Version-1 (March-April 2017)
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ABSTRACT: In this paper we proposed a technique to remove eye blink artifact from electroencephalogram (EEG) using lifting wavelet transform (LWT). The LWT has been successfully used in eye blink artifact suppression form the recorded electroencephalography (EEG) signals using a data-adaptive subband filtering approach. The LWT is applied to decompose EEG signal into a finite set of subbands. The energy based subband filtering is implemented to separate the lower frequency noise components to clean the EEG signal. The energies of individual subbands respectively for EEG and fGn that of contaminated EEG are compared to derive the energy based threshold for the suppression............
Keywords: Electroencephalography, artifact reduction, stationary subspace analysis, lifting wavelet transform
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ABSTRACT: In complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) the power dissipation predominantly comprises of dynamic as well as static power. Prior to introduction of "Deep submicron technologies" it is observed that in case of technology process with feature size larger than 1micro meter, the consumption of dynamic power out of the overall power consumption of any circuit is more than 90%,while that of static power is negligible. But in the present deep submicron technologies in order to, reduce the dynamic power consumption in VLSI circuits, the power supply is being scaled down, keeping in view the principle that the dynamic power dissipated is directly proportional to the square of the supply voltage (Vdd).The threshold voltage also needs to be reduced since the supply voltage is scaled down...........
Keywords: Deep submicron, Low power, Sub-threshold leakage current, Power Gating, Threshold voltage , Transistor stacking.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Real Time System Identification of Speech Signal Using Tms320c6713 |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Rathnakara.S || Dr.V.Udayashankara |
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: | 10.9790/4200-0702012025 ![]() |
ABSTRACT: In this paper real time system identification is implemented on TMS320C6713 for speech signal using standard IEEE sentence (SP23) of NOIZEUS database with different types of real world noises at different level SNR taken from AURORA data base. The performance is measured in terms of signal to noise ratio (SNR) improvement. The implementation is done with "C' program for least mean square (LMS) and recursive least square (RLS) algorithms and processed using DSP processor with Code composer studio
Keywords: System Identification, LMS, RLS, SNR, TMS3206713
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ABSTRACT: Activation functions are used to transform the mixed inputs into their corresponding output counterparts. Commonly, activation functions are used as transfer functions in engineering and research. Artificial neural networks (ANN) are the preferred choice for most studies and comparisons of activation functions. The Sigmoid Activation Function is the most common and its popularity arise from the fact that it is easy to derive, its boundedness within the unit interval, and it has mathematical properties that work well with the approximation theory. On the other hand, not so common is the Fibonacci Activation Function with similar and perhaps better features than.............
Keywords: Fibonacci Activation Function, Sigmoid Activation Function, Independent Component Analysis, Natural Gradient Algorithm.
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ABSTRACT: This research addresses the problem inter-symbol interference (ISI) using equalization techniques for time dispersive channels with additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN). The channel equalizer is modelled as a non-linear Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) structure. The Back Propagation (BP) algorithm is used to optimize the synaptic weights of the equalizer during the training mode. In the typical BP algorithm, the error signal is propagated from the output layer to the input layer while the learning rate parameter is held constant...........
Keywords: Equalization, intersymbol interference, multilayer perceptron, back propagation, variable learning rate, bit error rate (BER)
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ABSTRACT: This paper is aimed to reduce background noise introduced in speech signal during capture, storage, transmission and processing using Spectral Subtraction algorithm. To consider the fact that colored noise corrupts the speech signal non-uniformly over different frequency bands, Multi-Band Spectral Subtraction (MBSS) approach is exploited wherein amount of noise subtracted from noisy speech signal is decided by a weighting factor. Choice of optimal values of weights decides the performance of the speech enhancement system. In this paper weights are decided based on SFM...........
Keywords: Multi-Band Spectral Subtraction, Spectral Flatness Measure, Speech enhancement, SFM, MBSS.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Retinal Macular Edema Detection Using Optical Coherence Tomography Images |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | P. Danya || Sheela N. Rao |
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: | 10.9790/4200-0702014752 ![]() |
ABSTRACT: Macular Edema affects around 20 million people of the world each year. Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT), a non-invasive eye-imaging modality, is capable of detecting Macular Edema both in its early and advanced stages. In this paper, an algorithm which detects Macular Edema from OCT images has been presented. Initially the images are filtered to de-noise them. Then, the retinal layers - Inner Limiting Membrane (ILM) and Retinal Pigment Epithelium (RPE) are segmented using Graph Theory method. Region splitting is performed...........
Keywords: Macular Edema (ME), Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT), Thickness, Area, Textural Features, Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT), Support Vector Machine (SVM), Confusion Matrix
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ABSTRACT: As there is a demand for portable electronic systems or devices, there is an incremental growth in the technology in the past few decades and also technology is cumulative at a random rate, devices are consuming large amount of power due to this the life of the battery is draining fast. so there must be a alternative devices or circuits which can reduce the power by efficiently maintaining the area and performance, therefore life of battery can be increased. As SRAM is the heart of block in all the electronic design, where the power consumption is maximum there by analyzing, estimating & modifying or changing the logic, will be able to reduce the power and performance can be greatly achieved..........
Keywords: SNM, RNM, Subthreshold operation, ultra-low power applications.
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ABSTRACT: There is need to develop various new design techniques in order to fulfil the demand of increased speed, reduced area for compactness and reduced power consumption. It is considered that improved other performance specifications such as less delay, high noise immunity and suitable ambient temperature conditions are the prime factors. In this paper two different techniques are used for designing a 4-bit Magnitude Comparator(MC) and then a comparison is made about area and average delay. First one is Transmission Gate (TG) technique and second one is GDI Technique. This paper describes the design of an Integrated Circuit (IC) layout for a 4-bit MC. The layout was designed by use of an open source software namely Electric VLSI Design System which is Electronic Design Automation (EDA) tool. LTspiceXVII is used as simulator to carry out the simulation work.
Keywords: TG, GDI, Comparator, VLSI, CMOS, DRC, LVS, ERC, MC.
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ABSTRACT: Brain-computer interface (BCI) is a communication pathway between brain and an external device. It translates human thought into commands to control the external devices.Electroencephalography (EEG) is cost effective and easier way to implement the BCI. This paper presents a novel method for classifying EEG during motor imagery by the combination of common spatial pattern (CSP) and linear discriminant analysis (LDA). In the proposed method, the EEG signal is bandpass-filtered into multiple frequency bands. The CSP features are then extracted from each of these bands............
Keywords: Brain computer interface, electroencephalography, sub-band common spatial pattern.
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ABSTRACT: This paper represents the design and implementation of Low Noise Amplifier for Ultra wideband application using 0.18μm CMOS Technology. The proposed two stage LNA is for a 3-5 GHz. At supply voltage of 1.8V, for the exceed limit of 50μm of width of each transistor, the power consumption is 7.22mW. Noise figure is 4.33dB, Maximum power gain i.e. S21 is 20.4dB, S12 < -20dB, S11 < -8dB, S22 < -10dB. For the required bandwidth range, LNA is unconditionally stable and have good linearity.
Keywords: LNA, Biasing circuit, Input and Output matching, Power Consumption, Noise Figure, Gain, Stability.
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