Volume-1 ~ Issue-2
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ABSTRACT:We propose a new technique for digital image restoration, in this the noise free and noisy pixels are classified based on empirical multiple threshold values. Then the median filtering technique is applied. So that noise free pixels are getting preserved and only noisy pixels get restored. A novel decision-based filter, called the multiple thresholds switching (MTS) filter, is used to restore images corrupted by salt-pepper impulse noise. The filter is based on a detection-estimation strategy. At high noise densities, their performance is poor. A new algorithm to remove high-density salt and pepper noise using modified Decision Based Unsymmetric Trimmed Median Filter (DBUTMF) is proposed. When all the pixel values are 0's and 255's then the noise pixel is replaced by mean value of all the elements present in the selected window. The performance of our proposed algorithm will be analyzed based PSNR and MSE values.
Keywords:Median filter, salt and pepper noise, unsymmetrical trimmed median filter
Keywords:Median filter, salt and pepper noise, unsymmetrical trimmed median filter
[1] P . E . N g a n d K . K. Ma , " A s w i t c hi n g m e di a n f i l t er w i t h b ou n da r y di scr imina t ive noi se det ect ion for
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[2] K . S . S r i ni va sa n a n d D . E b e n ez e r , " A n e w fa st a nd e f f i ci e nt d e ci si o n ba sed algor i thm for r emova l of high d en s i t y i m pu l s e n oi s e , " I E E E Signal Process. Let t . vol . 14, no. 3, pp. 189 –192, Mar . 2007.
[3] V . J a ya r a j a n d D . E b e n e z er , " A n e w s w i t c hi n g -ba sed media n f i l t er ing scheme and a lgor i thm for r emoval of high-densi ty sal t a nd pepper noi se i n i ma g e, " E U R AS I P J . A d v. S i gna l P r o c e s s. , 2 0 1 0 .
[4] K. Ai s w a r ya , V . J a ya r a j , a n d D . E b e n ez e r , " A n e w a n d e f f i c i e nt a l g or i t h m for the r emoval of high densi ty sal t a nd pepper noi se in ima ges a n d v i d eo s , " i n S e c o n d I n t . C o n f . C o m pu t er Mo d el i ng a n d S i mu l a t i o n 2010, pp. 409–413
[2] K . S . S r i ni va sa n a n d D . E b e n ez e r , " A n e w fa st a nd e f f i ci e nt d e ci si o n ba sed algor i thm for r emova l of high d en s i t y i m pu l s e n oi s e , " I E E E Signal Process. Let t . vol . 14, no. 3, pp. 189 –192, Mar . 2007.
[3] V . J a ya r a j a n d D . E b e n e z er , " A n e w s w i t c hi n g -ba sed media n f i l t er ing scheme and a lgor i thm for r emoval of high-densi ty sal t a nd pepper noi se i n i ma g e, " E U R AS I P J . A d v. S i gna l P r o c e s s. , 2 0 1 0 .
[4] K. Ai s w a r ya , V . J a ya r a j , a n d D . E b e n ez e r , " A n e w a n d e f f i c i e nt a l g or i t h m for the r emoval of high densi ty sal t a nd pepper noi se in ima ges a n d v i d eo s , " i n S e c o n d I n t . C o n f . C o m pu t er Mo d el i ng a n d S i mu l a t i o n 2010, pp. 409–413
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | An Approach to Medical Image Compression Using Filters Based On Lifting Scheme |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Anju B,Manimurugan S |
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: | 10.9790/4200-0120916 ![]() |
ABSTRACT:Image compression plays an important role in the compression of medical images. Medical imagings
are mainly used for diagnosis of diseases and surgical planning. Medical images are usually stored digitally.
