Version-1 (May-2017)
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ABSTRACT: Comparative efficacy of different herbicides against weeds in transplanted kharif rice was studied at Agricultural Farm of Institute of Agriculture, Visva Bharati,Sriniketan, West Bengal. The experiment was laid out in a randomized block design with 9 treatments and 3 replications. The results revealed that the major weed flora associated with the transplanted rice during kharif season was mainly comprised of Echinochloa colona, Cyperus iria L., Sphenoclea zeylanica Gaertn. and Ludwigia parvifloraRoxb. Bispyribac sodium @30 g a.i ha-1applied at 25 days after transplanting was most effective to check all types of weed population and their growth. This treatment also gave the maximum grain yield (5549 kg ha-1)..............
Keywords: Bispyribac sodium, grain yield, transplanted rice.
[1]. Singh, V. P., Singh G., Singh, M. 2004 Effect of fenoxaprop-P-ethyl on transplanted rice and associated weeds. Indian Journal of Weed Sciences 36: 190-92.
[2]. Mishra, G. C., Rath, A. K., Rath, B. S., Sahoo, J., Mohapatra, P. K. 2004. Weed management indirect seeded rice under rainfed upland eco-system. Journal of Crop and Weed 2: 52-57.
[3]. Manjunatha, K. B., Hanumanthappa, M., Nagesha, L.; Kalyanamurthy, K. N., Kamath, K. V. S. (2012). Effect of new herbicide molecules on nutrient uptake in transplanted rice (Oryzasativa L.) in coastal Karnataka. Mysore Journal of Agricultural Sciences. 46(4): 928-930
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ABSTRACT: Fattening the broiler chicken at lower age for better profit is the main focus of farmers who resort to various feeds to reach their goal. Any adverse effect in chicken's body through feed might produce health hazard to the consumers. Therefore, it is important to discover the concentration level of bio-chemical parameters in chicken's body due to different types of feeds available in the market. The study was conducted on seventy chickens which were randomly allocated to provide two types of feeds. Blood samples were taken at 35thdayand readings for lipid profiles, liver enzyme parameters along with calcium and creatinine were determined through lab experiment...........
Keywords: Broiler, Lipid profile, Liver function, Multivariate analysis of variance and PLS Path Modelling.
[1]. Islam, M. S. 2005. Comparative Performance of Sonali and Fayoumi Chickens from Day Old to Eight Weeks of Age with or without Supplementary Feeding. An Unpublished M.S. Thesis, Department of Poultry Science, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh.-then start27-to 34
[2]. Nobar et al., 2010.Beneficial effects of canola oil on breast fatty acids profile and some of serum biochemical parameters of Iranian native turkeys. Journal of Cell and Animal Biology Vol. 4(8), pp. 125-130
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[5]. Issa, K. J. et al. 2012. Effect of garlic powder on performanance and lipid profile of broilers. Open Journal of Animal Sciences, Vol.2, No.2, 62-68
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ABSTRACT: Rice cultivation in peat swamp agricultural lands in South Kalimantan has significant relationship with the issues of global warming. The aims of the study was to identify the methane gases releases from paddy field which are cultivated by local rice in Tamban sub district, Barito Kuala, Kuala Regency in South Kalimantan. Four local rice cultivars namely Siam Unus Putih, Pandak Putih, Siam 11 and Siam Rukut were cultivated in peat swamp paddy field. Methane release from each paddy cultivar was measured using close chamber technique. Research of the study shows that the emissions of methane from peat swamp paddy field with local rice cultivation during vegetative growth was increase and decrease...........
Keywords: Peat swamp, global warming, local rice cultivar
[1]. B. C. O'Neill and M. Oppenheimer,. Dangerous climate impacts and the Kyoto Protocol. Science, 296(5575), 2002, 1971-1972.
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ABSTRACT: Field trial was carried out in the Sudano-Guinean zone of Cameroon to investigate the effect of pretreatment of chicken manures and vivianitepowder (applied as mineral supply)on agronomic parameters of carrot plants (Daucuscarota L.) and some chemical propertiesof carrot roots. Randomized complete block design with 11 treatments and three replications was used.Treatments were applied per plant: T0 = control; P5 = 5g vivianite powder, P10 = 10g vivianite powder, FS1 = 0.25g dried manure, FS2 = 0.5kg dried manure; FC1=0.25 Kg composted manure; FC2=0.5 Kg composted manure; X1=0.25 Kg dried manure+0.25 Kg composted manure; X2=0.5 Kg dried manure...........
