Version-2 (Jan-Feb 2018)
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ABSTRACT: Complete lattice dynamical behaviour of ND4Cl as well TlCl have been studied with the help of new phenomenological model, van der Waals three-body force shell model (VTSM), incorporating the effect of van der Waals interactions (vWI) along with long-range screened Coulomb and three-body interactions (TBI) in the frame work of rigid shell model where short range interactions are operative up to the second neighbour in these halides. This new model presents an excellent agreement with available experimental data and a vast improvement for the theoretical available data for phonon dispersion curve (PDCs) for [q00], [qq0] and [qqq] directions in case , variation of Debye Temperature Curve and combined density state (CDS) curve and anharmonic properties such as third and fourth order elastic constants and pressure derivative of second order elastic constants...........
Key words: Lattice dynamics, Phonon dispersion curves, Debye temperature, two phonon IR and Raman Spectra, Anharmonic elastic constants, combined density of states.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Relation between the Sagnac Effect and the Luminiferous Ether |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Tibor Blazsó |
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: | 10.9790/4861-1001021216 ![]() |
ABSTRACT: The paper investigates the relation between two widely disputed topics in Physics: the luminiferous ether and the speed of light in rotating frames. The ether (also written sometimes as "aether") is supposed to be an invisible medium which is responsible for the constancy of the light speed. The anisotropy of the light speed is an interesting phenomenon, also called as the "Sagnac effect" after its first investigator. The article will not represent any definitive opinion on the Sagnac-effect vs ether relationship, but will show a surprising but important constraint, namely: if only one single "block-type" ether exists, as many scientists allege, then the rotational Sagnac effect can not be detected. Only Classical Physics and simple math will be used, no additional assertions will be needed.
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ABSTRACT: This paper investigates the effect of cosmic ray variations and meteorological parameters on the tropospheric radio refractivity during dry and rainy seasons in Yola from 2012 to 2016. The hourly averages of refractivity during dry and rainy seasons were calculated from the data obtained from the Centre for Atmospheric Research CAR and cosmic ray data were downloaded from Mexico Observatory. This data used for the computation of tropospheric refractivity is in two minute's interval of the variations of meteorological parameters for each day of the months and was carried out fora period of six years. Careful application of correlation text was carried out between the variation of cosmic ray and the variation of tropospheric refractivity variations, Correlation coefficients of, 0.56 during dry season and 0.13,0.33,0.44 during raining season at 5% significant level respectively..........
Keyword: Cosmic rays, Meteorological parameters, Troposphere and Refractivity.
[1]. Adediji .T.A and Ajewole. M.O. (2008). Vertical Profile of Radio Refractivity in Akure south-West Nigeria, International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) ISSN: 2319-7064 Vol. 4, p 157-168
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ABSTRACT: The aeromagnetic data of Guzabure and its Environs within the Chad Basin, Northeastern Nigeria have been interpreted qualitatively and quantitatively. The total magnetic intensity and residual intensity field showed range of magnetic anomalies which reveal that the study area is magnetically heterogeneous. The horizontal derivatives map showed the occurrence of subsurface linear structures which suggests the presence of faults in the study area. Spectral analysis technique was employed in quantitative interpretation with the aim of determining depth/thickness of the sedimentary basin and basement topography.The result from spectral analysis shows that the depth to the magnetically deep sources ranges from 2.5 to 6.9 km with an overall average depth of 4.069km while the depth to the shallow sources ranges from 0.87 to 1.47 km with overall average depth of 1.086 km.
Keyword: Aeromagnetic data,spectral analysis,horizontal derivatives, basement depth, Chad basin
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Magnetized Anisotropic Bianchi Type-VI Cosmological Model Containing Dark Energy |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Mukunda Dewri |
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: | 10.9790/4861-1001023135 ![]() |
ABSTRACT: The paper summarizes the Bianchi Type VI cosmological model with electromagnetic field. Taking exponential scale factor and variable Lambda parameter the exact solutions of the field equations and different cosmological parameters have been found. Magnetized anisotropic model with dark energy has been found.
Keywords: – Bianchi Type VI, Electromagnetic field, Dark energy, Variable Lambda, Accelerated expansion
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ABSTRACT:It has been proven that due to generation and recombination of charge carriers at the presence of an external constant electric field concentration fluctuations of charge carriers and electric field occur in semiconductors with deep traps. For the first time a Van – der- Pol type equation was obtained for these semiconductors for the alternating electric field. From the solution of the obtained equation both the amplitude and oscillation frequency were determined in the first approximation by the method of N.N. Bogolyubov and Yu.A. Mitropolsky. It was shown that the frequency of oscillations in the first approximation is more important than in the zero approximation. The amplitude of oscillations tend to a finite value at very high time value t. This proves that there is a steady dynamic mode. A graph indicating the dependence of amplitude on time was developed. The values of the electric field and the constants of generation and recombination of charge carriers were determined.
Keywords: – traps, frequency, amplitude, oscillations, generation, recombination.
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ABSTRACT: Debye theory of specific heat. has the dimensions of temperature and is defined by θ = hν/k, where h is the Planck constant, ν is the maximum frequency for the lattice vibrations of the solid, and k is the Boltzmann constant. The Debye temperature is characteristic of the particular material;. A new empirical expression is developed to calculate the Debye characteristic temperature of cubic crystals. The calculated Debye temperatures for cubic crystals are shown to be in excellent agreement with other existing computations as well as with the experimental values.
