Series-6 (April-2019)April-2019 Issue Statistics
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Abstract: To satisfy the customer and retain them is the major task of marketing personnel is very tiff jobs, due to large number of alternatives are available for them. The study is justifying towards the modern concept of marketing of satisfying the customers through the service quality. The study was conducted to examine the impact of service quality on customer satisfaction in Big Bazaar in Raipur City. The study examined the impact of each antecedent of service quality on customer satisfaction through SERVQUAL model of Persuraman et. al, (1988). The result revealed a positive impact of service quality on Customer Satisfaction. This study shows a significant impact of tangibility (p= 0.005) and empathy (p=0.005) on customer satisfaction.
Keywords: SERVQUAL, service quality, customer satisfaction, tangibility
[1]. A.Parsuraman, V. A. (1988). SERVQUAL: A Multiple- Item Scale For Measuring Consumer Perceptions Of Service Quality. Journal Of Retailing, 12-40.
[2]. Archi Dubey, D. A. (2016). Impact Of Service Quality On Customer Loyalty- A Study On Telecom Sector In India. IOSR Journal Of Business And Management (IOSR-JBM) , 45-55.
[3]. Arun Kumar .G, D. A. (2012). Service Quality In Super Markets: A Study Of Consumers Satisfaction In Apparel Retailing . IOSR Journal Of Business And Management (IOSRJBM) , 49-53.
[4]. Bahraminasab, A. (2016). Impact Of SERVQUAL Model Dimensions On Customer Satisfaction: Accounting View . European Journal Of Business And Management , 61-70.
[5]. Bazaar, B. (2017). Life At Big Bazaar. Retrieved December 06, 2018, From Big Bazaar: Https://Www.Bigbazaar.Com/..
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Abstract: Despite all the investments made by various players, youthowned MSEs have not succeeded in getting off the ground and a high failure rate among them has been documented. Asaconcern to this high failure rate among the youthowned MSEs,the study sought to evaluate the micro level determinants of survival and success of youth owned MSEs.The study adopted descriptive research. The population of the study constituted the entire 98 MSEs in Nyeri South Sub County, Kenya as at 31st July 2016. Out of the 98 questionnaires that were distributed, 55 were completed and returned accounting for 56% response rate. Questionnaires were used to collect primary data from the proprietors of the youth owned MSEs. The researcher carried out a pilot study in order to enhance the validity......
Keywords: Organizational Micro Level Determinants, Survival, Youth Owned Micro and Small Enterprises
[1]. Akindele, E.,Baah-Nuakoh, A. ,Duggle by,T. ,Hettige, H., & Steel, W.F. (2012). Supply and Demand for Finance of Small Scale Enterprises, Discussion Paper No.251.Washington DC: World Bank.
[2]. Aldrich, H. E. and Martinez, M. A. (2001). Many are called, but few are chosen: An evolutionary perspective for the study of entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship theory and practice 25(4): 41-56.
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[5]. Bird, B. (1989).Implementing entrepreneurial ideas: The case for intention.Academy of management Review, 13(3): 442-453...
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Abstract: Global warming and climate change have led to extreme changes in climatic conditions in recent years. The Taiwan government designates the construction of the Kinmen County as low carbon islands, to promote the operation of 100 electric motorcycles and battery demonstration. This study combined with island tourism, after boarding the island, visitors can rent electric motorcycles from the passenger service center and coordinate with the island tour map to show the location of the battery exchange points, so as to facilitate the search. During the operation, the amount of electric........
Keywords: low carbon island; electric motorcycles; green transport; battery exchange; carbon emissions
[1]. Acquaye, A.A., Duffy, A.P., 2010. Input–output analysis of Irish construction sector greenhouse gas emissions. Build Environ. 45, 784–91.
[2]. Adnan, Muhammad, 2013. Passenger car equivalent factors in heterogenous traffic environment-are we using the right numbers? In: Procedia Engineering, Fourth International Symposium on Infrastructure Engineering in Developing Countries, IEDC 2013, vol. 77, pp. 106–113. 004.
[3]. Beggs, Steven, D., Cardell, N.S., 1980. Choice of smallest car by multi-vehicle households and the demand for electric vehicles. Transp. Res. Part A: Gen. 14 (5–6), 389–404.
[4]. Brownstone, David, Bunch, David S., Train, Kenneth, 2000. Joint mixed logit models of stated and revealed preferences for alternative-fuel vehicles. Transp. Res. Part B: Methodol. 34 (5), 315–338.
[5]. Brownstone, David, Train, Kenneth, 1998. Forecasting new product penetration with flexible substitution patterns. J. Econom. 89 (1–2), 109–129.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Protection and Solutions in Urban Settings: Engaging With Cities |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Fadoua Bakhadda |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2104062932 ![]() |
Abstract: Member states adopted the refugees compact in the 17th (general assembly in UN in New York).This compact contributes to the milestone of refugees crisis as a responsibility of the international community. Host countries with limitedresources than others find difficulties to respond to refugees needs or to respond shortly. International community needs to invest on sustaining those countries plans for refugees in order to ensure sustainability, saving life, to ensure education and create jobs for refugee communities. The compact wants to offer opportunities to all of that. It will be an institutional place where communities will be organized, find solutionsto refugees. One way to do so is the inclusive approach with keeping in mind tosupport refugees to come back home when then can........
