Volume-2 ~ Issue-3
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ABSTRACT: At present, the importance of improving a traffic system has become more important than ever before due to the immense number of vehicles on the road. In this paper a unifying philosophy for carrying out different level of image processing has been presented in order to find the best possible outcomes to solve the vision problem at night time. The whole process was done using the low level and mid level image processing algorithms. As there is no fixed method of doing this kind of transformations, in this paper different types of transformations have used to find out the best possible output. There are different types of edge detection techniques in order to detect the substances properly. In case of segmentation, there are different algorithms which can be manipulated according to the purpose. Here we have used some of these techniques to find out the best possible method for this job. Merging with logarithmic and power law transformation this edge detection and segmentation technique produces the output that we have longed for.
Keyword – Image and Video processing, Image Enhancement, Gray Level Transformation, Image Segmentation.
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ABSTRACT: Leakage power has become an important contributing factor of power for the CMOS circuits in deep sub-micron process. MTCMOS is a very effective technique to reduce the leakage current of circuits in the standby mode. Placing a global sleep device is not practical and sleep device at fine grain level involves more number of sleep transistors and more routing space. Distributed MTCMOS is better technique with self sleep circuit to avoid complexities in routing and sleep distribution network. A simple FFT processor is designed with self sleep buffer using body bias to reduce its standby power. Ccomparisons are made between leakage power for FFT implemented in CMOS and distributed self sleep FFT using the 90nm CMOS technology in cadence tools.
Keywords – FFT, Leakage power, MTCMOS, Sleep device, Standby mode.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Dissipated Power Reduction in Domino Circuit |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Japjeet Kaur, Rajesh Mehra |
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: | 10.9790/4200-0231721 ![]() |
ABSTRACT: In this paper we have analyzed the advantages of using dynamic circuits over static circuits with result oriented example for NAND operation. The different aspects covered under this discussion include power, speed, area, input Capacitance and timing delays calculation. We have also covered the problem of increase in dynamic power dissipation at the dynamic and the output node in dynamic circuits. A circuit is proposed for un-footed dynamic buffer circuit where the power dissipation is reduced from 256μW to 142μW at the output node in the proposed circuit as compared to that in standard dynamic domino logic buffer circuit. Simulation results are obtained using 0.12μm CMOS technology.
Keywords - Dynamic Circuits, Domino Logic, Keeper Circuit, Buffer, Power Dissipation, Skewed Gates
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Fusion Algorithm for Images based on Discrete Multi-wavelet Transform |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Ms. V.P.Sawant |
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: | 10.9790/4200-0232227 ![]() |
ABSTRACT: With the availability of multisensor images in many fields, sensor fusion has emerged as a new and promising research area. Multisensor image data often present complementary information about the region surveyed, so that image fusion provides an effective method to enable comparison and analysis of such data. Image fusion aims at the integration of complementary data to enhance the information content of the imagery, i.e. make the imagery more useful to a particular application.
Keywords - DMWT, fusion, fusion rules.
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ABSTRACT: Images are often corrupted by impulse noise in the procedures of image acquisition and transmission. In this paper, we propose An Efficient VLSI Architecture for Removal of Impulse Noise in Image using edge preserving filter, to achieve low-complexity VLSI architecture. We employ a decision-tree-based impulse noise detector to detect the noisy pixels, and an edge-preserving filter along with mathematical morphological filter to reconstruct the intensity values of noisy pixels. Furthermore, an adaptive technology is used to enhance the effects of removal of random valued impulse noise. Our extensive experimental results demonstrate that the proposed technique can obtain better performances in terms of both quantitative evaluation and visual quality than the previous lower-complexity methods. Moreover, the performance can be comparable to the higher-complexity methods. The VLSI architecture of our design yields a processing rate of about 200 MHz by using TSMC 0.18μm technology. The design requires only low computational complexity and two line memory buffers. Its hardware cost is low and suitable to be applied to many real-time applications.
Keywords - edge preserving filter, Image denoising, impulse noise, impulse detector, image acquisition
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Reduction of unwanted switching through skewing the circuit |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Rohit Agarwal, Rajesh Mehra |
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: | 10.9790/4200-0234045 ![]() |
ABSTRACT: This Paper proposed a method of Skewed circuit to avoid the unwanted switching of the controlling operation during the continuation of same level of the signal. In Application where the control model has to check the command signals at beginning of each clock cycle to control the further operation , this types of switching can provide the better potency. In this paper we apply this method on the widely used CMOS technology .All the proposed work is designed & analysed over the DSCH2.7f & Microwind 2.6k.In this paper we compare a full adder using the conventional CMOS and proposed Skewed CMOS on 0.12μm.
Keywords: CMOS, Skew, Microwind, DSCH
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | An Efficient Viterbi Decoder Architecture |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Kalpana. R, Arulanantham. D, Dr.Marimuthu.C.N |
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: | 10.9790/4200-0234650 ![]() |
ABSTRACT: A breadth first trellis decoding algorithm is introduced for application to sequence estimation in digital transmission. The decoding effort adapts to the prevailing noise conditions to yield low average effort. The proposed method of a performance of error correcting in noisy channels to reduce the power dissipation, the decoding speed in much to design a VD for TCM is presented in this paper. VD is used to decode the digital data communications and storage devices without any performance loss. A viterbi decoder uses the viterbi algorithm for decoding a bit stream that has been encoded using Forward error correction based on a code There are other algorithms for decoding a convolutionally encoded stream as well as punctured codes The advandage of VD is errors and correction and digital communication. The pre computation VD could reduce the power consumption by 70% with only 11% reduction of the maximum decoding speed.
Keywords- Convolution codes, Trellis coded modulation(TCM), Threshold,Viterbi decoder , VLSI.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Design a Low Power Half-Subtractor Using .90μm CMOS Technology |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Tanvi Sood, Rajesh Mehra |
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: | 10.9790/4200-0235156 ![]() |
ABSTRACT: In this paper we are presenting a Half-Subtractor using Adaptive Voltage Level (AVL) technique consuming less power than the conventional one .The main objective is to design that half subtractor using either of the two adaptive voltage level(AVL) techniques to reduce the sub threshold leakage current which plays a very important role in the reduction of power dissipation. We can bring down the value of total power dissipation by applying the AVLG (adaptive voltage level at ground) technology in which the ground potential is increased and AVLS (adaptive voltage level at supply) in which supply potential is raised. Also the reduced transistor count add to the further lowering of power consumption of the realized Half-Subtractor circuit which is optimized at .90 micron technology using AVL technique. The AVL technique based Half-Subtractor compared to conventional one based on power consumption, speed, layout area and propagation delay is more preferred. The circuit is simulated on microwind and DSCH in .90 micron CMOS technology.
Keywords- Half-Subtractor, AVL techniques, DSCH, microwind simulator, VLSI circuit and low power
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Design and FPGA Implementation of a Low Power Arithmetic Logic Unit |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Jijil Kurian, Lijo Antony Alex, Venugopal G |
ABSTRACT: Arithmetic logic unit is the core of any CPU that can be part of a programmable reversible computing device such as a quantum computer. The major concern for ALU design ,using normal gates is heavy power consumption. The main reason for power consumption is the normal irreversible gates. In order to ensure low power design constraint a new type of gates called reversible gates were introduced. In reversible gates the number of inputs is equal to the number of outputs and there is a one to one mapping between the inputs and outputs. Here in this paper we discuss the design of a low power ALU using reversible gates and its implementation on FPGA.
Keywords – ALU, FPGA, Reversible gates, Reversible logic, Spartan.
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