Keywords: Daucuscarota L., chicken manure, vivianite, agronomic parameters, chemical properties, Adamawa Cameroon
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[5]. Arscot S.A. and Tanumihardio S.A. 2010. Carrots of many colors provide basic nutrition and bio-available phytochemicals acting as a functional food.Comprehensive Reviews in Food Sci-ence and Food Safety, 9(2): 223-239. DOI: 10.1111/j.1541-4337.2009.00103.x
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ABSTRACT: The aim of the study was to determine the prevalence of helminths in cattle in Kirinyaga County in association with the agro-ecological zones, breed types and animal management styles. Epidemiological data was collected using a questionnaire survey administered to 244 respondents. Fecal samples from cattle were collected within a period of four months to determine helminths and protozoa egg counts. The study revealed that there was a significant association between the type of management style used and helminth infestation. The grazing style of management significantly related to helminths infection (P< 0.05). When considering the various cattle breeds, Arshyires and Friesians were significantly associated with helminth infection at 24 and 50 times higher than the crosses and zebu breeds............
Keywords: Age, Agro ecological zones, Animal management styles, Breed types, Helminths and Sex
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ABSTRACT: SDS-PAGE was used to evaluate and characterize the patterns of seed storage proteins in eight cultivars of Common bean.Electrophorogram for each variety was scored for presence and absence of protein band, which was transformed into a binary data matrix.Jaccards similarity coefficient, generated to determine the genetic similarity among cultivars, it revealed that most of the cultivars were genetically distant from each other. .Eight cultivars of Phaseolus vulgaris L. were investigated for genetic divergence based on seed protein profile using Sodium Dodecyl Sulphate Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). Based on seed proteins, eleven maximum band were observed in B4 (Beans French yellow )and three minimum number of protein bands in B1 (BB)............
Keywords: Genetic Diversity, Phaseolus vulgaris L., PhylogeneticAnalysis, Seed Storage Proteins
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ABSTRACT: Background: Pork by-products are appeared to be a source of consumer coagulase positive S. aureus strains food poisoning. Material and Methods: The genetic lineage of coagulase positive Staphylococcus aureus (coa) recovered from 20 imported and 30 locally manufactured pork byproducts in Cairo was checked using PCR, and restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis (RFLP). Results: A total number of 27 S. aureus were isolated (54%), the coa gene was identified in 17 out of that isolates (62.9%) with molecular sizes ranging from 195 bp to 1196bp. The coa RFLP analysis using BsuRI revealed 4 different band patterns related to the source of isolates............
Keywords: Staphylococcus aureus - pork byproducts - coa gene – enterotoxins- RFLP.
[1]. F.A.Waldvogel,. Staphylococcus aureus (including staphylococcal toxic shock). [In Principles and practice of infectious diseases. G.L. Mandell, J.E. Bennett, and R. Dolin, editors. Churchill Livingstone. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA.]2000, 2069–2092.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Economic Efficiency of Wheat Farms in Baghdad Province (Abu-Ghraib), (In Iraq - 2015) |
Country | : | Iraq |
Authors | : | Hawraa Jaafer Mohammed |
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: | 10.9790/2380-1005014046 ![]() |
ABSTRACT: Wheat is considered as a strategic crop and it occupies economic position in most of the world countries due to its nutrition importance ,it is a food resource of more than 35% of world population and it is considered the most importance cereal crop that covered the largest area grown by wheat on the earth surface .in spite of its importance, wheat production suffers a clear turbulence because farmers don't go on planting wheat due to the gated net return reduction resulted by not using the new technical and scientific tools in farming besides bad management which is considered in general as the important limitation factor in agriculture in Iraq and in wheat cultivation in specific case. ,Abu-Graib region was chosen as an applicable model in this study..........
Keywords: The Stochastic Frontier analysis , economic efficiency , wheat.
