Series-2 (Jan-Feb 2019)Jan-Feb 2019 Issue Statistics
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Abstract: The correct formal design is anachievement in software engineering, but we faced with challenges to satisfy that. The informal problems types are general or special. The special informal problems depend on the case study and the general informal problems come from an inexperienced designer called anti-patterns". In this paper we discuss these two types on Insulin Infusion Pump (IIP) and sample of UML class diagrams. The proposed approach to formalize IIP is based on using event B. Finally, we could verify that the code generated from the proposed approach is correct and formal to use as a pattern. The accuracy of the proposed verification steps are suitable for using toany systems or medical device. We applied the proposed approach on the sample of eightfamous UML class diagrams used as templates. The method ameliorates the proof percentage.
Keywords: Event-B, Insulin Infusion Pump (IIP), patterns, anti-patterns.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Smart Water Monitoring System Using IOT at Home |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | M.B.Kawarkhe || Sanjay Agrawal |
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: | 10.9790/0661-2101021419 ![]() |
Abstract: Water is essential to human life and the health of the environment. To fulfill the good quality of water required by the people we developed IoT based water quality monitoring automation system for home, offices, etc. To design a system we measured water pH, water level, flow, temperature etc. water parameters using different sensors. In this paper we proposed a smart sensor interface device that integrates water tank level monitoring, water pollution monitoring and water pipeline leakage monitoring. We used ultrasonic sensor to check the water tank level, flow sensor to detect water leakage in pipelines, pH sensor to check the water quality and temperature sensor to check the temperature of the water. The system automation is represented by using Labview software. This automation system is control by using laptop/mobile phones. By placing this system in a smart building, we will be able to collect and analyze the water usage patterns of the residents and save a lot of water from wastage.
Keywords: Microcontroller, pH Sensors, Flow Sensor, Temperature Sensor, Ultrasonic Sensor
[1]. Bhad Vidya, Kale Poonam, Gavhale Priyanka, Darekar Gaurav, Prof A.S Chandgude,"Water Level Monitoring System In Real Time Mode Using WSN",International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 6, Issue 9, September 2016.
[2]. Mithila Barabde, Shruti Danve, "Real Time Water Quality Monitoring System",International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering Vol. 3, Issue 6, June 2015.
[3]. jayti bhatt, jignesh patoliya ,"IoT based water quality monitoring system", International Journal Of Industrial Electronics And Electrical Engineering Volume-4, Issue-4, Apr.-2016.
[4]. Cho Zin Myint*, Lenin Gopal*, and Yan Lin Aung, "Reconfigurable Smart Water Quality Monitoring System in IoT Environmet", ACIS 16th International Conference on Computer and Information Science (ICIS), IEEE xplore, ISBN: 978-1-5090-5507-4.
[5]. Anthony Faustine , Aloys N. Mvuma, Hector J. Mongi, Maria C. Gabriel, Albino J. Tenge, Samuel B. Kucel, "Wireless Sensor Networks for Water Quality Monitoring and Control within Lake Victoria Basin: Prototype Development", Wireless Sensor Network, 2014, 6, 281-290.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Simple Complex Operation Utilizing Single Quantum Gate |
Country | : | China |
Authors | : | Daqing Liu || Shuyue Chen || Yu Xue || Xinhua Li |
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: | 10.9790/0661-2101022024 ![]() |
Abstract: In the paper we encoded each qubit state in 2 two-level system into a point in the extended complex plane. According to the one-to-one encoding, an algorithm of realizing complex operation utilizing a single quantum gate was proposed. In some case the algorithm is decorrelation free. We hope the preliminarily discussed results are useful in the quantum simulations.
Keywords: complex operation, single quantum gate, extended complex plane.
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Abstract: The local based methods are very popular in the texture classification methods. The local based methods are mostly derived on circular regions or on isotropic structures. In the literature few researchers carried out research based on elliptical neighborhoods or anisotropic structures. The main drawback in the derivation of anisotropic structural information is they derive huge histogram bin size i.e. twice of local binary pattern (LBP). This paper derived complex patterns on a 5x5 micro region and the complex pattern derives the complete structural information of isotropic, anisotropic and hyperbolic shapes. The disadvantages of local based methods are they fail in representing the macro structures. To address this paper initially divides the texture image into macro regions of size 15x15 and each macro region is divided into a micro region of size 5x5 and complex patterns are derived............
Keywords: Isotropic; anisotropic; hyperbolic; structures; macro; micro; feature.
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Abstract: The detail that the sign is extensively recycled as a resources of private confirmation accentuates the necessity for a programmed confirmation scheme since the unsuccessful side-effect of being simply neglected by those who would simulate the documentation or determined of a separate. A perfect agreement of effort has been completed in the region of off-line sign confirmation over the earlier few periods. Confirmation can be achieved moreover Offline or Online in order to the application. Connected schemes (online) practice active information of a sign took at the time the signature is made. Disconnected schemes (offline) practice on the scanned copy of a signature. And now there is a new technology called as Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) which is a knowledge that is developing widely, and being part of our regular exists more frequently and opening way to the Internet of Things. This technology can classify mental matters automatically, practically in real-time. Inappropriately, the knowledge.......
Keywords: Offline signature, Identification, cloud, SIFT, BOW, SVM, RFID
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Abstract: Autism is an organic process disorder that occurs in the early age of a child defined by troubles with social interaction and communication. It also regards restricted and repetitive behavior. A significant damage occurs in social, occupational and other areas of functioning for these reasons. Today it is a matter of big anxiety. Abnormal inter-regional property of brain at functional level in autistic patients is presented by recent works. In patients with autism the fusiform gyrus (FG) region bearing face processing in controls are hypoactive. To analyze the causes of autism, fusiform gyrusof brain has been studied. For behavior analysis functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) images of fusiform gyrus for control and autistic patients are considered as input images. Three categories..........
