Volume-10 ~ Issue-3
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Abstract: Typically the traffic through the network is heterogeneous and it flows from multiple utilities and applications Considering todays threats in network there is yet not a single solution to solve all the issues because the traditional methods of port-based and payload-based with machine learning algorithm suffers from dynamic ports and encrypted application.Many international network equipment manufactures like cisco, juniper also working to reduce these issues in the hardware side.Here this paper presents a new approach considering the idea based on SOTC.This method adapts the current approaches with new idea based on service-oriented traffic classification(SOTC) and it can be used as an efficient alternate to existing methods to reduce the false positive and false negative traffic and to reduce computation and memory requirements.By evaluating the results on real traffic it confirm that this method is effective in improving the accuracy of traffic classification considerably,and promise to suits for a large number of applications.Finally, it is also possible to adopt a service database built offline, possibly provided by a third party and modeled after the signature database of antivirus programs,which in term reduce the work of training procedure and overfitting of parameters in case of parameteric classifier of supervised traffic classification.
Index Terms—Network operations, traffic classification, security.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Prospect of E-Retailing In India |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Jyoti Arora |
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: | 10.9790/0661-01031115 ![]() |
Abstract: Consumer's perception regarding shopping has been changed with the introduction of internet media. Retail industry has witnessed major revolution in the changing technology oriented business scenario of 21st century in India. Internet has shrunk the entire World. The rules of the game in retailing are fast changing with the introduction of Information Technology. The e-Retailing website is the front door of the online store that interacts between the e-retailer and consumers. The electronic retailing (e-Tailing, e-Retailing, internet retailing etc.) is the model of selling of retail goods using electronic media, in particular, the internet. E-Retailing is a subset of e-Commerce (Electronic Commerce). E-Retailing accounts for about 10% of the overall growth of e-Commerce market. The growth in the e-Retailing market is driven by the need to save time by urban India. It is estimated that 2.5 billion internet users, access to internet has played a significant role in growing the business markets. The Internet gives retailers an instrument for: broadening target markets, enhancing consumer relationships, extending product lines, improving cost efficiency, improving consumer communications, and delivering customized offers. Changing demographics (youthful India), changing lifestyles and exposure to the developed markets give a fillip to e-Retailing industry. One can buy anything from stereos to iPod's without stepping out through internet media. E-Retailers serve 24 hours x 7 days in a hassle free manner to consumers. Along with advantages of e-Retailing some major issues are associated with e-Retailing such as lack of personal touch; cyber crime; bargaining is not possible and e-illiteracy among rural India. But with all, we can say that Prospect of e-Retailing market is bright in India. Consumer's cognizance; internet literacy of consumer and wider use of internet with cyber security are some of the noteworthy factors which are vital for the sustainable development and growth of e-Retailing in India.
Key Words: Consumer Satisfaction, e-Retailing, e-Tailing, Information Technology, Online Retailing
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Gene Selection for Sample Classification in Microarray: Clustering Based Method |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | K. Mangala Prabin Libi |
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: | 10.9790/0661-01031619 ![]() |
Abstract: Micro array technology is one of the important biotechnological means that allows recording the expression levels of thousands of genes simultaneously within a number of different samples. An important application of micro array gene expression data is to classify samples according to their gene expression profiles. The gene expression dataset can be represented by an expression table, where each row corresponds to one particular gene, each column to a sample. The relevance of each attribute (attribute represents the gene expression conversion into numerical values) with respect to the class label and the redundancy between two attributes in terms of mutual information are calculated using supervised similarity measure. The proposed system uses supervised attribute clustering algorithm which determines the relevance of each attribute and growing the cluster around each relevant attribute by adding one attribute after the other. Min-hash algorithm is used to reduce the redundancy between the genes and also reduce the cluster size. The performance of the system can be improved by reducing the redundancy of genes.