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ABSTRACT: Loan repayment is crucial for the long-term sustenance of the credit institutions. But despite the repayment abilities of borrowers, studies showed that the loan repayment capacities of cooperative farmers in Ohaukwu LGA of Ebonyi state seems not to have been empirically documented. Both multistage and purposive sampling techniques were employed to generate data from 80 cooperative farmers using questionnaire administered as interview schedule. Data collected were analysed using both descriptive statistics - percentages and mean, and inferential statistics – principal component factor analysis..........
Keywords: Cooperative, farmers, loan, repayment, interest rate.
[1]. Abdu, Z., Mohammed, S. and Sambo, A. S. (2015). Socioeconomic Determinants of Loan Repayment among the Agricultural Loan Scheme beneficiaries in Kaduna State: A Case Study of Unity Bank PLC. IOSR Journal of Economics and Finance (IOSR-JEF), 6(4): 63-67.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Jatropha Multifida Poisoning In A Malabari Goat |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Sulficar, S || Madhavan Unny, N |
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: | 10.9790/2380-1005015455 ![]() |
ABSTRACT: A rare case of Jatropha multifida poisoning in a adult Malabari goat is reported. Clinical signs were related to the gastrointestinal system with diarrhea and resultant dehydration. Perusal of literature did not reveal any report of Jatrapha multifida poisoning in animals in India
Keywords: Goat, Jatropha multifida poisoning
[1]. Rahman, A.H.M.M and Akter, M. 2013. Taxonomy and Medicinal Uses of Euphorbiaceae (Spurge) Family of Rajshahi,
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[5]. Pimentel, L.A., Riet-Correa, B., Dantas, A.F., Medeiros, R.M.T and Riet-Correa, F. 2012. Poisoning by Jatropha ribifolia in goats. Toxicon 59 :587–591.
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ABSTRACT: Vertisols is a dominant suboptimal soils in Lombok. It is high soil chemical fertility, low organic matter, and deep solum. However, physically the Vertisols has limiting factors, namely cracking when dry, swelling when wet, sensitive to water logging, and aeration is limited. The latest factor directly influence soil respiration, and biological activities, e.g. roots growth and microorganism. A green house experiment with a Completely Randomized Design was carried out to study soil respiration and nodulation. These would indicate soil functionality. The results of research showed that soil respiration indicated by CO2 released from soil was less affected by mixing biocharge or dung on Vertisols.............
Keywords: Vertisols, Biocharge, dung, and green beans
[1] Adinugraha, H.A., 2013, Tanah Vertisol:Sebaran, Problematika Dan Pengelolaannya. Diakses Pada Tanggal 20 Mei 2016 pukul 24.23 Wita.
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ABSTRACT: A field experiment was conducted in the experiment fields of the college of agriculture - Abu ghraib - Baghdad University, 2016 in a silt clay loam soil , to study the effect of soil moisture content and the speed of the tractor on some tractor performance indicators and some of soil physical characteristics, ArmaTrac 845e and ITM 285 New tractor with sweep plough as a machinery unit were used in this study .Two soil moisture content under 18 - 20 % and 14 - 16 % which represented main plot, Three types of plough included : moldboard , chisel and sweep which represented subplot, five levels of foreword speeds of tractor included : 1.5 , 2.53 , 3.75 , 5.3 and 6.71 km / hr which represented sub-subplot.............
Keywords: Sweep, plough, moisture, speed, tractor.
[1] Abdali , Omar ania Abdullah, the performance of the tractor Massey Verxsen (MF - 4260) with the moldboard plough quadruple the inverter and the effect of overlap in some physical properties of the soil, Master Thesis doctoral diss., Department of machinery and agricultural machinery, College of the implant , the University of Baghdad, 2000.
[2] Al- Qaraghuly , Omar . G. H, Comparison performance deferent Ploughs to injection trifluralin herbicide below the soil, Master Thesis doctoral diss., Department of machinery and agricultural machinery , College of the implant , the University of Baghdad, 2011.
[3] Alaridhee , Jawad kadhim zeyad, Effect of Tractor's Type , Speed and Tillage Depth in Some technical indicators of machine unit's and Physical characteristics of the Soil, Master Thesis doctoral diss., Department of machinery and agricultural machinery , College of the implant , the University of Baghdad, 2011.