Medical Image compression plays an important role in telematics especially in telemedicine. It is necessary that
medical images need to be compressed for reliability to be transmitted. In the medical image compression
diagnosis is effective only when the compressed image preserves all the information of the original image. This
results in a lossless compression technique. While lossy compression techniques, are more efficient in terms of
storage and transmission needs but there is no warranty that they can preserve the characteristics needed in
medical image processing and diagnosis. Compression plays an important role as medical imaging moves to
film less imaging.CTI or MRI medical imaging are used nowadays which can produce pictures of the human
body in digital form. The lifting scheme is used for the design of both orthogonal and bi-orthogonal filters .It is
implemented for the orthogonal filters using two lifting steps .The performance of the proposed filters are then
compared with the conventional filters in terms of compression ratio, PSNR etc. The bi-orthogonal filters are
implemented using the SPIHT algorithm replacing the EZW coding for image compression. SPIHT algorithm
requires fewer bits to capture the same amount of information when compared with EZW proposed.
Keywords: Bi-orthogonal wavelet transforms, Lifting scheme, SPIHT algorithm, EZW coding, orthogonal filters.
Keywords: Bi-orthogonal wavelet transforms, Lifting scheme, SPIHT algorithm, EZW coding, orthogonal filters.
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- Abstract
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | An Area efficient and more accurate DA-based DCT with more compression rate |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Ashok Kumar Gulla, K.Rajasekhar |
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: | 10.9790/4200-0121720 ![]() |
ABSTRACT:In this paper, a scheme for the design of pipeline architecture for a real-time computation of the 2-
D DCT has been presented. The objective has been to achieve a low computation time by maximizing the
operational frequency and minimizing the number of clock cycles required for the DCT computation, which, in
turn, have been realized by developing a scheme for enhanced inter- and intra stage parallelisms for the
pipeline architecture. it is most efficient to map the overall task of the DCT computation to only two pipeline
stages, i.e., one for performing the task of the level-1DCT computation and the other for performing that of all
the remaining decomposition levels. In view of the fact that the amount and nature of the computation
performed by the two stages are the same, their internal designs ought to be the same. There are two main ideas
that have been employed for the internal design of each stage in order to enhance the intra stage parallelism.
The first idea is to decompose the filtering operation into two subtasks that operate independently on the evenand
odd-numbered input samples, respectively. This idea stems from the fact that the DCT computation is a twosub
band filtering operation, and for each consecutive decomposition level, the input data are decimated by a
factor of two.
Keywords: DCT, Pipeline Architecture, 2-D DCT, Intra Stage Parallelisms, Filtering
Keywords: DCT, Pipeline Architecture, 2-D DCT, Intra Stage Parallelisms, Filtering
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into JPEG-LS," IEEE Trans. on Image Processing, vol. 9, pp. 1309-1324, Aug. 2000.
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Mar. 1979.
[5] A. Savakis and M. Pioriun, "Benchmarking and Hardware Implementation of JPEG-LS," ICIP '02, Rochester, NY, Sep. 2002.
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[8] Xiang Xie, GuoLin Li, and XinKai Chen, "A Low Power Digital IC Design Inside the Wireless Endoscopy Capsule," Asian Solid-
State Circuits Conference (A-SSCC 2005), pp. 217-220, 2005.
[9] K. A. Kotteri, S. Barua, A. E. Bell, and J. E. Carletta, "A comparison of hardware implementations of the biorthogonal 9/7 DCT:
Convolution versus lifting," IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. II, Exp. Briefs, vol. 52, no.5, pp. 256–260, May 2006.
[10] C. Wang and W. S. Gan, "Efficient VLSI architecture for lifting-based discrete wavelet packet transform," IEEE Trans. Circuits
Syst. II, Exp. Briefs, vol. 54, no. 5, pp. 422–426, May 2007.
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ABSTRACT:In this paper, a new approach to design VLSI architecture for DSSS is proposed and implemented.
In this we aimed towards designing a low power and low complexity architecture. An extremely lucid technique
is implemented in Generating the Pseudo Random Sequence, which is the principal component in the design.
The various blocks of the design like encoder, decoder, linear feedback shift register etc., are realized using low
power VLSI components with an ease of low complexity approach. The Design is implemented on XA9536XL
CPLD using XILINX ISE simulator and XILINX XST synthesizer. The results reveal that the power
consumption, number of slice registers and other combinational circuits are less compared to the existing
Keywords: DSSS, low power VLSI, VHDL, Pseudo Random sequence, CPLD, Linear feedback shift register.
