Series-3 (April 2020)April 2020 Issue Statistics
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ABSTRACT: In the present study, effects of nitrogen and potassium on the growth, yield and yield contributing traits of French bean was investigated. Two-factor experiment was conducted in the Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with three replications. These two factors with four level of each nutrient were nitrogen (0 kg/ha, 50 kg/ha, 100 kg/ha and 150 kg/ha) and potassium (0 kg/ha, 40 kg/ha, 80 kg/ha and 120 kg/ha). Results revealed that nitrogen had significant effect on most of the yield contributing traits of French bean exceptdiameter of green pod of French bean. The maximum green pod yield (6.53 t/ha) was obtained from the plot where 150kg N/ha was applied. Also, most of the parameters.......
[1]. Arya, P.S., V. Sagar and S.R. Singh. 1999. Effect of N P k on seed yield of French bean (Phaseolus Vulgaris L.)var. Contender. Haryana J. Hort. Sci., 6: 137-139.
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[3]. Chandra, R., C. B.S. Rajput, K.P. Singh and S.J. Singh. 1987. Arole on the effect of nitrogen phosphorus and Rhizobium culture on the growth and yield of French bean (Phaseolus Vulgaris) cv. Contender. Haryana J. Hort. Sci., 16 (8): 146-147.
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ABSTRACT: Dairy industry is one of the fastest growing sub-sector in agriculture around the world. In Kenya, dairy industry is a major subsector of agriculture contributing to about 14% of the total agricultural gross domestic product (GDP) with a unique annual growth rate of 4.1% compared to 1.2% of the other agricultural sub sectors. Statistics show that the Kenya dairy industry is mainly driven by the smallholder farmers owning 80% of the total dairy cattle and producing about 56% of the total milk produced in the country. With the devolved system of government in Kenya the county governments have tried to put measures to empower smallholder dairy cattle farmers with an aim of improving milk productivity in the regions. The county government of Kakamega for instance, in collaboration with NGOs like Rural Outreach Programme (ROP), Send a Cow, Heifer International, One.......
Key words: Dairy productivity, Feed type, Watering, Mineral supplementation, Vaccination, Deworming
[1]. Douphrate DI, Hagevoort GR, Nonnenmann MW, LunnerKolstrup C, Reynolds SJ, Jakob M, Kinsel M. The dairy industry: a brief description of production practices, trends, and farm characteristics around the world. Journal of agromedicine. 2013 Jul 3;18(3):187-97.
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[3]. Odero-Waitituh JA. Smallholder dairy production in Kenya; a review. Livestock Research for Rural Development. 2017;29(7):139.
[4]. IFAD (International Fund for Agricultural Development). Small Holder Dairy Commercialization Programme- Appraisal Report: Africa Division 11, Programme management Department. Rome, Italy 2006.
[5]. RoK (Republic of Kenya). Central planning and Project monitoring Unit, Ministry of Agriculture Livestock and Fisheries, Economic Review of Agriculture (ERA) Nairobi, Kenya, 2015.
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ABSTRACT: This study evaluates the reproductive and productive performance of three strains of Nigerian indigenous turkeys fed different levels of dietary energy and protein at the Teaching and Research farm of the Federal Polytechnic Bali, Taraba State. A total of 120 day-old poults of Three strains of indigenous turkeywere used for the experiment. The experiments lasted for 11 months (July, 2018 –August, 2019), where poults were brooded on commercial feed for the period of 8 weeks. At the age of 64 days the birds were randomly allotted into four treatment dietary levels for growers;T1-control (Commercial feeds), T2-low energy high protein(LEHP), T3-high energy low protein(HELP), and T4-high energy high protein(HEHP). Data on weight gains was collected at the age of......
Key words: Effects, Diets, Energy, Protein, Reproduction, production and Turkeys
[1]. Adikari, A.M.J.B., W.A.D. Nayananjalle, J. Xu and E.J. Smith (2016).Phenotypic variations of Growth and Reproduction
performance among Turkeys (Meleagrisgallopavo).Asia Journal of Poultry Science. 10:86-95
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[3]. Aslam, M.L., J.W.M. Bastiaansan., M.G. Elfinnk., H.J., Megens. And R.P.M.A, Crooijimans (2012). Whole genome SNP
discovery and analysis of genetic diversity in turkey (Meleagrisgallopavo).B.MC Genomics, Vol.13(10).
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[5]. Gabriel, S., Osama,E.Y., Alhafiz, A.H. and Duha,E.(2014).Hatching and growth of turkey (Meleagrisgallopavo) poults under
Sudan condition.
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ABSTRACT: Field trial was conducted at the Teaching and Research Farm of the Department of Agricultural Technology, Federal Polytechnic, Bali, Taraba – State in 2019 cropping season, to study the effects of N. P. K. levels on the Growth, Yield components and Grain yield of 2- cultivars of Soybeans ''Tamakpo'' and John Grain (Glycine max( L.) Merrill), in Bali Taraba – State, in the northern – guinea savanna zone of Nigeria. The experimental design was a split – plot design with the Soybean cultivars ''TAMAKPO'' and JOHN GREEN as the main plots and five treatments T1 (Control), T2, T3, T4, and T5 as sub – plots. These treatments were replicated four times giving a total of forty (40) sub - plots . Parameters measured include; Plant height (cm) at 4, 8, and 12 weeks after planting (WAP), number....
