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Abstract: Cemento-ossifying fibroma (COF) is a benign neoplasm characterized by replacement of normal bone by fibrous tissue and varying amounts of newly formed bone or cementum-like material, or both.1 Peripheral Cemento ossifying fibroma (PCOF) is a reactive lesion which has been described with various synonyms and is believed to arise from the periodontal ligament.2 It predominantly affects adolescents and young adults, with peak prevalence between 10 and 19 yrs. There is a definite female predilection and almost 60% of the lesions occur in the maxilla. Trauma or local irritation such as dental calculus, ill-fitting denture appliances and faulty restorations are known to precipitate the development of this lesion.3 The present report describes a case of Peripheral Cemento ossifying fibroma (PCOF) in a 60 year old female with a mass on anterior labial and palatal gingival region.
Keywords: COF, PCOF
[1]. David B. Kamadjaja. Cemento-ossifying fibroma of the jaw- A case report. Dental Journal 2009; 40(4):164-71.
[2]. AshishY, Mishra MB. Peripheral cemento ossifying fibroma of mandible a case report. Indian J Stomatol 2011; 2(3):193-96.
[3]. Jaya M, Deepa D, Gopal S, Bhagyashri P. Indian Journal of Basic & Applied Medical Research. 2013;2(8):1099-1102.
[4]. Priyanka V, Alka W, Savitha B, Hiroj B. Peripheral Cemento Ossifying Fibroma – Case Report. Int J Dent Case Reports 2012; 2(5): 15-18.
[5]. Suhas G, Sonia G, Girish G, Sandeep G. Cementifying Fibroma of the Mandible – A Case Report. J Oral Health Comm Dent 2008; 2(2):42-45.
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Abstract: Background: Haemophilia is a rare inherited X-linked recessive disorder characterized by deficiency of Factor VIII or Factor IX coagulant activity required for generation of Thrombin in the Intrinsic pathway of coagulation. India has the second highest haemophilia burden in the world. With increase in severity of the disease, patients experience increased frequency of spontaneous bleed. Iron deficiency is expected in these vulnerable population due either to presence of occult blood loss in urine/stool or deposition of iron in synovial membrane during repeated bleeding episodes. Materials and Methods: Our study population were patients confirmed with Factor VIII/IX deficiency attending Government Royapettah Hospital. We further classify them as having Mild(6-40%), Moderate(1-5%),Severe(<1%) according to their factor activity level. Haemoglobin, Peripheral Smear & serum Ferritin levels were evaluated. The correlation of serum ferritin with severity of disease was established.
Keywords: Haemophilia, iron deficiency, serum ferritin, severe disease.
[1]. Srivastava A, Tariq M, Heijnen L. Haemophilia in developing countries-the challenge of detection and diagnosis. In: Comprehensive Haemophilia Care in Developing Countries. Ch. 2. Lahore: Feroz Sons (Pvt) Ltd.; 2012. p. 17-25.
[2]. Scott JP, Montgomery RR. Hemorrhagic and thrombotic disorder. In: Kliegman RM, Behrman RE, Jenson BF, editors. Nelson's Text Book of Pediatrics. 18 th ed., Vol. 20. Philadelphia: Saunder; 2010. p. 61-88.
[3]. Tantawy AAG. Molecular genetics of haemophilia-A: clinical perspectives. Egypt J Med Hum Genet 2010; 11 :105-114.
[4]. Arch Pathol Lab Med. 1981 Dec; 105(12):655-8.
Iron studies in haemophilia.
[5]. Lottenberg R, Kitchens CS, Roessler GS, Noyes WD.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Third Molar Extraction Made Simple |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Sneha Ginimav |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1606081012 ![]() |
Abstract: Simple extraction is the most regular surgical procedure in oral surgery for the removal of tooth which is no longer salvageable due to extensive caries and associated periodontal pathology. In recent years, there has been an increased emphasis on the atraumatic removal of teeth. During the extraction procedure, basic atraumatic surgical techniques must be followed and the clinician must be prepared to manage complications should they arise. The surgical instruments used are of paramount importance. The separator forceps are the latest innovation in dental extraction technology and they provide an efficient means for atraumatic dental extractions of the maxillary and mandibular third molars. The instrument allows to cut the Sharpey fibers of the tooth between cement and alveolar bone by luxating the periodontal ligament. The procedure involves proper patient assessment and radiographic evaluation of the tooth/ teeth to be removed, patient and surgeon preparation and appropriate mechanical principles, in order to avoid iatrogenic injury.