Keywords: DSSS, low power VLSI, VHDL, Pseudo Random sequence, CPLD, Linear feedback shift register.
1] Zhanqi DONG and Hanying HU, "The Detection, Symbol Period and Chip Width Estimation of DSSS Signals Based on Delay-
Multiply, Correlation and Spectrum Analysis", Engineering Letters, 15:1, EL_15_1_21, August 2007.
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Multiply, Correlation and Spectrum Analysis", Engineering Letters, 15:1, EL_15_1_21, August 2007.
[2] M. I. Youssef, A. E. Emam, and M. Abd Elghany, "Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum Technique with Residue Number System",
International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering 3:4 2009, 223-230.
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in Broadband Wireless Access (BWA) and Wireless LAN (WLAN)",sorin m. schwartz seminars, 1-16.
[4] Karsten Fyhn, Thomas Arildsen, Torben Larsen and Soren Holdt Jensen, "demodulating subsampled direct sequence spread
spectrum signals using compressive signal processing", 20th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO 2012) August
2012, 2556-2560.
[5] Soonam Yeom, Yunho Jung, and Seongjoo Lee, "An Adaptive Threshold Technique for Fast PN Code Acquisition in DS -SS
Systems" IEEE transactions on vehicular technology, vol. 60, no. 6, July 2011
[6] Xin Ming, Zao Chen, Ze-kun Zhou, and Bo Zhang "An Advanced Spread Spectrum Architecture Using Pseudorandom
Modulation to Improve EMI in Class D Amplifier", IEEE transactions on power electronics, vol. 26, no. 2, February 2011
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Edge Enhancement and Its Applications |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Kanika Gupta, Harjeet Singh |
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: | 10.9790/4200-0123034 ![]() |
ABSTRACT:We describe an automated edge enhancement procedure that operates in conjunction with clustereddot
dithering, edge weighted unsharp masking, compound anisotropic diffusion etc. The goal is to make weak
edges more noticeable and to give the strong edges in the half toned image a sharper and more natural
appearance. Unsharp masking that is widely used for image enhancement amplifies image contrast by adding
the high frequency component that is obtained by a linear high pass filter from an input image. To preserve
image features, the anisotropic diffusion is governed by a local co-ordinate transformation. Experimental
results show that edge enhancement is successful in improving the appearance of the text, line art and natural
scenes. Also real ultrasonic images indicate effective preservation of edges and local details. Edge enhancement
enhances edges in image with natural transition and sharp visual quality.
Keywords: Anisotropic diffusion, augmented Vision, Dyadic wavelet transform, Image edge enhancement, spatial phase filter
Keywords: Anisotropic diffusion, augmented Vision, Dyadic wavelet transform, Image edge enhancement, spatial phase filter
[1] H. Trontelj, J. E. Farrell, J. Wiseman, and J. Shu, "Optimal half toning algorithm depends on printing resolution," in SID Int‟l.
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[4] G. Ramponi, "A cubic unsharp masking technique for contrast enhancement," Signal Processing, vol. 67, no. 2, pp.2 1 1 -222, June
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Wavelets, Multiresolution and Information Processing,Vol.6, No.3, pp:331-351,2008.
[8] Atabany, W., and Degenaar, P. "A Spatiotemporal Parallel Image Processing on FPGA for Augmented Vision System",
Proceedings of the International Joint Conferences on Computer, Information, and Systems Sciences, and Engineering. December
- Citation
- Abstract
- Reference
ABSTRACT:In this work, the demand is to design an 8-bit ALU and perform analysis at gate and layout levels.
The design makes use of n-Bit slice concept, the requirement is to design and develop low power high
performance circuits. To achieve this, the design requires advanced styles to be employed. High level
description language to be used to construct layout of 8-bit ALU and then different analyses will be carried out
on this layout.
Keywords: ALU, Bit Slice, Low Leakage, Threshold Volatge.
Keywords: ALU, Bit Slice, Low Leakage, Threshold Volatge.
[1] T. Kuroda and T. Sakurai, "Overview of Low-power ULSI Circuit Techniques," IEICE Trans.
Electron., vol. E78-C, no. 4, pp. 334-344, April 1995.
