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Abstract: The objective of this study is to examine corporate social and environmental disclosure and holistic growth in the Positive Accounting Theory (PAT) view. Specifically, the paper investigates the relationship that exists between corporate social responsibility and Return on asset, leverage, and firm size. The data for this study were obtained from secondary source which were collected from the audited annual reports as well as accounts of the listed Deposit Money Banks in Nigeria. The paper is descriptive and highly empirical as it embraces the use of panel regression technique as tool of analysis. The regression analysis shows that corporate social and environmental is associated with..............
Keywords: Corporate Social and Environmental Disclosure, Positive Accounting Theory, Bonus Plan Hypothesis, Debt/Equity Hypothesis, Political Cost Hypothesis
[1] Ajide, F. M., & Adetunji, A. A. (2014). The effects of corporate social responsibility activity disclosure on corporate profitability:
Empirical evidence from Nigerian commercial banks. IOSR Journal of Economics and Finance, 2(6), 17 – 25.
[2] Ahmed, Z., Hazzan, S., & Mohammad, J. (2003). Determinants of environmental reporting in Malaysia. International Journal of Business Studies, 11(1), 69-90.
[3] Amole, B. B., Adebiyi, S. O., & Awolaja, A. M. (2012).Corporate Social Responsibility and Profitability of Nigeria Banks – A Casual Relationship. Research Journal of Finance and Accounting, 3(1): 6-17.
[4] Banwarie, U. R. (2011). The relationship between ownership structure and CSR disclosure. Unpublished doctoral thesis, Erasmus National University
[5] Belkaoui, A. R. (2014). Accounting theory. 5th edition: USA, Learning Solution Specialty Publications Ltd.
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Abstract: The study aims to examine the affects of oil prices on economic growth amidst oil crises in Sultanate of Oman and to find out economic diversification plans in Sultanate of Oman amidst oil crises. Descriptive research design was adopted for the present study. The data was collected through secondary sources and it is found that to diversify economy there must be some shift in economic plans and policies. Diversification is needed due to decline in oil prices as 80% of the country's economy is from Oil. To stabilize earnings and increase revenue of the country's economy diversification can be done by promoting industrial sector, market for non-oil products can be encouraged and marketing of tourism is also one of the alternatives to develop economy in Sultanate of Oman.
Keywords: Diversification, Economy, Economic growth, Oman, Oil crises.
[1] AlameenMohammad,M.Yousif, The Norwegian oil experience of economic diversification:A comparative study with Gulf Oil, European Journal of Business and Management. Vol.8,no.15, 2016, 94-101.
[2] Chris Ifeanyi.O, Amujiri,A.B, Ndibe,B. N, Diversification of the economy: A panacea for Nigerian economic development. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development. Vol.2, Issues.5, 2015, 477-483.
[3] Shayah,H.M, Economic Diversification by boosting non-oil exports (Case of UAE). Journal of Economics, Business and Management, Vol.3, No.7, 2015, 735-738.
[4] Marzoviall.O, Economic Diversification in GCC countries and the optimality of a monetary union. European Scientific Journal.Special edition Vol 1, 2014, 658-675.
[5] Hvidt.M, Economic Diversification in GCC countries: Past record and Future trends. Research paper, Kuwait programme on Development, Governance and Globalization in the Gulf States.No.27, 2013, 1-49.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Stress Coping Mechanisms adopted by Banking Sector Employees for Downsize the Stress: a Study |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | DR.R.Priya |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1906031317 ![]() |
Abstract: The study aims to identify the stress coping mechanisms adopted by both private and public sector banking employees for downsize the stress. The data collected from 400 bank employees of both private and public sector banking employees of Perambalur District, have been used to identify the stress coping mechanisms adopted by the respondents. The factor analysis has been applied for grouping of the variables. The findings indicate eight coping dimensions- Time management, Physical relaxation, Entertainment, Optimistic Approach, Adequate rest, Temporary Relaxation, Diversion and Decentralization. Further the results indicate that private and public sector banks significantly differ on coping dimensions.
Keywords: Stress- Coping mechanisms- Banking employees
[1] Ajay Kumar Singh and Nidhi Dhawan. "A Study of Organizational Stress and Coping Mechanism in Public and Private Sector Banks", Research Paper Presentations on Contemporary Issues in the 13th Annual International Seminar at India Habitat Centre, New Delhi(2006).
[2] Allison D G. "Coping with Stress in the Principalship", Journal of Educational Administration 35(1) (1997): 39-55.
[3] Arnten A-C A, Janson B and Archer T. " Influece of Affective Personality Type and Gender upon Coping Behaviour, Mood and Stress", Individual Differences Research 6(3) (2008): 139-168.
[4] Arti Devi. "Coping Strategies by Bank employees to Manage Role Stress: A Study", The IUP Journal of Management Research 11(4) (2012): 21-36.
