determine students' performance. Mean, Standard deviation..........
Keywords: Chemistry, Task Hierarchy Analysis Model, Cooperative learning strategy and performance
[1]. Cally, G.J.(2015).Jigsaw Cooperative Learning Strategy and Academic Performance ofStudents in Chemistry. Educational Research Review, 3 (1), 33-37.
[2]. Chiwe, A.O. (2015). Collaborative and Cooperative Instructional Strategies on Social Studies students' Achievement and Retention in Ebonyi State, Nigeria. Unpublished M.ED project of University of Nigeria Nsukka, Enugu State
[3]. Coffman, M & Riggs, L (2006). The Virtual Vee Map: A Template for internet Inquiry, Journal of College Science Teaching, September, 32-29
[4]. Ehirim, D.S. (2016).Factors affecting effective teaching of Chemistry in private and public secondary schools in Rivers State. Journal of Scientific Research in Education, 5(2), 22- 32
[5]. Esogwa, J.L. (2015).Effect of JigsawCooperative Learning Instructional Approach on Mathematics Students Academic Achievement in Anambra State. Educational Research.
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Abstract: This study focus on investigating the Attitudes of Academic Staff of Aminu Saleh Colleges of Education Azare towards Using ICT for Research. Descriptive survey design was adopted in the study. A sample of 100 academic staff was selected randomly from the total population of 450 academic staff in the study. Academic Staff ICT Usage in Research (ASICTUR) which is 20 items questionnaire was developed and used for data collection by the researchers. Frequency tables and percentage were used in analysing the data collected. Findings from the study revealed that the academic staff do not have free access to internet services in the College and have difficulty in preparation and manipulation of database management. The study recommended that the College management should provide internet service and make it easily accessible to the academic staff of the College.
Keywords: Attitude, Academic staff, ICT and Research
[1]. Archibong, I. A., Ogbiji, J., and Anijaobi-Idem, F. (2010). ICT competence among academic staff in Universities in Cross Rivers state, Nigeria. Computer and Information science, 3(4), 109.
[2]. Carlson, S. and Gadio, C. T. (2002). Teacher Professional Development in the use of ICT. In Haddad, W. D. & Draxler, A. (Eds.), Technology for Education. (pp. 118 – 132). Washington, DC: UNESCO; Academy for Educational Development.
[3]. De Morentin, J. I. M., Amenabar, N., and Lareki, A. (2011). Faculty preferences for training modalities on ICTs. Revista de psicodidactical journal of psychodidactics, 16(1), 85 – 98.
[4]. Kumar, N., Rose, R. & D'Silva, J. (2008). Predictors of technology deployment among Malaysian teachers. American Journal of Applied Sciences, 5(9), 1127-1134.
[5]. Milbrath, Y. & Kinzie, M. (2000). Computer technology training for prospective teachers: computer attitudes and perceived self-efficacy. Journal of Technology and Teacher Education, 8(4), 373-396..
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Abstract: This studying aims to produce the form of Human Resource Development model based on Inductive training, to improve Human Resource society around the tour of Dam Argoguruh in Tegineneng Pesawaran District. This research uses Research and Developmen (R & D) research design. The first objective is referred to as a development function while the second objective is called validation and thus the concept of development research is more properly defined as a development effort and accompanied by validation efforts. In this research the model is divided into 7 phases, namely: 1) needs analysis, 2) product planning, 3) initial product development, 4) initial field test, 5) revision of..........
Keywords: development, human resource, guide
[1]. Abdurahman Fatoni. Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia. Jakarta. Rineka Cipta. 2006
[2]. Arikunto, Suharsimi. 2010. Prosedur Penelitian Suatu Pendekatan Praktik. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta.……………………. 2012. Dasar-Dasar Evaluasi Pendidikan. Jakarta: Bumi Aksara.
[3]. Azwar, Saifuddin. 2005. Realibilitas dan Validitas. Yogyakarta. Pustaka Pelajar..
[4]. Butler Richart W., 1992 Tourism and Sustainable Development : Monitoring, Planning, Managing, University op waterzoo Departemen of Geografhy Canada
[5]. Borg and Gall. 1983. Educational Research An Introduction. New York and Longman. Inc..