Keywords-:Atraumatic extraction, Conventional forceps, Iatrogenic injury, Third molar extraction
[1]. Hupp JR, Ellis E III, Tucker MR., Contemporary Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. 5th ed. (St. Louis: Mosby, 2008).
[2]. Paul D. Robinson, Tooth Extraction: A practical guide (Varghese Publishing Company, Bristol: J. Wright, 2000) [3]. Geoffrey L Howe, The extraction of Teeth (Varghese Publishing Company, Bristol: J. Wright, 1980)
[4]. J.R.Moore, G.V.Gillbe, Principles of Oral Surgery (Manchester, Manchester University Press, 1991)
[5]. Chrcanovic BR, Freire-Maia B, Considerations of maxillary tuberosity fractures during extraction of upper molars: a literature review, Dent Traumatol, 2011..
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Abstract: TMJ Ankylosis is a devastating condition occurs secondary to trauma. Patient with Tmjankylosis not only have difficulty in mouth opening but also have marked facial deformity. Various treatment modalities are available for the management of this deformity like release of ankylotic mass reconstruction;, primary distraction Osteogenesis and secondarily release of ankylotic mass.The aim of this study was to evaluate the correction of facial deformity using distraction osteogenesis principlesIn the present study total of five patients were selected. In all the patients, in first stage TMJ ankylotic mass were removed. In a second stage distraction Osteogenesis were performed on the affected side for the correction of facial deformity. Distraction Osteogenesis after release of TMJ ankylosis is a feasible and reliable technique for the correction of secondary mandibular deformity.
Keywords-: tmjankylosis, facial asymmetry, distraction osteogenesis
[1]. Bradley P, James D, Norman J.E.B: Injuries of the condylar & coronoid processes.J.L.L. Williams (Ed) Rowe and William's Maxillofacial injuries. London. Churchill Livingstone, P.405:1994.
[2]. Kaban LB, Perrot DH, Fisher A: A protocol for management of temporomandibular joint ankylosis. J Oral maxillofacsurg 48, 1145, 1990
[3]. Kwon TG, Park HS, Kim JB et al: Staged surgical treatment for temporomandibular joint ankylosis: Intraoral distraction after temporalis muscle flap reconstruction.J Oral maxillofacSurg 1680-1683, 2006.
[4]. Dean A, Alamillos F: Mandibular distraction in temporo -mandibular joint Ankylosis. PlastReconstrSurg 104, 2021-2031, 1999.
[5]. El-Sheikh MM, Medra AM: Management of unilateral temporomandibular ankylosis associated with facial asymmetry. J Craniomaxillofacsurg Jun;25(3),109-15,1997
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Meckel Gruber Syndrome – A Case Report |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Aishwarya A || Dr.Saraswathi |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1606082022 ![]() |
Abstract: Meckel Gruber Syndrome (MGS) is a rare autosomal recessive disorder. MGS has a classical triad of occipital encephalocele, large polycystic kidneys, and postaxial polydactyly. It is also associated with multiple anomalies. Its incidence is high in Gujarati Indians, affecting 1 in 1300 live births. This is a case report of a 22yrs old primi gravida, non Gujarati Indian, at 13wks of gestation, during her NT scan, incidentally diagnosed to have a MGS in fetus. Termination was done following parents' consent. The vital role in this case is to educate the family regarding the risk of recurrence of MGS (i.e., 25%) in subsequent pregnancies.
Keyword: Meckel Gruber Syndrome (MGS), anomalies, recurrence
[1]. Bindu NH, Vavilala S, Geetha. Meckel Gruber syndrome associated with CNS malformation: a case report. Int J Pharm Biosci. 2011; 2:484-91.
[2]. Opitz JM, Schultka R, Gobbel L. Meckel on developmental pathology. Am J Med Genet A. 2006; 140:115-28.
[3]. Young ID, Rickett AB, Clerke M. High incidence of Meckel's syndrome in Gujarati Indians. J Med Genet. 1985; 22:301-4.
[4]. Dawe HR, Smith UM, Cullinane AR, Gerrellio D, Cox P, Badano JL, et al. The Meckel Gruber Syndrome proteins MKS1 and Meckelin interact and are required for primary cilium formation. Hum Mol Genet. 2007; 16:173-86.
