Series-1 (January 2021)January 2021 Issue Statistics
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ABSTRACT: An eight weeks feeding trail was conducted to evaluate the performance of growing rabbits fed graded levels of Zizipus mauritiana leaf meal in a diets. Dietary treatment were designated A,B, C and D which were made up to 100% concentrate, 15%, 30% and 45% Ziziphus mauritiana leaf meal inclusion levels respectively, twenty cross bred growing rabbits of both sexes averaged 72.8g, balanced for weight and were used in a completely randomized experimental design. They were tattooed and randomly allocated to four dietary treatments replicated with seven rabbits. The rabbits were allowed one week pre-conditioning (adaptation) period during which the animals were collected for feed intake, weight gain, and feed conversion efficiency was calculated. There were significant (p<0.05) differences in all the parameters considered. Diet D had the highest significant (p<0.05) effect in terms of weight gain with......
Key Word: Rabbits, Leaf meal, feed intake, weight gain, feed conversion efficiency
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ABSTRACT:The aim of this study was the identification of acidification risk areas and hotspots, and gaining insight in the acidification process, its causes and consequences.
Soil acidification, an important type of land degradation in Rwanda, and more specifically in the central plateau, is challenging the sustainable use of cropping systems.
The soil profile database has proved to be a useful tool to this study because indicators of both soil acidity and risk for acidification were contained. All these indicators allowed us to assess the relationship between acidity parameters and other soil/landscape parameters.
We checked the correlations between acidity parameters themselves and they were found strong (r>0.8) to moderate strong (0.6<r<0.8) except for exchangeable acidity.....
Key words: Topsoil pH, clay and organic matter content, acidification, pH buffer capacity
[1]. Bidogeza, J., Hoogenboom, G., Berensten, P., De Graaff, J., Oude Lansink, A., 2012. Application of DSSAT crop models to generate alternative production activities under combined use of organic-inorganic nutrients in Rwanda. Journal of Crop Improvement 26, 346-363.
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ABSTRACT: To avoid low fertilization, over fertilization or wastage and determine the optimum level of complete and essential fertilizer needed for better production of Senna obtusifolia crop, the application of levels of NPK 15:15:15 fertilizer on the shoot growth and yield of Senna obtusifolia was investigated. The trial was conducted at training and research farm of Department of Agricultural Education, Federal College of Education (Technical) Bichi in 2019 and 2020 raining seasons. The objectives were to investigate nursery seed sowing, shoot growth and yield of transplanted Senna obtusifolia seedlings in response to different levels (0g/plant, 4g/plant, 8g/plant and 12g/plant or 0kg/ha, 320kg/ha, 640kg/ha and 960kg/ha respectively) of NPK (15:15:15) fertilizer. The trial was randomized complete block design, with four treatments and three replications to give total of twelve trial plots including.....
Key words: NPK fertilizer, Senna obtusifolia, transplanting, growth, yield, employment, COVID-19
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ABSTRACT: The study was conducted in four major Binatil-3 growing areas of Bangladesh, namely Magura, Kushtia, Jhenaidah, Madaripur and Faridpur district. The average costs of Binatil-3 cultivation were Tk. 48604.49 and Tk. 33218.48 per hectare on full cost and cash cost basis, respectively. The highest production cost was for human labour (42.62%), followed by fertilizer use (16.03%), power tiller (11.65%), and irrigation (10.11%). The average net return per hectare was Tk. 23232.57. The net return was highest in Kushtia (Tk. 33149.58 ha-1) followed by Magura (Tk. 25318.01 ha-1), Jhenaidah (Tk. 23824.76 ha-1), Faridpur (Tk. 19362.44 ha-1) and Madaripur (Tk. 14511.05 ha-1), respectively. The average Benefit cost ratio was estimated at 1.48 and 2.16 on full cost and cash cost basis implying that the Binatil-3 cultivation at farm level was highly profitable. The highest BCR was found in Kushtia.....
Key words: Binatil-3, cost, return, constraints and guidelines
[1]. Akter, M., M.A.M. Miah, M.M.H. Khurram, M.S. Rahman and Q.M. Alam, 2010. Economic feasibility of soybean production in some selected areas of Bangladesh. Bangladesh Journal of Agricultural Research, 35(4): 561-571
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ABSTRACT:An experiment which lasted for twenty four (24) weeks was conducted to determine the growth response of African catfish (Clarias gariepinus) fed processed Jatropha curcas leaf meal (JLM). Four experimental diets were formulated at 0%, 1.5%, 3.0% and 4.5% inclusion levels and at substitution levels of SBM at 0%, 3.5%, 7.0% and 10.5% to represent T1, T2, T3 and T4 respectively. The fifth treatment group (T5) was the internationally made diet (coppens) which equally served as control. A total of six hundred (600) fingerlings were used for this study. They were replicated thrice given a total of fifteen treatment groups. Each treatment group contains fourty fingerlings that were given a particular diet based on five percent of their body weight. At the end of the trial the growth performance and the haematological indices were determined. The results showed that J. curcas leaf meal was able to improve...
