Version-1 (Nov-2018)
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ABSTRACT: Risk assessment is a part of risk analysis but sadly not all personnel associated with the animal health are able to do so. The research aimed to develop a generic rabies entry assessment application with semi-quantitative approach. Rabies entry assessment used the standard risk analysis in the Terrestrial Animal Health Code, World Organization of Animal Health (OIE) with a semi-quantitative approach following to Biosecurity Australia. Methods of development entry assessment were conducted by literature review, field observation, as well as expert opinion in animal health.This application used Microsoft Excel 2010 with added @RISK software. This application consisted of six (6) nodes with eighteen (18) questions. The result of questionnaires showed that application were helpful the risk assessment (100%), easy to used (87%), would be applied in their institution (70%), and easy to understood the questions and answers (100%).
Key words: Assesment, dog, entry, rabies, semi-quantitative
[1]. World Organization of Animal Health (OIE), Rabies :Infection With Rabies Virus And Other Lyssaviruses, 2018.
[2]. D. K. Nugroho, D. Ik, S. Tum, and L. Schoonman, Analysis of Rabies Surveillance Data ( 2008-2011 ) in Bali Province , Indonesia, Osir, 6(2), 2013, 8–12.
[3]. Directorate general of Animal Husbandry and Animal Health, National Policy and Roadmap for the Eradication of Rabies, 2018.
[4]. M. P. Ward, Rabies in the Dutch East Indies a century ago – A spatio-temporal case study in disease emergence, Prev. Vet. Med., 114(1), 2014, 11-20.
[5]. C. J. de Vos, M. Hoek, E. Fischer, A. De Koeijer, and J. Bremmer, Risk Assessment Framework for Emerging Vector-Borne Livestock Diseases, 2011. Pp5...
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ABSTRACT: The in vitro gas production parameters and gas production characteristics of six silage types (T1 – T6) from chopped green maize stover (CGMS) and Chopped dry maize stover (CDMS) ensiled with or without ground dried cassava peels GCP) or dried poultry litter DPL) were assessed using the gas production technique. The chemical composition of the silages was also analyzed. Crude protein (CP) was highest (11.94%) in T3 (CGMS + 36% w/w DPL) and lowest (5.06%) in T5 (5.06%). Nitrogen free extract (NFE) ranged from 52.02% in T3 (CGMS + 36% w/w DPL) to 63.78% in T5 (CDMS + 5% w/w GCP). In vitro gas production volume (IVGP), organic matter digestibility (OMD %), metabolizable energy (ME), methane (CH4) and short chain fatty acid (SCFA) were not significantly (P > 0.05) different among the silages but dry matter degradability (DMD %) significantly differ........ .
Keywords: in vitro, gas production characteristics
[1]. Thornton, P.K.. (2010). Livestock Production: Recent Trends, Future Prospects, In: Charles, H., Godfray, J., John, R.B., Crute, I.R., Haddad, L., Lawrence, D., Muir, J.P., Robinson, S. and Toulmin, C. (Eds), (2010) "Food Security: Feeding the World in 2050" Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, B series, Biological Sciences. 365 (1554): 2853–2867 doi: 10.1098/rstb.2010.0134
[2]. Waje, S.H., Singh, S.K. and Vishal M. (2010) Effect of using forest grass based complete rations on growth and nutrient utilization in growing crossbred calves. Animal Nutrition and Feed Technology, 10: 229-234
[3]. Dhuria, R.K, Sharma, T. and Purohit, G.R. (2011) Effect of densification of gram straw based complete feed on rumen and haemato-biochemical parameters in Magra lambs. Animal Nutrition and Feed Technology 11: 133-141
[4]. Jordaan, J.D. (2004). The Influence of Bedding Material and Collection Period on the Feeding Value of Broiler and Layer Litter, M.Sc. Thesis, University of Free State, South Africa. 84pp.
[5]. Moran, J. (2005). Making Quality Silage, In: Tropical Dairy Farming: Feeding management for smallholder dairy farmers in the humid tropics. Landlinks Press, pp 83-97 ..
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ABSTRACT: Snail is mainly sourced from wild and supplied by those who search wild for it despite the risk associated with wild searching for snails. This study therefore assessed risk of wild search for snails in Southern ecological zone of Edo State. Questionnaire was administered through interview schedule to simple randomly selected 120 wild searchers for snail in the study areas. The result showsthat searcher of wild for snail were of the age range of 21-30 years (52.5%), most (88.0%) of them sourced snails from the wild at night (82.5%) time which all the respondents perceived dangerous. All respondents (100%) were not satisfied with the income from wild search for snail. Thereis positive significant correlation between age (p<0.05), marital status (p<0.01) and wild search for snails on one hand and negative significant........
