Version-1 (Sep-Oct 2018)
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Abstract: In the present day situation, individuals are on a typical stage in that they should be associated with the Internet to anyplace and at whenever throught the world. This can be incredibly ascribed to advancement of Information correspondence innovations (ICT) with developing select administrations (shrewd homes, telemedicine, e-Health applications and so forth.) which are accessible for the clients through heterogeneous Internet of Things (IoT) systems, driven by machine to machine (M2M) correspondence. Disregarding the correspondence that is set up essentially by utilizing gadgets, the human clients are genuine "generators" and "customers..........
Keywords–Radio Frequency Identification (RFID), Electronic Product Code (EPC), Close Filed Communication (NFC), The Trust Communication Module (TCM), Representational State Transfer (REST)
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Log Based Intrusion Detection System |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Umesh K. Raut |
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: | 10.9790/0661-2005011522 ![]() |
Abstract: The idea of making everything readily available and universally has led to a revolution in the field of networks. In spite of the tremendous growth of technologies in the field of networks and information, we still lack in preventing our resources from cyber-attacks. This may not concern small organizations but it is a serious issue as far as industries, companies or national securities are concerned. Since many different mechanisms were opted by organizations in the form of intrusion detection and prevention systems to protect themselves from these kinds of attacks, there are many security breaches which go undetected. A host-based intrusion detection system (HIDS) is a system that monitors a computer system on which it is installed to detect an intrusion and/or misuse, and responds by logging the activity and notifying the designated authority. In this paper, we develop a HIDS using logs generated by services running on the systems. We will discuss about the client-server architecture used in HIDS.
Keywords–Terms: IDS, HIDS, security, threat detection, log analysis
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[5]. Sreenivas Sremath Tirumala, Hira Sathu, Abdolhossein Sarrafzadeh, "Free and open source Intrusion Detection Systems: A study", Interna-tional Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, Guangzhou, 12-15 July 2015..
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Abstract: The hydrocarbon fractions of the gasoline or Diesel can be detected at the in-situ with the application of the Internet of Things and can be accessed through the remote and data can be perceived through the smart phone. This will help in the finding the tailpipe exhaust, pollutants released into the air. The use of cheaper fuels in the transport field is causing more concern with respect to the health hazard. If the exhaust gas elements/composition is detected in advance, the environmental pollution can be contained to the limiting factors. This will help is limit the global warming so also the carcinogenic diseases, the health hazard in a long way. Multivariate Analysis (MVA) is one of the statistical principles of multivariate statistics, it refers to any statistical technique used to analyze data that arises from more than one variable, which involves observation and analysis of data...........
Keywords– Transport Fuels, Adulteration, Computational Techniques, Internet of Things, Multivariate Analysis, Principal component analysis, pandas, Machine learning.
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Abstract: This paper presents a novel approach for texture classification, generalizing the well-known local binary pattern (LBP) approach. The local binary pattern (LBP) descriptor is widely used in texture analysis because of its computational simplicity and robustness to illumination changes. However, LBP has limitations to fully capture discriminating information. The uniform patterns derived on LBP have resulted with a medium classification rate. To overcome this and to make best use of ULBP, this paper proposed extended uniform patterns. In this paper, the variants of fundamental units of texture derived from uniform Local binary patterns are integrated with textons and statistical features are derived on them for a precise texture classification. This paper initially transformed the raw texture...........
Keywords– Uniform patterns, texton, Contrast, classification, texton, contrast
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Comparative Analysis of Path Finding Algorithms |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Shabina Banu Mansuri || Shiv kumar |
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: | 10.9790/0661-2005013845 ![]() |
Abstract: Searching is the problem-solving technique in artificial intelligence. There are various search algorithms related to search like Dijkstra, Depth first search, Breadth first search, A*,Hill Climbing, Best first search algorithms and their variants. But most famous algorithms are Dijkstra and A* search algorithms. Dijkstra algorithm is used to solve the path finding problem. Almost all application is using Dijkstra till now. As technology grows, the speed of vehicles also increased like rocket. That is why a scholar as well as Microsoft, Google like companies starts working on A* algorithm because A* performance is better than Dijkstra. At present time, even one second has also weightage for Light motor vehicles because of its very high speed. That is why it is necessary to design and develop tools to analysis the performance of Dijkstra, A* and their variants. According to designed or developed tool IDA* performance is better than Dijkstra and A*.
