Abstract: Hirsutism is a condition that involves the excessive growth of hair in women, in parts predominantly for men (Bode, Seehusen, and Baird, 2012). Women with the disease demonstrate excessive hair distribution pattern that resembles men, that consists of the chest, face, back, thighs, and the abdomen (Bode, Seehusen, and Baird, 2012). It is one of the medical disorders that have affected women that result from hormonal imbalances, mainly androgens, and primarily the testosterone (Bode, Seehusen, and Baird, 2012). Clinical manifestations of the condition also include the deepening of the patients' voice, acne, balding, increased muscle mass, and enlargement of the clitoris among others (Bode, Seehusen, and Baird, 2012). It is commonly measured by the use of the modified Ferriman-Gallwey (mFG)....
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