Series-3 (Jan-Feb 2019)Jan-Feb 2019 Issue Statistics
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Networks Security Assessment of Unknown Attacks |
Country | : | Oman |
Authors | : | Dr. kamal Aldin Yousif |
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: | 10.9790/0661-2101030112 ![]() |
Abstract: This research is used a combination of both known and unknown attacks, Not only unknownattacks are difficult to detect and mitigate, their attack scenarios are also unpredictable, although such attack scenarios consisting of unknown attacks arepossible, they are often not taken into account when hardening the networked system because it is difficult to measure the security posture of them On theother hand, the occurrence of unknown attacks is growing rapidly [1,2]. Thus there is an urgent need for assessing the combined effects of both known and unknown attacks,unknown attacks consisting of unknown vulnerabilities, unknown devices, and unknown attack paths. This research aims to address the aforementioned problems by classifying un-known attacks, and incorporate them into the HARM..
Keywords: HARM, unknown attacks, mitigate, attack scenarios.
[1]. WU, Y., FOO, B., MAO, Y., BAGCHI, S., AND SPAFFORD, E. Automated Adaptive Intrusion Containment in Systems of Interacting Services. Computer Networks 51, 5 (Apr. 2007), 1334–1360.
[2]. XIE, A., CAI, Z., TANG, C., HU, J., AND CHEN, Z. Evaluating NetworkSecurityWithTwo-LayerAttackGraphs. InProc.ofthe25thAnnual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC2009)(2009), pp.127 –136.
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[4]. YACKOSKI, J., LI, J., DELOACH, S., AND OU, X. Mission-orientedMoving Target Defense Based on Cryptographically Strong Network Dynamics. InProc.ofthe8thAnnualCyberSecurityandInformationIntelligence Research Workshop (CSIIRW 2013) (New York, NY, USA, 2013), ACM, pp. 57:1–57:4.
[5]. YAGER, R. OWA Trees and Their Role in Security Modeling using Attack Trees. Information Sciences 176, 20 (2006), 2933–2959..
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Abstract: Bengali is one of the ten most spoken languages in the world, with almost 200 million speakers. Growing online resources reveal a clear need for Bengali language applications, retrieval systems and automatic text summarization. Designing a system to produce human quality summaries is difficult and therefore many researchers have focused on sentence or paragraph extraction, which is a kind of summarization. In this research work an intelligent technique is introduced in order to summarize the Bangla texts with the help of machine supported technology. This system can be widely used in effective Bangla text summarization which helps to extract the focal.......
Keywords: expert system, extraction, morphology, natural language processing, text summarization
[1] Joel Larocca Neto, Alexandre D. Santos, Celso A.A. Kaestner, Alex A. Freitas, "Document Clustering and Text Summarization"
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[3] Md Tawhidul Islam, Shaikh Mostafa Al Masum, "An algorithm for automatic text summarization of technical documents by building and minimizing information network of the source document" (ICCIT "05).
[4] Md Tawhidul Islam, Shaikh Mostafa Al Masum, "Bhasa: A Corpus-Based Information Retrieval and Summariser for Bengali Text", Internation Conference on Computer and Information Technology" (ICCIT "05).
[5] Hercules Dalianis," SweSum - A Text Summarizer for Swedish"
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | An enhanced Sniffing Tool for Network Management |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Bukie, P. T. || Oyo-Ita, E.U ||| Ideba, M. E. || Oboyi, J. |
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: | 10.9790/0661-2101032634 ![]() |
Abstract: The use of packet sniffers is most effective in monitoring and troubleshooting computer Networks against vulnerabilities mostly threaten data security and integrity. However, an initial investigation showed that the efficiency of existing packet sniffing platforms suffered setbacks in the areas of malware detection, platform dependency and user interface. As such, an easy graphical user interface (GUI) and minimal memory requirements were established as the most essential features required to effectively monitor network activities. This report analyses the limitations of existing packet sniffing tools, using an Object Oriented Modelling (OOM) design methodology; in a bid to develop a platform independent tool with simpler GUI, better performance and security whereby a user can perform different routines built into the packet sniffing system by selecting the File or View menus for sub menus to appear for selection, in less time.
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[3]. Bhandari, A. and Ailawadhi, A. (2017). Literature Review on an Approach to Detect Packets Using Packet Sniffing.Journal of Network Communications and Emerging Technologies [online] Available from <> [June 2018]
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[5]. Bradley, M. (2017). What is a Network Sniffer? Both Admins and Hackers Can Capture Network Traffic. Retrieved from on 24/10/2017.
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Abstract: Noise reduction is the process of removing noise from an image. Removal of noise is the most important task for preprocessing on biomedical MRI brain images. Filtering is a tool for noise removing. In this paper we compare the performance of four filters- Median Filter, Averaging/Mean Filter, Gaussian Filter, Wiener filter. This paper presents which filter is best for removing noise like Gaussian, Salt & Pepper, Poisson, and Speckle noise from stoned kidney image. Which filter is best, is measured by calculating the MSE and PSNR of filtered image..
Keywords: MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging), Brain Tumor, Filters (Mean, Median, Wiener, Gaussian), Preprocessing, MSE, PSNR..
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Abstract: Network traffic anomalies could refer to a potential intrusion in the network, so detecting anomalies is important for the detection and prevention of security attacks. Earlier researches in this part and commercially obtainable Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) are, for the most part based on signature. The signature-based task is the need to update the signature of the datasets when there are new attack signatures and thus, they are not appropriate for detect real-time network anomalies. The recent trend in detecting anomalies is based on classification approaches.........