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Abstract: Precariousness is a complex, multidimensional phenomenon, poverty and education qui of the two REMAIN Determining factors of vulnerability, Especially of rural women. Some of the Millennium Development Goals, completedin 2015-have the Targeted socio-economicempowerment of rural women. The various postponements published on the impact of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) underline, on the one hand, the lightness of results in mostAfrican countries (58% of poverty rate and 56% of enrollment rate) and points in the other hand the success.......
Keywords: Training, precariousness, sustainable development, socio-economic empowerment
[1]. Chandy, L. and K. Homi, 2014. What Do New Price Data Mean For The Goal of Ending Extreme Poverty? Sisponiblesur: blogs / up-front / posts / 2014/05/05-data-extreme-poverty-Chandy-Kharas.
[2]. Chen, S. and Ravallion, M., 2010. The Developing World Is Poorer Than We Thought, But No Less Successful in the Fight Against Poverty. Quarterly Journal of Economics 125 (4): pp. 1577-1625
[1]. AfDB, OECD, UNDP, UNECA, 2013a. African Economic Outlook, 2013a. South Africa.
[2]. ECA and OECD, 2013. The Mutual Review of Development Effectiveness in Africa: Promise and results. Addis Ababa.
[3]. UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization), 2008. Policies and literacy strategies in the Maghreb: Comparative Perspectives for Algeria, Mauritania and Morocco. United Nations Literacy Decade..
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Abstract: This study examined the impact of dividends index impact on the select indices volatility. For this study historical time series data has been considered of Nifty – 50 dividends Points index and various sectoral stocks from the period of 2012-13 to 2017-18, which are paying high dividends. The study adopted the Auto regressive conditional heteroskedasticity test to identify the volatility effect of the Nifty – 50 dividends Points index on the selected stock price volatility. The Garch effect has been observed on the selected stocks returns volatility. Nifty – 50 Dividends Points Index influence has been measured with the Ordinary least square has been applied and the result stated that the nifty – 50 dividends points index impact on the returns of selected stocks.
Keywords: ARCH, Dividends Points Index, GARCH, Nifty – 50, Stocks Returns and Volatility.
[1]. Werner-Ria Murhadi (2008): Study On Dividend Policy: Antecedent and Its Impact on Share Price", MPRA Pg. No. 25596, UTC
[2]. Rimza Sarwar and Nadia Naseem (2014)" Review of Dividend Policy and its Impact on Shareholders Wealth", International Journal of Management & Organizational Studies Volume 3, Issue 4, ISSN: 2305-2600
[3]. Dewasiri N J and Weerakoon Y K (2015), Impact of Dividend Policy on Stock Price Volatility: Evidence from Sri Lanka, 11th International Conference on Business Management – 2014...
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Abstract: This study examined the impact of the ultimate ownership structure of the tax avoidance practices by considering the implementation of CSR. Population of study is a manufacturing company that listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange. technique of sampling is purposive sampling. Size of sample is 46 companies manufacturing with the observation period of 5 years, so there are 230 observation data. Data analysis techniques with path analysis. The findings of the study are that CSR further motivates controlling shareholders to practice tax avoidance in manufacturing companies in Indonesia.
Keywords: ultimate ownership structure, CSR, tax avoidance
[1]. Bowen, H. R. (1953). Social Responsibilities Of The Businessman. New York, Harper Publishers.
[2]. Chandrarin, G. (2017). Accounting Research Method-Quantitative Approach. Jakarta, Salemba Empat Publishers, ISBN: 978-979-061-771-1,
[3]. Chen, S., Chen, X., Cheng, Q., & Shevlin, T. (2010). Are family firms more tax aggressive than non-family firms? Journal of Financial Economics, 95(1), 41-61.
[4]. Chung, K., Kim, W., Oh, J., & Park, G. (2016). Dual Path Model in Consumer Attitude Formation According to the Retailing CSR Activities: Focused on CSR Motivation Factor. Advanced Science and Technology Letters, 122, 22-26.
[5]. Claessens, S., Djankov, S., & Lang, L. H. P. (2000). The Separation of Ownership and Control in East Asian Corporations. Journal of Financial Economics, 58(1-2), 81-112..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Effect of Capıtal and Labor on Productıvıty on Turkısh Textıle Companıes |
Country | : | Turkey |
Authors | : | Max Dula Jaff |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2104065463 ![]() |
Abstract: The Turkish textile industries has contributed to the economic growth of Turkey for years now which has brought a considerable amount of output in business areas and world trade markets. The Turkish Textile companies played an important role in exportation, job availability and technological development. Due to the constant remark in the progressive industrial performance of the Turkish textiles industries which have improved daily life of people in the society,hence the present study aims to analyze the effect of the relationship of labor and capital on the productivity for 8 different Turkish textile firms which covers a duration of 9 years from 2009 to 2017. Therefore, 8 textile companies........