[5]. Paavola P, Salonen R, Baumel A, Schinzel A, Boyd PA, Gould S, et al. Clinical and genetic heterogeneity in Meckel syndrome. Hum Genet. 1997; 101:88-92.
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Abstract: Introduction: The importance of physical activity, fitness on CVD risk factors are well established in western cohorts. However, there are no geographical cohorts available in India. Aims and objectives: It has formed to identify role of physical activity, fitness, yoga practice and other sedentary behaviors on the development of some CVD risk factors (i.e) hypertension, diabetes and obesity in urban Indian population. The secondary objective is improved physical activity, fitness behavior, yoga practice and reduced sedentary behavior on the prognosis of above said risk factors once it developed. Methodology: 1804 subjects (female 54.6%; response rate 71.9%) were selected through multi-stage random sampling technique in 6 different locations of urban Hisar city during summer 2016. Main eligibility criteria was age should be at least 30 years at the time of recruitment. Therapist assisted standard questionnaire was administered to collect baseline subjective data.Most of the outcome variables, muscular strength were measured objectively. Yoga practice; physical activity/sitting time through GPAQ are being measured now.
Keywords-: Cohort, Longitudinal study, Physical fitness, Chronic diseases, CVD risk factors
[1]. Blair SN, Cheng Y, Holder JS. Is physical activity or physical fitness more important in defining health benefits? Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2001;33(6):S379-S399. PubMed Link:
[2]. Reiner M, Niermann C, Jekauc D, Woll A. Long-term health benefits of physical activity- A systematic review of longitudinal studies. BMC Public Health. 2013;13:813.PubMed Link:
[3]. Sallis R. Developing healthcare systems to support exercise: Exercise as the fifth vital sign (Editorial). Br J Sports Med. 2011;45:473-474.PubMed Link:
[4]. Barry VW, Baruth M, Beets MW, Durstine JL, Liu J, Blair SN. Fitness vs fatness on all-cause mortality: A meta-analysis. ProgCardiovasc Dis. 2014;56(4):382-90. PubMed Link:
[5]. Thorp AA, Owen N, Neuhaus M, Dunstan DW. Sedentary behaviors and subsequent health outcomes in adults. A systematic review of longitudinal studies, 1996-2011. Am J Prev Med. 2011;41(2):207-215.PubMed Link:
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Abstract: Introduction:The revolutionary changes in the surgical treatment of sinusitis in recent years, particularly in endonasal endoscopic surgery require the clinician to have precise knowledge of nasal sinus anatomy. Material and Methods:This study was undertaken on head CTs PNS of 119 patients (67 males & 52 females) in the age group of 12 to 70 years were included in this retrospective study in terms of Antero-posterior diameter, Height,Width &Volume. Result:Different parameters in male and female taken on right and left side, the differences among them are not significant.But, values of different parameters in male are towards higher side compared to females. AP diameter, Height & Volume are towards higher side on right side compared to left; while Width showing opposite i.e. higher values on left side.................
Keyword: Frontal Sinus,AP diameter,Height, Width,Volume, Sexual Dimorphism
[1]. A John Vartanian. CT Scan of the Paranasal Sinuses [Online].[cited 2012 Oct. 8]; Available from: URL:
[2]. Standring S. Grays Anatomy. 40th Ed. England:Churchill livingstone Elsevier Publication; 2008. p.471-72.
[3]. Rubira-Bullen IRF, Rubira CMF, Sarmento VA and Azevedo RA. Frontal sinus size on facial plain radiographs. J. Morphol. Sci., 2010; vol.27 (2), p.77-81.
[4]. Ikeda A,Ikeda M, Komatsuzaki A. A CT study of the course of growth of the maxillary sinus: normal subjects and subjects with chronic sinusitis. ORL J Otorhinolaryngol Relat Spec 1998; vol.60, p.147-52.
[5]. Fernandez SJM, Anta Escuredo JA, SDel SRA, Santaolalla MF: Morphometric study of the paranasal sinuses in normal and pathological conditions. Acta Otolaryngol 2000; vol.120(2), p.273-278.