[2] A.L Davis, "A Data Driven Machine Architecture Suitable for VLSI Implementation" Proc. Caltech
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[4] T. Kuroda and T. Sakurai, "Overview of Low-power ULSI Circuit Techniques," IEICE Trans.
Electron., vol. E78-C, no. 4, pp. 334-344, April 1.
Electron., vol. E78-C, no. 4, pp. 334-344, April 1995.
[2] A.L Davis, "A Data Driven Machine Architecture Suitable for VLSI Implementation" Proc. Caltech
conf. VLSI Jan.19 79, pp.479-494.
[3] K. Bernstein, et al., High Speed CMOS Design Styles. Kluwer, Boston, 1998.
[4] T. Kuroda and T. Sakurai, "Overview of Low-power ULSI Circuit Techniques," IEICE Trans.
Electron., vol. E78-C, no. 4, pp. 334-344, April 1.
- Citation
- Abstract
- Reference
Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Multiple Objects Tracking using CAMshift Algorithm in Open CV |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Aditi Jog, Prof.Shirish Halbe |
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: | 10.9790/4200-0124146 ![]() |
ABSTRACT:These paper reviews tracking of multiple moving objects with CAMshift algorithm in OpenCV. In
many other cases CAMshift considered a feature of tracked object which need to track in video stream. Many
times CAMshift algorithm used for face tracking. But in our paper we implement approach of CAMshift
algorithm which is capable of track multiple moving objects in video stream.
In our paper, we have not considered any feature of object to be tracked. Here first Reference frame is selected
by user and further continuously updated Binary foreground pixels are given as an argument to CAMshift, for
locating location of desired objects in each frame. Motion contour detection is achieved. By providing overlap
threshold criteria in scope of CAMshift algorithm multiple objects are tracked in consecutive video frames and
ellipse is getting drawn around each tracked object.
Keywords: CAMshift, foreground pixels, multiple Object tracking, OpenCV.
Keywords: CAMshift, foreground pixels, multiple Object tracking, OpenCV.
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Spaces", Inc. Australian Computer Society, vol.36, 2004.
[7] OpenCV Reference Manual v2.1, March 18, 2010
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[9] Gauthier Lemoine (2010, October) Follow region of image frame by frame [Online].Available: http://gauth.fr/category//
[2] Jean-Yves Bouguet (2000): Pyramidal Implementation of the Lucas Kanade Feature Tracker – Description of the algorithm, Intel
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[3] PASCHOS, G. 2001. Perceptually uniform color spaces for color texture analysis:an empirical evaluation. IEEE Trans. Image
Process. 10, 932-937.
[4] Willow Garge,Inc, Willow garge http://www.willowgarage.com/ (August 2009).
[5] G. Bradski, and A. Kaehler, "Learning OpenCV", (O`Reilly, 2008, pp.337-341)
[6] G. J. Allen, Y. D. Richard Xu and S. Jin Jesse, "Object Tracking Using CAMShift Algorithm and Multiple Quantized Feature
Spaces", Inc. Australian Computer Society, vol.36, 2004.
[7] OpenCV Reference Manual v2.1, March 18, 2010
[8] Ebrahim E, Mahmood Fathy," Object Tracking Using Improved CAMShift Algorithm Combined with Motion Segmentation",
IEEE Trans, pp. 1-4, Nov 2011.
[9] Gauthier Lemoine (2010, October) Follow region of image frame by frame [Online].Available: http://gauth.fr/category//
- Citation
- Abstract
- Reference
Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Speech Enhancement in a Noisy Environment Using Sub-Band Processing |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | K. Sravanthi, M. S. Anuradha |
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: | 10.9790/4200-0124752 ![]() |
ABSTRACT:One of the methods for recovering a signal corrupted by additive noise using Weiner filtering
approach. This paper mainly deals with speech enhancement/recovering using Weiner filtering technique. It
uses the Weighted Overlap Add filter bank implemented using digital signal processing techniques. The spectral
enhancement is achieved by Voice Activity Detector in conjunction with Weiner filtering, and the results were
discussed for different noise floor levels for a stationary recorded input signal..
