Series-1 (April-2019)April-2019 Issue Statistics
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Inter-Regional Disparity of Economic Variables of Members of SHGs in Maharashtra |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Dr. Pawar Shivaji. A. |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2104040103 ![]() |
Abstract: Self Help Group is voluntary associations of women or men residing in a given area formed democratically and without any politically association. These groups have a common perception of need and impulse towards collective action. SHGs have impact on economic variables of its members, it may be towards equity or disparity. Personal income, savings and consumption expenditure are increasing towards equality due to SHGs. This is good sign of economic development of society due to SHGs. Thus, to generalize this successful movement in entire nation should have proper policy measures and efficient implementation of the same.
[1]. Bansal A.(2012), Microfinance and poverty reduction in India, Journal of Integral Review- A Journal of Management, Volume 5, No. 1, pp. 31-35.
[2]. Pawar S.A. (2019), Towards A Sustainable Society: The Role of SHG as A Catalyst for Economic Stability with Special Reference to SHGs in Maharashtra (2002-2012), Ph. D. Thesis, University of Mumbai, 2019.
[3]. Ravi and others (2014), Impact of micro finance on socio-economic status after joining SHGs in Karnataka: A study, Sothern Economist, Vol.52, p-28.
[4]. Venketesh P. (2012), Micro credit penetration through self-help groups: clues from growth of SHG- Bank Linkage model in India, Indian stream Research journal, Vol.1, p-6..
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Abstract: Entrepreneur is a person who is come up with new product, market or techniques. Entrepreneur is an economic agent who plays a vital role in the economic development of a country.Entrepreneurship contributes the economic growth and thereby plays a vital role in the development process.The present study is an attempt to evaluate the entrepreneurial attitude among the college students. Simple percentage method is used for analysis purpose. The study revealed that only 22% of the respondents prefer entrepreneurship. According to the respondents successful entrepreneurs provides them major motivation to become an entrepreneur. The study suggested that teachers should take initiative to give entrepreneurial education among the students.
Keywords: Entrepreneur, entrepreneurship, students,development
[1]. S.Arunkumar, J Jose Prabhu, S. Divya, V. Sangavi,S.Nandhini R. Prasanna,S. Prakash,2018, Entrepreneurial attitude among management students: an empirical study, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics
[2]. Fasla N.P, 2017,A study on entrepreneurship attitude among college students, NTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RESEARCH SCIENCE & MANAGEMENT
[3]. Magdalena Raczyńska, Adam KrystianWiśniewski, 2016, Entrepreneurial attitudes among students. Research results , Research Gate
[4]. Gary Gorman, Dennis Hanlon, Wayne King," Some research perspectives on entrepreneurship education,enterprise education and education for small business management: a ten-year literature review", International Small Business Journal,..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Comparative Study of Regional Rural Banks In West Bengal |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr.Tanay Kumar Pal || Dr.Uday Krishna Mittra |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2104041014 ![]() |
Abstract: Present paper concentrates some of the important findings and observations of Regional Rural Banks in West Bengal. In West Bengal, three RRBS are functioning. Therefore, it is necessary to analyse the comparative study of financial performance of RRBs in West Bengal. This paper attempts to analyse the comparison of financial performance of RRBs in West Bengal as on 31.03.2017. It is based on the secondary data collected from annual reports of NABARD, RBI, RRBs and few journals and website. The authors try to point out some of the problems faced by RRBs in West Bengal and have made some suggestion towards the development of the RRBS in West Bengal
Keywords: West Bengal, Regional Rural Banks, key Performance indicators, Paschim Banga Gramin Bank, Bangiya Gramin Vikash Bank, Uttra Banga Kshetriya Gramin Bank.
[1]. Paschim Banga Gramin Bank Annual Report , 2016-2017.
[2]. Bangiya Gramin Vikash Bank, Annual Report , 2016-2017.
[3]. Uttarbanga Kshetriya Gramin Bank , Annual Report , 2016-2017.