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Abstract: Objective:The key objective of this article is to evaluate the intraoperative and postoperative results(both aesthetic and functional) of endoscopic assisted reduction and rigid fixation of fractures of angle of the mandible. Materials and methods:We analysed all cases in which endoscopic techniques were used to assist with the reduction and repair of fractures of angle mandible during the period 1-6-13 to 1-6-15,in our hospital JLN medical college Ajmer(31 cases,Age Group: 19-65).Endoscopic exploration via transoral approach. A secondary port was made transbuccal few cm above the the angle of mandible . Plates(2mm minidynamic compression plates) were introduced transorally, while screws(2*10mm) were placed through a transbuccal trochar Success was judged by the successful reduction of the fracture and application of a rigid fixation plate by means of the limited, endoscopically assisted approach, a measure of the ability to accomplish the procedure and by the evaluation of functional results(bite and occlusion,mouth opening ,post operative x-rays) after 12 weeks postoperatively................
Keyword: Closed reduction, ORIF, Endoscopic assisted, Mandible angle fractures Maxillomandibular fixation
[1]. Schubert W, Kobienia B J, Pollock R A. Cross-sectional area of the mandible. J Oral Maxillofac Surg.1997;55:689–692. discussion 693.
[2]. Dodson T B. Third molars may double the risk of an angle fracture of the mandible. Evid Based Dent.2004;5:78.
[3]. Reitzik M, Lownie J F, Cleaton-jones P, Austin J. Experimental fractures of monkey mandibles. Int J Oral Surg. 1978;7:100–103.
[4]. Safdar NMeechan JG. Relationship between fractures of the mandibular angle and the presence and state of eruption of the lower third molar. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod. 1995;79680- 684.
[5]. Prein JKellman RM. Rigid internal fixation of mandibular fractures—basics of AO technique. Otolaryngol Clin North Am. 1987;20441- 456.
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Abstract: Ovarian cysts frequently occur in women of reproductive age. Fertility sparing surgery should be reserved for women who desirous of future pregnancy. We present a case report of a young woman who resumed fertility following unilateral salpingo oophorectomy for an incidental finding of huge benign ovarian tumour with contralateral ovarian reserve.
Keyword: Huge, benign, ovarian tumour, infertile woman.
[1]. Helm, C.W. (2012) Ovarian Cysts, Medscape.
[2]. ACOG Practice Bulletin (2007) Management of adnexal masses. Obstetrics and Gynecology, 110, 201-214.
[3]. Teichmann, A.T., et al. (1995) The influence of the dose of ethinylestradiol in oral contraceptives on follicle growth. Gynecological endocrinology: The Official Journal of the International Society of Gynecological Endocrinology, 9, 299-05.doi: 10.3109/09513599509160463
[4]. Qublan, H.S., et al. (2006) Ovarian cyst formation following GnRH agonist administration in IVF cycles: Incidence and impact. Human reproduction, 21, 640-644. doi:10.1093/humrep/dei371
[5]. Nelson-Al, G.J. (2010) Congenital anomalies and benign conditions of the ovaries and fallopian tubes. In: Hacker, N.F., Gambone, J.C. and Hobel, C.J., Eds., Hacker and Moore's Essentials of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 5th Edition, Saunders, Philadelphia, 248-255.F: Morphometric study of the paranasal sinuses in normal and pathological conditions. Acta Otolaryngol 2000; vol.120(2), p.273-278.
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Abstract: Introduction: Crown lengthening is the process by which the extent of supragingival tooth structure is increased. It is used to for aesthetic of functional (retention) purposes. Method: Various techniques are used for crown lengthening purpose. It is important to choose which technique should be employed for that patient. Techniques such as gingivectomy, flap with osseous reduction, apically positioned flap with or without osseous reduction have been used for crown lengthening procedure. Case Report: This article consists, series of 4 case reports highlighting its need according to the requirement and demand of the situation................
Keyword: crown lengthening, biological width, gingivectomy, apically positioned flap
[1]. GlossaryOfPeriodontalTerms2001Edition.
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Abstract: Stroke is the third leading cause of morbidity and mortality all over the world. [1]In both primary and secondary prevention of stroke, Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD) indicates a high risk of future events and plays an important role in stroke rehabilitation. The basic pathology behind macrovascular diseases is atherosclerosis,thus its early detection with noninvasive techniques such as ankle brachial index (ABI) measurement can be pivotal .A prospective observational cross sectional study was carried out in 50 patients with clinical & imaging based evidence of stroke over 6 months at Mahatma Gandhi Hospital, Jodhpur. All patients with conditions, which affect ABI measurement,were excluded.................
