Series-2 (Sep-Oct 2019)Sep-Oct 2019 Issue Statistics
Series-1 Series-2 Series-3 Series-4 Series-5
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Abstract: The new round of global competition triggered by the third industrial revolution and the publishing of "Made in China 2025 " provide an opportunity for the transformation of discipline construction in local colleges,which should be seized by academic circles and discipline builders. In order to improve servicing quality of discipline construction and fully reflect its' value, academic circles and discipline builders should innovate research methods, construct theoretical system and measures to promote the integration of discipline and local industry with the mission of serving the national and local industrial structure in adjustment and upgrading, based on scientific and technological output, guided by transformation and development of colleges, focusing on the achievements transformation, innovative and applied talent training and social services.
Key words; Made in China 2025 "; discipline construction; transformation for colleges.
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Abstract: This study the effects of work environment on secondary schools' teachers' in Edo state, Nigeria. Three indicators namely physical facilities, conditions of services and school climate which depict work environment were tested. Two research questions were used and three hypotheses were tested at 0.05 alpha level, using Pearson r and Fisher's z statistical test. A multi-stage sampling technique comprising stratified random and purposive sampling procedures were used on a descriptive survey research design for a population of 307 secondary schools and 2424 school teachers in Edo State. The sample for the study consisted of 31 secondary schools and 520 school teachers representing 10% and 22% of the population respectively. Thefindings revealed that work motivation in relation to adequacies of physical facilities, conditions of service and school climate were below the.........
Keywords: Work environment, teachers' work motivation, public secondary schools, Edo state, Nigeria
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Abstract: Through this work, we sought to determine the professional skills required of the Bachelor of Food Science and Technology of the National University of Lanús (UNLa) at the local level, in order to relieve opportunities for optimization of the current Curriculum. To do this, we proceeded to relieve and systematize experiences and opinions of graduate students, as well as with food companies and others stakeholders in the area of influence of the UNLa.
Keywords: Curricular adaptation, Professional skills
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Abstract: The purpose of this study was to determine strategies to be applied ineffective training of physics students as perceived by labour employers. The questionnaire as the major instrument used in data collection. Five research questionnaires were analyzed using the frequency table and mean of the score with a total population of 300 registered business organizations. From the analysis of data collected, the following findings, among others, were made: Physics instructors/lecturers should apply different strategies especially the use of modern ideas, in training of effective physics graduates. Skills that relate to physics jobs should be taught to physics students. The physics curriculum should be based on the requirement of jobs for which the physics graduates are prepared for. Based.......
Keywords: physics students; effective training; strategies; labour employers
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[5]. deBoer, G. E. 2011. The globalization of science education. Journal of Research in Science Teaching 48(1) 567–591.
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Abstract: This study focuses on the Chinese learning experience of Arab students and their Chinese teaching practice in Egypt. By comparing the pronunciation of Arabic and Chinese, and through extensive investigation and careful analysis, this study tries to reveal the common errors of Arabic students in pronunciation in Chinese acquisition. This paper is based on a survey of 60 students who had studied Chinese for one year. The respondents were asked to read the initials and finals of the Chinese consonants twice in a row to detect the degree of approaching the proper phonetics and tones. Seven teachers have been interviewed at Confucius institute in Egypt to figure out the reason for pronunciation errors and the possible ways to overcome them. Through the analysis of these acquisition errors, this work investigates some teaching methods and principles of Chinese language learning with Egyptian students as the research object
Keywords: Chinese learning, pronunciation, Chinese acquisition, acquisition errors, teaching method
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Abstract: This paper identify parent's age, education level, level of income generating capacities of the family and family support system as the psycho-social disposition of single parenthood of children born out of wedlock. There are many factors such as the parent's age, education level, level of income generating capacities of the family and family support system which could influence how children develop in single parent families. Single parenting most certainly affects the child or children and it is up to single mother or single father to be aware of these. Children in single parent families often have to contribute more to the household and family than children with two parents. Children learn.......
Keywords: Psychological, Sociological, Single parenthood and Counselling Implication.
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Abstract: The problem in this study was the case of two children who experienced a speech delay. Both respondents are screen time users (screen time) in high intensity. Researchers suspected there were impact of a screen staring habit with the development of the child's expressive language. This research was conducted to know the truth about the impact of staring at the screen on the development of expressive language of child speech delay in Khalilah Islamic Daycare & ELC year 2019. This research used qualitative research case study, implemented in the Islamic Daycare & Early Learning Centre, Jl. Pendidikan Krakatau No. 3 Medan in February to April 2019. The subject in this study was two children who experienced a speech delay, namely Respondent A, a 4 years old boy, and a 2-year-old girl B. The informants of the study were the.......
Keywords: Impact of staring at the screen, Language development
[1]. American Academy of Pedriatics (AAP). 2016. American Academy of Pedriatics Announces New Recommendations for Children's Media Use, (Online) in, (diakses pada 24 Januari 2019)
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Palatal- Tumours: In A Private Clinic- Wholshe Medical Centre Jos |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Nimkur, L. T. |
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: | 10.9790/7388-0905024647 ![]() |
Abstract: Introduction-Palatal tumours occur on the hard and soft palate, mostly of minor salivary gland origin. Growth is usually slow growing, painless resulting in speech disturbances, difficulty in swallowing and breathing, thus presenting for medical attention. The tumour could be benign or malignant, but noted to be mostly benign by many studies around the world 1,2,3,4,5,7,8,9,10. Palatal tumours can occur at any age 8, 9,10, with a female preponderance and the peak age of occurrence is between the fourth and the fifth decade of life 2,5, 9,10. Surgical excision is the treatment of choice 6,9,11. Method- A 5 year retrospective study to compare findings with those of other parts of the world. Patients' records were traced and analyzed for age, gender, presentation and histological diagnosis; and results discussed.......