Keywords: Wild search, snail, risk, satisfaction, Southern, Edo State
[1]. Ahmadu, J. and Ojogho O. (2012). Economic of snail production in Edo State, Nigeria. International Journal of Agricultural Sciences 4(5): 26-40
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[3]. Ademosun, A. A. andOmidiji, M.O. (1999). The nutrients value of African giant land snail (Archachatinamarginata). Journal of Animal Protection Research 8(2): 876-877
[4]. Amusa, O.M. (2002). The techniques of snail farming as a viable and profitable venture. Oak Ventures Publishers, Lagos. Pp. 1-10
[5]. Azeez,A.I. (2009). Making money from snail farming. Retrieved 3rd April 2018 from
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ABSTRACT: The twelve genotypes of gaillardia ('Genotype-1', 'Genotype-2', 'Genotype-3', 'Genotype-4', 'Genotype-5', 'Genotype-6', 'Genotype-7', 'Genotype-8', 'Genotype-9', 'Genotype-10', 'Genotype-11' and 'Genotype-12') were evaluated to determine genetic variability, heritability, genetic gain for twenty five contributing characters. The results illustrated high value of phenotypic and genotypic co-efficient of variation for traits like number of ray florets per flowers (PCV = 47.41, GCV = 47.31) and weight of flowers per plant (PCV = 41.54, GCV = 41.47). High heritability with high value of genetic advance was observed for weight of flowers per plot, weight of flowers per plant, plant fresh weight, estimated flower yield per hectare, number of ray florets per flower, number of disc florets per flower and number of flowers per plant. High genetic advance as per cent of mean was observed for number of ray florets per flower, weight of flowers per plant, weight of flowers per plot and number.
Key Words: Gaillardia,Genetic variability, Heritability, Genetic advance, Ray floret
[1]. Baskaran, V., Jayanthi, R., Janakiram, T. and Abirami, K. (2009).Studies on genetic variability, heritability and genetic advance in chrysanthemum.Haryana J. Horti. Sci., 4(2): 174-176.
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[3]. Hegde, P.S. and Gopinath, G. (2003).Genetic variability, heritability and genetic advance in gaillardia (Gaillardia pulchellaFoug.). J. Ornam. Horti.,6(3): 277-279.
[4]. Khangjarakpam, G., Kumar, R., Seetharamu., G.K., Manjunatha, R.T., Dhananjaya, M.V., Venugopalan, R., and Padmini, K. (2014). Genetic variability for quantitative traits in China aster (Callistephuschinensis (L.)Nees).J. Horti. Sci.,9 (2): 141-144.
[5]. Kumari, A., Patel, K.S. and Choudhary, M. (2011).Genetic variability studies in gerbera. Res. Plant Bio.,1(5): 01-04..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Note on BT Cotton Adoption and Diffusion in India |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | N.V.V.S Durga Prasad || S. Ratnakumari || B. Rosaiah |
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: | 10.9790/2380-1111012425 ![]() |
ABSTRACT: Genetically Modified (GM) crops were introduced in the middle of 1990s in USA and subsequently in other parts of the world. GM crops were launched mainly in Soybean, Cotton, Corn and canola crops. The main GM traits in which GM crops were released are (i) Insect resistance (IR), (ii) Herbicide tolerance (HT) and (iii) stacked traits of IR and HT. The GM traits commercialized so far, whether it is Insect resistance (IR) through Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) genes, which make crop resistant to Lepidopteran pests or the HT trait, which aids in weed management of crops when specific herbicide "Roundup Ready" is used; are only "loss prevention" technologies, which enable realization of full genetic potential of already existing native traits of a plant variety (Thrall et al 2011)1. The spread of GM crops where ever they are released into environment is rapid as they enjoy advantage over natural.
[1]. Peter H Thrall, John G Oakeshott, Gary Fitt, Simon Southerton, Jeremy J Burdon, Andy Sheppard, Robyn J Russell, Myron Zalucki, Mikko Heino, and R Ford Denison (2011): " The application of evolutionary approaches to the management of biotic interactions in agro-ecosystems". Evol Appl 2011 Mar. 4 (2)pp. 200-215:
[2]. Choudhary.B and Gaur.K (2015): " Bio-tech cotton in India 2002 – 2014 Adoption, Impact Progress & Future ". ISAAA series of Biotech crop profiles ISAAA. Ithaca. NY.