Key words: Performance, Jatropha curcas, Haematology, Clarias gariepinus.
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ABSTRACT: Abstract: Patchouli is a potential aromatic plant for agricultural, health and cosmetic products. This study aims to obtain a patchouli shoot initiation protocol using several concentrations of ZPT in vitro. This research was conducted in Laboratorium Kultur Jaringan Provinsi Aceh and Laboratorium Biologi Universitas Syiah Kuala from April 2019 to February 2020. This research used a non factorial randomized block design, The treatments consisted of: (1) BAP 1 mgL-1, (2) BAP 2 mgL-1, (3) NAA 1 mgL-1, (4) NAA 2 mgL-1, (5) BAP 1 mgL-1 + NAA 1 mgL-1, (6) BAP 1 mgL-1 + NAA 2 mgL-1, (7) BAP 1 mgL-1 + NAA 1 mgL-1, (8) BAP 2 mgL-1 + NAA 2 mgL-1.. The variables observed were qualitative data were shoot growth time, shoot, height, shoot number, shoot color, number of leaves, number of roots and root leght. The result of this study obtained that the growth of patchouli explants visually tended to be better in the treatment by adding BAP 1 mgL-1 + NAA 2 mgL-1 consentrations. BAP 1 mgL-1 + NAA 2 mgL-1 treatments was better based on the variables of shoot growth time, shoot height shoot number and the best number of leaves. Whereas the better number of roots was shown in the BAP 2 mgL-1 treatment and the better root length was obtained in the BAP 2 mgL-1+ NAA 1 mgL-1 treatment..
Key words: Patchouli, Shoots, BAP, NAA, In Vitro.
[1]. Ahanhanzo, C., Ch. B. Gandonou, A. Agbidinoukoun, A. Dansi and C. Agbangla. 2010. Effect of two cytokinins in combination with acetic acid α-Naphthalene on yams (Dioscorea spp.) genotypes response to in vitro morphogenesis. J. Biotechnology. Africa. 9(51), pp. 8837-8843.
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ABSTRACT: A morphological change in sperm cell is considered to be a potential target in contraceptive development. In the present study, the physical and ultrastructural characteristics of canine spermatozoa treated with Styrene Maleic Anhydride (SMA) co-polymer in vitro were evaluated using Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). Semen collected from dogs (n=6) of different breeds by digital manipulation were diluted with Tris buffer for microscopical examination. Semen from each sample was divided into two aliquots viz. group A, treated with co-polymer SMA [(2mg of SMA dissolved in 100 μl of Dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO)] and group B, served as sham control sample which received DMSO only. After 60 min of incubation, the mean (± SE) motility percentage of SMA co-polymer treated group and DMSO.....
Key words: Canine, spermatozoa, in vitro, styrene maleic anhydride, scanning electron microscopy
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ABSTRACT: The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of different soil amendments on the nutrient absorption, growth, and yields of soybean and sweet corn cultivated in podzolic soil. The study was conducted at Jantho, Aceh Besar District from July 2016 to January 2017. Soil amendments used were NPK 400 kg ha-1 (A0), biochar 10 ton ha-1 (A1), cow dung 10 ton ha -1 (A2) biochar 10 ton ha-1 + NPK 400 kg ha-1 (A3), cow dung 10 ton ha-1 + NPK 400 kg ha-1 (A4). Whereas, the cropping system consists of soybean monoculture (S1), sweet corn monoculture (S2), and soybean-sweet corn intercropping (S3). The results showed that the application of biochar 10 ton ha-1 affected significantly N absorption in the monoculture system (153,66 mg/plant). The highest yields of soybean and sweet corn were found by application of soil amendment cow dung + NPK with monoculture system that reached yield potential 1.16 and 21, 08 ton ha-1 respectively.
Key words: Soil amendment, biochar, cropping pattern, intercropping
[1]. Abujabhah IS, Bound SA, Doyle R. 2016. Effects of biochar and compost amendments on soil physico-chemical properties and the total community within a temperate agricultural soil. Applied Soil Ecology 98: 243–253.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Climate Change and Agriculture: Examining the Geographical Distribution of Indian Crop Systems |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Manju |
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: | 10.9790/2380-1401015760 ![]() |
ABSTRACT:Global food security is seriously threatened by climate change, and India, one of the biggest agricultural producers in the world, is especially susceptible to its effects. This abstract is a succinct synopsis of a study that explores how crop systems are distributed geographically in India in light of climate change. The study tries to comprehend how different crops are distributed across different regions of India as a result of climate change and the implications for food production and agricultural sustainability.
The study examines changes in the spatial distribution of important crops like rice, wheat, maize, and pulses during the previous few decades using a combination of satellite imagery, climatic data, and agricultural statistics. The suitability.......
Key words: Climate Change, Agriculture, Crop System, Geography, Distribution
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