Keywords: Palatal, Tumours, Benign, Malignant.
[1]. Pons Vicente, Olivia Almendros-Marques, Nieves Benni Aytes, Leonardo Gay Escoda, Cosme. Diposit DIGITAL Sept. 2008, Vol. 13, num. 9, P. 582. Minor Salivary gland tumours: a Clinico pathological study of 18 cases.
[2]. M. Toida, K.Shimokawa, H.Makita, et al. International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. July 2005. Vol. 34. Issue 5. Pages 528-532. Intraoral Minor Salivary gland tumours: a clinicopathological study of 82 cases.
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[5]. Kaoru Kusama, Shinkichi Iwanari, kunio Aisaki et al. The Journal of Nihon University school of Dentistry. 1997. Vol. 39, Issue 3, Pgs 128-142. Intraoral Minor Salivary gland tumours: A retrospective Study of 129 Cases. Limited.
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Abstract: The paper defined some keywords such as teaching, specialisation and legal practice. The paper also analyses the various methods of teaching law in our tertiary institutions. It further explains the concept of law teaching specialisation and how specialisation enhances legal practice. The paper further identified the challenges of specialisation in teaching and its effects on the training of lawyers for the legal market. It concludes with recommendations on various ways of improving law teaching specialisation and specialisation in legal practice.
Keywords: Law teaching, Specialisation, Legal Practice
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Abstract: Children came into the world with no idea of enormous challenges to be faced and resolved. But naturally all human beings are born with instincts to detest, avoid or adjust to problems, thus adjustment is a necessary ingredient for survival and success that must begin from birth. Children adjustment problems are mostly ignored or neglected and this affects their development, wellness, wellbeing, education, and general life . This paper addresses relevant stages, patterns, processes, factors and ways in which adjustment or lack of it affect children. Most importantly, it all depend on how children are perceived, handled, treated,educated, trained and catered for. In Nigeria children adjustment problems identified by this paper embraces social, emotional, intellectual, physical......
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Manajemen Pendidikan Dan Pengajar Pada Sma Negeri Remboken Kabupaten Minahasa |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Dr. Meike D. Mamentu, M.Si |
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: | 10.9790/7388-0905026169 ![]() |
Abstract: Kurikulum merupakan sesuaatu yang dicita-citakan dalam bidang pendidikan. Jadi apa yang direncanakan dalam kurikulum yang bersifat formal pada dasarnya mencerminkan cita-cita tentang wujud hasil pendidikan dan pengajaran yang ingin dicapai. Kurikulum diartikan sebagai pengalaman belajar diperoleh siswa dari sekolah dan kurikulum diartikan sebagai rencana belajar siswa (Hakim, 2008 : 5). Kurikulum adalah seperangkat rencana dan pengaturan mengenai tujuan, isi, dan bahan pelajharan serta cara yang digunakan sebagai pedoman penyelenggaraan kegiatan pembelajaran untuk tujuan pendidikan dan pengajaran yang hendak dicapai. Hal tersebut belum terealisasi sepenuhnya, kurikulum belum dikelolah secara optimal atau belum dikelolah secara efektif dan efisien sehingga perlu adanya bimbingan dan pelatihan. Tujuan manajemen......
Keywords: Manajemen Pendidikan dan Pengajaran, Kurikulum Baku, perangkat pembelajaran guru.
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Abstract: The Integrator Project discipline aims to givestudentspractical situations in whichtheyneed to solve real problems. The problems are supported by the interdisciplinarity of a project in order to integrate the knowledge and the experienceslived by undergraduatestudents. Considering the importance of the Integrator Project discipline, thispaperaims to analyze the degree of its importance to the learning and training of future engineers in the Production Engineering course. A questionnaire wasapplied to the undergraduate and graduateswhostudiedthis discipline. As a result, itwasverifiedthatthroughthis discipline the studentsdevelopskills like communication, teamwork, leadership, as well as developingtechnical reports, in whichresearchproblemswereidentified and solutions wereproposed and evenvalidated in some cases. Therefore, the Integrator Project is a proponenttoolthatadds value to the community and, at the same time, allowsstudents to design projectsthatintegratetheories, methods, and techniques. The discipline alsohelpsconsolidate the knowledgeacquiredfromvarious disciplines during the period of graduation.
Keywords: Industrial Engineering, Integrator Project, Skills, Professional Development.
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Abstract: Agricultural sector in Kenya has underperformed for several years and yet it's regarded as the backbone of the economy.It has been observed that women are a crucial contributing factor to the rural economy and main players in agriculture though do not have sufficient knowledge and skills and thus the reduced agricultural productivity. To generate interest in farming at early stage, teaching of agriculture was introduced to the Kenyan secondary school education system. This study sought to find out the impact of studying agriculture at secondary school level to agricultural productivity. Correlational research design was used and amulti-stage random sampling method was adapted.A sample size of 422 women farmers was used. Data was collected using......
Keywords: Agricultural productivity, Women agricultural education
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