Series-1 (April 2020)April 2020 Issue Statistics
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ABSTRACT:This research aims to analyze the growth performance of the most important cereal crops of Egypt agriculture (wheat, rice, and maize) and the sources of the production growth of these crops during the period 1975-2017. This analysis is toimplement appropriate policies that would enhance the production increase of these crops using component analysis. Based on the results of the Chow Breakpoint test, the study was divided into three periods: 1975-1986, 1987-2000 and 2001-2017, in addition to the full period 1975-2017.The results showed that the growth of wheat, rice and maizeproduction during the study periods depends on changes in yield more than changes in area. So, the study emphasizes that the vertical expansion has a greater impact than the horizontal expansion.This is reflecting the effect of scientific research and development (R&D) on increasing cereal crops inEgypt.
Key Words: Compound growth rate, Decomposition analysis of growth, Effect of area and yield, Cereal crops trends in Egypt.
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ABSTRACT: The study was conducted at veterinary laboratory at Somali National University (SNU) Mogadishu Somalia for period from June 2018 to February 2019. A cross sectional survey was taken in 6 districts in Benadir region, Somalia vizDharkenley, Huriwa, Wadajir, Warta-Nabada, Bondere and finally Hodan districts.300 local breed of untreated goats was selected from the six districts under the study regarding to sex, level of production, age groups.The sampling procedure was non-probability purposively sampling. Blood sample were directly collected from jugular vein by venipuncture.The results stated according to their reproduction status were classified three main groups: 175 were lactating (64.9%) of them were positive and their serial dilution was in between 1:5 till to......
Key Words: Serological survey, Caprine, Toxoplasmosis
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ABSTRACT:The study surveyed the factors constrainingrice production in Jowhar district, Hirshabelle state, Somalia. These problems can be grouped into Agronomic and Socioeconomic factors. Rice production in study area is well known in comparison to other parts of southern Somalia. The study was carried through descriptive survey research design. A study sample of 80 farmers was selected from four rice farming villages in the district. Questionnaire was designed to gather information from the farmers. The data was analyzed with the help of SPSS softwareusing frequency, percentage and means. The study have shown that 70.0% of the respondents were male, about 46.3% of the respondents fall the age between 20-25 years, about 67.5% of the respondents were farmers with 65% of them having farm size between 0.5-3 hectares. The agronomic factors constraining rice production in the study area includelack of proper and high yielding cultivars 47.5%, Pests and Diseases 68.8%, anddrought impacts57.5%. The socioeconomic factors influencing rice production include financial constraints 73.8%, lack of research and extension services 46.3%, and illiteracy 43.8%. It is suggested that farmers should be assisted with modern rice farming technologies coupled with research and extension services.
Keywords: Agronomic factors; constraints; Socio-economic factors and Rice production
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ABSTRACT:Previously we have shown that poor reproductive performances of buffaloes are linked with poor breeding and other management practices in certain coastal areas in Bangladesh. The aim of the present study was to determine the effect of the parity as an important trait on productive and reproductive status of non-descript type buffaloes reared under subsistence farming conditions in selected coastal districts in Bangladesh. Data records for lactation length (LL), milk yield per day (MY/d), calving interval (CI) and dry period (DP) through a pre-tested questionnaire on 220 buffaloes were collected, analyzed and evaluated. Parity did not significantly affect milk yield per day (MY/d) and dry period (DP), but had a significant effect on lactation length (LL), and calving interval (CI). The lactation length (LL) was found significantly higher in the first parity (181±0.67 days) compared with.......
Key Words: Bangladesh, buffaloes, coastal areas, parity, productive and reproductive performance
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ABSTRACT:Background: It is not clear whether management of soil nitrogen (N) level can regulate the extensive expression of bleaching caused by spraying water yam (D. alata) leaves with Fluridone. Therefore, the objective of this study was to determine the effect of five levels of soil nitrogen (ammonium nitrate) fertilization on the expression of Fluridone inducedbleaching effect during yam growth and development. Materials and Methods: The experiment was arranged in a Completely Randomized Design with five treatments: 0 kg N/ha + 0 Fluridone (FL) (experimental control), 0 kg N/ha + 10μM Fluridone (treatment control), 50 kg N/ha + 10μM Fluridone, and 150 kg N/ha + 10μM Fluridone, and with treatments replicated three times. Fluridone was applied daily for 6 days from the 8th day after the first split of nitrogen application. All treatments other than experimental control were given recommended levels of potassium and phosphorus for growing yam in Rivers State Nigeria........
