Series-5 (Nov. - Dec .2019)Nov - Dec 2019 Issue Statistics
Series-1 Series-2 Series-3 Series-4 Series-5
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Teaching Vocabulary through English Word Games |
Country | : | Indonesia |
Authors | : | Fahmy Firman Wahyudi |
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: | 10.9790/7388-0906050105 ![]() |
Abstract: There were some problems faced by students in learning English. The students' vocabulary mastery need to be improved. The students got difficulties in mastering vocabulary. They found difficulties in using the words in sentences. The students also found difficulties in pronouncing English words. Then the teacher has never used English Words Game in teaching vocabulary. The objectives of this research were to know and describe the influence of English Words Game towards students' vocabulary mastery. To know and describe whether the average score of students' vocabulary mastery which is taught through English Words Game is higher than which is taught through conventional technique. This research was conducted by using Experimental Method.....
Keywords: English word game; Vocabulary; Technique)
[1]. Agoestyowati, Redjeki. (2010). Fund English Games and Activities for You. Jakarta: PT. Bhuana Ilmu Populer.
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[3]. Brown, Douglas H. (1994). Teaching By Principles: An Interactive Approach to Language Pedadogy. Second Edition. Longman Inc.
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Abstract: This paper examined whether the use of Information and Communication Technologies would make any difference in the learning of biology by high school students. After studying the school's infrastructure, there was a need to acquire an internet signal to use the institution's equipment, which is why the machines were not used. The same school evaluation method was used. The challenge was how to minimize environmental impacts through conscious consumption. In the first moment the subject was approached in a traditional way (lectures, poster, board, chalk, magazines, etc.); secondly, technological resources (videos and slides) were used. The results showed that the students were not too lazy to develop the activities in the classes with technological resources, unlike what happens with the traditional classes; While not mastering technological resources, students quickly learned to deal with them while.....
Keywords: Educational Informatics; Teaching-Learning Process; Technological Resources; Traditional classes.
[1]. ALTINAY-GAZI, Zehra; ALTINAY-AKSAL, Fahriye. (2017). Technology as mediation tool for improving teaching profession in higher education practices. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science & Technology Education, 13(3).
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[5]. CARVALHO, A. M. P. (2006). Ensino de ciências: unindo a pesquisa e a prática. São Paulo: Pioneira Thomson Learning.
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Abstract: This study assessed the role of Environmental Education as a tool for the creation of awareness on adaptation to climate change in Nigeria. The descriptive survey research design was adopted for the study. Five research questions and five hypotheses were raised and formulated respectively for analyses and testing in the study. The population of the study comprised of all public primary, secondary, and tertiary institutions as well as rural and urban settlers in the six (6) geopolitical zones in Nigeria. The sample size comprised of 300 respondents respectively made up of 60 pupils, 60 secondary students, 60 tertiary students, 60 rural settlers and 60 urban settlersselectedrandomly from six geopolitical zones of Nigeria. The research instrument used for data collection was a 15structured questionnaireitems rated on a 4-point Likert scale, with response options of Strongly Agree (SA); Agree......
Keywords: Climate change, Adaptation, Maladaptation, Environmental Education (EE)
[1]. Agbebaku, H.U. (2015). Environmental Challenges and Climate Change: Nigeria Experience, Journal of Research in Environmental and Earth Science, 2(4)1-12.
[2]. Agbor, C.N. (2016). Importance of incorporating Environmental Education (EE) into teacher education programmes in Nigeria, International Journal of Scientific Research in Education, Vol. 9(4), 248-263.
[3]. Anguelovski, I., Shi, L., Chu, E., Gallagher, D., Goh, K., Lamb, Z. (2016). Equityimpacts of urban land use planning for climate adaptation: critical perspectivesfrom the global north and south. Journal of Planning Education and Research,36(3), 333-348.
[4]. Bremer, L. L., & Farley, K. A. (2010). Does plantation forestry restore biodiversity or create green deserts? A synthesis of the effects of land-use transitions on plant species richness. Biodiversity and Conservation, 19, 3893–3915. doi:10.1007/s10531-010-9936-4
[5]. Cardona, O.D., M.K. van Aalst, J. Birkmann, M. Fordham (2012). Determinants of risk: exposure and vulnerability. In: Field C.B. et al. (Eds.) Managing the Risks of Extreme Events and Disasters to Advance Climate Change Adaptation, pp.65-108. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
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Abstract: The aim of this research is to describe the development of interactive CD learning materials based on power points to improve students' achievement in mastering IPA, especially the topic about the source of energy. The problems occurring in this research, students cannot master the material very well. Students did not have interesting in learning and they just had active in their activities. The research used is research and development. In collecting the data, the researcher had three types, observation, interview, and test. The results showed that the interactive CD learning material that was developed met the requirements in accordance with the steps of development. Media validation results and material validation results are shown with an average score of 79.8% and 87.2% respectively.Student responses to interactive learning materials scored 81.75% in small-scale trials while large-scale trials scored 85%. Then the teacher responses scored 71.7% and 80.48%, respectively.
[1]. Arsyad, A. 2015. Media Pembelajaran. Jakarta: PT RajaGrafindoPersada.
