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Abstract: The Intention To Use Internet Banking Has Been Facing The Risk Perceived By The Customers In Using The Internet Banking Amenities. Therefore, This Study Aimed To Examine The Impact Of Risk On Intention To Use Internet Banking. It Was Investigate The Effect Of Performance Risk, Social Risk, Time Risk, Financial Risk And Security Risk On The Intention To Use Internet Banking. This Study Uses Statistical Tool SPSS 19 Version Used For Calculation Of Chi-Square Test. The Analysis Of The Data Is Based On The Sample Of 200, From The Population Of Vijayawada City And A Self Administered Questionnaire Was Conducted. The Respondents Were Randomly Selected. The Findings From The Hypothesis Tested In This Study Showed That Performance Risk, Social Risk, Time Risk, Financial Risk And Security Risk Influences Intention Towards The Use Of Internet Banking In This Study.
Keywords: Internet Banking; Social Risk; Performance Risk; Time Risk; Financial Risk; Security Risk. Introduction:[1]. Aderonke, Charles (2010) Empirical Investigation Of The Level Of Users Acceptance Of E-Banking In Nigeria. Journal Of Internet Banking And Commerce2: 418-430.
[2]. Framing And Source Credibility On The Price-Perceived Risk Relationship. Journal Of Consumer Research 21: 145-153.
[3]. Grewal D, Gotlieb J, Marmorstein H (1994) The Moderating Effects Of Message
[4]. Horton RL (1976) The Structure Of Perceived Risk. Journal Of The Academic Of Marketing Sciences4: 694-706.
[5]. Kuisma T, Laukkanen T. Hiltunen M (2007) Mapping The Reasons For Resistance To Internet Banking: Ammeans-End Approach. Int J Inform Manage27: 75-85.
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Abstract: The purpose of this study is to explain the effect of self image congruity and functional congruity on the attitude and repurchase intention of luxury cinema customer. Using purposive sampling technique, 102 correspondences were included. The results showed that self image congruity and functional congruity have significant positive effect on customer attitude. Furthermore, attitudes have a significant positive effect on the repurchase intention. The concept of self image congruity, functional congruity, and attitudes in this research indicates that the application of image congruity by cinema customer. The Premiere becomes an important factor in increasing the repurchase intention at The Premiere cinema.
Keywords: Self Image Congruity, Functional Congruity, Attitude and Repurchase Intention[1]. Dewi, N.P.R.A. & Ardani, I.G.A.K.S., 2016. Pengaruh Sikap, Norma Subjektif Terhadap Niat Beli Ulang Produk Fashion Via Online Di Kota Denpasar. E-Jurnal Manajemen Unud. Vol. 5, No.4, Pp. 2637-2664.
[2]. Hanggara, V. & Brahmana, R.M.K.R. 2015. Pengaruh Brand Personality Teh Javana Terhadap Purchase Intention Melalui Pendekatan Self-Image Congruence. Student Journal. Vol. 3, No.1.
[3]. Kang, J., Tang,L., Lee, Y.J. & Bosselman, H.R., 2012. Understanding Customer Behavior In Name-Brand Korean Coffee Shops: The Role Of Self-Image Congruity And Functional Congruity. Internasional Journal Of Hospitality Management. Vol. 31, Pp. 809-818.
[4]. Kazemi., Abadi, D., & Nastaran, K., 2013. Analyzing The Effect Of Customer Equity On Repurchase Intentions. International Journal Of Academic Research In Business And Social Science. Vol. 3, No. 6, Pp. 78-92.
[5]. Klipfel, A.L., Barclay, A.C. & Bockorney, K.M. 2014. Self Congruity: A Determinant Of Brand Personality. Journal Of Marketing Development And Competitiveness. Vol.8, No.3, Pp. 130-143.