[5] Aziz M. "Role stress among Women in the Indian Information Technology Sector", Women in Management Review 19(7) (2004): 356-363.
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Abstract: Jobs in banking sectors are very attractive to the people of Bangladesh because of its attractive working environment, handsome salary and so on. But all the employees are not still satisfied with their jobs due to some noticeable factors especially in govt. banks. Job satisfaction is the bunch of internal and external factors stimulating desires and energy in people to be continually interested in and committed to a job, role, or subject and to exert persistent efforts in gaining goals. The main objective of the study is to analyse and reveal the satisfaction level among the employees of Govt. Banks. Some findings of the study are high workload and working stress comparing with compensation package, good loan facilities but average level of allowance and other incentives for the employees..........
Keywords: Job Satisfaction, Compensation, Workload and Stress, Working Conditions, Financial Rewards
[1] Barnes, L.L.B., Agago, M.O.,Coombs, W.T. (1998). Effects of job related stress on faculty intention to leave, Academia Research in Higher Education. 39, 457-469.
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[3] Conrad, K.M., Conrad, K.J., and Parker, J.E.(1985). Job satisfaction among occupational health nurses, Journal of Community Health Nursing. 2, 161-173
[4] Clark, A.E., & Oswald, A.J.(1996). Satisfaction and comparison income, Journal of Public Economics. 61, 359-381
[5] Cheung, C. K., & Scherling, S. A. (1999).Job Satisfaction, Work Values, and Sex Differences in Taiwan's Organizations, The Journal of Psychology, (Taiwan) 133 (5),563-575
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | An Inclusive Approach to Technology Development and Technology Project Implementations |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Maruti Vitthal Khaire |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1906032636 ![]() |
Abstract: New technology development projects are having risks, uncertainties, complexities and long development time involved in addition to resources required to invest into innovation projects. Lack of inclusive disciplined approach and structured innovation process around the selection of new technology projects, reduces the probabilities of innovation project's success. The present paper suggests inclusive approach to technology development and implementation to achieve set of strategic technology objectives of the organization. It suggests inclusive approach to facilitate systematic technology development, set direction for innovations, and implement robust strategy for technology development and implementation..........
Keywords: Technology Roadmap, Portfolio Analysis
[1]. Albright E Richard, A Unifying Architecture for Roadmaps Frames a Value Scorecard (2003) Retrieved from
[2]. Albright E. Richard, What Can Past Technology Forecasts Tell Us About the Future?, Technological Forecasting and Social Change. Jan 2002. Retrieved from:
[3]. Phaal Robert, Technology Roadmapping, Centre for Technology Management, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom (2003) Retrieved from:
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Abstract: Social Entrepreneurship has been a tool to solving the problems of Food Security. It has been a sustainable development issue linked to economic development, environment and trade: the physical ability to access and the financial capability to afford food to meet people's nutrition and diet in sync with their preferences. Dr M V Gupta, recipient of the World Food Prize in 2005 and the Sunhak Peace Prize in 2014 hailed as the pioneer of the Blue revolution wherein aquaculture and freshwater fish farming as an alternative solution to the food crisis of the future was provided. Working with NGOs, poor women and a bottom-up approach helped in mitigation of poverty.........
Keywords: Social Entrepreneurship, Blue Revolution, Food Security, Bottom-up Approach to Research, Non-Governmental Organizations, Women Empowerment
[1] Wikipedia, (2016). Modadugu Vijay Gupta. [online] Available at: [Accessed 16 Jan. 2016].
[2] The Economic Times, (2016). Noted Indian scientist Dr Modadugu Vijay Gupta awarded first Sunhak Peace Prize - The Economic Times. [online] Available at: [Accessed 16 Jan. 2016].
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[4], (2016). SUNHAK PEACE PRIZE. [online] Available at: [Accessed 16 Jan. 2016].
[5] Indian, T. (2015). Indian Scientist Dr Modadugu Vijay Gupta Awarded First Sunhak Peace Prize. [online] The Logical Indian. Available at: [Accessed 16 Jan. 2016].
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Impact of Foreign Institutional Investors (FIIs) on Indian Capital Market |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | SabaAbid || Neelam Jhawar |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1906034246 ![]() |
Abstract: FIIs are investors or an investment fund which are registered outside the country in which it is investing. It includes hedge funds, insurance companies, pension funds and mutual funds. It also includes banks, large corporate buyers or representatives of large institutions. Most developing economies have high volume of FIIs and these economies provide high growth potential than in developed economies.This study aims is to find out whether there exists any significant relation between the Indian stock market (NSE-CNX NIFTY) and FII.We have used correlation to find out the extent of relationship between two variables and to validate the impact of FIIs on Indian Stock Market. We have further done some statistical analysis to find out the dominance of FIIs in Indian stock market. The paper concludes that FIIs affect the Indian stock market, and thus the Indian economy.