Key Words: dormancy, yam, Fluridone, abscisic acid,Dioscoreaalata
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ABSTRACT:Background: Chili is one of the important commodities and is very needed for household needs in Indonesia. The production of chili is greatly influenced by natural factors, production can decrease due to pests and plant diseases. Some diseases that greatly affect anthracnose, whose symptoms cause circular spots on the fruit. Safe control alternatives are tried using plant material as a vegetable fungicide. Noni leaf (Morinda citrifolia L.) is known to have ingredients that are vegetable fungicides. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the dose level of noni leaf extract and the percentage of anthracnose disease control emphasis. The research method is by planting.....
Keywords: Chili, Noni Leaf, Anthracnose, Vegetable Fungicide
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ABSTRACT:A screen house experiment conducted in Rivers state university teaching and research farm and crop/soil science laboratory, to evaluate the effect of different organic lime materials as an amendment for an acid potting soil for maize (Zea mays) nursery. The lime materials used were egg shell, snail shell, oyster shell, wood ash. Calcium carbonate was used as a basis for comparison and no lime was used as control for all the limes. Results showed that all the different lime materials used appreciably raised the soil pH. Application of the different lime materials showed no significant different among the lime materials but with no lime having the lowest pH value OF 6.2, when....
Keywords:: Lime materials, Amendment, Soil pH, Potting soil.
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ABSTRACT: Background: Sorghum is used primarily as animal feed and industrial raw material in most countries in the world, but in Africa it is used as human food, where it is a staple food for millions of people. With increasing dependence upon cereal grains to provide energy and protein requirements of human in developing countries, the need for raising the overall nutritional value of cereal grains has become increasingly important. Sorghum has high nutritional value but its nutritional quality is dictated mainly by the presence of considerable amounts of antinutritional factors such.....
Keywords: Sorghum; Processing; Antinutrients; Minerals.
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ABSTRACT: Experiment was carried out in August, 2019, at the teaching and research plot of Department of Crop Production Technology, Federal Polytechnic, Bali; to determine the efficacy of neem products for control of field insect pests of white beans (kanannado). Sixty-four (64) beds measuring 3 m x 3 m were raised on a plot measuring 54 m x 15 m, which comprised of four replicates of 16 beds each. Individual bed contained nine (9) stands of cowpea plant spaced 1m apart. Treatments applied were extracts from neem leaf, neem bark and neem seed oil. Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) was adopted for the application of the treatments. Pa-rameters assessed include ten pods weight, ten seed weight and total weight of pods per bed. Data collected were analysed using two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) with the help of "R" statistical package. Means were separated using least significant differences (LSD) at 5% level of significance..
Keywords: efficacy, neem products, control, pests, beans
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Competitiveness Analysis of Tilapia Commodity in North Konawe, Indonesia |
Country | : | Indonesia |
Authors | : | Laode Geo |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/2380-1304015558 ![]() |
ABSTRACT: This Study aimed to analyze the competitiveness tilapia commodity in North Konawe. The Population of this study was 173 tilapia businessmen in north Konawe. Samples determination used Cluster Random Sampling method and taken randomly by Simple Random Sampling method. Amount of samples determined by slovin formula while get 121 samples. Then proportional sampling was taken to determined amount of samples from each villages. The study used primary data and secondary data. Data collection techniques by direct interview with respondents and literature study. Data analyze used Policy Analysis Matrix (PAM). The research result show the tilapia bussinese in North Konawe has high competitiveness. It was indicated by private cost ratio and domestic resource cost ratio in north Konawe was less than one
Keywords: Competitiveness, Tilapia, PAM, North Konawe.
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ABSTRACT: Background: Urban and Peri- urban Agriculture (UPA) provides food and income to urban residents in Nairobi County. UPA is under threat from increased built environment, rapid urbanisation, high population, competition of resources and limited extension services.Majority of farmers experience several challenges and do not receive adequate extension services to empower them to make sustainable farming decisions. Farmers receive limited information from the few extension officers available and operate on limited facilitation and use of inadequate extension methods. The purpose of the study was to examine the influence of technology transfer methods (TTM) on farmer empowerment to make decisions on sustainability of UPA in 13 of the 17 Sub counties of Nairobi County.....
Keywords: Multiple Linear Regressions, Nairobi-Kenya.Sustainability, Technology Transfer Methods, Urban and Peri-Urban Agriculture
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