Keywords– Light motor vehicles, Path Finding Problem, Dijkstra, A*, IDA*.
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Abstract: This paper aims to quantify and evaluate the cost saving of offering IPTV service through the 'Gold' Network Solutions implemented in IPTV SMC ISP data center; SDN and NFV.Recently, the demand for Streaming services like Real-time Video Streaming, IPTV Application service, Video Game,etc. is tremendous increased,and the end-users are pretending to deliver these services with high quality and low Cost. On the other hand, the Service Providers are facing several problems through offering the services, such as a problem with bandwidth, difficulties in Management, Controlling and Monitoring of huge data collected, the problem with Performance and quality of service delivering by the clients.Through SDN capabilities, the IPTV ISP's can benefit to reach cost saving...........
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Nanobiosensors: Ideas And Variations |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Dr.Khan Uzma Khatoon |
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: | 10.9790/0661-2005015460 ![]() |
Abstract: Biosensing has been one amongst the most popular topic attracting scientific minds since long back. It's therefore as biological entities square measure terribly complicated and square measure directly related to the existence of a healthy setting. The look of biosensors additionally has witnessed vital changes within the recent past. Biosensors for applications as various as food quality estimation, environmental observance, and identification of clinical and metabolic complications have return to the fore. Technology has given some extremely exciting ingredients for the development of sensing development. the utilization of various nanomaterials starting from nanoparticles, nanotubes........
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Survey on Machine Learning And Data Mining Methods And Applications |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Rajan Singh || Bramah Hazela |
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: | 10.9790/0661-2005016165 ![]() |
Abstract: In This paper we have a tendency to describe a centered literature Survey of machine learning (ML) and data processing (DM) ways and applications .Under this analysis paper explanations of every machine learning and data processing technique square measure providing. It's established on the amount of the importance of a rising technique, Papers representing every technique were recognized, and it's additionally used for scan, and summarized .Because we know that the data are very important in ML & DM methods. As we know that ML&DM is very important and growing research area .it is used by the natural scientist to as this paper we want explain and survey of combining both machine learning and data mining methods.
Keywords: Data mining, Machine learning ,Clustering.
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Abstract: The introduction of Software Defined Networking as a panacea to the global demand for a more secure and highly dependable internet infrastructure has also brought along security issues. The adoption of OpenFlow Protocol (OFP) by SDN as the way of communication between controllers and switches has not only brought about easy and direct manipulation of data for enhanced packet forwarding policies, but also renders the network vulnerable to security issues (DDOS attacks) since the OF switch has to ask the controller to install new rules for any new incoming packet. In this paper, we prove that SDN is capable of handling security threats that arise from the above vulnerability. We implement a DDOS detection module that detects and blocks SYN flood attacks aimed to destabilize the flow of normal network traffic among users in a software-defined networking environment..
Keywords: DDOS detection , Mininet, OpenFlow, Software Defined Networking, Security, SYN flooding
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Increasing Growth of Internet in India and Its Significance |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Gnyanganga Vishwanath |
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: | 10.9790/0661-2005017375 ![]() |
Abstract: India has one of the greatest and speediest creating masses of Internet users in the world, which is evaluated to be around 190 million as of June 2014 and growing rapidly. India at this point has the third greatest Internet people on earth today, after China with 620 million and the US with 275 million. The advancement in the Internet base in India is at present surprising. It required quite a while from the associate of the Internet with show up at 100 million users. The second 100 million will presumably be reached inside three years, and the third in less than a year. The current article describes the increasing growth of internet in India.
Keywords: Internet, Digital, Mobile
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