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Abstract: In this modern world, which is said to be a world of achievement and competitions, has left no occupation untouched of stress. Gone are those days when teaching was regarded as a low-stress occupation. Stress among college teachers not only affect their psychological and physiological well-being but will also alter the quality of education and research. This study aims to explore the various factors that are contributing to the occupational stress among the Faculty members at Bishop Heber College, Tiruchirappalli. The stress factors considered were organizational stress, emotional stress, work stress and group stress. The stress related to peer pressure and work as a whole was high when compared with organizational and emotional stress.
Keywords: Job Stress, College teachers, emotional stress[1]. Dunham, J. & Varma, V. (1998). Stress in teachers: Past, present and future. London: Whurr Publishers Ltd.
[2]. Ioannis, N., & Ioannis, T. (2002). Emotional intelligence in the workplace: exploring its effects on occupational stress and organizational commitment. International Journal of Organizational Analysis, 10(4), 327-342.
[3]. Jude, A. K. (2011). Emotional intelligence, gender and occupational stress among secondary school teachers in ondo state, Nigeria. Pakistan Journal of Social Sciences, 8(4), 159-165.
[4]. King, M., & Gardner, D. (2006). Emotional intelligence and occupational stress among professional staff in New Zealand. International Journal of Organizational Analysis, 14(3), 186-203.
[5]. Montgomery, C., & Rupp, A. (2005). A meta analysis for exploring the diverse causes and effect of stress in teachers. Canadian Journal of Education, 28(3), 458-486.
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Abstract: This research aims to analyze the influence of organizational culture and performance benefits through mediation commitment and motivation on the performance of staff at the Department of Marine and Fisheries of South Sulawesi province. This research uses explanatory quantitative approach(positivism)with a total sample of 98 people who are determined randomly. Data were analyzed using SEM analysis with PLS approach and use the software SmartPLS2.0.The results showed that: (1) organizational culture significant positive effect on employee performance through a commitment (2) performance benefits significant positive effect on employee performance through motivation.
Keywords: Organizational Culture, Benefit Performance, Commitment Motivation, Performance[1]. Curtis dan Wraight. 2001. Organizational commitment: The utility of an integrative definition. Journal of Applied Psychology, 79, 370-380.
[2]. Dongoran, Johnson, 2001, Komitmen Organisasi:Dua sisi Sebuah Koin, Dian Ekonomi, Vol.VII No.1 hal. 35-56.
[3]. Falahy. 2005. Studi Korelasi Antara Tunjangan Performance dan Motivasi Berprestasi dengan Kepuasan Kerja Guru (Studi pada guru SMK Samarinda). Tesis dipublikasikan (
[4]. Gibson JL, Ivancevich JM and Donnely JH 1997. Organisasi, Jilid 1 dan 2, Edisi kedelapan, Jakarta: Bina.rupa Aksara.
[5]. Kotter, John P. and Heskett, james L.. 1992. Corporate Culture and Performance. New York: The Free Press, A Division of Mac Millan, Inc..
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Abstract: This study evaluates lecturer's perception of performance appraisal system and it'simpact on their work outcome. The study derived it's evidence from Kumasi and Accra technical university in Ghana. The study population used were all lecturers in both institution. Eighty (80) lecturers were selected from each institution as the sample for the study. The primary instrument used to collect data for the study was closed- ended questionnaire. Quantitative technique was employed to analyze the data. A regression model was also used to analyze the impact of lecturer's perception of performance appraisal system on their work outcome.The result indicated that the lecturers in Kumasi Technical University have a low level of perception, and that of Accra Technical University is moderate. While the study showed a moderate level ofaffective organizational commitment in both institutions, moderate.......
Keywords: Performance Appraisal, Work Outcome, Productivity, Affective Organizational Commitment.[1]. Abdulkadir, D. S. (2012). Effects of strategic performance appraisal , career planning and employee participation on organizational commitment : an empirical study. International Business Research, 5(4), 124–133.
[2]. Aforo, A. A., & Antwi, K. A. (2012). Evaluation of the performance appraisal systems in KNUST and GIMPA libraries, 3(8), 301–306.
