Series-3 (January 2021)January 2021 Issue Statistics
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ABSTRACT: The review was aimed to access the effect of vaccination failure in poultry production. The most of the causes of vaccination failure such as use of expired vaccine, improper storage of vitamin, health status of the flock, poor quality of water, constitution of vaccines, lack of anti stress after vaccine administration, improper route of vaccine administration, vaccine break, and poor nutrition significantly contribute to vaccine failure in poultry. Furthermore, sirict adherence to vaccination schedule together with good management practice reduces vaccination failure to an economic level. These revealed that strict adherence to recommended concluded that maintenance of hygiene, improved nutrition, use of potent vaccines and proper constitution can drastically reduce the rate of mortality on poultry production.
Key Word: poutry, vaccination, climate, sudan savannah
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ABSTRACT: Poultry in particular broiler production is an important source of income and animal protein for small-scale broiler farmers in Zambia. Profitability of broiler production is affected by high prices of chicken feed and other inputs and low bird selling prices. This study was initiated with the objective of examining profit efficiency and its determinants in small-scale broiler production in Zambia. Data collected from 120 smallholder broiler farmers in Kabwe district in Central province of Zambia was analyzed using descriptive statistics and Cobb-Douglas stochastic profit frontier model. The result indicated that smallholder broiler farmers were not operating at full profit efficiency level. The profit efficiency ranged from 2% to 77% with a mean of 38%. This implies that profit efficiency for an average broiler farmer in the study area could be increased by 62% by improving technical and allocative efficiencies of available resources adopting the management practices of the best-performing farmer.......
Key words: Stochastic profit frontier, Profit efficiency, broiler production, smallholder, Zambia.
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ABSTRACT: The Mining and Quarrying sectors, which dominates almost 30 percent of the Tanah Laut's economic structure, is experiencing a slowdown in economic growth and has resulted in an increase in the percentage of poor people in Tanah Laut District over the past five years. Agricultural Sector which occupies second position in Tanah Laut Regency economy is expected to be the driving force of the economy and reduce the poverty rate. The objective of this study is to identify factors affecting agricultural sector performance and poverty rate in Tanah laut Regency. The data used in this research is secondary data during 2001-2016 obtained from the Department of Agriculture of Food Crops and Plantations of Tanah Laut Regency, BPS-Statistics Indonesia, Indonesia Bank and other related institutions...........
Key words: economic growth, agricultural sector, poverty
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ABSTRACT: Goats rearing was an integral part of the farming system and contribute livelihood mainly for the pastoral and agropastoral communities in Somalia, This study was conducted on a Participatory epidemiological study of goat diseases and disorders in five districts in the Benadir region with a period of May 2019 to February 2020. A total 100 questionnaire was conducted to goat farmers regarding health and management was administered and each diseased throughout generally and physically examined purposively. The majority of the smallholder flocks (62%) practiced semi-intensive management and (79%) were affected the cases observed were ectoparasites (34%), pneumonia (20%), diarrhea (20%), laminitis (18%), mastitis (13%), fever (6%), anemia (6%), while skin disease, vaginal prolapsed.........
Key words: participatory, epidemiological, disease and disorder, goat
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ABSTRACT: This research was developed on a commercial ranch in the north of the state of Veracruz, Mexico. geographically located in the meridians: north latitude 20 ° 55 '19 ", west longitude 97 ° 41' 44". and average annual temperature from 19 to 38 ° C. Its objective was to carry out the preparation of food rations, based on by-products that are discarded in the juicers of Alamo, Veracruz such as the peel (T1) and orange bagasse (T2), as well as the orange halves (T3). Before preparing the food rations, the ingredients were analyzed under the Van Soest y Wine method. The results showed that the nutritional value and the nutritional recommendations indicated by the National Research Council (NRC, 2001) were fulfilled, showing values between 10 - 16% of Crude Protein (C) and 65% ofTotal Nutrients Digestibles (TND)........
Key words: byproducts, orange, rations, ecological damage, tropical.
[1]. Acero Maldonado, E. 2005. Productos y subproductos alimenticios para los rumiantes en confinamiento. Primera Edición. Editorial Océano. México. D. F. p. 23-33.
[2]. Coppo JA, 2016, Bagazo de citrus como suplemento invernal en vacas de descarte, Sitio Argentino de Producción Animal,
[3]. Dhanasekaran, D., S. Lawanya, S. Saha, N. Thajuddin, y A. Panneerselvam. 2011. Production of single cell protein from pineapple waste using yeast. Innovat. Rom. Food Biotechnol. 8:26.
[4]. Elias, A. 1997. Avances y perspectivas en la transformación de residuales orgánicos en alimentos. Encuentro sobre animales monogástricos. Instituto de Ciencia Animal, La Habana. Cuba. p. 218.
[5]. Fernández, A. 2014. Transformación de subproductos y residuos de agroindustria de cultivos templados, subtropicales y tropicales en carne y leche bovina, 1a ed. – Bordenave, Buenos Aires: Ediciones INTA, 2014. 200 p.
