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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Tourism and Economic Growth in the United Arab Emirates: A Granger Causality Approach |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Saima Shadab |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2004030106 ![]() |
Abstract: In the recent years, non-oil GDP growth has become one of the most prominent targets of oil exporting Arab countries, more specifically the Gulf Cooperation Council countries. Non-oil exports, FDI inflows and Tourism are the major source of non-oil income and key strand of economic diversification. The United Arab Emirates is regarded as the most successfully diversified GCC country. However, among the 7 emirates in the UAE, only Dubai has transited itself into a diversified Emirate owing to the existence of increasing FDI inflows and a well-developed international travel and tourism sector. The main objective of this study is to examine the relationship between the travel and tourism sector and economic diversification in the United Arab Emirates. For this purpose, Grangers.........
Keywords: Economic Growth, Diversification, Tourism, Rentier State[1] Alhowaish A. K., (2016), Is Tourism Development a Sustainable Economic Growth Strategy in the Long Run? Evidence from GCC countries, Sustainability, MDPI, 2016, 8, 605.
[2] Bouzahzah M., Menyari Y.E. (2013), The relationship between international tourism and economic growth: the case of Morocco and Tunisia. MPRA Paper No. 44102 (February 2013), available at:
[3] Caglayan E., Sak N. and Karymshakov K. (2011), "Relationship between tourism and economic growth: A panel granger causality approach", Asian Economic and Financial Review, 2(5), 591-602.
[4] Chou M. C., (2013), Does tourism development promote economic growth in transition countries? A panel data analysis, Economic Modelling, 33, 226-232, available at:
[5] Engle, R. F., & Granger, C. W. J., (1987). Cointegration and error correction: Representation, estimation, and testing. Econometrica, 2, 251–276.
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Abstract: Six Sigma was introduced by two engineers Bill Smith and Dr. Mikel J Harry in 1980s while they are working with Motorola. It is a set of tools and techniques which are used for improving the process. Six Sigma is a disciplined, data-driven approach and a methodology for eliminating defects in any process – from manufacturing to transactional and from product to service. The Six Sigma methodology can help to reduce the defects, amount of wasted time and resources, as well as the cycle time to complete a process. In reference to the service sector, it helps to improve the quality of the services rendered. Many financial companies have started to implement Six Sigma, in India, Private Banks are engaged in Six Sigma and they have found this to be profitable for them. This paper is an attempt to understand the concept of Six Sigma and its financial impact on Indian banking industry. The researcher also tells about the benefits of Six Sigma when it is applied to Indian banking industry...
[1] The power of six sigma: an inspiring tale of how six sigma is transforming the way we work, Subir Chowdhury, (2001) ISBN: 0793144345, Dearborn Trade Publishing ©2001
[2] Jiju Antony, Ricardo Banuelas, (2002) "Key ingredients for the effective implementation of Six Sigma program", Measuring Business Excellence, Vol. 6 Issue: 4, pp.20-27,
[3] Linderman, K., Schroeder, R. G., Zaheer, S., & Choo, A. S. (2003). Six Sigma: A goal-theoretic perspective. Journal of Operations Management, 21(2), 193-203. DOI: 10.1016/S0272-6963(02)00087-6
[4] Young Hoon Kwaka, Frank T. Anbarib (2006) "Benefits, obstacles, and future of six sigma approach", (2006), Technovation 26 (2006) 708-715, doi:10.1016/j.technovation.2004.10.003
[5] F. Javier Lloréns-Montes & Luis M. Molina, (2007), "Six Sigma and management theory: Processes, content and effectiveness", Pages 485-506 | Published online: 24 Jan 2007, 251–276.
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Abstract: India has witnessed an impressive growth rate since the post reform period, which has contributed to a sustained increase in per capita income, decline in absolute poverty and modest improvement in standard of living. It has also changed the employment structure of the country. Indian Labour market has also witnessed a significant change since the inception of economic reform of 1991. Mainly the types of employment being created has given rise to some concern. Recent research revealed that the transfer of workers from agriculture to non-agriculture sector is very slow and most of the employment generated has been informal in nature. An overwhelmingly large percentage of workers (about 92 per cent) are engaged in informal employment and a large majority of them have.........
Keywords: Globalization, Informal Sector, Unskilled Labour, Gross Domestic Product, Liberalization. JEL Classification: E26, J46, O17, F02[1] Anand, Vinod (2003), "Policy Package for Informal Sector Development: Basic Assumptions", Indian Journal of Economics, Vol. 84, No. 333.
[2] Bhalla, G. S. and P. Hazell (2003), "Rural Employment and Poverty Reduction", Economic and Political Weekly, Vol. 38, No. 33.