[3]. Ahmed, I., Ramzan, M., Ahmed, I., Ramzan, M., Mohammad, S. K., & Islam, T. (2011). Relationship between perceived fairness in performance appraisal and OCB; mediating role of organizational commitment. International Journal of Academic Research, (September 2014).
[4]. Alwadaei, S. A. (2010). Employees' perception of, and satisfaction with, performance appraisal: A Case Study of Electricity &Water Authority (EWA) in Kingdom of Bahrain. Malaysia. Open university Malaysia.
[5]. Aquinis, H. (2007). Performance management. Upper saddle river, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall..
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Abstract: The purpose of this study is to understand how various sources of knowledge acquisitions can help improve quality of job performance among women employees in academic institutions. Also, to study the co-relation between knowledge acquisition and job performance. Through a survey questionnaire a total of 167 sample size were taken from 10 different institutions.
[1]. Argote, L. and Ingram, P. (2000), "Knowledge transfer: a basis for competitive advantage in firms", Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, Vol. 82 No. 1, pp. 150-69.
[2]. Alavi, M., and Leidner, D. "Knowledge Management Systems: Emerging Views and Practices from the Field," Communications of the AIS (1:5), February 1999.
[3]. Bateman, T. S. and D. W. Organ: 1983, 'Job Satisfaction and the Good Soldier: The Relationship Between Affect and Employee "Citizenship" Behavior', Academy of Management
[4]. Cote, S.: 1999, 'Affect and Performance in Organizational Settings', Current Directions in Psychological Science 8(2), 65-68. doi:10.1111/1467-8721.00016.
[5]. Cohen WM, Levinthal DA. 1990. Absorptive capacity: a new perspective on learning and innovation. Administrative Science Quarterly 35: 128-152
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Abstract: Kudumbashree, meaning the family's prosperity, is a flagship program of the Government of Kerala, centered on woman empowerment. Through the operation of micro enterprises, Kudumbashree cherishes the expectation that asset management ability of the poor women will increase along with their income, financial inclusion, and social empowerment as well as leadership skills. Women empowerment can go a long way in building gender equality and social acceptance of labor in the community. The study revealed that changes in production, marketing, asset management and profitability problems leads to changes in performance positively while government support and empowerment issues affect performances negatively.
Keywords: Organizational Culture, Benefit Performance, Commitment Motivation, Performance[1]. Chirwa, Ephraim W. 2008. ―Effects of Gender on the Performance of Micro and Small Enterprises in Malawi.‖ Development Southern Africa25 (3): 347–62. doi:10.1080/03768350802212139.
[2]. Devika, J. 2016. ―The ‗Kudumbashree Woman' and the Kerala Model Woman: Women and Politics in Contemporary Kerala.‖ Indian Journal of Gender Studies23 (3): 393–414. doi:10.1177/0971521516656077.
[3]. Gosen, Jerry, and Sameer Prasad. 2009. ―Creating Comparative Advantage for Micro-Enterprises through e-Governance.‖ International Journal of Electronic Governance2 (2/3): 239. doi:10.1504/IJEG.2009.029132.
[4]. Krishnan, Latha, and T. J. Kamalnabhan. 2015. ―Success and Life Satisfaction among Women Entrepreneurs in Micro Enterprises.‖ In Entrepreneurial Ecosystem: Perspectives from Emerging Economies, 351–72. Springer India. doi:10.1007/978-81-322-2086-2_15.
