Series-2 (Jan. – Feb. 2021)Jan. – Feb. 2021 Issue Statistics
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Abstract: Ginkgo biloba L. is a well-known living gymnosperm fossil that has medicinal, biologically and economically value in the worldwide. In this study, bioinformatics analysis based on Homology modeling were obtainedsuch as flavanone 3-hydroxylase (GbF3H) and flavonoid 3`-hydroxylase (GbF3`H) from Ginkgo biloba L. are key enzymes in involved pathway of plant flavonoids and the anthocyanin.The full-length cDNA of F3H gene sequence (GbF3H) was isolated from G. bilobacontained a 1074 bp open reading frame(ORF) encoding a 357- amino-acid protein. The deduced GbF3H protein showed high identities to other plant F3Hs.For the full-length cDNA GbF3`H gene was contained a1674 bpopen reading frame (ORF)encoding a 556 amino acid protein.As well as, Multiple Sequence Alignment (MSAs) of selected..........
Key Word: Flavanone 3-hydroxylase (GbF3H),flavonoid 3'hydroxylase (GbF3`H), Ginkgo biloba, homology modeling, Model-Template Alignment
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Abstract: (Salvia spp) this genus includes an enormous assemblage of nearly 1,000 species dispersed around the world. Due to possible threats to this genus, there is an immediate requirement to evaluate the diversity among the wild and cultivated species of the genus salvia. In the current investigation the set of ISSR, SRAP and ISTR marker molecular techniques were used to evaluate the genetic relationships among Salvia aegyptiaca and Salvia officinalis. The genetic diversity analysis has been verified using 12 ISSR, 15 SRAP and 10 ISTR to assess the systematic knots between the wild and cultivated species. In order to detect the level of polymorphism and molecular phylogeny, a comparative analysis of the three markers was performed based on the exposure of efficiency, discriminating capacity and phylogenetic heatmap...........
Key Word: marker molecular, Salvia aegyptiaca, Salvia officinalis, ISSR, SRAP, ISTR Heatmap, PCA.
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Abstract: The rivers of Langkak are located near Nagan Raya, the conditions of the circumstance in watering found out the plantation palm oil belongs to the firm and the people. Not only the creek but also all activities of the people throwing waste such as industrial waste, coal mining activities and also the shop can be causing metal-contaminated river conditions. This research aims to investigate the level of metal accumulation iron (Fe), Zinc (Zn), Copper (Cu), and Tin (Pb) on the shellfish found in the Langkak river Nagan Raya region. The methodology used is Explorative survey in three stations was conducted on October- November 2019. The accumulative analysis metal...........
Key Word: Accumulation, Metal, shellfish
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Abstract: Mushrooms are a materialization of a general proverb, 'Medicines and foods have a common origin', in the constitution of both a nutritionally functional food as well as a source of physiologically advantageous medicine. This overview article mostly covers the results obtained from the broad-range studies aimed on physiological, biochemical and food technological significance of varieties and mode of nutrition of mushroom and thus may represent a comprehensive account for physiologists, biochemists and food technologists to propagate their research on still not well known nutraceutical and medicinal importance of certain edible mushrooms. Besides, it would provide new insights into development of novel mushrooms based functional foods as well as valuable medicine ingredients.
Key Word: Anti-diabetic activity, Blood lipid lowering effects, Foods, Functional food, Medicines, Mushroom
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