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Induction of labor (IOL) can be defined as the artificial initiation of labor, before its spontaneous onset, for the purpose of delivery of the fetoplacental unit1. Need for mandatory induction of preterm labor is increasing with the increasing incidence of hypertensive disorders, diabetes mellitus, oligohydramnios, intra uterine fetal deaths (IUFD), eclampsia, and lethal congenital anomalies.
1. To assess the clinical profile of the patient undergoing preterm induction of labor.
2. To determine the efficacy and safety...
Key Words: Induction of labor, Foleys Catheter, Dinoprostone gel
[1]. Alec S McEwan. Induction of labour Obstetrics. Gynaecology & Reproductive Medicine. 2008;18:1–6.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Metastatic Spinal Tumor – Updated Therapeutic Approach |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr Rajiv Ranjan || Dr Anita Kumari || Aayush Ranjan |
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: | 10.9790/0853-2001120613 ![]() |
Abstract: Metastases spinal tumor represent a challenging problem in an oncology practice, and their rising incidence can be attributed to the expanding aging population and increased survival rates among cancer patients. The decision-making process in the treatment of spinal metastasis requires a multidisciplinary approach that includes medical and radiation oncology, surgery, and rehabilitation. Various decision-making systems have been proposed in the literature in order to estimate survival and suggest appropriate treatment options for patients experiencing spinal metastasis. However, recent advances in treatment modalities for spinal metastasis, such as stereotactic radiosurgery and minimally invasive surgical techniques, have reshaped clinical practices concerning patients with spinal........
Keywords- Spinalmetastasis; Decision-making system; Radiosurgery; Minimally invasive surgical procedures; Separation surgery
[1]. White AP, Kwon BK, Lindskog DM, Friedlaender GE, Grauer JN. Metastatic disease of the spine. J Am Acad Orthop Surg 200614:587–98.
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Abstract: INTRODUCTION: Peripheral nerve blockade is a well-accepted concept of comprehensive anaesthetic care. Interscalene brachial plexus block is the preferred regional anaesthesia for upper limb surgeries .Several studies have demonstrated the effects of "dexmedetomidine ", an alpha 2 agonist, in local, spinal, epidural anaesthesia when combined with local anaesthetic Ropivacaine. Dexmedetomidine provides analgesic benefits without major side effects. AIM AND OBJECTIVES: To evaluate additional anaesthetic and analgesic effects derived from administration of dexmedetomidine to ropivacaine to brachial plexus block through Interscalene approach, with respect to onset and duration of sensory blockade.....
Key Word: analgesia, dexmedetomidine, ropivacaine, side effects.
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Abstract: Introduction: Patients with confirmed or suspected COVID-19, may complain about multiple persistent symptoms, even weeks after the infection thus leads to the presence of a 'post-COVID-19 syndrome. The objective of the present study was to assess whether there are multiple relevant symptoms in recovered patients following the onset of symptoms in previously positive COVID-19 patients. Materials and Methods: We evaluated a total of 50 COVID 19 positive doctors from Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose, Medical College, Jabalpur who met the inclusion criteria. All the study subjects were asked to complete a google form questionnaire screen and data regarding their symptoms were collected. Results: Our study showed that after recovery, illness‐related fatigue was the most common reported symptom which was followed by myalgia and body ache followed by loss of taste. About 80 - 85% of patients reported three or more symptoms post recovery from COVID......
Keywords: Post COVID-19 symptoms
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Abstract: The cognitive and functional sequelae of Stroke Accidents (CVA) have a great impact on the quality of life and functionality of patients, generating psychosocial problems in their life process. The objective of the research was to determine the clinical characteristics of the cognitive and functional sequelae generated in patients who have suffered a cerebrovascular accident and how these affect psychosocially in the integral areas of the patients. The methodology of observation, direct interview, evaluation using the NIHSS Scale, Barthel Index, Modified Rankin Scale and the Montreal Cognitive Assessment Scale (MoCA) was used. The results that were obtained were sequelae in the functional and cognitive part of the patients at mild, moderate, severe and very severe levels. It can be concluded that the design of the evaluation profile contributes to verifying the sequelae suffered by the patients, being helpful for intervention, rehabilitation and socialization with family members.