[2]. Minggiarti. 2013. "Pengembangan Media CD InteraktifUntuk Mata PelajaranGeografiKelas X DenganTemaHidrosfer Dan DampaknyaterhadapKehidupan di MukaBumi Di SMA Negeri 1 WidangTuban". JurnalUniversitasNegeri Surabaya.
[3]. Munir. 2013. Multimedia Konsep&AplikasidalamPendidikan. Bandung: Alfabeta.
[4]. Nataliani, dkk. 2014. Pengembangan Multimedia Pembelajaran Mata Pelajaran IPS Kelas VII Semester Genap di SMP Negeri 2 Tegallalang. Journal EdutechUniversitasPendidikanGaneshaJurusanTeknologiPendidikan, 2 (1).
[5]. Nurhairunnisah. 2017. PengembanganBahan Ajar InteraktifUntukMeningkatkanmemahamanKonsepMatematikaPadaSiswa SMA Kelas X. nurhairunnisah-15707251028.pdf
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Abstract: The aim of this research is to develop the library model at states senior high schools at Bandar Lampung. The number of school library visitors at SMAN 14 Bandar Lampung, with a total of 1052 students in 30 study groups 2018/2019 academic year. It can be seen that the number of library visitors is not more than 500 students per month, the number of books borrowing does not reach 500 copies per month.This study uses an interpretive / constructivist paradigm, through this paradigm the researcher analyzes the need for developing a hypothetical model of library management as a learning resource center.Based on the potential and condition of 17 libraries in Bandar Lampung High School there are still libraries that do not meet the SNP standards, namely 11 school libraries that have manual management without following the library management system.At the stage of developing the hypothetical model, the researcher examines a problem that is developed to obtain responses that tend to be positive to teachers, library principals and school principals, marked by a positive category average of 80.15% while negative category responses are only 20.85%.
[1]. Adriati.2019. Pengorganisasian Informasi. Bahan Ajar Diklat Pengelolaan Perpustakaan Sekolah.Perpustakaan Nasional Republik Indonesia. Jakarta.
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[3]. PemerintahRepublik Indonesia. 2009. Undang-UndangRepublik Indonesia N0 43 tahun 2007 tentangPerpustakaan. Jakarta.
[4]. Purwanto.2005. JejakLangkahPerkembanganTeknologiPendidikan di Indonesia. DepartemenPendidikanNasional. Jakarta
[5]. Reiser, Robert E,. Dempsey, Jhon V.2002.Trends and Issues in Instructional Design and Technology. New Jersey. Pearson Education.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Study of Single Dose of Antibiotic in Inguinal Hernia Repair |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. A. O. Noyda || Dr. Ankit Kasundra |
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: | 10.9790/7388-0906053237 ![]() |
Abstract: INTRODUCATION: Hernia repair is one of the most commonly performed general surgical procedures worldwide with an estimated 20 million operations performed annually. Surgical site infection is an important potential complication of any surgical procedure. In most forms of surgery, antibiotic prophylaxis is known to reduce the risk of post-operative wound infection less use of antibiotic in inguinal hernia repair with meshplasty and incidence of surgical site infection. Only single dose antibiotic is use. MATERIAL AND METHOD: Totally 50 patients admitted for elective inguinal hernia surgery in our hospital with co-morbid conditions were included in this study. One dose of parenteral Cifotaxime 1 gram IV after test dose 30 min prior to surgery and no more antibiotics were prescribed. RESULTS: In our study out of 50 case only 6 case developed surgical site infection(ssi) . In this 5 case of SSI with diabetic malitus and 1 case of SSI in nondiabetic malitus and 4 case of SSI have operation time >1 hours and 2 case of SSI having operation time is 1 hour....
Key Words: single dose antibiotic, inguinal hernia, surgical site infection.
[1]. Bailey and Love's: Short Practice of Surgery. 26nd Edition.
[2]. Bhattacharya: A Short Case in Surgery, 6rd Edition.
[3]. David C.Sabiston: Textbook of Surgery. 1th South Asia Edition.
[4]. Hamilton Bailey's: Demonstration Of Physical Sign in Clinical Surgery – 17th Edition.
[5]. Lloyd M. Nyhus: Hernia, 4th Edition.
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Abstract: This objectives of the study are to know the students' achievement in learning English vocabulary through Total Physical Response Method and to identify the benefit of this method in teaching vocabulary to students with autism. To achieve the objectives of this study, the writer conducted an action research. This research was held at inclusive Cahaya Bangsa School. The subject of this research was the fourth grade students. There are four students and they are three boys and a girl. The writer carried out three steps. The first step was pretest, the second steps was treatment. The third step was posttest. The writer used vocabulary test in the form of command lists to collect the data. Besides the vocabulary test, the writer also used observation sheets. These two instruments were used to observe the situation of the class during the process of teaching-learning activities. In analyzing.......
Keywords: The Effectiveness, Total Physical Response Method, Students' Achievement, English Vocabulary, Student with Autism.