[5]. Kumar, A, and C J Jasheena. 2016. ―Kudumbashree: Promoting the Self-Help Group Model of Empowerment through Women Entrepreneurship in Kerala - a Study.‖ Prabandhan: Indian Journal of Management9 (6): 20–34.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Influence of New Product Launch Strategy on Bank's Profitability |
Country | : | Ghana |
Authors | : | Evans Frimpong-Manso |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2002075358 ![]() |
Abstract: The study examined the influence of new product launch strategy on bank's profitability, focusing on HFC bank, Cape Coast. Descriptive research design was used. The census method was used to capture all the 23 staff while the random number method of simple random sampling procedure was used to select 57 premium customers. Data were collected using questionnaire. The data were analysed using multiple regression analysis. The study established that the new product launch strategies of the bank and its service quality relate positively to the bank's profitability. However, new product launch strategies alone do not strongly predict the bank's high profitability. It does so only if staff and customers perceive the products and services provided by the bank in positive terms. It is, therefore, recommended that management should ensure that the bank's product launch strategies are improved to increase its customer base.
Keywords: Product launch, profitability, Extrinsic value drivers, Intrinsic value drivers[1]. Ali, A., Krapfel, R., & LaBahn, D. (2002). Product innovativeness and entry strategy: Impact on cycle time and break-even time. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 17, 54-69.
[2]. Arthur, B. W. (2009). Increasing returns and the new world of business. Harvard Business Review, 97(4), 100-109
[3]. Carpenter, G. S., Glazer, R., & Nakamoto, K. (2009). Meaningful brands from meaningless differentiation: The dependence on irrelevant attributes. Journal of Marketing Research, 51(2), 339-350.
[4]. Dickson, P. (2011). Increasing returns and path dependency in the economy. Journal of Marketing, 79(3), 97-99.
[5]. Dorward, N. (2013). Pricing in a marketing strategy. In N. Dorward (Ed.), The pricing decision: Economic theory and business practice (pp. 124-135). London: Harper & Row...
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Coping With the New Corporate Environment |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | M.S. Srinivasan |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2002075963 ![]() |
Abstract: At present, Business as an institution is going through a critical phase of evolutionary transition. The factors which brought success in the old world is no longer valid for success in the new world. In order to survive and prospers in the new world of business, the corporate mind has to do some radical thinking. This is the main subject discussed in a thoughtful and visionary book, "Rethinking the Future" edited by Rowan Gibson. In this book, leading management gurus like C.K. Prahalad, Stephen Cowey and Peter Senge provide insightful perspectives on how to cope with the future change. In the introductory part of the book, Rowan Gibson raises some important and critical questions on the future changes in the corporate environment. (1) This article is an attempt to provide some indicative answers to these questions based on emerging perspectives and in the light of an integral vision of management.
[1]. Rowan Gibson (ed) (1998), Rethinking the Future, Nicholas Brearley Publishing, London, p. 3-13.
[2]. From the Editors Desk, (2011) "Getting to Good,‟ Harvard Business Review, December, p.10.
[3]. Kevin Kelly, (1998), "The New Biology of Business‟ Rethinking the Future, Nicholas Brearley Publishing, London, p. 250-68
[4]. Gōkce Sargut and Rita Gunther McGrath, (2011), "Learning to Live with Complexity‟, Harvard Business Review, Sep, p. 63.
[5]. Michael Porter, (1998), "Creating Tomorrow‟s Advantage, Rethinking the Future,‟ Nicholas Brearley Publishing, London, p. 48-61...
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Including the Excluded: The Scenario of Financial Inclusion in India |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr.N.Rajasekaran |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2002076469 ![]() |
Abstract: The term 'Financial inclusion' generally understood to mean the process of ensuring access to appropriate financial products and services needed by all sections of society including vulnerable groups such as weaker sections and low-income groups at an affordable cost. Both developing and developed countries have faced the challenge of including the people those who are financially excluded. Financial inclusion has a direct impact on the growth of the economy of the country. The reserve of bank of India and Government of India has taken many initiatives to include the people those who financially excluded. This paper outlines the various barriers that impede financial inclusion in India............
Keywords: Barriers, Commercial Banks, Financial Exclusion, Financial Inclusion, Initiatives[1]. Rangarajan, C. (2008), "Report of the Committee on Financial Inclusion", Ministry of Finance, Government of India.
