Abstract: Maritime Science Polytechnic is a higher education with applied skills in shipping science is directed at producing professional graduates. The Sultan Hasanuddin training vessel is intended to prepare competent human resources. This study aims to analyze the performance of the training vessel unit and the level of competence of cadets using a qualitative descriptive method. The results showed that the performance of the training vessel unit was in a good category, had carried out the duties and responsibilities in improving the competence of cadets with an average value of 76.9%, seen from a total of 97 participants who passed the Seafarer Skill Test only 13 participants and according to the established regulations. The Seafarer Expertise Examiner who passes the seafaring skill test is competent cadets and get a level III nautical expert certificate. Furthermore, the graduation rate comparison of cadets prala prala in the last five years has increased since the existence of a training vessel in the environment of Makassar Maritime Science Polytechnic with a comparison in 2014 of 5% and in 2019 as much as 56%.
Keywords: Shipping, cadet competence, training vessel
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