Key words: Soybean Cultivars, Yield Performance, Effective and Non – Effective Nodules, Treatments, Leguminosae.
[1]. Achakzai, A. K. K and Kayaani, S.A. (2003). Fertilizer and inoculation of phosphorous, potassium and sodium content of pot culture mature soybean group. JournalofBiologicalScience. 3 (3): 291 – 297.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The importance and position of Manisa province in olive growing of Turkey |
Country | : | Turkey |
Authors | : | Ayşen Melda Çolak || Hakan Çulha |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/2380-1304032735 ![]() |
ABSTRACT: Olive, which is described as "the first of the trees, the sacred tree of the Mediterranean, the symbol of Peace and Honor, the source of healing", is a subtropic fruit that has been cultivated in our country for centuries, where Mediterranean climate characteristics are widely affected. Mediterranean basin, Turkey has a climate which is one of 41 countries in the world with 174 million trees 4 is the presence of most olive producing countries. However, in Turkey olive cultivation, the quality is not at the desired level in processing and marketing. In this study, on data principles and statistical of Agricultural Sciences, world, olive condition, and Manisa, Turkey, Turkey general condition on the basis of and provinces olive yield and quality issues and their impact factors has been studied in comparison. In addition, the effects of the change of the demographic structure of the human labor force, which is the most important driving force of agriculture, which is a labor-intensive production activity, in the rural areas in which production takes place, on the agriculture and olive cultivation..
Key words: Olive, Manisa, yield, production
[1]. Anonymous 2007. Güneydoğu Anadolu Bölgesinde Zeytinde Adaptasyon, T.C. Tarım ve Köyişleri Bakanlığı, Tarımsal Araştırmalar Genel Müdürlüğü, Antepfıstığı Araştırma Enstitüsü Müdürlüğü, Yayın No:23,, erişim tarihi: 09.06.2019
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ABSTRACT: In India about 60% of total cultivable area comes under dryland agriculture and there is no assured return when rain fails at the right stage of crop. Many a times this leads to heavy losses to farmer. It has also been observed that when the crop is of 40-50 days and at this stage, if rain does not come, the crop is under dry spell conditions and fails. The other parameters such as farm power availability, sowing method, time availability to perform farm operations etc. also affect the return. But all these problems can be solved, if assured irrigation especially when the crop is under dry spell condition is available. The use of solar operated micro irrigation applicator coupled with technology can give assured return to the farmers working in dryland agriculture under rainfed farming system. This technology is pollution free and can be adopted anywhere in remote area, where there is no electricity or diesel engine or gen-sets.
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ABSTRACT: Africa has enormous feed resources that can be used to boost the production of monogastric animals. These feed resources vary in terms of their cost, availability and their nutritive value. This paper has highlighted the various class of feed resources in Africa and their merits and demerits. With the demand of meat growing by the day, there is the need to know which feed resources to use in order to reduce the cost of production and maximize profits.
KEY WORDS: Feed Resources, Africa, Monogastric animals and Production
[1]. Afolayan, S.B., Dafwang, I.I., Tegbe, T.S.B.and Sekondi, A. (2012). Response of broiler chicken chickens fed on maize-based diets substituted with graded levels of sweet potato meal, Asian Journal of Poultry Science, 6:15-22.
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[3]. Hafeni-Shihepo, S. (2019). Effects of pelleting millet-based diets on the performance of broiler chickens, Department of Animal Science, University of Namibia,
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ABSTRACT: Background Acid soils occur commonly in the high–rainfall areas along the hilly regions of Sylhet as a serious constraint to crop production and a primary yield-limiting factor. An experiment was conducted in the field laboratory of Department of Crop Botany and Tea Production Technology of Sylhet Agricultural University, Sylhet from March to October 2014 with a view to selecting the superior okra cultivar in relation to growth characters in acidic soil conditions. Materials And Methods: The experiment was laidout in a Randomized Complete....
KEY WORDS: Morphological traits, okra cultivar, acid soil
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ABSTRACT: Background: Pakcoy plant (Brassica rapa L.) is a horticulture plant that is widely cultivated in Indonesia. Pakcoy cultivation can also be done using hydroponic techniques or cultivation of plants without using soil. Wick system is one of the simplest hydroponic techniques. Hydroponics uses nutrient solutions that are AB Mix. AB Mix nutrition can basically be replaced with liquid organic fertilizer (LOF). The LOF used was made from guano and was obtained from the Batu Hapu cave located in Batu Hapu Village, Hatungun District, Tapin Regency, South Kalimantan Province, Indonesia. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of effective dosing of guano LOF on the growth and yield response of pakcoy plants in hydroponic wick system. Research methods used a Completely......
Keywords: Pakcoy, Hydroponic, Wick system, LOF, Guano
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