[3] Breman, J. (1996), Footloose labour –Working in India‟s Informal Economy, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
[4] Breman, J. 2003. The Labouring Poor in India: Patterns of Exploitation, Subordination and Exclusion, New Delhi: Oxford University Press.
[5] Dev, Mahendra S. and Jos Mooiji (2002), "Social sector expenditure in 1990s: Analysis of Central and State Budgets", Economic and Political Weekly, Vol. 37, No. 9. 251–276.
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Abstract: Demonetizationof Rs 500 and Rs 1000 currency notes in India provided a fillip to the change towards digitization of transactions. Though, the overall success of demonetarization is still a debatable subject in academic and professional galleries. The present study focuses on the analyzing one of the objectives of demonetization that was to accelerate the growth in digital payment mechanism thereby shifting towards cashless regime. The findings of the study reveal that during the study period of 22 months, there has been a shift towards digital payment mechanism in post demonetization phase.
Keywords: Demonetization, NEFT, RTGS, Mobile transactions[1] Anand Dinesh (2017), Are we ready for cashless transactions? retrieved from
[2] Das Sohini (2017), Gujarat ranks first among states in moving towards cashless economy: Walnut retrieved from
[3] Dugal Era (2017) RBI Annual Report: 99% Of Demonetised Currency Returned retrieved from
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Industrial Relations in India – Challenges and Opportunities |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr.A.Vennila || S.Narendrarathnaraj |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2004032932 ![]() |
Abstract: In today's dynamic business environment, every organization wants to be a successful organization. It cannot be possible without Human Resource (HR). The most important asset i.e. Human Resource (man power) is known as life blood of any organization. The success of any organization depends upon the performance of their Human Resource. If question arises to find out the most important difference between ordinary organization and successful organization, the answer would be their HR. The organization also wants quality people. The greatest challenge before every organization is to recruit right people in right place. HR is the factors. Employee and Employer both are important. They are the two sides of the same coin. One cannot operate without the services of the other. The paper.......
Keywords: Challenges of Industrial Relations, Effectiveness of Industrial Relations,Industrial Relations Environment[1] A.S.Mathur, ´ Labour Policy and Industrial Relations in India´, Ram Prasad andSons,Agra, 1958, p.126.7.
[2] C.B.Kumar,´Development of Industrial Relations in India´,Orient Longman and Co.,Bombay, 1961,p.ix8.
[3] M.K.Singh, Industrial Relations in Maharashtra´,The Indian Journal of society work, Vol.XLIV(1),April,1983,p.193.
[4] N. Kumar, R. Mittal, Personnel management and Industrial Relations´ first edition2001,P.2629.
[5] R Ram Reddy, ´ Industrial relations in India´, K.M.Mittal for MittalPublications,1990,P.2
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Abstract: Stress has became a common factor in everyone's life which can cause a positive or negative impact in their life. We all are experienced the stress is one or others factor as part of our day to day life. Stress is a biggest issue that the entire employees are facing in workplace which has become great concern for employers. The employers and Human resource person should know the cause of stress by interacting to these employees and what they require to come out it. If they are not ready to open up with their concern arrange a meeting with a psychiatrist for the counseling in a monthly basis. Organization should conduct some stress relief program to the employee and also need to provide some adequate break for an employee. Many of them are not aware to manage the personal life and work life stress..
Keywords: Stress Management, personal life, Workplace, organization, employees etc[1] Parkes, K. R. (1994). Personality and coping as moderators of work stress processes: Models, methods and measures. Work & Stress, 8(2), 110-129.
[2] Holenderski, Bakker.J., R., Pechenizkiy, M., & Sidorova, N. (2012). Stress at work: From measuring stress to its understanding, prediction and handling with personalized coaching. In Proceedings of the 2nd ACM.
[3] World Health Organization. (2004). Work organization & stress: Systematic problem approaches for employers, managers and trade union representatives. Stavroula Leka, Amanda Griffiths, Tom Cox.
[4] Mariam Sohil et al (2015),Health issues of employees at the workplace. There is a strong relationship between stress at work and its physical and psychological effects.
[5] Mark Scott Smith et al(1987 stress Management techniques in childhood and Adolescence. Here the patient receives brief supportive council instruction in the organisation
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Suicide A Shifting Paradigm |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Mr. M. Akshay Kumar || Ms. Ruchita Umesh Chandra |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2004033741 ![]() |
Abstract: This paper attempts to create awareness about the growing teen suicide rates and problems resulting from it. It is not among the most discussed topics even though the devastation caused by it calls for immediate attention. The rate of suicide attempts is alarmingly increasing, even worse that the attempts that culminate in deaths causing grievous loss to the relatives and dependents are just compensated by the political parties in no effort to prevent further attempts. The paper tries to bring to light the issues that are road blocks to solving this growing concern. Lack of mental health professional, awareness and a social setup that fails to promote mental health as a career option are a few among the lot. Although on the solution-side to this problem nothing much has been done, the paper tries to collate suggestions from various professionals that can be implemented to curb the issue of suicide.