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Abstract: The aim of this research is to test the influence of achievement motivation toward pedagogic competence of elementary school teacher in Muaradua sub-district. The research used ex post facto approach. The sample of this research is elementary school teacher in Muaradua sub-district, which is 106 teachers. The data collection tool uses questionnaire and data analysis using regression. The results showed that achievement motivation has positive and significant effect on pedagogic competence of elementary school teachers in Muaradua sub-district. This is significant if achievement motivation increases, pedagogic competence of elementary school teachers in Muaradua sub-district will also increase.
Keywords: teacher, achievement motivation, pedagogic competence
[1]. Atkinson. 1964. Motivation in Fantasy, Action and Society. New Jersey: D. Van Narst and Company. Inc.
[2]. Allport, G. W. 1945. The historical background of modern social psychology. In G. Murphy (Ed.), The handbook oj social psychology. Vol. 1 Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley, 1954. Pp. 3-S6.
[3]. Becker, H. J., & Riel, M. M. (1999). Teacher professionalism, school work culture and the emergence of constructivist-compatible pedagogies [PDF file]. Center for Research on Information Technology and Organizations. Retrieved October 2, 2002, from
[4]. Cees A. Klaassen. 2002. Teacher pedagogical competence and sensibility. Research articleTeaching and Teacher Education, Volume 18, Issue 2, February 2002, Pages 151-158.
[5]. Departemen Pendidikan Nasional Republik Indonesia (2005): Peraturan PemerintahRepublik Indonesia Tahun 2005 TentangStandar Nasional Pendidikan, Jakarta..
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Abstract: This article deals with the learning style preferences based on gender of Indonesian nursing academy students. This research is involving 50 students. The research instrument includes Felder and Silverman's Index of Learning Style (ILS) Questionnaire which reveals the preferred learning style of learners. The result reveals that males prefer to have visual/ verbal learning style than another learning style and females prefer to have activist/ reflector learning style than another learning style. The finding provides information about learning style preferences based on gender so that teacher would be able to provide good proportion of teaching/ learning process. Therefore, learning styles help individual understand the materials better.
Keywords: Learning style, Nursing academy, Gender.
[1]. Asadipiran, Noushin. 2016. Identifying Young Learners Learning Styles among Iranian EFL Learners. Theory and Practice in Language Studies, 1444.
[2]. Dehgahi, Meysam., Hashemi, Hanie. 2015. An Exploratory Study of the Language-learning Style Preferences of Iranian EFL High School
[3]. Students. Australian International Academic Centre, Australia,150.
[4]. Felder, R.M., Soloman, B.,A. 1991. Index of Learning Styles. North Carolina State University, 2009.
[5]. Olsson, Elin. 2009. Learning Style and Reading. Department of Humanities and Social Science, Hogskolan I Gavle..
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Abstract: This paper validates the effectiveness of doppeltblicken/intercultural teaching of German as second language in Zimbabwe with University of Zimbabwe as the case. Literary texts play a significant role in the learning of a language. Yet students studying German at University of Zimbabwe (UZ) exhibit difficulties when it comes to reading and analyzing texts written in German. This has largely been attributed to the cultural differences between Germany and Zimbabwe. It was hypothesised that an intercultural/Doppeltblicken(in German) and "Double look" (in English) to learning a foreign language through literary texts offers a better approach to learners of German as foreign language. This approach added an intercultural communicative skill that enhanced their capability to relate competently with people from different cultural backgrounds. It aimed to enlighten students studying German........
Keywords: doppeltblicken/intercultural approach, teaching, learning, intercultural communicative competence, foreign language
[1]. Borchert, W. (1946).Das Brot. Hamburg: Hamburger Freien Presse.
[2]. Marechera, D. (1978/2009).The House of Hunger. Harlow, Essex: Heinemann.
[3]. Aliakbari, M., & Mansouri Nejad, A. (2010). Implementing a Co-Teaching Modelfor Improving EFL learners' Grammatical Proficiency.Proceedings of the International Conference ICT for Language Learning 3rd Edition. Florence, Italy.