Keywords: autism, autistic spectrum disorders (ASD), fusiform gyrus, functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI)..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Implementation Findings of e-Aushadhi: A Holistic Review |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Priyanka Dutta || Ajay Kr. Gupta |
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: | 10.9790/0661-2101025159 ![]() |
Abstract: Healthcare delivery across the globe is undergoing fundamental changes. So ignoring ICT in healthcare delivery is not affordable. The Indian healthcare sector is growing at a brisk pace due to its strengthening coverage, services and increasing expenditure by public as well as private players. Supporting this growth of Healthcare in public sector "e-Aushadhi‟ has proved itself a successful system in distribution and management of medicines, surgical equipments and sutures. The new agenda for Public Health in India includes the epidemiological transition, demographical divide, environmental changes and social determinants of health. e-Aushadhi being a radical and liberal environment in its own let the government trace out the actual scenario of health by providing information about relative health statistics of different states, and also the comparisons among them. e-Aushadhi has paved the way to enhance the use of technology as a cost-effective solution to support the administration's step towards new direction..
Keywords: drug distribution, e-Aushadhi, supply chain management, government initiative
[1]. Subitha Lakshminarayanan, Role of government in public health: Current scenario in India and future scope, Journal of Family and Community Medicine, 2011 Jan-Apr, 18(1):26-30.
[2]. Himani Goel, A standalone utility-"e-Aushadhi desktop‟, Advance Computing Conference (IACC) IEEE International, 2014 :428-431.
[3]. Access to Low Cost Generic Medicines, Rajasthan, Center for Innovations in Public Systems- Health.
[4]. e-Aushadhi Approach Paper, 2017, CDAC..
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Abstract: Sub-actuated robotic hands are increasing targets for studies and research on the biomedical engineering field, with several types of drives and degrees of freedom. Brain waves captured by EEG equipment have been used to prostheses control. The present work aims to study a initial new way of controlling bionic prostheses, by brain waves, and transmitted to the prostheses via Bluetooth, causing direct connections or other invasive methods to become expendable. For the control, the EEG device captures the frequencies and voltages of the brainwaves and transmits them to the Arduino board, after a filtering and calculation of these waves. The methods necessary for activation of specific parts of the brain are also commented on, based on neurological concepts about functional brain mapping. The tests results demonstrated that is possible to open and close a prototype hand in 3D printer using brain waves, presenting excellent control efficiency and drive response.
Keywords: drug distribution, e-Aushadhi, supply chain management, government initiative
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[4]. Bury, LAD, Sabo, SL. Building a Terminal. The Neuroscientist. 2016;22(4):372-391.
[5]. Karavelioglu, E, Gonul, Y, Aksit, H, Boyaci, MG, Karademir, M, Simsek, N, Guven, M, Atalay, T, Rakip, U.Cabazitaxel causes a dose-dependent central nervous system toxicity in rats. JournaloftheNeurologicalSciences. 2016;360:66-71.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Importance of Cryptography in Information Security |
Country | : | Turkey |
Authors | : | Muharrem Tuncay Gençoğlu |
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: | 10.9790/0661-2101026568 ![]() |
Abstract: This investigation argues that cryptography is a very effective technique to protect highly confidential and valuable information from cyber criminals. Information security is becoming one of the hot topics around the world. The need for modern cryptography to provide techniques and keys to protect information is vital. The process of encryption and decryption is essential for the communication of highly sensitive information. This inquiry emphasizes that without cryptography, private information such as credit card details, passwords and identity card numbers will be accessible to cyber criminals. This study also discusses relevant topics such as the definitions of cryptography, history of cryptography, principles and types of cryptography. Even though cryptography is used to convert information into an unreadable format, we cannot be absolutely sure that confidential data would not be accessed by cyber criminals who seem to be getting smarter and smarter by the day. Technological advancements have enabled them to improve their criminal techniques. Hence, it is important that we learn how to outsmart such criminals.
Keywords: Cryptography, Algorithms, code, encryption, decryption
[1]. Koç, Ç.K, Cryptographic Engineering, Springer, 2009, PP 125-128.
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[4]. Delfs, H.and Knebl, H. Introduction to Cryptography Principles and Applications, Springer,2007.
[5]. Paar, C.and Pelzl, J, Understanding Cryptography, Springer,2010..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Cloud Computing Ethical Hacking |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Kumar Kishan Chandra || Dr.AnandKr.Pandey || Supriya Raj |
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: | 10.9790/0661-2101026973 ![]() |
Abstract: The Ethical hacking is a form of penetration testing where the tester assumes the role of a legitimate attacker with permission of system owner. The network and security expert who will attempt to find weakness in the computer system and network in order to inform their owner about their existence. The security risks are known the process of hardening the network & system can take place. This form of penetration testing is becoming more common, as keeping a system virus free during its development. Its extensively more difficult the more complex said system .The extreme time pressure development increases the probability of error, making it easier to test for weakness at a another day. The Cloud computing is a way of computing, where most of our data is stored in the cloud through internet. The Cloud computing capability that provides an abstraction between the cloud computing and ethics. Its underlying technical architecture like servers, storage, networks enabling convenient, ad-hoc network access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources. This can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimum management effort.
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