Keywords: Machine learning, Network Intrusion Detection System, Data mining..
[1]. J. Cui, Y. Zhang, Z. Cai, A. Liu, and Y. Li, "Securing Display Path for Security-Sensitive Applications on Mobile Devices," C. Comput. Mater. Contin, vol. 55, pp. 17–35, 2018.
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[5]. M. Lichman, "Datasets | Research | Canadian Institute for Cybersecurity | UNB," 2017. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 29-Dec-2018]..
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Abstract: This proposition is given to protection safeguarding characterization and affiliation rules mining over unified information mutilated with randomisation-based techniques which alter singular esteems indiscriminately to give a normal level of security. It is expected that lone contorted esteems and parameters of a mutilating system are known amid the way toward building a classifier and mining affiliation rules. In this proposition, we have proposed the advancement MMASK, which wipes out exponential multifaceted nature of assessing a unique help of a thing set as for its cardinality, and, in outcome, makes the protection saving revelation of incessant thing..........
Keywords: Choice Tree, Minimum Description Length (MDL), Decision tree, Classification by Aggregating EPs(CAEP), elevated amounts of security..
[1]. Charu C. Aggarwal and Philip S. Yu. Privacy-Preserving Data Mining: Models and Algorithms. Springer Publishing Company, Incorporated, 2008.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Novel Algorithm for mining Positive and Negative Association rules |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Sachin Sharma || Dr Shaveta Bhatia |
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: | 10.9790/0661-2101036266 ![]() |
Abstract: So far, severalmethods have been reflected about positive association rules based on frequent itemsets in databases. They have not measured the problem of drawing out negative rules/ itemsets. These negative itemsets also deliberate the identical itemsetsas well as negated itemsets. These negative itemsets are suitable in market-basket analysis to recognize the products that counter and go in sink. This paper presents a mathematical model to extract positive and negative association rules/ itesmsets. The experimental results show that the proposed model NAR gives better results than the previous model.
Keywords: Positive, Negative, Support, Confidence, Mininterest..
[1]. Li-Min Tsai, Shu-Jing Lin and Don-Lin Yang, "Effective Mining of Generalized Negative Association Rules", Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Granular Computing, pp. 113-117, 2010.
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[3]. Li Min Tsai, Shu Jing Lin and Don Lin Yang, "Effective Mining of Generalized Negative Association Rules", Proceedings of International Conference on Granular Computing, pp. 163-167, 2010.
[4]. M. Delgado, M. D. Ruiz, D. S´anchez, and J. M. Serrano, "A formal model for mining fuzzy rules using the RL representation theory," Information Sciences, vol. 181, no. 23, pp. 5194–5213, 2011.
[5]. Brin,S., Motwani,R. and Silverstein,C., " Beyond Market Baskets: Generalizing Association Rules to Correlations," Proc. ACM SIGMOD Conf., pp.265-276, May 1997.
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Abstract:Vibration conditions of discrete multi-degrees-of-opportunity (MDOF) basic frameworks is
arrangement of differential conditions. In direct frameworks, the differential conditions are likewise straight.
Different logical and numerical strategies are accessible for illuminating the vibration conditions in auxiliary
elements. In this paper adjusted differential change strategy (MDTM) as a semi-diagnostic methodology is
summed up for the arrangement of differential conditions and is used for tackling the vibration conditions of
MDOF frameworks. The MDTM is a recursive strategy which is a half breed of Differential Transform Method
(DTM), Pade' approximant and Laplace Transformation. A progression of models including constrained and
free vibration of MDOF frameworks with old style and non-old style damping are additionally fathomed by this
strategy. Correlation of the outcomes
Keywords: Modified Differential Transform Method; Multi-Degrees-of-Freedom Systems; Pade' Approximant; Vibration Equation.
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Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 215, no. 1 (2008): 142-151.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Maintenance of the Evaluation Model for OOS |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Pappu sharada || Archana Panda |
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: | 10.9790/0661-2101038592 ![]() |
Abstract:Maintainability is a key factor of software quality models as mentioned in ISO 9126 and by other
researchers. Maintainability evaluation at early phase of development life cycle like the design phase is
preferred as it assists the software developers to improve their design before the start of actual coding. This in
turn decreases the maintenance cost.
This paper proposes a Maintainability Evaluation Model (MMOOD) that works at the design phase in the life
cycle of software development. The proposed model evaluates maintainability in terms of its key contributor's
viz. Changeability and Stability. The experimental validation of the developed maintainability evaluation model
was done using industrial software projects.....
Keywords: Software Maintenance, Maintainability, Maintainability Factors, Design Phase, Maintainability Evaluation, Object Oriented Design Properties.
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and Communication Engineering, Vol. 1, No. 2, July 2012.
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Abstract:The wind farms which are recently installed are of erratic speed type. Due to the erratic speed and
unsymmetrical fault condition the voltage become unbalance. Whenever the voltage sag/swell is present in a
system, the induction generator may perhaps consume a bulky quantity of reactive power, the results of
progression of faults and voltage collapse is due to the speed deviates as of synchronous speed. Whenever
unsymmetrical faults occur in a wind farm, positive sequence voltages are formed. DVR is connected to wind
system is investigated using MPPT with synchronous reference frame (SFR) control action as demanded in
definite grid code. A new control technique is purposed for recovery of positive sequence voltages under
asymmetrical fault and where the system speed is variable.
Key Word:DVR, wind fram, PWM technique, positive sequence voltage, synchronous reference fram control, MPPT controller
[1]. Anto Joseph, Nagarajan And Antony Mary. A Multi Converter Based Pure Solar Energy System With High Efficiency MPPT
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