Version-1 (Oct-2014)
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ABSTRACT: The KVK of Jhabua district (M.P.) was entrusted with the responsibility of conducting FLD in Jhabua district of M.P. The main emphasis was to maximize production per unit area by using high yielding varieties of maize in conjunction with the package and practices. While a large number of studies have been made to discuss the yield potentialities and procedures for conducting these demonstrations, limited studies have been conducted to assess the impact of FLD on knowledge and adoption level of farmers. Thus, the present study was an attempt to evaluate the impact of FLD on knowledge and adoption level of maize grower's in Jhabua district. Majority of the respondents (beneficiaries of FLD program and non-beneficiaries) possessed medium level of scientific temperament
[1]. Dhaka, B.L.; Meena, B.S. and R. L. Suwalka, (2010). Popularization of Improved Maize Production Technology through Frontline Demonstrations in South-eastern Rajasthan J Agri Sci, 1(1): 39-42.
[2]. Jeenger, K.C.; Choudhary, S. and Swarnakar, V.K. (2012). Impact of frontline demonstration on scientific temperament of soybean growers in Dhar districts of Madhya Pradesh. (IOSR-JAVS) Volume 1, Issue 4pp47-48,
[3]. Kadam, R.P.; Wangikar, S.D. Pawar, G.S. and Bhosale, P.B. (2005). Knowledge level of farmers about improved soybean production technology, J. Soil Crops, 15 (1): 210-212
[4]. Kirar, K.S.; Impact of technological practices on the productivity of soybean in front line demonstration. Indn. J. Extn. Edu. 5 : 11. [5]. Patel, A.J.; and Tunver, M.A. (2004). Evaluation of frontline demonstration on groundnut. Gujarat J. Extn. Edun. 15 (1): 77-79
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ABSTRACT: This study focus on the economic analysis of onion production along river Komadugu area of Yobe State, Nigeria. A multi stage sampling technique was employed for collecting primary data from a sample of one hundred and twenty (120) onion farmers in the study area. Analytical tools used were; descriptive statistics, farm budgeting models, and inferential statistics. Findings indicated that most of the out growers are male and Majority were middle age (35-44 years) and have had substantial experience in onion production. The net farm income analysis showed that onion production was profitable (N98,134/ha).The production function analysis revealed that a unit increase in farm size, hired labour, seeds, herbicide, fertilizer and insecticide provide an extra yield of 222.60, 100.90, 100.99,15.00, 70.00 and 12.50 kg/ha respectively. The analysis also indicated that farm size has the highest MVP (N14, 469.00). The study also found that land size, labour, seed and fertilizer were over utilized for onion production with efficiency ratio greater than one (2.41, 9.37, 6.56 and 2.21) while, insecticide and herbicide were under utilized for onion production with efficiency ratio of less than one (0.77 and 0.54).Problems associated with high cost of production inputs, lack of adequate storage facilities, limited access to improved seeds, high cost of transport, fluctuation of market price and lack of sufficient capital among others were some of the problems identified as confronting onion farmers in the study area. Policies to ensure adequate and sustainable supply of basic onion production inputs, improve access to good transportation networks, improve market structures in the study area were preferred as policy recommendations.
Key words: Onion, Out-growers, Marginal value product
[1]. Ali, M. and Chaudhy, M.A (1990) "Inter-regional farm efficiency in Pakistan‟s Punjab: A Frontier production function study" Journal of Agricultural Economics.17(4):62-74
[2]. Amaza, P.S. (2000) "‟Resource-use Efficiency in food crop production in Gombe state Nigeria‟‟. A Ph.d Thesis (unpublished). Department of Agricultural Economics, University of Ibadan Nigeria.
[3]. Nasiru, M.I.(2000) "Economic Analysis of tomato Marketing, A case study of Kano Metropolis, Kano State" Thesis(unpublished)Department of Agricultural Economics, Bayero University Kano, Nigeria,pp.34-46.
[4]. National Population Commission-NPC- (2006) "Provisional Census figure of Yobe State: NPC/FGN, Abuja, P.32.
[5]. NEAZDP,(1999).North East Arid Zone Development Programme,Borno and Yobe States." "Annual program me evaluation report" 38p, series No.8.