[2]. Chakrabarty, K. C. (2013, September), "Keynote address on financial inclusion", Mumbai
[3]. World Bank (2014), "Global Financial Development Report 2014: Financial Inclusion", Washington, DC: World Bank.
[4]. Raja Babu (2015), "Financial inclusion and its determinants: Evidence from District level empirical analysis in Andhra Pradesh",
[5]. I J A BE R, Vol. 13, No. 5: 3423-3432..
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Abstract: Human Resource is an important resource for an organisation .Now a days retaining an employee in an organisation is a greater challenge for HR managers .They have to choose suitable person with a required experience and ability, to fill up the vacancies in theorganisation. Hiring new talents involves recruitment & training cost plus loss of talents. By retaining employee in the organisation we can save our time& energy and also it is a cost benefit method. It also enhances the productivity and efficiency therefore it is essential to protect this human capital as motivated & talented human asset playan overall growth& development in an organisation. This study focus on all aspect of employee and also to understand various strategies adopted in an organisation to retain the employee.
Keywords: Retention, Human asset,Recruitment ,Training.[1]. Amber Thomas (2016) - "5 Things successful companies do to Retain top Talents" Volume-4, issued in May -4 -2016. Increase in attrition.
[2]. Chatterjee, S.R., & Pearson, C.A.L. (2000), "Indian managers in transition: Orientations, work goals, values and ethics", Management International Review, 40(1), (Pgs. 81-95).
[3]. Clarke K.F. (2001), "What businesses are doing to attract and retain employee-becoming an employer of year"
[4]. Christine Marino (April 18, 2016) – "Ensuring Employee Retention in a Confident Job Market"
[5]. Elan, HR Zone (2014) – Head HR "How is Employee Retention a Key Management Strategy "Volume -2,issued on April-30-2014...
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Abstract: This comparative study attempts to find out the differences between experienced and inexperienced employees in the processes and attributions of a technological change management. So these two categories are compared based on technological change model adopted from previous studies in which employees' human capital influence their adoption and agility for diffusing technological changes. Accordingly, in this paper experienced and inexperienced employees' human capital, adoption, agility, diffusion and technological change management are compared to each other to realize that who have more capabilities to manage technological changes more satisfactorily. In order...........
Keywords: Human capital, adoption, agility, diffusion, technological change[1]. Bakan, I. (2000). The importance of formal employee education in the world of growing uncertainty. Turkey: Challenges for Business Administrators in the New Millennium, 341-355. ISBN: 975-8100-08-4
[2]. Bartel, A.P. & Lichtenberg, F.R. (1987). The comparative advantage of educated workers in implementing new technology. Review of Economics and Statistics, 69(1), 1-11.
[3]. Chari, V.V. &Hopenhayn, H. (1987). Vintage human capital, growth, and the diffusion of new technology. Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis Research Department. Working Paper 375.
[4]. Chari, V.V. &Hopenhayn, H. (1991). Vintage human capital, growth, and diffusion of new technology. The Journal of Political Economy, 99(6), 1142-1165.
[5]. Cummings, T.G. & Worley, C.G. (2008). Organization development and change (9th Ed.). South-Western: Cengage Learning. ISBN 13: 978-0-324-42138-5.
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Abstract: Small businesses play a significant role to the economy of Tanzania by creating employment, generating income and help in poverty reduction. In order to grow and prosper small businesses need conducive or supportive business environment. The purpose of the study was to identify the factors that hinder the growth and development of small businesses in Mara Region. The study was exploratory in nature which adopted cross-sectional survey design. The study used a sample size of 235 respondents selected using stratified random sampling method from the target population of 631 small businesses from five districts of Mara Region. Data was collected using structured questionnaire and interview with the business owner. Data was analysed using frequencies and percentages and...........
Keywords: Small businesses, growth, Development and Mara Region.[1]. Abor, J., & Quartey, P. S(2010). Issues in SME Development in Ghana and South Africa. International Research Journal of Finance and Economics, 39(6), 218-228.