[3]. Annotated Bibliography on Environmental and Ecological impacts from Transgenic Plants III: Insect Resistance Compiled by L.LaReesa Wolfenbarger, Information Systems for Biotechnology, Virginia Tech, September 2003
[4]. Yves Carriere, David W Crowder, Bruce E Tabasnik (2010): " Evolution ecology of insect adaption to Bt crops" Evol Appl. 2010: 2003Sep: 3 (5-6) pp. 561-573
[5]. Convention on Biological diversity Test of the Cartegena Protocal on Biosafety (2013
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ABSTRACT: Amylose content and grain appearance quality of rice (Oryza sativa L.) represent a major problem of rice marketing in many rice producing areas in the world. In Uganda cooking and eating quality and that of the appearance quality remain undefined in the rice breeding program. The objective of this study was to determine the amylose content and to understand the inheritance patterns of amylose content and possible relationships between grain appearance quality traits and amylose content in rice in Uganda. Forty genotypes were planted in two seasons (2015B and 2016A) in alpha lattice design at national crop resource research institute with three replications to characterize for amylose..........
Key words: Kernel length and width, amylose content, combining ability, additive gene effects and inheritance
[1]. MAAIF, "Uganda national rice development strategy," Kampala, 2012.
[2]. J. N. Efferson, "Rice quality in world market," in Rice grain quality and marketing, 1985, pp. 1–15.
[3]. R. Graham, "IRRI Discussion Paper Series," in A proposal for IRRI to Establish a grain Quality and Nutrition Research Center, 2002, no. 44, p. 15.
[4]. C. G. and Q. Z. Tan, Y.F, Xing, Y.Z., Li, J.X., Yu, S.B., Xu, "Genetic bases of appearance quality of rice grains in Shanyou 63 , an elite rice hybrid," theory Appl. Genet., vol. 101, pp. 823–829, 2000.
[5]. Y. E. Lee, "Physicochemical factors affecting cooking and eating quality of nonwaxy rice," p. 9270, 1987.
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ABSTRACT: Agricultural sector in South Kalimantan take an important part in economic development with extensive and fertile rice field potential and adequate human resources,especially in Hulu Sungai Tengah Regency. Hulu Sungai Tengah Regency is the third biggest number of farming households; 12.96 percent,it has no significant effect on Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Hulu Sungai Tengah has the fifth highest GDP in South Kalimantan with a percentage of 9.68 percent. Its productivity on paddy rice is still at 4-5 tons per hectare,whereas it should reach 6-8.5 tons per hectare. While the regional economic structure that the share of the food crop agriculture sector in the economy in Hulu Sungai Tengah Regency is still very large, and the productivity of superior rice varieties is..........
Keywords: Technical Efficiency, Paddy Rice, Superior Rice Varieties.
[1]. Badan Pusat StatistikProvinsi Kalimantan Selatan. 2014. Kalimantan Selatan DalamAngka. Banjarmasin : BPS Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan.
[2]. Badan Pusat StatistikProvinsi Kalimantan Selatan. 2017. ProdukDomestik Regional Bruto Di Kalimantan Selatan MenurutLapangan Usaha 2012-2016. Banjarbaru : BPS Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan.
[3]. Badan Pusat StatistikKabupaten Hulu Sungai Tengah. 2017. Statistik Daerah Kabupaten Hulu Sungai Tengah. Kabupaten Hulu Sungai Tengah : BPS Kabupaten Hulu Sungai Tengah.
[4]. Badan Pusat StatistikProvinsi Kalimantan Selatan. 2014. SurveiPertanian : Luas LahanMenurutPenggunaannya di Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan. Banjarmasin : BPS Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan.
[5]. Badan Pusat StatistikProvinsi Kalimantan Selatan. 2015. AnalisisRumahTangga Usaha TanamanPanganDi Kalimantan Selatan Hasil ST2013 Subsektor. Banjarmasin : BPS Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Profit Of Smallholder Palm Oil In Nagan Raya Andaceh Tamiang Aceh Province |
Country | : | Indonesia |
Authors | : | Vivi Silvia |
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: | 10.9790/2380-1111014452 ![]() |
ABSTRACT: This study aims to identify and analyze the profit in smallholder farm palm oil in Nagan Raya and Aceh Tamiang Aceh Province.The data used in this study is the input-output data of smallholder palm oil, and other agricultural resources. The secondary data was obtained from the Central Statistics Agency, as well as from several research results and the annual report of the Department of Forestry and Plantation of Aceh Province, also other agencies associated with this research. The primary data of this research was obtained directly from the field, either through a verbal interview to the respondents as well as through questionares. An optimization linear programming...........