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ABSTRACT: This study aims to determine the best composition Moringa oleifera, Lam (MOL) and Paraserianthes falcataria (PFL) leaves supplementation in the feed to produce fermentation process and low CH4 gas production. Concentrate feed is composed of MOL, PFL, plus coconut cake (CM), and solid cassava waste (O). The study was conducted with a factorial experiment, arranged in a randomized complete block design (RBD). The first factor is 4 types of concentrate: A, B, C and D. The second factor is the proportion of concentrates A, B, C, D and maize stover (Zea mays) (M). as follows: P1, P2 and P3. The usage of concentrate feed (MOL 30% : PFL 10% : coconut cake 45% : solid cassava waste 15%) with the proportion of concentrate 50% : forage 50% was be able to produce normal fermentation process with indicated DM degradation 66.4%, OM degradation 70.41%, gas production 94.8 ml, microbial biomass 46 mg, pH 6.67, NH3 concentration 7.48 - 8.29 mg/100 ml rumen fluid and proportion VFA (C2:C3:C4 = 65:26:9) and the lowest CH4 gas production (< 1% 24-hour incubation). In the future studies are in-vivo testing of the usage of MOL 30% : PFL 10% in the concentrate feed.
Keywords: CH4, in vitro, leaf of moringa, supplementation
[1] M.F. Iqbal, Y. Fen Cheng, W. Yun Zhu and B. Zeshan, Mitigation of ruminant methane production: current strategies, constraints and future options. Word J. microbiotechnol 24, 2008, pp.2747-2755.
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[3] P.R. Cheeke , Actual and potential applications of Yucca schidigera and Quillaja saponaria saponins in human and animal nutrition. In Proceedings of the American Society of Animal Science, Indiapolis 2000 10p. Retrieved March 9, 2011, from http://www.asas. org/JAS/symposia/proceeding/0909.pd
[4] C.S. Mc Sweeney, B. Palmer, D.M. Mc Neill and D.O Krause, Microbial interactions with tannins: nutritional consequences for ruminants. Anim. Feed Sci. and Technol. 91, 2001, pp.83-93. Retrieved Mei 21, 2011, from
[5] R.J. Wallace, N.R. Mc Ewen, F.M. McIntosh, B. Teferedegne and C.J. Newbold , Natural products as manipulators of rumen fermentation. Asian-Aust. J. Anim. Sci. 15, 2002, pp.1458-1468.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Livestock Husbandry in Devi Patan Plain, Uttar Pradesh: A Geographical Study |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Zafar Tabrez , Nizamuddin Khan |
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: | 10.9790/2380-071011928 ![]() |
ABSTRACT: Livestock husbandry is an important agriculture sub-sector of Indian economy. It significantly contributes to the agricultural GDP in India. Livestock farming, however, has been appearing one of the most important value added farming system adopted in the country. Livestock products also play a main role in export earnings. After cultivation of crops, livestock is the second largest productive asset in rural India. India's livestock sector is one of the largest in the world. In 2010-11, livestock generated outputs worth Rs 2075 billion (at 2004-05 prices) which comprised 4 per cent of the GDP and 26 per cent of the agricultural GDP. Livestock husbandry is well developed in Western Trans-Ghaghara (Devi Patan) plain, Uttar Pradesh. The plain of Devi Patan includes the districts of Bahraich, Gonda, Balrampur, And Shrawasti districts. In Devi Patan plain, more than 70 per cent of rural household are directly or indirectly engaged with livestock husbandry. The result obtained with the application of statistical technique shows that in all the 44 blocks of Devi Patan plain, there is a huge spatial variation of animals like buffalo, cattle, sheep and goat in all the blocks. Keywords: dairy products, farming system, livestock, productivity, technological development.
[1] Iqubal, M.A., (2013). Livestock husbandry and environmental problems, International journal of scientific and research publications, vol. 3, issue 5.
[2] Khan, N., khan, M.M. and Rehman, A., (2009). Livestock husbandry, rural workforce and employment generation: a case study, The Geographer, vol. 56, No. 2.
[3] Khan, N., & Iqubal, M.A., (2011). Livestock trade in rural markets of Aligarh district, Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development, vol. 2, No. 8.
[4] Khan, N., & Iqubal, M.A., (2011). Livestock trade in rural markets of Aligarh district, Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development, vol. 2, No. 8.
[5] Hegde, N.G., (2006). Livestock development for sustainable livelihood of small farmers, Souvenir of the 39th annual general meeting and 48th national symposium on "Energising Rural India – A Challenge to Livestock Industry". Compound Livestock Feed Manufactures Association of India (CLFMA), Manesar, Haryana. pp. 50-63.