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Abstract: This study deals with the effects of product characteristics (seasonality, age and shelf life) on buyers' trade approaches (cash, credit, and/or both) in developing countries using Eritrea as a case. It examines the trade approaches that the buyer firms use and evaluates if these approaches are influenced by the buyer's product characteristics. As a result, the role of product characteristics has been verified to a certain extent. The research has revealed that, seasonality and age of product matters in deciding trading practices. The findings sustain the concept that, seasonal and younger products are traded (sold and bought) more on credit compared to those that are not seasonal and older. The paper offers........
Keywords: Trade, cash, credit, product characteristics, buyer, Eritrea.
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Abstract: The research on commercial space distribution generallybased on the spatial distribution of human. Traffic and itsmobilityplay an increasingly important role in business, exploring the relationshipbetweentraffic and commercial elements of the spatial pattern has greatsignificance. In thispaper, wecollected spatial data of 1628 commercial outlets in four types of commercial activities, includesupermarkets, department store, convenience stores, grocery stores in Tianhe District. Thenmake a kerneldensityanalysisseparately for different commercial activitiesusingArcGIS. On this basis, analysize the correlation of traffic, population and different commercial activities, compare the degreebetweenthesetwofactorsassociatedwith........
Keywords: Transportation network, Population, Commercial outlets, Kernel density, Scale
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Abstract: The banking sector in Nigeria is facing series of problems some of which are within the banking organisations themselves and others, which the environment has thrown at them. This study examined the effect of work environment on customer acquisition in selected deposit money banks in Lagos State. The study adopted survey research design. The population was the senior and middle-level management staff, as well as the junior workers that constitute the largest strata of the bank employees (30, 693). A stratified random sampling technique was used to select the sample size of 613 as determined with Slovin formula. Data was analysed using simple linear regression. Findings revealed that work environment had a positive and significant effect on customer acquisition of the selected deposit money banks (β = 0.489, t = 14.660, p<0.05, F = 214.903; R2 = 0.413). The study concluded.........
Keywords: Customer acquisition, Deposit money banks, Organisational performance, Work environment, Work condition.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Employee Turnover Reduction Strategies in Service Sectors |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Venkatraman P || Vijayakumar || Prasad Annamalai |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2104043338 ![]() |
Abstract: Now a days, in Service Sectors there are huge Challenges faced by the Human Resource managers to reduce the attrition rate of the employees. Because, this creates increases in instability of many organisations. So, the organisation needs more human resources in order to continue there business. This article summarizes the results from personal factors, organization and work factors, Social and economic factors which influences on the turnover rate of the employees. From an employee point of view there are various reasons for them to leave their job and search for an alternatives. So that, we studied various studies and researches on this employee turnover problem and pointed out the major reasons for the increase in attrition rate.Also, with some important strategies to be followed from........
Keywords: Attrition rate, Reason, Strategies, Human Resource Management and Employees
[1]. AlamdarHussian Khan and MuhammedAleem(2014). "Impact of job satisfaction on employee turnover: An empirical study of Autonomous medical institution of pakistan". Journal of International studies.Vol.7, No.1, PP.123-132. DOI: 10.14254/2071-8330.2014/7-1/11.
[2]. Aruna.S.Gamage(2014). "Employee Turnover in Manufacturing SME's in Japan: An Analysis of the link with HRM Practices". Sabaragamuwa University Journal. Volume 13, No.1: PP.17-31
[3]. Chowdhury Abdullah Al Mamun, Md.NazmulHasan(2017). "Factor affecting employee turnover and sound retentions strategies in business organization: aconceptual view". LLC Consulting publishing company "Business perspectives". Problems and perspectives in management, Volume 15, Issue: PP.63-71. DOI link:
[4]. Collin Lye Chin(2018). "The Influence of Job Satisfaction on Employee Turnover Intention in the Manufacturing Industry of Malaysia".Journal of Arts & Social Sciences. Vol.2, Issue 2: PP.53-63.