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ABSTRACT: Gruneisen assumed that Gruneisen constant is temperature independent. However it was observed and established that the Gruneisen constant varies with temperature. Gruneisen constant shows a drastic and dramatic change at low temperature. The variation digger from crystal to crystal in some cases there is a dip in the values of Gruneisen constant. At elevated temperatures the temperature variation of Gruneisen constant is very slight and monotonous.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Synthesis and Characterization of Cds Quantum Dot by Silar Technique |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | N.I Azubuike || Prof. A.J Ekpunobi |
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: | 10.9790/4861-1001025153 ![]() |
ABSTRACT: Successive ionic layer adsorption and reaction (SILAR) process was used for the deposition of cadmium sulphide quantum dot on mesoporous TiO2 film. The change in colour of the TiO2 film from white to deep orange was the primary indicator of the growth of CdS quantum dot on the film. The UV-vis spectroscopy result confirmed both the presence and quantum confinement effect of CdS on TiO2. The absorption spectra showed that the sensitized film absorbs radiation at higher wavelength with the peak at 410nm. A band gap of 2.46ev was obtained for the CdS sensitized TiO2.
Keywords: CdS, Quantum Dot, SILAR,Thin Films, TiO2
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ABSTRACT: α-Quaterthiophene (α-4T) thin films of various thicknesses are prepared by thermal evaporation method. The absorbance and reflectance of the as-deposited and annealed films are recorded using UV-Vis-NIR spectrophotometer. Refractive index, extinction coefficient, real and imaginary part of dielectric constant of as deposited and annealed thin films of various thicknesses have been estimated. Dependence of refractive index, extinction coefficient, real and imaginary parts of dielectric constant of α-4T thin film with photon energy have been studied. It is observed that when refractive index (n) attains maximum extinction coefficient (k) takes minimum and vice versa with variations in photon energy. Real and imaginary parts of dielectric constant and vary with photon energy in accordance with variations of refractive index..
Keywords: α-4T; thermal evaporation; annealing, refractive index; extinction coefficient; dielectric constant
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ABSTRACT: The most general equations of the vertical rotating Michelson-Morley (VRMM)interferometer, have been derived to investigate its new predictions. The paper showsa very high sensitivity of the difference in arm lengths of the interferometer. Equal arm lengths makes the interference pattern oscillates in opposite directions during the cyclic rotation of the interferometer, while a slightincremental change in one of the arm lengths makes the interference patterneither moves in one direction or becomes stationary.The VRMM experiment proves, first,the direct evidence of the existence of dark matter, second,itsfluid nature and third,itsvertical flow onto Earth's surface(i.e. onto matter in general).The paper shows that, the interference pattern at the Perihelion location is different from that at the Aphelion, as well as the interference pattern at any Lunar Space Station at Perigee is different from that at Apogee. By eliminating.......
Keywords: Optics;Michelson-Morley Experiment;Dark Matter; Interferometry; Interstellar.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Energy Conservation Experiments in Classroom |
Country | : | Japan |
Authors | : | Yuji Kajiyama |
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: | 10.9790/4861-1001026770 ![]() |
ABSTRACT: We discuss energy conservation experiments for students in teacher-training course of University. Most of Students will be teacher of elementary and/or junior high school in Japan.By performing experiments of simple pendulum and rolling ball on inclined rail, with heavy and light ball, students successfully found that the rolling ball experiment is not appropriate as an experiment of energy conservation law with sufficient accuracy, becauseof the rotationaleffect.This practice will be helpful for futurescience teachers to design their classes for their future students.
Keywords: Classical Mechanics, Energy Conservation Law, Physics Education, Classroom Experiment.
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ABSTRACT: Environmental radioactivity assessment within Federal University of Agriculture Makurdi for the purpose of asserting the radiation exposure level to staff/students and the potential health hazards associated with such exposures. This was achieved by measuring hourly dose rate at 700 sites each for indoor and outdoor dose rate using a digital halogen – quenched Geiger – Mueller dosimeter (inspector alert SNi 35440). The average measurements were obtained on hourly basis and the mean Annual Indoor and Outdoor Effective Dose Rate (AIEDR and AOEDR) were computed to 0.939 ± 0.20 mSv/yr and 0.0356 ± 0.0356 ± 0.061 mSv/yr respectively. Both dose rates are within the International Commission on Radiation Protection (ICRP), 1990, recommended dose rate limit of 1 mSv/yr...........
Keywords: Background radiation, Absorb dose, Radiation injuries, Radiation Radionuclide, Exposure
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ABSTRACT: The effect of cement production on surface water bodies with the vicinity of Benue cement company Gboko now known as Dangote cement company Gboko was investigate using pH and d.c. conductivity of water samples in a radius of 5km in the direction of wind. The results of pH and d.c. conductivities were found to be in the following ranges; 7.2 - 7.7 and 49.85 - 185.35 μScm-1 in 2003; 7.9 - 8.6 and 26.00 - 456.00 μScm-1 in 2009; and 7.7 – 8.1 and 44.03 μScm-1 – 167.00 μScm-1 in 2017. The pH value ranges were found to fall within WHO recommended standar4ds of 7.0 - 9.2 while the upper limits of the d.c. conductivities ranges shows that the d.c. conductivities are below the WHO limit of 120-140 μScm-1 except in 2009 . Both results revealed that the variations in both parameters decreases with distance as one of moves away from factory. Since, the pH and d.c conductivity of waters is a measure.......
Keywords: Water quality, Environmental /health effects, pH, d.c Conductivity Portland Cement
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