[2]. Abor, J., & Adjasi, K. (2007). Corporate governance and the small and medium enterprise sector: theory and implication. Corporate Governance, 7(2), 111-122.
[3]. Ayyagari, M., Beck, T. & Demirgüç-Kunt, A. (2003).Small and Medium Enterprises across the Globe: A New Database, Vol. 3127, World Bank Publications.
[4]. Amentie, C., Negash, E., & Kumera, L. (2016). Barriers to growth of medium and small enterprises in developing countries – Case study of Ethiopia. Journal of enterpreneurship and Organization Management, 5(3), 2-4.
[5]. Asare, A. O. (2014). Challenges Affecting SME"s Growth in Ghana, OIDA International Journal of Sustainable Development, 07 (6), 23-28..
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Abstract: The paper examined the relationship between leadership style and managerial creativity 111 in middle level employees in select government organizations in Sultanate of Oman. Study found that democratic leadership style was more dominant in government organizations in Sultanate of Oman. Respondents scored more than average in managerial creativity phenomena. Factors such as flexibility and authenticity scores were high compared to other factors in managerial creativity. Democratic leadership style was moderately correlated with managerial creativity but, free rein style of leadership was found negatively correlated with managerial creativity in government organizations in Oman. The impact of leadership style on managerial creativity was also ascertained through multiple regression analysis and found that a moderate effect of leadership styles on managerial creativity at managerial position in government organizations in Oman.
Keywords: Creativity, Government organizations, Leadership Style, Oman[1]. Asgari. H.M.,& Hasanpour,H. (2013). Comparison of impact of managers participative and collaborative management styles on creativity, job satisfaction and organizational commitment of secondary school teachers, Rasht city, Iran. International Research Journal of Applied and Basic Sciences, Vol.4, No.5, 1081-1085.
[2]. Babatunde,O., & Emem,I (2015). The impact of Leadership style on Employees performance in an organization. Public policy and Administration Research, Vol5, No.1, 193-205.
[3]. Baloglu, N.(2012). Relations between value based leadership and distributed leadership: A casual research on school principles behaviors. Educational sciences: Theory & practice, Vol.12, No.2, 1375-1378.
[4]. Bosiok,D., Sad,N., Serbia. (2013). Leadership styles and creativity, Online Journal of Applied Knowledge Management, Vol.1 No,2, 64-77.
[5]. Bratnicka, K.(2015). Relationship between leadership styles and organizational creativity. Management and Business Administration. Central Europe, Vol.23, No. 1, 69-78.
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Abstract: The empowerment journey of women is in its midway, it‟s an opportune context to look back and take the stock of the progress achieved so far. More importantly it is to look ahead to commit to the path for the future. Women need to progressively think to create an ecosystem collectively for empowering themselves economically and contribute to the nation building. This paper examines the social initiatives that are taken up at various levels by the community based organizations set up by the mutually aided groups to improve the livelihood opportunities for women in rural India. It also looks at the impact of these community based organizations for sustainable rural development. And dwells on understanding the economic status of women by livelihood enhancement through social entrepreneurship, by taking few examples where women are taking lead in the economic empowerment journey. This paperis based on ongoing research to highlight the "Social Model‟ for building the social capital for sustainable development and increase the economic enhancement of rural women.
Keywords: Ecosystem, Empowerment, Community based organizations, Social Model, Sustainable development[1]. Amin, A. (2009) 'Extraordinarily ordinary: working in the social economy', Social Enterprise Journal, 5, (1), pp. 30-49.
[2]. Archana, Social Entrepreneur, Millets Farming.Source: Case study presented in International conference organized by TISS -Jan (2017)
[3]. EnAlvord, S. H., Brown, L. D. and Letts, C. W. (2004) 'Social Entrepreneurship and Social Transformation: An Exploratory Study', Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 40, (3), pp. 260-282. enterprise Development, 14, (3), pp. 418-434.