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Abstract: Background: Vitamin D deficiency is quite common worldwide, as well as in our population. It has been indicated in some recent studies, that Vitamin D deficiency is associated with some of the well known risk factors of cardio Vascular Diseases, like BP, Cholesterol, Blood Glucose, Blood Insulin level etc. There is very little data among the Indian population in this regard, inspite of wide prevalence of Vitamin D deficiency in the population. The Present study was aimed at bridging some of that gap. Materials and Methods: In this cross sectional, observational study, 68 participants, all coming to the Biochemistry Department for Blood Vitamin D estimation, without any prior Cardio Vascular Disease history, were included. Their Blood Pressure were measured and fasting Blood samples were collected followed by estimation of Plasma Glucose and serum Cholesterol......
Key Word: Vitamin D deficiency, Cardio Vascular Disease, Insulin, Cholesterol, Systolic BP
[1]. Deluca, Reichelet. al. Dietary Reference Intakes for Calcium,Phosphorus,Magneseum,Vitamin D and Fluoride. The National Academies press(US) 1997; 200:330-450
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Abstract: Orbital hydatidosis is a rare clinical entity, which most often affects children and young adults living in rural areas. It is secondary to development in the orbit of the taenia Echinococcus granulosus. This aberrant localization of hydatidosis is serious because of its consequences, especially of a functional nature, hence the importance of prevention. Morocco is an endemic country where hydatidosis is still rife and is a non-exceptional cause of exophthalmos. We report the case of a 43 years old young patient in whom an active unilateral exophthalmos revealed an orbital hydatid cyst.
Key Word: Hydatid cyst, exophthalmos, orbital localization.
[1]. Ergün R, Ökten AI, Yüksel M, Gül B, Evliyaoglu Ç, Ergüngr F et al. Orbital hydatid cysts: Report of four cases. Neurosurg Rev. 1997;20(1):33-37. [2]. Turgut AT, Turgut M, Kosar U. Hydatidosis of the orbit in Turkey : results from review of the literature 1963-200 Int Ophthalmol. 2004;25(4):193-200. [3]. Öztekin PS, Yilmaz BK, Gokharman FD, Kosar PN. Primary orbital hydatid cyst: computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging findings. Singapore Med J. 2014;55(11):e184-e186. [4]. Gomez Morales A, Croxatto JO, Crovetto L, Ebner R. Hydatid cysts of the orbit: a review of 35 cases. Ophthalmology. 1988;95(8):1027-1032 [5]. Ciurea AV, Giuseppe G, Machinis TG, Coman TC, Fountas KN. Orbital hydatid cyst in childhood: a report of two cases. Southern Medical Journal. 2006;99:6
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Abstract: L'atteinte pluritronculaire est définie comme la présence de sténoses significatives ≥50% sur au moins deux principales artères épicardiques (≥ 2.5 mm) associée ou non à une sténose du tronc commun gauche. L'association du syndrome coronaire aigu à des lésions pluritronculaires est grave en raison d'un risque élevé de morbi- mortalité cardiovasculaire. Par conséquent, la prise en charge de ce groupe de patients représente un vrai challenge pour le cardiologue et tout particulièrement le cardiologue interventionnel. Cet article est une revue de la littérature dont le but est d'identifier les modalités et le timing optimal de revascularisation chez les patients se présentant pour un syndrome coronaire aigu avec ou sans sus décalage du segment ST, et chez qui la coronarographie a objectivé une atteinte pluritronculaire.......
Key Word: acute coronary syndrome- multivessel disease- revascularization
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Abstract: Globally, cataract is the leading cause of blindness which accounts for 51% of 39 million blind people. The visual rehabilitation is made through sight-restoring surgery. The patients' postoperative visual satisfaction, vision related quality of life, ability to function in daily activities and their overall productivity mainly depend on the visual outcome. Nearly 99% of cataract operated eyes had poor vision preoperatively (<6/60). After the surgery has been done, 26.6% of operated eyes had achived good visual acuity, 28.9% of eyes had borderline visual acuity, and the remaining of 44.5% of cataract-operated eyes were remained as poor visual acuity. Aim: To evaluate the outcome of cataract surgery in the population of Bangladesh. Methods: Cross sectional study; Interview technique......
Key Word: Knowledge, Attitude, Practices, Cataract Surgery Senile Cataracts.
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