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Abstract: Background: Atraumatic extraction preserves bone, gingival architecture, and allows for the option of future or immediate dental implant placement.Physics forceps were designed by Dr. Richard Golden in 2004; it enables to predictably remove even the most grossly broken down teeth with little or no trauma to the surgical site. The biomechanical design of this instrument decreases the incidence of root fracture, and maintains the buccal bone plate, which is essential for the proper healing of an immediately placed dental implant.Post-extraction complications are few, but could be further minimised by proper handling of patients, reducing the number of extractions and by emphasising the need of early reporting of patients with post-extraction complications.The development of Physics Forceps® by Golden......
Key Words : Physics forceps; Conventional Forceps; Tooth Extraction; Pain; Time; Postoperative Wound Healing.
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Abstract: Purpose: The objective of this study was to investigate the incidence of ROP and risk factors associated with disease by screening premature babies at risk for ROP. Result: In this study incidence of ROP was 18.33% and only factors found to have an independent association with occurrence of ROP were birth weight and gestational Age. Method: Prospective, observational study conducted in JLN hospital Ajmer, Rajasthan form September 2016 to September 2017. Conclusion: Appropriate screening and timely treatment are crucial to avoid ROP related blindness.
Keywords- Advances in ROP, Screening for retinopathy of prematurity, anti vasoactive endothelial growth factors, Laser photocoagulation
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Abstract: Aim of the study: This study was conducted for evaluation of the radiographic bone changes following socket preservation in mandibular molars using deproteinized bovine bone mineral versus using Beta tri calcium phosphate. Material and Methods: Fourteen candidates (5 males, 9 females), suffering from non-restorable teeth and seeking implant rehabilitation, were selected and examined in the outpatient of the implant clinic in Faculty Dentistry Cairo University; they were divided into two groups. Group A Control group who use deproteinized bovine bone mineral. Group B study group who use beta tri calcium......
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Imaging findings in – Choledochal cysts in infancy: A case report |
Country | : | RABAT |
Authors | : | Semedo Insumbo |
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: | 10.9790/0853-2001082631 ![]() |
Abstract: Choledochal cysts are rareand it is known that it manifests more in infancy and childhood. They are in most cases considered congenital due to its occurrence in the fetuses andneonates. Their origin has been the subject of many studies. However it was described that one of the origins may be related to an abnormal connection betweenthe common bile duct and pancreatic appear in different forms, most often as fusiform dilatation or cystic of the common bile duct at radiography duct and chronic pancreatic juice reflux into the common bile duct, resulting in irritation of the duct andconsequently dilatation. Imaging diagnostic tools means a lot in diagnosis such as ultrasonography (US) is one of thebest initial methods of evaluating dilatation of the intra- and extrahepaticbile ducts. Computed tomography (CT) is also an important in analyzingthe intrahepatic biliary tree.......
Key World: Choledochal cyst · abdominal ultrasonography (US)and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), Pediatric.
[1]. Ok Hwa Kim, MD HongJun Chung, MD Byung Gil Cboi, MD. Imaging of the Choledochal Cyst1. 1995 Bile ducts, cysts, 766.1492
[2]. Lu S: Biliary cysts and strictures, in N Kaplowitz (eds): Liver and Biliary Diseases, Baltimore, MD, Williams and Wilkins, 1996, pp 739-753
[3]. Lipsett P: Biliary atresia and cysts, in Pitt H (eds): The Biliary Tract (part of Clinical Gastro Enterology). London, UK, BalliereKindall, 1997, 11 (4), pp 626-641
[4]. 1. Kim OH, Chung HJ, Choi BG. Imaging of the choledochal cyst. Radiographics. 1995;15 (1): 69-88
[5]. Babbitt L) P, Starshak RJ, Clemett AR. Choledochal cyst: a concept of etiology. AJR 1973; I 19:57-62
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Abstract: Background: Schizophrenia is a complex syndrome that commonly occurs between 20 and 25 years. The symptoms after the first psychotic episode are the aggravation of those presented at the prodrome phase and divides in three groups: negative, positive, and cognitive symptoms. Aim: to identify factors that modify the quality of life of patients with schizophrenia. Methodology: it is a systematic review of the literature, whose articles were selected from the last 5 years of PubMed, IBECS and LILACS following the PRISMA-P checklist and Cochrane guideline. The final sample was evaluatedby independent evaluators. Results: eight articles were analyzed and all of then found a global decrease in quality of life in the schizophrenic population. The preponderant factors for the lower quality of life of these patients divides into environmental factors, intrinsic to the individual and clinical presentation.......
Keywords: Psychiatry, Health Related Quality Of Life, Schizophrenic Disorder, Risk Factors, Health Promotion.
[1]. Giacon, B. C. C. & Galera, S. A. F. (2006)Primeiro episódio da esquizofrenia e assistência de enfermagem. Rev. da Esc. Enferm. da U S P.40, 286–291.
[2]. Associação Brasileira de Psiquiatria, Sociedade Brasileira de Psiquiatria.(2012). Primeiro Episódio Psicótico (PEP) : Diagnóstico e Diagnóstico Diferencial.Proj. Diretrizes - Assoc. Médica Bras.1–36.
[3]. Silva JCF. Genes envolvidos na determinação da esquizofrenia.(2015) [Dissertação] Universidade Fernando Pessoa. Portugal.