Keyword: stroke, ABI, PAD, atherosclerosis
[1]. Fauci AS, Kasper DS, Longo DL, Braunwald E, Hauser SL, Jameson JL,et al. Harrison's Principles of internal medicine. United State;18th edition 2012)
[2]. Banerjee A, Fowkes F, Rothwell P. Associations Between Peripheral Artery Disease and Ischemic Stroke: Implications for Primary and Secondary Prevention. Stroke. 2010;41(9):2102-2107.
[3]. Agnelli G, Cimminiello C, Meneghetti G, Urbinati S. Polyvascular Atherothrombosis Observational Survey (PATHOS) Investigators. Low ankle–brachial index predicts an adverse 1-year outcome after acute coronary and cerebrovascular events. J Thromb Haemost. 2006;4: 2599–2606.
[4]. Busch M, Lutz K, Rohl J, Neuner B, Masuhr F. Low Ankle-Brachial Index Predicts Cardiovascular Risk After Acute Ischemic Stroke or Transient Ischemic Attack. Stroke. 2009;40(12):3700-3705.
[5]. Topakian R, Nanz S, Rohrbacher B, et al. High prevalence of peripheral arterialdisease in patientswith acute ischaemicstroke. Cerebrovasc Dis 2010;29:248-54
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Cerebral Malaria as a Complication of Plasmodium Vivax |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Shashank Shekhar || Dr. Dipti Neha || Dr.Amar Verma |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1606085356 ![]() |
Abstract: Background: Cerebral malaria is a diffuse encephalopathy characterised by unarousable coma of more than 30 minutes duration associated with or without seizures. Usually cerebral malaria is caused by P. falciparum, but rarely it could be the presenting complication or occurring during the course of P. vivax. P.vivax is responsible for benign, uncomplicated disease. Newer reports are now suggestive of severe manifestations of P.vivax malaria. Objective: To assess the natural history, associated complications, response to treatment and outcome of cerebral malaria due to P. vivax . Methodology: This study is a hospital based prospective study conducted from September 2015 to August 2016 in Department of Paediatrics and Neonatology, Rajendra Institute of Medical Sciences, Ranchi. In this study, 110 confirmed cases of severe complicated malaria diagnosed on the basis of blood smear examination were included...............
Keyword: P. vivax, cerebral malaria
[1]. World Health Organization. World malaria report 2015. World Health Organization, Geneva, 2015;
[2]. World Health Organisation. Severe falciparum malaria. Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 2000:94(Suppl.1):1-90.
[3]. Ozen M, Gungor S, Atambay M, Daldal N. Cerebral malaria owing to Plasmodium vivax: Case report. Ann J Pediatr 2006;26:141-4.
[4]. Charulata S Limaye, Vikram A Londhe, ST Nabar. The Study of Complications of Vivax Malaria in Comparison with Falciparum Malaria in Mumbai: JAPI • October 2012 • VOL. 60: 15-18.
[5]. Kumar R, Agarwal D, Kumar P. Severe Plasmodium vivax Malaria in Children: An emerging threat. Journal of Pediatric Sciences. 2014;6:e210.
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Abstract: Background: Benign adnexal tumor of skin is not commonly encountered in routine practice of surgical pathology. They exhibit heterogenous histological patterns. In both diagnostic and therapeutic point of view, it is essential to recognize these tumors. Objectives: This study was undertaken with the aim of assessing the incidence, clinicopathological characteristics and histopathological features of each cutaneous adnexal tumor. Material and methods: A retrospective study was conducted for 5 years period from year 2011 to 2015 in the Institute of pathology, Madras Medical College, Chennai. Histopathological features were evaluated and their correlations with clinicopathological features were studied.................
Keyword: Benign adnexal tumors, Hair follicle, sweat gland, sebaceous gla
[1]. Vani D, Ashwini N.S, sandhya M, T.R.Dayanandha. Bharathi .M, A 5 Years Histopathological study Of Skin Adnexalttumours at a Tiertary Care Hospital. Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences. DOI: 10.99790/0853-14470105.
[2]. K O alsaad, N AObaidat, D Ghazarain, Skin adnexal neoplasm- part 1: An approach to tumours of pilosebaceous unit, J zclinzpathol 2007; 60: 12:44
[3]. U.Jindal, R.Patel: Study Of Adnexal Tumours Of The Skin A Three Year Study of 25 cases. The Internet Journal Of Pathology. 2012 Volume 13 Number 3. DOI: 10.5580/2bf5.
[4]. Moore To, Orman HL, Orman SK, etal. Poromas of Head and Neck. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2001;44:48-52.