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ABSTRACT: Murshidabad, a backward district of West Bengal occupies an important place in India especially for the production of quality mangoes. The mango cultivation scenario of the district suffers from some definite problems which probably results into scrapping of Agri-Export Zone status in 2019. The present study attempts to explore the problems and prospects of mango cultivation of Murshidabad district through a comprehensive survey based research work.
Keywords: Mango varieties, Agri Export Zone, Mango cultivation, Mango growers.
[1]. Banerjee, G. D. (2011). Economics of Mango Cultivation, Occasional Paper-58, Department of Economic Analysis and Research, National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development, Mumbai, 12-18, 64-68, 91-96.
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[3]. Gopalakrishnan, S. (2013). Marketing System of Mangoes in India, World Applied Sciences Journal, 21 (7), 1000-1004, 1006.
[4]. Kavitha, B. (2013). Assessing the Role of Credit on Mango Production in Krishnagiri District of Tamilnadu.Retrieved October 2019, from KrishiKosh:
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ABSTRACT: Background: Salmonella qualifies to be one of the major pathogens that cause food poisoning to human. Feco-oral transmission is the main ways it gets established in the gut and causes disorders related to salmonellosis. It is of public health concern and it is among the most guarded pathogen in the world in order to mitigate it is devastating impacts in public health. One of the ways salmonella is acquired is by consuming contaminated raw or undercooked eggs, foods and water. Salmonella happens to be transmitted through poultry products as salmonella transmission is through trans ovarian in poultry. It also affects the productivity of poultry farms by causing pulorum diseases in poultry. Since.......
Key Word: Eggs; Salmonella; Chicken; Biochemical tests; Poultry
[1]. Acero Maldonado, E. 2005. Productos y subproductos alimenticios para los rumiantes en confinamiento. Primera Edición. Editorial Océano. México. D. F. p. 23-33.
[2]. Coppo JA, 2016, Bagazo de citrus como suplemento invernal en vacas de descarte, Sitio Argentino de Producción Animal,
[3]. Dhanasekaran, D., S. Lawanya, S. Saha, N. Thajuddin, y A. Panneerselvam. 2011. Production of single cell protein from pineapple waste using yeast. Innovat. Rom. Food Biotechnol. 8:26.
[4]. Elias, A. 1997. Avances y perspectivas en la transformación de residuales orgánicos en alimentos. Encuentro sobre animales monogástricos. Instituto de Ciencia Animal, La Habana. Cuba. p. 218.
[5]. Fernández, A. 2014. Transformación de subproductos y residuos de agroindustria de cultivos templados, subtropicales y tropicales en carne y leche bovina, 1a ed. – Bordenave, Buenos Aires: Ediciones INTA, 2014. 200 p.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Semen Characteristics of Monosodium Glutamate Diabetes Induced-Rabbits |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Yahaya M.A. || Salisu U.S. || Babashani M |
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: | 10.9790/2380-1401035054 ![]() |
ABSTRACT: Background: Mono Sodium Glutamate is used in the food industry as a flavor enhancer. Its' umami taste intensifies the meaty, savory flavor of food, as naturally occurring glutamate does in foods such as stews and meat soups. Its effect on the reproductive system however is poorly studied. This study evaluated the semen characteristics of rabbits induced with diabetes mellitus using monosodium glutamate (MSG).
Materials and Methods: The study utilized three groups of 5 rabbits each weighing between 1.2-1.7kg. Group 1 (T1) served as control and received.......
Key Word: Monosodium glutamate, diabetes mellitus, semen
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[5]. Chikaodiri H.O. (2020) Reproductive Physiology of Male Rabbits: A Key Factor in Buck Selection for Breeding (Paper Review). Advances in Reproductive Sciences, 8: 97-112.
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ABSTRACT: Taking into account the economic aspects and the increase in air temperature due to global warming, some tea plantations in North Sumatra have been converted to oil palm plant. Land and agro-climate characteristics are the basis of plant cultivation in order to grow and produce optimally. The research was conducted at Kebun Bah BirungUlu using a descriptive design. The location is at an altitude of 600-900 m above sea level, the land is in the S3 class (moderate suitable) with an average rainfall of 3616 mm / year, solar radiation 3.7 hours / day (intensity 44.1%), humidity 85.6% and an average temperature of 23.3%. The object of study on the plant conversion in 2004, 2005 and 2006, planting material is DxP PPKS. The problems that occur are vegetative growth exceeds.....
Keywords: Oil Palm, Global Warming, Conversion, Solar Radiation, Fresh Fruit Bunch.
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ABSTRACT: Household food security as a system that is determined by the subsystem of food availability, food access and food consumption, so that the household is able to meet its food needs, so that it can live a healthy, active and productive life. The Food Independent Village Program as an effort to increase household food security. This study aims to determine the level of food security of households receiving the Food Independent Village Program (PDMP) and Non-Recipients of the Food Independent Village Program (NPDMP). Knowing the factors that affect the level of household food security (PDMP) and (NPDMP). The results showed that the average household food security index (PDMP) was significant at α=0,05 including the criteria for food insecurity with an average index.....
Keywords: Food Security, Food Independent Program, Logistic regression
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