ABSTRACT: Background: During last decades, computed tomography (CT) gains a promptly augmented significance resulting from their precision, short acquisition time, and cost-effectiveness. Besides, while the use of CT has led to major advances in modern medical practice, an increasing concerns for patient safety has accompanied this trend, as CT delivers higher levels of radiation than most other diagnostic imaging routines. Materials and Methods: Quantitative and qualitative study of CT-image quality were performed via different pediatric case studies having the same k-factor (Age range 5:10 Years) undergoing follow-up brain-CT. A full standard practice dose (148 mAs) without application of Adaptive Statistical Iterative Reconstruction (ASIR) routine was compared with other dose reduced practice......
Keywords: Computed tomography (CT); Adaptive Statistical Iterative Reconstruction (ASIR); Image Quality; Effective dose (ED); Signal to noise ratio (SNR); Pediatric CT
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