Keywords: speech enhancement, WOLA filter bank, VAD, weiner filtering.
Keywords: speech enhancement, WOLA filter bank, VAD, weiner filtering.
[1] A flexible filter bank structure for extensive signal manipulations in digital hearing aids by Robert Brennan Todd Schneider
dspFactory, Waterloo Ontario, Canada, N2J 4V1
[2] Technion { Israel Institute of Technology, Department of Electrical Engineering Estimation and Identi¯cation in Dynamical
Systems (048825) Lecture Notes, Fall 2009, Prof. N. Shimkin
[3] Wideband High-Resolution Filterbank Firmware: Acceptance Testing and Excision Filtering K. L. Harman and C. Potter
[4] Modified LTSE-VAD algorithm for applications requiring reduced silence frame misclassification by Iker Luengo, Eva Navas, Igor
Odriozola, Ibon Saratxaga, Inmaculada Hernaez, I ˜naki Sainz, Daniel Erro
[5] Speech Signal Processing School of Electronic Information, Wuhan University.
[6] Adaptive Filtering Primer with MATLAB - Poularikas and Ramadan.
dspFactory, Waterloo Ontario, Canada, N2J 4V1
[2] Technion { Israel Institute of Technology, Department of Electrical Engineering Estimation and Identi¯cation in Dynamical
Systems (048825) Lecture Notes, Fall 2009, Prof. N. Shimkin
[3] Wideband High-Resolution Filterbank Firmware: Acceptance Testing and Excision Filtering K. L. Harman and C. Potter
[4] Modified LTSE-VAD algorithm for applications requiring reduced silence frame misclassification by Iker Luengo, Eva Navas, Igor
Odriozola, Ibon Saratxaga, Inmaculada Hernaez, I ˜naki Sainz, Daniel Erro
[5] Speech Signal Processing School of Electronic Information, Wuhan University.
[6] Adaptive Filtering Primer with MATLAB - Poularikas and Ramadan.
- Citation
- Abstract
- Reference
ABSTRACT:As communication plays an important role in day to day life, the effective and efficient data
transmission is to be maintained. This paper mainly deals with implements a congestion control mechanism
using Router control method for IP-RAN on CDMA cellular network. The Router control mechanism uses the
features of CDMA networks using active Queue Management technique to reduce delay and to minimize the
correlated losses. The Random Early Detection Active Queue Management scheme (REDAQM) is to be
realized for the router control for data transmission over the radio network using routers as the channel. As
technology develops, we can satisfy these needs by using new tools, new applications and new personal
devices. When utilizing these new personal tools and services to enrich our lives, while being mobile, we are
using Mobile Multimedia applications. As new handsets, new technologies and new business models are
introduced on the marketplace, new attractive multimedia services can and will be launched, fulfilling the
demands. Because the number of multimedia services and even more so, the context in which the services are
used is numerous, the following model is introduced in order to simplify and clarify how different services will
evolve, enrich our lives and fulfill our desires.The proposed paper work is to be realized using Matlab
Keywords: REDAQM, CDMA, IP-RAN, Matlab.
Keywords: REDAQM, CDMA, IP-RAN, Matlab.
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[2] E.H. Dinan, B. Jabbari, "Spreading codes for direct sequence CDMA", IEEE Communications Magazine, pp. 48-54, September 1998.
[3] Marat and Bosquet, (2002)"Satellite Communications Systems", Fourth Edition, John Wiley & Sons, Inc
[4] Simon Haykin,(2000) "Communication Systems ", Fourth Edition, John Wiley & Sons, Inc
[5] Timothy Pratt, Charles W. Bostian, (1989) "Satellite Communications", John Wiley & Sons, Inc
[6] B. Braden et al, "Recommendations on queue management and congestion avoidance in the internet," Request for Comments 2309,
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[7] V.GARG, wireless Network Evolution 2G to 3G,Prentice-Hall, 2001.
[8] R. Vaccaro, Digital control, a state space approach, McGraw Hill, 1998.
[9] S. Floyd and V. Jacobson "Random early detection gateways for congestion avoidance ," IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, vol.1
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