[5]. R jalakshmi Tirumalae and MO Roopa, Benign vs. malignant skin Adnexal Neoplasms: How Useful are Silhouttes?Indian J Dermatol.2013 Jan-Feb; 58(1):30-33. DOI: 10.4103/0019-5154.105282
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Abstract: Background: Oro-digestive tract (ODT) malignancies are a common cause of death in India. The aims of this study were: 1. To determine the incidence of ODT lesions in Konkan region and to study the age-wise and site-wise distribution of ODT lesions. 2. To analyze the distribution of benign and malignant gastro-intestinal tract lesions according to histopathology. 3. To study the histopathological correlation in cases, where both the biopsy and histopathological studies of resected specimen were done, wherever possible................
[1]. Harsh Mohan, The Oral Cavity And Salivary Glands and The Gastrointestinal Tract topics in the Text Book of Pathology, Assistant Editors: Praveen Mohan, Tanya Mohan, Sugandha Mohan. The Health Science Publishers 2015; vol-7: 504-576.
[2]. Sheikh BA, Hamdani SM, Malik R. Histopathological spectrum of lesion of upper gastrointestinal tract – A study of endoscopic biopsies. Global Journal Of Medicine And Public Health 2015;4(4):2277-9604.
[3]. Das C, Maity N, Mukhopadhyay M, Mukhopadhya B, Basu K, Madhukumari. A Histopathological Spectrum of Gastrointestinal Tract Lesions In A Tertiary Care Hospital: An Epidemiological Study For Four Years. IOSR-JDMS 2016;15(2):74-77.
[4]. Gulia SP, Chaudhury M, Noorunnisa N, Balakrishnan CD, Balagurunathan K. Interpretation of Upper GastroIntestinal Tract Endoscopic Mucosal Biopsies – A Study Conducted In Teaching Hospital In Puducherry, India'. Int J Med Health Sci. July 2012; 1(3): 17-24
[5]. Gurung P, Hirachand S, Pradhanang S, Lama S. A Histopathological Study of Gastrointestinal Polyps in Tertiary Care Hospital, Nepal. Journal of institute of medicine. April 2014;36(1):64-68
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Abstract: Introduction: Tuberculosis is one of the most ancient diseases known to mankind which was traced and documented from ancient ayurvedic system practiced by sushrutha, charak and other around 2500 BC. There is wide variation in the reported incidence of Anti-tubercular drug induced hepatotoxicity by different workers and there is paucity of work with anti-tubercular drug induced hepatotoxicity under DOTS regimen in the part of this country..................
Keyword: Anti-tubercular drugs, DOTS regimen, Tuberculosis and hepatotoxicity
[1]. Koch's Bacillus Editorial Tubercle 1982; 63: 1 – 2.
[2]. WHO (2006) Global Tuberculosis Control, Surveillance Planning Financing. WHO Report 2006.
[3]. Govt. of India (2006). Annual Report 2005 – 2006. Ministry of Health and Family Welfare New Delhi.
[4]. Govt of India (2006). TB India 2006, RNTCP status report. DOTS for all, All for DOTS, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, New Delhi.
[5]. Sinha P.K. Sharma S.K. et. al. DOTS at a tertiary care centre in norhern India : Successes, challenges & the next stepts in tuberculosis control. Indian J. Med.Res. 123, May 2006, page 702-06
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Abstract: Introduction: The inherited disorders of haemoglobin synthesis are one of the important public health problems in India. Haemoglobinopathies are the most common disorders of erythrocytes. India is the home of several haemoglobin variants. Material and Method: A total of 100 patients of blood transfusion patients admitted in RIMS at Paediatric Department entered the study. Materials for the present work included mainly anemic children, transfusion requiring children and their family members.................
Keyword: HPLC, Haemoglobinopathies.
[1]. WHO-Executive Board EB118/5, 118 th Session Report by the Secretariat on thalassemia and other hemoglobinopathies: Prevalence of hemoglobinopathies. 11 May 2006. p. 1-8.
[2]. Balgir RS. Spectrum of hemoglobinopathies in the state of Orissa, India: A ten years cohort study. J Assoc Physicians India 2005;53:1021-6.