Keywords: teen suicide, mental health[1] Mukunth, V. (2017, January 03). Four charts show why India's youth suicide rate is among the world's highest. Retrieved March 21, 2018, from
[3] Mental health in India. (n.d.). Retrieved April 02, 2018, from
[4] Khare, S., & Gupta, R. (2017, October 10). We Can No Longer Afford To Ignore India's Mental Health Crisis. Retrieved April 02, 2018, from
[5] IndiaSpend, D. S. (2017, April 08). Every hour, one student commits suicide in India. Retrieved April 02, 2018, from
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Abstract: Couple of years back, home-grown e-commerce player Snapdeal made a claim that India lacked talented programmers to meet their needs (Thoppil, 2015). This assertion reemphasized the importance of talented employees and their skills in the success of any organisation. Understandably, a lot of research efforts have been made in last two decades to tackle issues related to employee retention. This study examined the role of talent management practices and organisational performance on employee retention in the Indian IT sector. Based on literature review, three leading hypotheses were formed. Primary data was collected from 33 IT firms, leading to a total of 68 responses. Based on statistical analysis using SPSS 21.0, correlations between the variables were studied. Additionally, regression was also performed between the dependent and independent constructs. The results revealed that significant relationship was found between talent management and employee retention. On the other hand, organisational performance, on its own, didn't emerge as a driving factor for employee retention. However, along with talent management practices, organisation performance was found to have significant effect on employee retention..
Keywords: talent management, organisational performance, employee retention, employee engagement, productivity[1] Baek-Kyoo (Brian) Joo,Sunyoung Park (2010), "Career satisfaction, organizational commitment, and turnover intention - The effects of goal orientation, organizational learning culture and developmental feedback",Leadership& Organization Development Journal,Vol. 31 (6), pp. 482-500.
[2] Becker, B.E., Huselid, M.A. and Ulrich, D. (2001), The HR Scorecard: Linking People, Strategy, and Performance, Harvard Business School Press, Boston, MA.
[3] Berger, L.A. and Berger, D.R. (2003), The Talent Management Handbook: Creating Organizational Excellence by Identifying, Developing, and Promoting Your Best People, McGraw-Hill Professional, New York, NY.
[4] Bernadette Scott and SheetalRevis(2008), "Talent management in hospitality: graduate career success and strategies", International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, Vol. 20 No. 7, pp. 781-791.
[5] Bhatnagar, J. (2008), ""Talent management‟‟, in Budhwar, P. and Bhatnagar, J. (Eds), A Changing Face of HRM in India, Routledge, London..
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Abstract: After consumers obtain and use a product or service, they tend to develop feelings of satisfaction or dissatisfaction towards it. Consumer satisfaction may be defined as the attitude formed toward a good or service as a result of its purchase. It is a post choice evaluative judgment resulting from a specific selection. A number of theoretical models have been proposed to explain the development of consumer satisfaction/ dissatisfaction. One approach is called the expectancy disconfirmation model. Based upon the use of a particular brand, as well as upon the use of other brands in the product class, consumers develop two different types of beliefs. They form expectations........
Keywords: ......[1] Downham, J. S. and Treasure, J. A. P. (1956),Market Research and Consumer Durables, TheIncorporated Statistician, Vol. 7 (3), pp 108-117.
[2] Fishbein, M. (1967), "Attitude and prediction of behaviour". In M. Fishbein (Ed.), Readings in attitude Theory and measurement (pp. 477-492). New York: John Wiley.
[3] Newman, J. W. and Staelin, R. (1972),Pre-purchase Information Seeking for New Cars and Major Household Appliances, Journal of Marketing Research, Vol. 9 (3), pp 249-257.
[4] Strober, Myra and Charles B. Weinberg (1980 ),‟ Strategies Used by Working and Non-working Wives to Reduce Time Pressures‟, Journal of Consumer Research, Vol. 6, March,pp 338-348.
[5] Oliver, R.L. (1980), "A cognitive model for the antecedents and consequences of satisfaction", Journal of Marketing Research, 17, 460-469..