[5]. Danica.K.Knight, Jennifer.E.Becan, Patrick.M.Flynn. "The impact of staff turnover on workplace demand and Co-worker relationship".US National Library of Medicine National Institute of Health. Vol.13, Issue: PP.20-23. DOI: 10.148/IJBBR.2017.6101..
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Abstract: This study principally aimedat examininghow reverse logistics influences firm performance, with competitive advantage playing an intervening (mediating) role. The study carefully selected 187 logistics, procurement and production managers via stratified sampling from Ghanaian bottled and sachet manufacturing firms. Questionnaire was the main data collection instrument for the study. The study tested all hypotheses using PLS-SEM via SMART PLS 3 software. The findings of the study showed that reverse logistics positively and significantlyinfluences competitive advantage and firm performance. The findings further disclosed that competitive advantage positively and significantlyinfluencesfirm performance. Moreover, the findings showed that competitive advantage plays a significant intervening........
Keywords: Reverse Logistics, Competitive Advantage, Firm Performance
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Abstract: This study aimed to analyze the effect of organizational culture, compensation, leadership, work motivation and job satisfaction on employee performance. This also tested the variables through the mediation of work motivation and job satisfaction of employees in PT.BosowaBerlian Motor Branch, South Sulawesi. This applied quantitative approach of which data was colected using survey methods with questionnaires instrument. The data involved 162 employees as samples that were obtained through purposive sampling. Moreover, the data was analysizedwith Structural Equation Model (SEM) analysis. As the result, this study indicated that organizational culture, compensation, leadership, work motivation and job satisfaction had a positive and........
Keywords: Organizational Culture, Compensation, Leadership, Work Motivation, Job Satisfaction and Employee Performance
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Abstract: The main aim of this study was to assess factors affecting Service Performance: A comparative study between Commercial Bank of Ethiopia (CBE) and Dashen Bank (DB), Hawassa Branch. The types of research employed in this study were descriptive and exploratory research. Moreover, this study utilized cross-sectional survey. 398 respondents were selected by using simple random sampling techniques, Self-Administered Questionnaires (238 CBE AND 160 to DB) were randomly distributed to collect the primary data based on random sampling method and out of those, 368 relevant questionnaires (215 from CBE and 153 from DB) were properly filled and returned by respondents. The questionnaire........
Keywords: Service performance dimensions, Dashen Bank, commercial bank of Ethiopia
[1]. Al-Hawary, S.I.S., Alhamali, M.R., and Alghanim, A.S. (2011), Banking service quality provided by commercial banks and customer satisfaction, American Journal of Scientific Research, 27(2011):68-38
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Abstract: The main objective of this study is to assess the effects of coffee certification on the livelihood of small scale household in Aletachuko district, Sidama Zone. Cross-sectional survey research design with quantitative and qualitative research approach was employed. Both primary and secondary sources of data were used.. Secondary data were collected from district marketing and cooperative office, to cross-check the income and asset holdings of primary co-operative members in coffee certification. Besides, books, published, and unpublished sources were reviewed. Primary data was collected by using structured questionnaire and key informant interview. A total of 386 sample cooperative members were selected through stratified random sampling technique. The collected data......
Keywords: Coffee certification, Factors, , small scale house hold, Income, Aletachuko district
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Abstract: Agriculture is an important sector in Ethiopia. It plays a great role in poverty alleviation, food security, and economic growth. The main objective of this study was to assess factors affecting marketing of vegetable product in Qewet woreda, Vegetables producers, North Shewa Zone, Amhara Regional State. From 6 potential vegetable producer kebeles in the woreda 3 kebeles were selected purposively. Multistage sampling technique and proportional stratified sampling technique was used to select sample vegetable producers from each stratum. 346 vegetable producers were selected by using proportionate stratified random sampling technique. A structured enumerator administered schedule was used to collect the primary data. Descriptive and inferential statistical tools.......
Keywords: Factors, Vegetable marketing, Qewet woreda
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