Keywords:Productivity, Textile industries in Turkey, Ready to wear, Output, Input
[1]. Ayvaci, O. A. (2011).Is Turkey Profitable. Retrieved from capital: haberler/23259.aspx?1.Page
[2]. Bayrak, A. Ozcan, A.I. Anil, N.K. & Emre, F. (2003-2004). Istanbul province belongs to the textile industry firms selected from data envelopment analysis and measurement of effectiveness. Review of Social Economic and Business Studies, 3/4, 161-177.
[3]. Bernolak Imre (1980). Interfirm Comparison in Canada. Productivity Measurement: An International Review of Concepts, Techniques, Programmes and Current Issues, Gower, UK.
[4]. Baig Ayesha (2002). Productivity is National Prosperity. Productivity Journal, National Productivity Organization Pakistan, Islamabad.
[5]. Cobb, C. W.; Douglas, P. H. (1928). "A Theory of Production"(PDF). American Economic Review. 18 (Supplement): 139–165. Retrieved 26September 2016.
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Abstract: The World Economic Forum pointed out that the fourth generation of industrial revolution technology, as the next generation of economic growth engine, should be fully applied in the manufacturing industry. Intelligent manufacturing is gradually becoming the commanding point of innovation and innovation in manufacturing industry. Cost control is one of the main factors for manufacturing enterprises to improve economic efficiency. Traditional cost control may no longer apply to today's intelligent manufacturing enterprises, or even hinder the development of intelligent manufacturing enterprises. Therefore, it is necessary to innovate the cost control of intelligent manufacturing enterprises. Based on the traditional cost control and the characteristics of intelligent manufacturing enterprises, this paper studies the innovation of cost control in order to improve the competitive advantage of intelligent manufacturing enterprises and promote their economic benefits.
Keywords: Intelligent manufacturing, Manufacturing enterprise, Cost control, Management innovation
[1]. Chen Liwen (2014). Research on cost Control of Manufacturing Enterprises based on the idea of Target cost Control. China Chief Financial Officer, 68-69.
[2]. Chen Yanqing (2017). Problems and solutions of cost control in manufacturing industry. Accounting Learning, 126-128.
[3]. Cheng Ping & Zhang Lu (2015). Cost Control of Manufacturing Enterprises based on Cloud Accounting in big data era. Friends of Accounting, 133-136.
[4]. Feng Qiaogen (2016). Management accounting innovation based on intelligent manufacturing. Friends of Accounting, 126-132.
[5]. Feng Yuan (2015). Intelligent Manufacturing and cost Management: fusion and Innovation. Modern Accounting, 6-11.
[6]. Gao Qingsong & Li Ting (2018). Research progress and comments on "made in China 2025". Journal of Industrial Technological Economics, 59-66..
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Abstract: Stress can be explained as psychologically or emotionally upsetting situation which occur due to adverse external influences and affects our physical health by increasing heart rate, increase in blood pressure, muscular tension, irritability, and depression. Technostress was defined by Wang, et. al is a ""reflection of one‟s discomposure, fear, tenseness and anxiety when one is learning and using computer technology directly or indirectly that ultimately ends in psychological and emotional repulsion and prevents one from further learning or using computer technology.‟‟ She determined the relationship between technology and stress to find out stress related issues and the extent it affects an individual‟s life and to have an understanding of the consequences of using too much technology. Her results revealed that thirty-eight percent of the respondents feel anxiety when their cell phones are not around, and 58% always check their cell phone the moment they receive a notification. It was also found that "blur boundaries" exists between the work and home environments. On the whole, her result s confirmed that the phenomenon known as "technostress" exists. Salanova, et. al, gave........
[1]. Ragu-Nathan, T. S., Tarafdar, M., Ragu-Nathan, B. S., & Qiang, T. (2008). The Consequences of Technostress for End Users in Organizations: Conceptual Development and Empirical Validation. Information Systems Research, 19(4), 417-433.
[2]. Salanova, M., Llorens, S., Cifre, E., and Nogareda, C. (2007) Technostress: Concept, measurement, and Prevention. Notatechia de Prevencion. 730. Madrid, Spain. INSHT
[3]. Wang, K., Shu, Q., and Tu., K. (2008). "Technostress under different organizational environments: An empirical investigation" Computers in Human Behavior, Vol. 24 Issue 6 Pg 3002-3013.
[4]. Wall, T. D., R. R. Jackson, S. Mullarkey, S. K. Parker. (1996). The demands-control model of job strain: A more specific test. J. Occupational Organ. Psych. 69(2) 153–166.
[5]. Walz, K. (2012). "Stress Related Issues Due to Too Much Technology: Effects on Working Professionals" (2012).MBA Student Scholarship. Paper 12. accessed May 9, 2014