ABSTRACT: It is proposed that graviton is composed of Wu's Pairs, a Yangton and Yington circulating particle pairs with build-in attractive Force of Creation (Building Blocks of the universe). Gravitational force is generated by string force between two gravitons and the propagation of gravitational force is explained by graviton radiation and contact interaction. In addition, the dimension and duration of an object or event can change with the local gravitational field due to the bombardment of gravitons and aging of the universe in compliance with CMB radiation. Because of the same intrinsic structures, the amount of unit quantity in a corresponding identical objects or events......
Keywords: Yangton and Yington, Wu's Pairs, Graviton, Gravitational Force, Graviton Radiation and Contact Interaction, Space, Time, Subatomic Equilibrium, Corresponding Identical Object, Wu's Spacetime Shrinkage Theory, Principle of Equilibrium, Principle of Correspondence, Principle of Parallelism, Cosmological Redshift, Gravitational Redshift, Perihelion precession of Mercury, Deflection of Light, General Relativity, Spacetime, Einstein's Field Equation, Wu's Spacetime Field Equation
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