[3]. Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences(RJPBCS) 5(5) September - October 2014 Page No. 887 by Chandrahas Prasad , Hemant Narayan Rai , and Shashi Bhushan Singh
[4]. Balgir RS. Population, ecology and epidemiology of the sickle cell disease in Orissa. J Hum Ecol 1995;6:273-76
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Abstract: Introduction: Cataract surgery is no longer just for visual rehabilitation but has also become a form of refractive surgery in which the final refractive result can define visual outcome. Axial length is perhaps the most important parameter in most modern day formulae for IOL power calculation and in turn it affects the postoperative visual status of the patient. Aim-To Study the Interocular Difference in Axial Length By Contact Ultrasound A scan and Optical Biometry................
Keyword: Axial Length, Contact Ultrasound A Scan, Optical Biometry, Interocular Difference, IOL Power
[1]. Astbury N, Ramamurthy B. How to avoid mistakes in biometry. Community Eye Health.2006 Dec;19(60):70–1.
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[4]. Fontes BM, Fontes BM, Castro E. Intraocular lens power calculation by measuring axial length with partial optical coherence and
ultrasonic biometry. Arq Bras Oftalmol.2011 Jun;74(3):166–70.
[5]. Wissa AR, Wahba SS, Roshdy MM. Agreement and relationship between ultrasonic and partial coherence interferometry
measurements of axial length and anterior chamber depth. Clin Ophthalmol. 2012;6(1):193–8.
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Abstract: Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a common heterogeneous endocrine disorder characterized by irregular menses, hyperandrogenism, and polycystic ovaries. PCOS is recognized as one of the most common endocrine/metabolic disorders in women. Its prevalence depends in part upon the diagnostic criteria used to define the disorder (1). This study was carried out to measure Prothrombin Time, ctivated Partial Thromboplastic Time, Platelets count in Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)in Sudanese patients...............
Keyword: Sudanese, female, (PCOS), PT, APTT, Platelets
[1]. Shakuntala Chhabra,2014.P olycystic ovarian disease in adult and perimenopausal women.Healthy Aging Research ,| 3:8\
[2]. Neil F. Goodman, MD, FACE1; Rhoda H. Cobin, MD, MACE2; Walter Futterweit, MD, FACP, FACE3;Jennifer S. Glueck, MD4; Richard S. Legro, MD, FACOG5; Enrico Carmina, MD(2015). American association of clinical endocrinlogistENDOCRINE PRACTICE Vol 21 No. 1291
[3]. Poli Mara Spritzer1Polycystic ovary syndrome: reviewing diagnosis and management of metabolic disturbancesArq Bras Endocrinol Metab. 2014;58/2
[4]. Unfer V, Proietti S, Gullo G, Porcaro G, Carlomagno G and Bizzarri M.Unfer et al., 2014 .Endocrinol Metab Syndr, 3:3
[5]. Rosenfield RL1, Ehrmann,2016) . The Pathogenesis of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS): The Hypothesis of PCOS as Functional Ovarian Hyperandrogenism Revisited DA1Endocr Rev. Oct;37(5):467-520.
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Abstract: Objectives: To determine the serum IgE levels in allergic rhinitis with or without asthma compared to Control group.
Methods: A Laboratory based prospective study of 90 Allergic rhinitis (AR) patients with or without asthma and 80 matched controls in a Nigerian tertiary hospital between April, 2015 – December, 2015. The serum IgE levels were measured using ELISA IgE pro-kit byAcubind(USA). The data were analysed using SPSS 20 and pvalues< 0.05 were considered significant. Result: The study group comprised of 37 (41.1%) males and (53) 58.9% females. The age of participants ranges from 17 years to 52 years with a mean of 27.61 6.88 years. The mean age of the patients with AR was 28.58 ± 7.29 years while the mean.................
Keyword: Allergic rhinitis, Serum Imunoglobulin E.
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Abstract: The emphasis has shifted from the use of whole blood to component therapy. It is important for the blood bank to be able to fulfill the demands for this life-saving product and at the same time, evaluate and assess the existing trends of blood ordering. Hence, periodic review of blood component usage is essential to assess the blood utilization pattern in any hospital. Objectives: To study the utilization pattern of whole blood and PCV in a teaching hospital................
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Abstract: Objectives: The aim of the study was to identify the risk factors predisposing to morbidly adherent placenta and to study the different modes of management and the maternal and neonatal outcome of these patients. Methods: This was a prospective observational study conducted in the department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at Zenana state hospital, Jaipur from October 15 to September 16. Results : The incidence of morbidly adherent placenta was 0.82 per 1000 pregnancies with patient profile comprising................
Keyword: Previous caesarean section, placenta previa, postpartum haemorrhage
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