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ABSTRACT: The inadequate supply of tilapia seed mostly fingerling which consider as the secured stock because of lower mortality rate is considered as one of the major present constraints to the development of the culture industry in annual flooded region of haor in Bangladesh. The floating bamboo net-hapa nursery system was observed to be very efficient in the mass production of tilapia fingerlings at haor water body in Sunamganj district, Bangladesh. This system was therefore, recommended for small-scale (artisanal) commercial operators consisting of fishermen families mostly involvement of women in order to uphold their socio economic contribution and hasten development of haor communities. The research was conducted by three treatments with three replicates each. It was found that treatment I showing stocking density of 750/m2 with FCR and SGR were 1.14 ± 0.038a and 10.55 ±0.103a respectively was found to be the most favorable treatment among all. But while considering the cost benefit ratio treatment II found better for commercial aquaculture as the survival rate was higher in treatment II. Besides the treatment with moderate stocking rate of 900/m2 found to be most profitable with Tk. 793.12±67.73b while in treatment I (stocking density 750/m2 ) and treatment III (stocking density 1050/m2 ) the net profit were 582.45 ± SD 88.75a and Tk. 655.04 ±51.76ab, respectively. As in the commercial production the increasing in stocking density also increase net profit with the same unit area and resources. But in small scale farming like tilapia fingerling production not only profit but also investment capability need to be take into consideration. The cost-benefit ratio found in this study showed that in treatment I, II and III the benefit-cost ratio were 2.17:1, 2.36:1 and 1.99:1 respectively which indicate a moderate stocking density of treatment II is most profitable. It was emphasized that the operational and managerial skills of the culture operators in fingerling production account largely to the production cost minimizing and profitability as well.
Keywords: Tilapia, Fingerling, Hapa, Women and Haor
[1]. G.M. Adebo, and S.D. Alfred, Economic analysis of contribution of tilapia production and marketing to gender empowerment in Ondo and Ekiti States, Nigeria. In: 8th International Symposium on Tilapia in Aquaculture (ISTA8), Cairo, Egypt, October 12- 14, 2008, 657 – 664.
[2]. M.H. Bahnasawy, T.E. Abdel-Baky, and G. Abd-Allah, Growth performance of Nile tilapia fingerlings raised in an earthen pond. Archives of Polish Fisheries, 11, 2003, 277-285.
[3]. N.R. Bromage, Broodstock management and seed quality-general considerations, Blackwell science, oxford, 1995, 1-24.
[4]. R.A.P.L.F. Carvalho, J.A.F. Lima, and A.L.N.Silva, Efeito da densidade de estocagem no desempenho do matrinxa, Brycon cephalus (Gunther, 1869), cultivado emtanques-rede no período de inverno. Boletim do Instituto de Pesca, v. 24, 1997, 177-185.
[5]. A.M. El-Sayed, Tilapia feed and feeding in semi-intensive culture systems. In: 8th International Symposium on Tilapia in Aquaculture (ISTA8) Cairo, Egypt, October 12- 14, 2008. 717 – 723.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Integrated Farming Systems - A Review |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Rajju Priya Soni , Mittu Katoch , Rajesh Ladohia |
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: | 10.9790/2380-071013642 ![]() |
ABSTRACT: Integrated Farming systems (IFS), and ways of thinking about them, evolved in space and time. Rapid evolution took place in the last two decades when crop and livestock yields increased, together with concerns about their socio-economic and biophysical tradeoffs. The application of farming systems research (FSR) to agricultural development was a response to problems arising from a predominantly reductionist approach to research and a cornucopian view of external inputs. Modern technologies were either not welcome or caused unexpected negative trade-offs. This paper reviews definitions and forms of FSR and the need for evolution in thinking about agricultural development. Application of thermodynamic theory (TDT) to the study of farming systems influences discussion between cornucopians and conservationists, and between reductionist and holistic approaches to research. There is a need to recognize context (suitability of technology), and to pay more attention to relations within systems (system dynamics) and to defining criteria for sustainability. The paper links biophysical and socio-economic processes, gives a physical background for the anthropomorphic concepts of waste, and reviews aspects of objectivism and constructivism. It is argued that FSR can only advance if the full portent of these issues is considered in thinking about development of IFS. The complexity of the reality should make scientists think more carefully about the appropriate strategy that will get people out of poverty. Research in Asia of replications of the famous Bangladesh Grameen Bank micro-credit programs show that there is an ideal progression for farm families in the sub-continent that even the poor aspire too. According to this experience poor women invest in small livestock and the household step by step gets out of poverty. There is a great and unmet challenge for research on local resources to cater to the needs of these people.
Keywords: Integrated farming systems, Local feed resources, on farm research, recycling, women, poverty, and livestock.
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[5] FAO, Sustainable crop production intensification through an ecosystem approach and an enabling environment: capturing efficiency through ecosystem services and management, FAO Committee on Agriculture, June 16-19. 2010
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ABSTRACT: The exposure of sheep to elevated ambient temperatures induces an increase in the dissipation of excess body heat, in order to overcome this excessive environmental heat load. Dissipation of excess body heat is emitted by evaporation of water from the respiratory tract and skin surface via panting and sweating.The following heat stress traits were measured; body temperature, rectal temperature, pulse rate and respiratory rate after the sunrise and before the sunset. While blood and serum biochemical indices measured were blood glucose, total serum protein, globulin, cholesterol and triglycerides. No significant relationship(P>0.05) was recorded between heat stress traits and blood biochemical indices studied. However, we observed a positively significant (P<0.01) relationship betweenblood and serum biochemical indices studied. Similarly, a positively significant (P<0.01) relationship was observed between heat stress traits examined.