[1]. Adlia, Fachruni. 2015. The improvement of Student's Ability in MasteringVocabulary by Using Guessing Games technique in SDN 067690 Medan. Medan : Department of English
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[4]. Autism Spectrum Australia Contributor. 2016. Characteristics of Autism. [Online].
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Abstract: This paper presents an account of the transformative education model that proposes the transformation of the student into an entrepreneur. For this project, a team of professionals with knowledge and experience in project methodologies, intellectual property, entrepreneurship, and other legal aspects was made available to students and teachers. One of the main objectives was to obtain a product ready for market insertion, which is of low or medium complexity. The pedagogical practice has resulted in the skills of mentor and facilitator teachers, allowing students to develop technical and social skills. These include problem-solving, systemic insight, risk accountability, decision making, discipline, the ability to innovate, undertake, and think creatively..
Keywords: Transformative education, SENAI, SENAC, SESI..
[1]. Williams. M. K. (2017) John Dewey in the 21st Century. Journal of Inquiry & Action in Education. University of West Florida 9(1), Page 91- 102.
[2]. Ford, B. A., Stuart, D. H., & Vakil, S. (2014). Culturally responsive teaching in the 21st century inclusive classroom. The Journal of the International Association of Special Education, 15(2), 56-62.
[3]. Gutek, G. (2014). Philosophical, ideological, and theoretical perspectives on education. (2nd Ed.). New York: Pearson.
[4]. Moolenaar, N. (2012). A Social Network Perspective on Teacher Collaboration in Schools: Theory, Methodology, and Applications, American Journal of Education, 119 (1) 7-39.
[5]. Lu, Y. (2017) Industry 4.0: A survey on technologies, applications and open research issues. Journal of Industrial Information Integration. Vol. 6, Pages 1-10 DOI: 10.1016/j.jii.2017.04.005
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Abstract: The aims of this study to investigate metacognitive strategies in reading comprehension and also students' attitudes towards reading in English. A metacognitive strategy is something that is potentially important in learning a foreign language. In this study, an attempt was made to investigate the effects of metacognitive strategies on increasing reading comprehension in English learners. For this purpose, the total number of students is 23 participants. To see whether there are significant differences between attitudes and metacognitive strategy for reading comprehension before and after treatment, researcher provide pre and post test to find out the results. The study results indicated that there were statistically significant differences at ( a ≤ 0.05) between student score before and after treatment. Likewise, with students' attitudes..
Keywords: Metacognitive Strategy, Reading Comprehension, Attitude.
[1]. Abdelhafez. (2006).The effect of training in metacognitive language learning strategies on Developing Listening and Writing of university EFL Students. US- China Foreign Language,ISSN 1539-8080, Vol.10, p. 933-943.
[2]. Abu Shamla, K. (2009). The Effectiveness of a Suggested Program Based on Prior Knowledge to Develop Eighth Grader English Reading comprehension Skills. Unpublished M. ed Dissertation, the Islamic University of Gaza.
[3]. Alexander, P. A.,& Jetton, T. L. (2000). Learning from text: A multi dimensional and developmental perspective. In M.L. Kamil, P.B. Mosenthal, P.D. Pearson, & R. Barr (Eds.), Handbook of reading research (3,285–310). Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.
[4]. Bazerman, C. (1985). Physicist reading physics: Schema-laden purposes. Written Communication, 3-23.
[5]. Dean, G. (2003). Teaching reading in secondary schools (2nd ed). London: David Fulton Publishers.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | An Analysis of Students' Difficulties in Reading Comprehension on Narrative Text |
Country | : | Indonesia |
Authors | : | Inkholisatun Nafsiah |
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: | 10.9790/7388-0906055861 ![]() |
Abstract: Background: Reading skill becomes very important in the education field because it provides many useful information and the students need to be trained in order to have a good reading skill. In addition, reading is also something crucial and indispensable for the students because the success of their study depends on the greater part of their skill to read. For instance, if their reading skill is poor they are very likely to fail in their study or at least they will have difficulty in making progress. On the other hand, if they have a good skill in reading, they will have a better chance to succeed in their study. Materials and Methods: The study was conducted at the Sixth Grade of MIT Muhammadiyah Bandar Lampung consisted of 46 students. The instrument of this research is reading comprehension test. The researcher analyzed the data descriptively..
Keywords: Narrative text; Reading comprehension; Students' difficulties
[1]. Ahmadi, M. R., & Pourhosein Gilakjani, A. (2012). Reciprocal Teaching Strategies and Their Impacts on English Reading Comprehension. Theory and Practice in Language Studies, 2(10), 2053-2060.
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[3]. Cain, K. J., Oakhill, J., & Bryant, P. (2004). Children's Reading Comprehension Ability: Concurrent Prediction by Working Memory, Verbal Ability, and Component Skills. Journal of Educational Psychology, 96(1), 31-42.
[4]. Harmer J. 2001. The Practical of English Language Teaching, Third Addition. England and Associated Company: Longman.
[5]. Hidayati, Dasrul. 2018. "Students Difficulties in Reading Comprehension at the First Grade of SMAN 1 Darussalam Aceh Besar." (Unpublished Thesis) Banda Aceh: Ar-Raniry State Islamic University