[4]. Agossavi, S. (2003).Fremdhermeneutik in der zeitgenössischen deutschen Literatur.St. Ingbert:Röhrig Universitätsverlag.
Akalin, S. (2004). Considering Turkish students' communicative competence in teaching Englishcommunicative competence. Atatürk University Journal of Graduate School of Social Sciences,4(2),227-237.DOI: 10.1016/j.sbspro.2012.06.082
[5]. Arich-Gerz, B., &Chikwangura-Gwatirisa, Y. (2015). Geiers Mahlzeit in Simbabwe.In: Augart, J. Annas, R. and van der Merwe, P. (Eds.) Deutschunterricht im Südlichen Afrika Teaching German in Southern Africa. Lehr-Lernerfolge und Limits der Vermittlung literaturwissenschaftlicher Grundlagen im Subsahara-afrikanischen Deutschunterricht. eDUSA: Capetown...
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Abstract: This paper is an attempt to study aspects of Sufism in the Morocco and the interrelations between sufi culture and social development . it aims to highlight the global reach of Sufi culture deeply peaceful character, and its links to 'social development". It is divided into two parts. The first part deals with the problems with the categorisation of Sufism. The second part of this work has a tiered structure, in this paper.
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Abstract: The purpose of this study was to assay the utility of intercultural approach framework and its operational concept of "double-look" translated as "Doppeltblicken" in German at evaluating the quality of teaching and learning processes when using literary texts to teaching German as a second language. The evaluation addressed questions of whether it is possible to design a teaching strategy and implement it to replicate the tenets of intercultural approach. The same framework was used to analyze the quality of an alternative strategy that is derived from intercultural theory to see whether it is able to achieve the same goal of inter-cultural aware as the intercultural theory-based strategy. A comparative case study involving 13 Zimbabwean university students..........
Key words: doppeltblicken/intercultural approach, quality of teaching and learning, culture
[1]. Borchert, W. (1946): Das Brot. Hamburg: Hamburger Freien Presse.
[2]. Council of Europe (2001). Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, teaching, assessment. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Retrieved from:
[3]. Council of Europe (2006): European Language Portfolio: key reference documents. Strasbourg: Council of Europe. Retrieved from:
[4]. Marechera, D. (1978/2009): The House of Hunger. Harlow, Essex: Heinemann.
[5]. Aliakbari, M., &Mansouri Nejad, A. (2010):"Implementing a Co-Teaching Model for Improving EFL learners‟ Grammatical Proficiency." Proceedings of the International Conference ICT for Language Learning 3rd Edition. Florence, Italy.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Study of Challenges Faced By Organized Retailing In Gonda District |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Binod Pratap Singh || Dr. Smriti Shishir |
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: | 10.9790/7388-0805018286 ![]() |
Abstract: Supply chain management has been identified and researched in many industries including automobile, food service, healthcare, information technology, and retailing outlets. However, limited information is available about the functions and practical experiences of the supply chain management in the retail clothing business. The study will focus on the importance of the supply chain management and framework of an effective supply chain management in the clothing retail business. The real meaning of supply chain management will be defined. The related practical skills and effective management issues will be discussed. The research specially focuses on the retail clothing business in India.
[1]. Sivathanu, d. P. (august 2013). Challenges affecting the organized retail sector. Arth prabhand: a journal of economics and management. [6] venkatesh, n. (december 2013). Indian retail industries market analysis:issues, challenges and its opportunity form the 21st century. International journal of application or innovation in engineering & management (ijaiem).
[2]. Wadhwa, s. S. (2012). Growth and challenges of retail industry in india: an analysis. Asia pacific journal of marketing and management review, vol.1.
[3]. S. K. Sharma, raunak s. Chandak (april 2015). Challenges affecting the unorganized retail sector. Journal of business management and economics 3.
[4]. Dr. Manmeet kum ar siras, deepak kumar. Challenges for retail sector in india.
[5]. Mihir dash, sam chandy (june 2006). A study on the challenges and opportunities faced by organized retail players in banagalore. Tata strategic management group review.