[4]. Soares-Weiser K, Maayan N, Bergman H, Davenport C, Kirkham AJ, Grabowski S, Adams CE.(2015) First rank symptoms for schizophrenia ( Review ). Cochrane Library. doi:10.1002/14651858.CD010653.pub2.www.cochranelibrary.com
[5]. Awad G.(2016).Long-term health-related quality of life improvements among patients treated with lurasidone : results from the open-label extension of a switch trial in schizophrenia. BMC Psychiatry. doi:10.1186/s12888-016-0879-5
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Abstract: Background: Use of Illicit drugs or substances among medical students was a phenomenon which has been widely studied, but remains of interest due to its' high prevalence and the potential consequences like physical and psychosocial health problems. Students of this age group are more vulnerable due to increased academic pressure, influence from the seniors and increased popularity and availability of substances. By Understanding the pattern and circumstances which lead to alcohol or drugs abuse would help in initiating appropriate interventions to protect the young adults from substance abuse. Aim of the Study: To Screen the Second Year M.B.B.S Students to assess their physical and mental health status; to assess the awareness of alcohol and drugs and consequences of using them, among second year M.B.B.S students.......
Key Words: Physical and mental health ,SF-36 ,Alcohol ,drugs.
[1]. Kumar P., Basu D. — Substance abuse by medical students and doctors. Journal of Indian Medical Association; 98:447-452, 2000.
[2]. Mohan D. — Drug Problems in Socio-Cultural context, WHO, Geneva; pp- 42-47, 1980.
[3]. Naskar N.N., Bhattacharya SK, A study on drug abuse among the undergraduate medical students in Calcutta. Journal of Indian Medical Association. 97 : 20-21, 1999.
[4]. CDC (2011). Policy impact: prescription painkiller overdoses. Atlanta, GA: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, CDC.
[5]. Results from the 2011 National Survey on Drug Use and Health: Summary of National Findings. Rockville, MD: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration; 2012. HHS Publication No. (SMA) 12-4713.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Social Determinants or Non-Medical Factors Affecting Health |
Country | : | United States |
Authors | : | Kent Willis || Colleen Marzilli |
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: | 10.9790/0853-2001084549 ![]() |
Abstract: Background: Social determinants of health and non-medical factors of health are key aspects of how patients access and use the healthcare system and experience health outcomes. Non-medical determinants greatly impact health, and these consist of social determinants of health and the provision of health and healthcare. Understanding these issues is crucial to understanding how to improve health and wellness for patients. Exploring these factors is important in the overall structure of addressing health and health outcomes. Materials and Methods: A careful review of the literature identified the key issues present that comprise the non-medical and social determinants of health. This review provided keen insight into the factors that the healthcare system should address to improve healthcare.......
Key Word: non-medical factors of health, social determinants of health, access to care
[1]. Singh GK, Daus GP, Allender M, et al. Social determinants of health in the United States: addressing major health inequality trends for the nation, 1935-2016. International Journal of MCH and AIDS. 2017;6(2): 139–164. doi: 10.21106/ijma.236 [2]. Grey M. Lifestyle determinants of health: isn't it all about genetics and environment? Nursing Outlook. 2017;65(5): 501-505. doi: 10.1016/j.outlook.2017.04.011 [3]. CDC. Impact of the built environment on health. 2011. Retrieved from https://www.cdc.gov/nceh/publications/factsheets/impactofthebuiltenvironmentonhealth.pdf [4]. Smith IH. From cultivation to consumption: linking urban agriculture, nutritional sciences, environmental sciences, and telehealth to food deserts and the social determinants of health. Journal of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences. 2016;5(1): 20-24.
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Abstract: Salivary gland tumors represent an uncommon heterogeneous group of neoplasms with complex clinico-pathological behaviour. These are diverse group of neoplasms, and this constitutes about 0.5 % of all cancers and 5% of head-and-neck malignancy[1]. Around 64%–80% are located in the parotid gland, 7%–11% in the submandibular glands, and the remainder being distributed between the sublingual (1%) and the minor salivary glands (9%–23%) throughout the oral cavity [2,3].
A neoplasm in the parotid gland is statistically more likely to be benign than one arising in a minor salivary gland. Pleomorphic adenoma is the most common benign salivary gland tumor, and mucoepidermoid carcinoma (MEC) is the most common malignant salivary gland tumor; the diagnosis of the salivary gland tumor includes clinical examination, supported
[1]. Speight PM, Barrett A. Salivary gland tumours. Oral Dis. 2002 Sep;8(5):229-40.
[2]. Kumaran JV, Daniel MJ, Krishnan M, Selvam S. Salivary gland tumors: An institutional experience. SRM J Res Dent Sci 2019;10:12-6.
[3]. Lewis JE, McKinney BC, Weiland LH, Ferreiro JA, Olsen KD. Salivary duct carcinoma. Clinicopathologic and immunohistochemical review of 26 cases. Cancer 1996;77:223‑30.
[4]. Saldanha C., Yaranal P., Upadhyaya K. A clinicopathological study of salivary gland tumors. Trop J Path Micro 2018;4(7):532-538.
[5]. Jude UO, Olu-Eddo AN. Salivary gland tumors, a twenty-year retrospective study. Afr J Med Health Sci 2014;13:24-9.