[4] Alroshadi, zina Allawi Habib and Abdul Razzak Abdul Latif Jassim, A study of some technical and economic indicators of the machinary unit using different Quicken, Iraqi Journal of Agricultural Sciences: 46(6), 2015, 1060-1068.
[5] Ashour , Dheyaa S. and Hussain A. Safi, The effect of chisel plough type, Operating depth and forward speed on the energy requirement and Some filed performance indicators in silty clay soil, Basrah Journal for research , No. (41), 2015 (Part B.3).
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ABSTRACT: One hundred diverse bread wheat genotypes were studied for various morpho-physiological traits under timely sown and late sown conditions. The experiment were conducted during the cropping seasons 2012-13 and 2013-14 at research area of Wheat and Barley Section, Department of Genetics and Plant Breeding, CCSHAU, Hisar. Yield and yield contributing traits were found significant under both conditions. The estimates of GCV, PCV, heritability and genetic advance were high to moderate in timely sown and late sown conditions for the traits yield per plant, number of productive tillers...........
Keywords: Bread wheat, Correlations, Genetic diversity, Heat stress, Morpho-physiological traits
[1]. A. Ayeneh, M. Van-Ginkel, M.P. Reynolds and K. Ammar. 2002. Comparison of leaf, spike, peduncle and canopy temperature depression in wheat under heat stress. Field Crops Res. 79:173-184.
[2]. A.H. Bhutto, A.A. Rajpar, S.A. Kalhoro, A. Ali, F.A. Kalhoro, M. Ahmed, S. Raza and N.A. Kalhoro. 2016. Correlation and Regression Analysis for Yield Traits in Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Genotypes. Natural Science. 8:96-104.
[3]. A.S.M.H.M. Talukder, G.K. McDonald, G.S. Gill. 2014. Effect of short-term heat stress prior to flowering and early grain set on the grain yield of wheat. Field Crops Research. 160:54–63.
[4]. B. Bahar, M. Yildirim, and C. Yucel. 2011. Heat and drought resistance criteria in spring bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.): Morpho-physiological parameters for heat tolerance. Scientific Research and Essay. 6(10):2212-2220.
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ABSTRACT: This study was carried out at the Poultry Research Station belong to state Board of Agricultural Research, Ministry of Agriculture, Abu Ghraib. The duration of this study was from 28 November 2013 to 15 May 2014 to evaluate the effect of supplementation different levels of organic selenium(Se-yeast) and inorganic selenium (Selenium selenite) on some productive performances of broiler breeder and selenium levels in plasma ,egg (yolk,albumin). The study included 336 female broiler breeder and 28 males (Ross 308 and arbor acres), 42 weeks old were randomly distributed to 7 dietary treatments experiment with 2 replicates / treatment (24 females and 2 male birds /replicate)............
Keywords: Organic selenium, Inorganic selenium, Broiler breeder, Productive performance , selenium concentration
[1]. Attia.Y.A., A.A. Abdalah, H.S. Zeweil, F. Bovera, A.A. Tag El-Din,M.A. Araft .2010.Effect of inorganic or organic selenium supplementationon productive performance, egg quality and some physiological traits of dual-purpose breeding hens. J. Anim. Sci., 55, 2010 (11): 505–519
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Diagnosis of Caprine Brucellosis by Serology and Multiple PCR |
Country | : | Mexico |
Authors | : | Raúl A. Cuevas-Jacquez || José L. Ortega-Sánchez |
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: | 10.9790/2380-1005018287 ![]() |
ABSTRACT: Our aim was to perform the diagnosis of caprine brucellosis by serology and multiple Polymerase Chain Reactions (PCR). The field work was conducted on the Ejidos la Victoria MunicipioTlahualilo Public Lands of San José de Bellavista y Bermejillo, Mapimí Municipality, state of Durango, Mexico. Meetings were held with the producers to explain to them the objectives and benefits to be obtained with the carrying out of this investigation. Samples were taken from 114 native breed animals crossed with Saanen and Alpine breed animals from the jugular vein, obtaining 114 blood samples in tubes without anticoagulant for the obtention of serum in order to process the Rose Bengal Plate Test (RBPT) and 114 whole blood samples for processing multiple PCR. We carried out DNA extraction of control strains..............