Keywords: palm oil, production function, profit
[1]. Asni, Sya'ad Afifuddn, H.B Tarmizi, Wahyu Ario Pratomo, 2010, " Analisis Produksi, Pendapatan dan Alih Fungsi Lahan Kelapa Sawit Rakyat di Kabupaten Labuhan Batu Provinsi Sumatera Utara", Jurnal Mepa Ekonomi, Vol.05:57, Program Pasca Sarjana Sumatera Utara.
[2]. Baardsen, Sjur, 2006, Profit Efficiency in Norwegian Timber Supply : A Stochastic Frontier Function for Active NIPFs, Proceedings of Biennial Meeting of The Scandinavian Society of Forest Economics Uppsala, Sweden, 8th-11th May, Scandinavia Forest Economics No. 41.
[3]. Bank Indonesia, Berbagai Edisi, "Kajian Perkembangan Ekonomi dan Keuangan Daerah Provinsi Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam", Banda Aceh
[4]. Basiron, Yusuf, 2003, "Palm Oil and Its Global Supply and Demand Prospect", Oil Palm Industry Economic Journal, Vol. 1 No. 1, Malaysia Palm Oil Board.
[5]. Chiang, Alpha C., and K. Wainwright, 2005, Fundamental Methods of Mathematical Economics, Fourth Edition, Mc. Grow-Hill, International Edition.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals and Obesity: A Review |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | M. Yusuf || K. C. Swanson || M. L. Bauer |
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: | 10.9790/2380-1111015357 ![]() |
ABSTRACT: Obesity is becoming a worldwide problem with almost half a billion of the world's population now considered to be overweight or obese. The purpose of this review was to summarize that some environmental chemicals called endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDC's) may be able to interfere in the endocrine regulation of energy metabolism and adipose tissue structure and that there is a relationship between exposure to these chemicals and obesity in humans. This review examined the major sources of EDC's, their routes into the human body, mechanism of action and how they alter metabolism thereby causing obesity. Also, the paper reviewed a few key experiments using animal models that have validated that these chemicals disrupt the endocrine system, thereby resulting in obesity.C
Keywords: Obesity, endocrine-disrupting chemicals
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[4]. Diamanti-Kandarakis E., Bourguignon J.P., Giudice L.C., Hauser R., Prins G.S., Soto A.M., Zoeller R.T., and Gore A.C. Endocrine-disrupting chemicals: an Endocrine Society scientific statement. Endocr Rev 2009: 30: 293–342
[5]. Gore, A.C., et al., 2014. Introduction to Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals(EDCs) – A Guide for Public Interest Organizations and Policy-makers.Endocrine Society, Available at:
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ABSTRACT: An eight (8) week experiment was conducted to assess the carcass characteristics of broiler chickens fed graded level of Rice Milling Residue (RMR) as a partial replacement for wheat offal (WO). Three hundred (300) day old Anak white strain unsexed broiler chicks which were randomly allocated to five (5) dietary treatments of sixty (60) chicks per treatment and replicated three (3) times with twenty (20) birds per replicate in a completely randomized design (CRD) were used. Five experimental diets were formulated with RMR replacing WO at 0, 25, 50, 75 and 100% representing treatments 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 respectively. The result of the study showed no significant (P>0.05) difference in most of the parameters considered except in large intestine length, weight and heart that were significant (P<0.05). T5 (100%) RMR, the test diet has best performance in most parameters like live, Eviscerated, plucked and carcass weights above T1 (100%) WO, the control. T4 (75%) RMR has the best value (57.22%) dressing percentage followed by T1 (55.33%).
[1]. Abu, O. A., Igweibuike, J. U., Danny, C. B., Mbaya, M. Y. and Umaru, R. S. (1999). Growth performance and economy of production of rabbits fed urea treated and untreated rice husk based diets. Proc. 26th Annual Conference of Nigerian Society for Animal Prod. 21th – 25th March Ilorin. Pp. 140-143.
