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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Cost-Effective Stores Management |
Country | : | Libya |
Authors | : | Dr .Saleh Salem Ghnaem |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/487X-2004060107 ![]() |
Abstract: Distribution activities that are involved in store keeping, stock control and stock handling are carried out efficiently and economically by those employed in the stores. Efficient stores management can have a significant impact on the strategic objectives of the Polytechnic. In general administration of stores is to make sure that all activities involved in stock control and employees in the stores carryout stores keeping, store control and stock handling efficiently and economically. It also consists of the recruitment, selection, induction and training of stores officers and more. This research work can be used as a guide in setting stock taking interval. The study will also help to solve the problems faced in setting up periodic stock taking and various activities involve. It will also help potential entrepreneurs to be informed of what is at stake in businesses as far as stock management is concern. The study will reduce the incidence of financial losses characterized by inefficient stores management.
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Abstract: This study was conducted in the City of Lusaka in Zambia at eight public hospitals using a quantitative research design with a post-positivism perspective that employed self-administered closed ended questionnaires for data collecting. The study aims at examining the effect of public sector corporate entrepreneurship dimensions on the performance of the public health sub-sector using the following dimensions that affect organisational performance (1) pro-activeness (2) risk-taking and (3) innovations. In addition, many internal organisational factors moderate the relationship between public sector corporate entrepreneurship dimensions and organisational performance. This study examines three factors: (1) resource availability, (2) supportive organisational structure, (3) rewards/resource reinforcement. Both descriptive and inferential statistics were used to test these relationships.........
Keywords - Corporate Entrepreneurship, Health Sector, Organisational Performance, Public Sector, Zambia
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Abstract: In the past few decades a phenomenal growth is observed in Management Institutions in India and therefore the quality is the major concern. There are various stakeholders involved in quality of education that includes students, teachers, industries, alumnus, society etc. But students play a major role in education system they are one who is most affected. Thus the present study aimed at understanding the students' perception and expectation from the quality of management institutions. The quality gap of educational services was determined based on differences between students' perceptions and expectations. The results demonstrated that negative quality gap is found between the five dimensions of service quality. The least and the highest negative quality gap were found in the reliability (-0.371) and tangibility (-0.498) dimensions respectively. Also, the result of the paired t-test shows that there were significant differences..........
Key Words: Service Quality, Dimensions of Service Quality, Quality Gap, Tangibility, Responsiveness, Reliability, Assurance and Empathy
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Abstract: ISO certification is a business strategy aimed at bolstering the way organizations are managed and direct them towards realization of their competitive advantage. It is a strategic business approach that creates standards for business management systems expected to exceed customers' expectations. This study sought to investigate the effects of ISO certification on competitiveness of public universities in the coastal region of Kenya. A total of 100 teaching and non –teaching staff formed the sample for the study, all drawn from the six public universities in the coastal region of Kenya (Kenyatta University, Moi University, Pwani University, University of Nairobi, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology and Technical University of Mombasa.). The study used SPSS to process the data and statistically analyzed and presented it by means of pie charts, bar graphs and tables. Both descriptive.......
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Abstract: The study investigated the influence of manufacturing sector output on economic growth in Nigeria from 1981 to2016. Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) model and Granger causality technique were utilized. Data from theCentral Bank of Nigeria, statistical bulletin on RGDP, manufacturing capacity utilization (MCU), manufacturingoutput (LMO), government investment expenditure (GINVEXP), money supply (LM2) and interest rate (INR) wereused. Evidence of long-run and short-run relationships among the variables is established. The results showed thatMCU has positive influence on RGDP while LMO affects RGDP positively. It also showed that GINVEXP hasnegative effect on RGDP whereas LM2 influenced RGDP positively. More so, evidence of unidirectional causalityis established between RGDP and MCU, LMO and LM2. Therefore, government should intensify efforts to promotesocio-economic infrastructural, macroeconomic and institutional framework in Nigeria to provide favourableenvironment for external and domestic institutions interactions; hence, harnessed mobilized funds effectivelytowards productive manufacturing sector.........
Keywords: Manufacturing Sector Output, Economic Growth, Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) Model, Granger Causality[1] Adesina, A.O (1992), "Productivity trends in Nigeria". Seminar paper. Department of economics, University of Ibadan.
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Abstract: The purpose of this study is determine the effect of self-leadership on entrepreneurship performance with self efficacy as mediation. The population in this study was 34, the study conducted by census. To answer the problem in this research, the researcher uses Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) measuring instrument using PLS. The result of this study shows that 1) self leadership has positive effect to self efficacy 2) self efficacy have positive effect on entrepreneur performance 3) self leadership have positive effect on entrepreneur performance 4) self leadership positively effect to entrepreneur performance with mediation self efficacy. Limitations in this study hypothesis testing only as a causal relationship between the construct identification of self-leadership, self-efficacy, entrepreneur performance and resource in this study is limited to young entrepreneurs in Denpasar.
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Abstract: The study evaluated the relationship between various financial management practices and financial sustainability focusing on the County Government of Nakuru. Specifically, the study examined how financial controls are related to financial sustainability. The study was guided by the agency theory and resource-based theory. The study employed descriptive research design. The study utilized quantitative approach in the collection of data. The study population constituted a total of 84 accountants, finance officers, auditors, revenue officers, and Sub-County administrators working with the County Government of Nakuru. A census design was adopted. A set of structured questionnaires was..........
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Abstract: The study investigated the effect of cash flow trends on shareholders returns among listed manufacturing and allied companies in Kenya. Over the recent times most of these firms have been showing serious cash flow difficulties. The specific objective of the study was to examine the influence of cash from financing activities on shareholders' returns. The free cash flow theory guided the study. The study adopted a descriptive research design. The target population comprised of accounts and finance staff working with the aforementioned entities. The study population constituted 227 such staff. A sample of 54 respondents was obtained using stratified random sampling technique. The data collected were processed and analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Science Version 24 software. The results of the analysis were presented using tables. The study found that cash flows..........
Keywords: Allied companies, cash flow from financing activities, cash flow trends, manufacturing companies, Nairobi Securities Exchange, shareholders' returns[1]. [Lev, B., Li, S., &Sougiannis, T. (2010). The usefulness of accounting estimates for predicting cash flows and earnings. Review of Accounting Studies, 15(4), 779-807.
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Abstract: The lower income group of India continues to allure interest from policy makers and businesses both domestic and global. Although there have been recent concerns on GDP growth rate, declining exports and sluggish consumption, it still seems that an economic recovery is just around the corner. This research aims at understanding consumption patterns of the lower income group in Mumbai city. The study has been conducted in the latter half of the year 2017 after demonetization and GST effects seem to have been nullified. Data from a structured questionnaire were analysed..............
Keywords: Consumption, Demonetization, GDP, GST,Lower Income Group, Purchasing Power[1]. Kim H (2017) The Effect of Consumption on Economic Growth in Asia. J Glob Econ 5: 259. doi:10.4172/2375-4389.1000259
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