Keywords: Brucella melitensis, goats, sensitivity, specificity.
[1]. Bai Y, Urushadze L, Osikowicz L, McKee C, Kuzmin I, Kandaurov A, et al. Molecular Survey of Bacterial Zoonotic Agents in Bats from the Country of Georgia (Caucasus). PLoS ONE 2017;12:e0171175.
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[3]. Sánchez EO, Ortega JL. Caprine brucellosis seroprevalence in three municipalities of the state of San Luis Potosí, México;2007:141–146.
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ABSTRACT: The experiment was conducted at the Regional Spices Research Centre, BARI, Gazipur during rabi season, 2012-13and 2013-14 to identify the suitable pollinator attractant crops for increasing the vigilance of pollinators for higher seed settings and thereby increasing seed yield of onion. In 2012-13, four treatments viz., Onion + Fennel (two rows at every 10 rows of onion including border), Onion + Black cumin (two rows at every 10 rows of onion including border), Onion + Coriander (two rows at every 10 rows of onion including border) and Sole onion were compared to achieve the objectives...........
Keywords: Onion, pollinator, seed yield.
[1] BBS (Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics), Year Book of Agricultural Statistics of Bangladesh, Bureau of statistics, Ministry of planning. Govt. of Bangladesh. 2008,106.
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[4] CWF (Canadian Wildlife Federation),Wildabout gardening. Gardening for Wildlife. Electronic publication at http://www. (Canadian Wildlife Federation, 350 Michael Cowpland Drive, Kanata, ON K2M2W1.Canada, 2008)
[5] Wilkaniec Z.Giejdasz K. and G. Prószyñski,Effect of pollination of onion seeds under isolation by the red mason bee (OsmiarufaL.) (Apoidea, Megachilidae) on the setting and quality of obtained seeds.Journal of Apicultural Science.Vol. 48(2),2004,35-41
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ABSTRACT: Bovine mastitis has been known to cause considerable losses in the dairy industry. Knowledge of the occurrence and incidence of clinical mastitis in dairy cows is of great importance for monitoring the health status of the mammary glands, also in institution and implementation of control programs for the disease. The aim of this study was to determine the occurrence of clinical mastitis in Friesian X Bunaji crossbred dairy cows in a Research farm in Zaria, Nigeria. This was a cross-sectional study which involved the use of passive data (lactation records) generated from 2000 to 2015 in the Dairy Research Programme of a National Animal Production Research Institute, Shika-Zaria..............
Keywords: Clinical mastitis, Friesian x Bunaji cows,lactation curve.
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ABSTRACT: A total of 72 fishes, belonging to three species of order perciform fish: Acanthopagrus bifasciatus (Sparidae), Platax orbicularis and P. teira (Ephipidae), which were collected from Iraqi marine waters, during period October 2013 till July 2014. The results showed tow species of monogenean: Sprostoniella multitestis and Lamellodiscus sp. The study included the prevalence and intensity of fish parasites, where there appeared clear differences in respect to fish species, and showed significant differences at p≤ 0.05. The present study revealed that the highest prevalence (92.85%) of infection in P..............
Keywords: Seasonality, fish, perciform, parasites, monogenean, Iraqi marine waters
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Epidemiology of Helminths in Cattle of Kirinyaga County, Kenya |
Country | : | Kenya. |
Authors | : | F K Njonge |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/2380-100501106109 ![]() |
ABSTRACT: The gastrointestinal tract (GIT) of animals harbor a variety of parasites particularly helminths, which causes clinical and sub-clinical parasitism. These parasites adversely affect the health status of animals and cause enormous economic losses to the livestock industry. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of helminths in cattle of Kirinyaga County. Epidemiological data was collected using a questionnaire survey administered to 244 respondents while rectal faecal samples from 261 cattle were collected within a period of four months to determine helminths egg counts.............
Keywords: Gastrointestinal, helminths, cattle, Kirinyaga, nematodes, prevalence.
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