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[3]. Ahaotu, E. O., and Ekenyem, B. U. (2009). Replacement value of feather meal for fish meal on the performance of finisher broiler chicks. Int. J. of Trop. Agric and Food sys 3(3): 232-237.
[4]. Ahaotu, E. O., Peace, O; Njoku; Karsten, K., Yang, N., Ekenyem, B.U., Korie, A. U. and Madubuike, F. N. (2009). Effects of partial replacement of soyabean meal with cassava leaf meal in broiler finisher rations. Anim. Prod. Res. Adv. 5(4): 295-299.
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ABSTRACT: This paper examines the concepts, types and benefits of agroforestry as a veritable land use system that supports food and nutrition through the direct provision of food, by raising farmers' income and providing fuel for cooking and through various ecosystem services. It also identifies agroforestry as one of mankind best hopes to create a climate-smart agriculture, increase food security, alleviate rural poverty and achieve a truly sustainable development. It highlights the importance of balancing the production of food and creating as well as maintaining good ecological environment for sustainable production and management of other forest resources. The paper concludes by advocating the involvement and mobilization of all stakeholders (government and farmers) towards the implementation of an effective and efficient agroforestry system that will reduce the necessity to cut down additional forest and encourage a fuller use of natural forest ecosystems for the products and services which they only can provide.
Keywords: Sustainable development, food production, natural forest systems, Forest conservation, Nigeria
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ABSTRACT: Thirty inbred lines of maize were evaluated for ten parameters to study the genetic variability and diversity in maize inbred lines. The experiment was laid out in randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three replications. Mean performance, variability, heritability, coefficient of variation and diversity analysis of yield and yield contributing characters (Cob height, plant height, cob length, cob diameter, number of kernel rows per cob, number of kernels per row, number of kernels per cob, 1000 kernels weight, yield per plant and pith weight) were performed. The highest weight of 1000 kernels (494.3g) was obtained from ML28, the lowest weight of 1000 kernels (213.96g) was recorded from ML21, 1000 kernels weight of phenotypic variation (82.24) was higher than the genotypic variation (18.65), which indicates high environmental effect was supported by narrow difference between phenotypic (23.64) and genotypic (5.36) co-efficient of difference...............
[1]. Abayi, I. K., Ojo, A. A., Kalu, B. A. and Adeyemo, M. O. 2004.Genetic variability, heritability and genetic advance in S1 progenies of extra-early and early maize (Zea mays L.) populations. Journal of Sustainable Agriculture and the Environment.6(2): 179-184
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[5]. Ali, A. W., Hasan, K.A. and Samir, A. 2010. Genetic variances, heritability, correlation and path coefficient analysis in yellow maize crosses (Zea mays L.). Agriculture and Biology Journal of North America. 1(4):630-637.
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ABSTRACT: The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of dietary consumption of Crataegus oxyacantha extract on some biochemical parameters in rats. The 32 rats were randomly divided into 4 groups with 8 rats each, equally divided as 4 female and 4 male rats: Group I (Control group): no hawthorn extract administered; Group II: 25 mg/kg/day hawthorn extract per oral for 4 weeks; Group III: 50 mg/kg/day hawthorn extract per oral for 4 weeks; Group IV: 100 mg/kg/day hawthorn extract per oral for 4 weeks. The results indicated that serum glucose levels were lower and serum triglyceride and VLDL levels were higher in females compared to males in the rats administered Crataegus oxyacantha extract. Accordingly, controlled consumption of Crataegus oxyacantha extract is recommended after taking into account gender- and dosage-related differences.
Keywords: Hawthorn, Biochemistery, Crataegus oxyacantha.
[1]. Birman H, Salmayenli N, Melikoğlu G, Meriçli AH (2003) Effects of Crataegus tanacetifolia extract on total body ion concentration in normal rats, Acta Pharmaceutica Turcica, 45, 213-217.
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ABSTRACT: Grafting has many agronomic advantages. However, there are concerns regarding the higher costs associated with the use of grafted plants in Tunisia. Limited information is available as to whether grafting can be used economically in open field production or not? The objective of this study was to determine the effects of the watermelon grafting on farms' productivity and water resource use efficiency. Using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA), this paper evaluates the performance of a sample of watermelon growers. A comparative analysis of technical efficiency was conducted for grafted plants vs non grafted plants to assess the effect of grafting by using a Tobit model. Results indicated that watermelon growers have a poor productivity (53% on average)............
Keywords: Watermelon, Grafting; Technical efficiency; Tunisia
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