Keywords: Ambient, temperature,blood biochemical indices, heat stress, traits, sheep
[1]. Abdel-Hafez, M.A. M. (2002). Studies on the reproductive performances in sheep.Ph.D. thesis.Faculty of Agriculture, Zagazig University, Zagazig, Egypt.
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ABSTRACT: Objective of this research was to obtain optimal dosages of nitrogen and potassium fertilization on growth, yield, and quality of stevia. The research was conducted using Randomized Block Design (RBD) by 3 replications, which was constructed in factorial that comprised of 2 factors. The first factor was dosage of the nitrogen with 4 (four) levels, such as: 100, 150, 200, and 250 kg N ha-1. The second factor was dosage of potassium with 3 (three) levels, such as: 75, 150, and 225 kg K2O ha-1. Result of the research showed that significant interaction between nitrogen and potassium fertilization has occurred on parameter of the plant growth, such as number of leaf, leaf area, leaf area index, and the total chlorophyll content. Separate application of nitrogen and potassium fertilization has significantly affected on the plant height, while the stomatal density was only affected by the application of nitrogen. Significant interaction between nitrogen and potassium application has occurred on plant biomass and the yield of leaf during the harvest period I, II, and total. During the period of total harvest, the fertilizing treatments of 200 kg N ha-1 and 225 kg K2O ha-1 have harvested fresh leaves and dry leaves for about 2,780 kg ha-1 and 636 kg ha-1, respectively. The increasing application of nitrogen from 100 to 250 kg N ha-1 has significantly increased the stevioside level of the stevia's leaf linearly in accordance with the equation of Y = 0.000408 X + 0.439.
Keywords: Stevia, nitrogen, potassium, fertilization, growth, yield
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ABSTRACT: The Harvey Mixed Model Least-squares and Maximum Likelihood Computer Programme was used to estimate the heritability, genetic and phenotypic correlations of live body weight and growth rates of 684 Japanese quails. The results revealed that Japanese quails are sexually dimorphic for live body weight at all ages. Heritability of live body weight ranged from 0.12±0.02 to 0.91±0.11. All genetic correlation between live body weights were positive. Phenotypic correlations between live body weights at all ages were positive and very highly significant (P<0.001). The heritability estimates for growth rate ranged from 0.20±0.07 to 0.62±0.04. Genetic correlations between growth rates ranged from -0.51 to 1.11. Phenotypic correlations among growth rates varied from -0.02 to 0.76. It was concluded that selection for live body weight within the first two weeks of age may lead to improvement of body weight at later stages of life, and, mass selection for growth rate may lead to rapid improvement in growth rate.
Key words: Body weight, Growth rate, Heritability, Genetic correlation, Japanese quail.
[1]. Abdel-Fattah, M.H. (2006). Selection for increased bodyweight and growth rate in Japanese quail. Ph.D Thesis, Fac. Agric. Fayoum Univ. Egypt. 153 pp.
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[3]. Abdel-Tawab, S.K. (2006). The effect of selection for egg weight on some productive traits in Japanese quail. M.Sc Thesis, Fac. Agric. Al-Azhar Univ. Cairo, Egypt 66pp.
[4]. Aboul-Hassan, M.A. (2000). Comparative study of growth traits in two strains of Japanese quail. Fayoum J. Agric. Res. Dev. 14:189-197.
[5]. Almeida, M. I., Oliveira, E. G., Ramos, P. R., Veiga, P. R., and Dias, K. (2002). Growth performance of meat male quails of two lines under two nutritional environments. Arch. of Vet. Sci. 7(2): 103-108.
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ABSTRACT: A clear understanding on the difference between qualities and shelf lives of brine salted taki and shoal fish product stored at refrigerator temperature (40C) has been assessed by analyzing physical changes such as color, texture, odor and visual appearance by acceptability technique and changes in chemical index of TVB-N, pH and FFA value (quality parameters). In processed condition (after 7 days of ripening period in brine salting), values of TVB-N, pH and FFA were 5.7 mg N/100g, 6.8 and 2.6% in case of taki and 3.64 mg N/100g, 6.5 and 1.8% in case of shoal fish respectively. TVB-N, pH and FFA value increased significantly (p<0.05) with time of storage period and between two brine salted products, TVB-N, pH and FFA value rapidly increased in taki fish than shoal fish and at the end of 9 months brine salted taki fish product became spoiled whereas brine salted shoal fish still remained fresh. Experimentally it has been proved that brine salted shoal fish has longer shelf life (18 months) and is better to preserve in Refrigerator temperature (40C).
Key Words: Brine-Salting, Quality-analysis, Shoal, Shelf-life, Taki
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