Keywords: FIIs, CNX NIFTY, Stock Market, Net Investments
[1] Aswini, A. (2014). Impact of FII ON Stock Market in India. Research India Publications.
[2] Chapter 2: Role Of FIIs In Indian Stock Market. (n.d.). Retrieved from
[3] Definition of 'Fiis'. (n.d.). Retrieved from
[4] FII & DII Trading Activity (Provisional Figures). (n.d.). Retrieved from
[5] Foreign Insitutional Investor. (n.d.). Retrieved from
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Abstract: The study highlights the awareness level and brand recall of life insurance companies amongst the college students of Delhi and Mumbai. The intent of the study is to understand the outlook of college students, and the brand recall of insurance companies amongst the young generation of India. The college students are the potential customers for insurance companies and their outlook towards insurance is very critical for the insurance players. The study uses a survey approach methodology of around 800 college students from Delhi and Mumbai to gauge their understanding level and brand preference for life insurance companies in India. Data from the study confirms that 1 % of the respondents have life insurance policies and around 2.5 % of the respondents are aware about insurance as a concept..............
Keywords: Branding, Brand Recall, Brand Awareness, Life Insurance
[1]. Aaker, David A.(1991), Managing Brand Equity: Capitalizing on the Value of a Brand Name . New York : The Free Press.
[2]. Arnold, P., B. Wheeler, C. Abernathy, and R. Bates, 1999, Shopping for Value: Insurance Distribution in the Information Age, CPCU Journal, 52(3): 140-152.
[3]. Chaudhari, Arjun & Holbrook, Moriis B (2003). The chain of effects from brand trust and brand affect ro brand performance : The role of brand loyalty, American marketing association
[4]. Cummins, J. David and Mary A. Weiss, 2000, "Analyzing firm performance in the insurance industry," in Georges Dionne, ed. Handbook of Insurance, Boston, MA: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
[5]. D. Tripati Rao.(2000). Privatisation and Foreign Participation in (Life) Insurance Sector: Economic and Political Weekly, Vol. 35, No. 13 (Mar. 25-31, 2000), pp. 1107-1120
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Abstract: Financial literacy is essential to enable students manage their finances and take advantage of investment opportunities. It is against this background that this study investigates financial literacy of Postgraduate management students in the region of Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Kakinada (JNTUK), in Andhra Pradesh. It employs a stratified random sampling technique to sample 203 Postgraduate students using questionnaire as the research instrument. This study reveals that formal education is the main source of financial literacy of Postgraduate students, followed by parents, the media, and peers. Level 400 students are the most literate financially followed by level 300, 100 and 200 students. Also, financial literacy is highest among accounting students followed by banking and finance, marketing, and human resource management students.
Keywords: Financial literacy; Postgraduate students, Bank finance, Financial knowledge, Financial behavior.
[1]. Ajzen, I. & Fishbein, M. (1980), "Understanding Attitudes and Predicting Social Behaviour", Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.
[2]. Alhabeeb, M. J. (1999), "Allowances and the Economic Socialization of Children", Association for Financial Counselling and Planning Education, 10 (2), 1-9.
[3]. Allen, M. W., Edwards, R., Hayhoe, C. R.and Leach, L. (2007), "Imagined interaction, attitudes towards money and credit, and family coalitions", Journal of Family and Economic Issues, 28, 3-22.
[4]. Amato, P. & Rogers, S. (1997), 'A longitudinal study of marital problems and subsequent divorce', Journal of Marriage and the Family, vol. 59, pp. 612-624.
[5]. Atkinson, A. and Messy, F. (2012), "Measuring Financial Literacy: Results of the OECD / International Network on Financial Education (INFE) Pilot Study", OECD Working Papers on Finance, Insurance and Private Pensions, No. 15, OECD Publishing.
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Abstract: The purpose of this study was to establish the factors affecting staff performance in devolved government. The study was based on the below objective: to find out the effects of politics on performance of staff, at Tharaka Nithi, Embu and Meru County Assemblies. This study was modelled by human capital theory, Adams (1963). This study used a survey study research design. The target population was all the 183 staff members of the Tharaka Nithi, Embu and Meru county assemblies, in the 9 departments. All the workers were purposively sampled for the study. The study utilized a questionnaire for the staff. The content validity of the instruments was ascertained with the help of the research supervisor. Before the actual data collection the researcher piloted the instruments using a test-retest technique and tested the results using Cronbach alpha method. The field data was cleaned by checking for any missing or inaccurate data and correcting it appropriately. After data cleaning, the quantitative data.............
[1] Adams, J. (1963). Toward an understanding of inequity. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 67, 422-436.
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