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Abstract: Sustenance of human resource information systems requires an effective management of the information systems. A significant part of this is the employee information system. This study focused on human resource information system and organizations' performance in selected banks in Lagos state. The research design adopted for this study was the survey design. A sample size of 194 was drawn from the total population (503) of the total number of management level staff in the Lagos state head office of three randomly selected banks. Three (3) hypotheses were formulated and tested. One hundred and ninety four (194) questionnaires were analyzed using regression analysis. The result revealed that there is significant relationship between operational functionality and organization's performance and also that there is significant role information management system performs.........
Keywords: Information, Operational, Organizational culture and performance[1]. Adelekan, S. A. (2016). The impact of organizational culture on innovation capability of SMES. International Journal of Economics, Commerce and Management. 6(9), 158-181.
[2]. Alter, S. (1999). A general, yet useful theory of information systems. Communications of the AIS, 1(3es), 3.
[3]. Alter, S. (2002). The work system method for understanding information systems and information systems research. Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 9(1), 6.
[4]. Alter, S. (2005). Architecture of sysperanto: A model-based ontology of the IS field. Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 15(1), 1.
[5]. Alter, S. (2006). The work system method: connecting people, processes, and IT for business results. Work System Method.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Customer Perception towards Banking Services – Post Demonetization |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Prof. V.Narasimha Rao || Smt.M.B.Suverchala |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2004037986 ![]() |
Abstract: Banking sector plays a key role in the socio-economic development of the country. Banking in India, in the modern sense, originated in the last decades of the 18th century. The nationalized banks are the majority of lenders in the Indian economy. . Access to banking system has improved over the years due to persistent government efforts to promote banking technology and promote expansion in unbanked and non-metropolitan regions.. Indian banks have already embraced the international banking supervision of Basel II, and majority of Basel III, which has a deadline of March 31, 2019.The Government of India led by Prime Minister NarendraModi initiated a revolutionary step on 8th November 2016 with an objective to curb black money and cashless transactions. As a result there has been severe inconvenience faced by people in availing banking services throughout the country............
Keywords: Banking Technology, Customer Perception, Demonetization, Internet banking[1] Usha Rani K, Vasudha V, "Customer Perception towards E-Banking Services-Post Demonetization", IOSR Journal of Business and Management (IOSR-JBM) pp. 67-73, 2017. Source:
[2] Dr. T.LataSujatha, "A Comparative Study on Pre and Post Demonetization on E-Banking Services",IOSR Journal of Business and Management (IOSR-JBM), pp. 12-17, 2017.
[3] Source:
[4] Dr.Alagarsamy K, Wilson S, "A study on customer behavior towards Banking Services with special reference to Public Sector Banks in Sivagangai District", Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing & Management Review ISSN 2319-2836, Vol.2(2), February 2013, pp. 183 – 196.
[5] Krishna Reddy D.N.V., Dr. Sudhir Reddy M, " A study on customer perception and satisfaction towards Electronic Banking in Khammam District", IOSR Journal of Business and Management, (IOSR – JBM), Vol.-17, Issue-12, December 2015, pp.20-27..
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Abstract: The goal of this research is to analyze what is the importance of knowledge management to companies' develop in Hortolandia city and which are the method they use develop of this management. Basing in bibliographic studies, we carried out a quantitative case study with 11 companies of the Hortolandia city. The knowledge management is something really important to the organization currently in the market and Just the human can develop this, with their values, abilities, intelligence and their differential, however, the company needs to know how develop and to transmit the knowledge to the organization. However, the results show that the companies of Hortolandia city practice the knowledge management, even though they do not know the term conceptually, they use some methods to transfer the knowledge, but they do not matter to the contributor's develop do knowledge, which is currently an unlimited font of competitive strategies..
Keywords: Knowledge Management, Intellectual Capital, Competitive Strategies and Knowledge[1] ALCARÁ, A. R., DI CHIARA, I. G., RODRIGUES, J. L., TOMAÉL, M., & PIEDADE, V. C. (Jan/Apr. of 2009). Factors that influence the sharing of knowledge information. Subjects in information science, pp. 170-191
[2] ANTUNES, Maria Thereza; MARTINS, Eliseu. Intellectual Capital: Truth and Myths. Accounting & Finances Magazine, São Paulo, n. 29, p. 41-54, May of 2002.
[3] CANONGIA, M. SANTOS, & M. SANTOS. Foresight. Competitive intelligence and Knowledge Management: -Instruments to the Management of Innovation. Management & Production, v. 11, n 2, p.231-238, May-August. 2004.
[4] DAVENPORT, Thomas H., PRUSAK, Laurence. (1999). Business Knowledge. Rio de Janeiro: Campus.
[5] DAVENPORT, Thomas H; HARRIS, Jeanne; SHAPIRO, Jeremy. Analyze talents to compete. Harvard Business Review Brazil, 2014; Available in:; Accessed in: 2017 March, 30th.