Key words: Micro array, Gene expression, Mutual Information, Attribute Clustering, Supervised methods
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Application of Data Mining Technique in Invasion Recognition |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | M.Charles Arockiaraj |
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: | 10.9790/0661-01032023 ![]() |
Abstract: The article introduced the importance of invasion recognition, as well as the traditional invasion recognition's type and the limitation. Also, according to the invasion recognition's general process and data mining characteristic, it establishes a data mining-based model of network invasion recognition which is designed for its flaw. As a result, the missing report reduces greatly; the examination rate enhances; and network system's security strengthened. Finally, the article lists several hot topics which need to be further studied. Keyword: Invasion recognition; Data Mining; Information Security
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Abstract: Knowledge management (KM) become important for organization to take advantage on the information produced and can be brought to bear on present decision. Software Development (SD) is a process that requires lots of knowledge. Developers must know what should be done while developing software, and what to do when changes occurs and how those changes can affect other modules of the system. Knowledge management system (KMS) can support the processes of knowledge creation, storage or retrieval, transfer and application. KMS in SD could help the organization to make tacit knowledge into explicit and therefore decrease the dependency on employees' cognition. This paper is to apply KMS architecture in SD environment to analyze the problems faced by software developers during the software development process and how various companies apply the tools of KM to improve the work situation for software developers and managers.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Resource Allocation for Antivirus Cloud Appliances |
Country | : | Egypt |
Authors | : | Ali Abdullah Hamzah, Sherif Khattab, Salwa S. El-Gamal |
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: | 10.9790/0661-01033342 ![]() |
Abstract: Malware detection or antivirus software has been recently provided as a service in the cloud. A cloud antivirus provider hosts a number of virtual machines each running the same or different antivirus engines on potentially different sets of workloads (files). From the provider's perspective, the problem of optimally allocating physical resources to these virtual machines is crucial to the efficiency of the infrastructure. This paper proposes a search-based optimization approach for solving the resource allocation problem in cloud-based antivirus deployments. An elaborate cost model of the file scanning process in antivirus programs is instrumental to the proposed approach. The general architecture is presented and discussed, and a preliminary experimental investigation into the antivirus cost model is described. The cost model depends on many factors, such as total file size, size of code segment, and count and type of embedded files within the executable. However, not a single parameter of these can be reliably used alone to predict file scanning time.
Keywords: Cloud computing, virtualization, antivirus, pattern matching
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | An approach for human gait identification based on area |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Jasvinder Pal Singh, Sanjay Agrawal |
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: | 10.9790/0661-01034347 ![]() |
Abstract: In recent investigations related to security issues, biometrics plays an important role in recognition of individuals based on their physiological or behavioral characteristics. Gait as a biometric behavioral trait plays an important role in recent research. Gait is an unobtrusive biometric, is the process of identifying an individual by the manner in which they walk. In this paper we propose a concept of geometric for human gait recognition. We have considered dynamic features and side view of human body for gait recognition. This paper considers three dynamic parameters i.e right hand, left feet and right feet. Then a triangle is formulated between these parameters and computed area for different subjects and store it in database for recognition.
Keywords: Biometrics, Gait recognition, triangle.
[1] Michal Choras,Emerging Methods of biometrics human identification, 2nd International Conference on Innovative Computing, Information and Control, ICICIC '2007, pp365 – 365.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Mobile Phone Based Attendance System |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Shraddha S. Chawhan, Mangesh P. Girhale, Gunjan Mankar |
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: | 10.9790/0661-01034850 ![]() |
Abstract: In this paper we are emphasizing on developing this project that will help the lecturers to take attendance easily, securely and is less error prone. For this, we are implementing software "Mobile Phone Based Attendance System (MPBAS)" based on Android Technology. We are inspired to work on MPBAS from the existing system E-Beat. MPBAS will help lecturers to take the attendance of students using Smart-phone. Lecturers will login to the phone application, get connected to the server and take attendance using Smart-phone. After taking the attendance in the mobile, lecturers will send it over to the server using GPRS and attendance list will be updated automatically. Lecturers will be able to edit the attendance by login on to the website. Students will be able to view their own attendance as well as curriculum details. To reduce the chances of fake attendance, the project would include Location detection using GPS. Also email would be send to the students by the lecturers, notifying them of their regular activities. Thus, the project will ease the workload of the lecturers by providing them the platform wherein they will be able to take, manage, update and see the attendance of the students with efficiency. Also the students will remain updated regarding their current status and thus can improve the performance by increasing their cumulative attendance in time.
Keywords: Android, Authorization, Authentication, Smart-phone, GPRS, GPS.
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Abstract:For a particular emotion of the user, the System evaluates songs according to the qualification assessed by two factors which are: song's relevancy to the user's preference, and song's mental influence on the user's feeling. In this proposed system, user's emotion is not input manually by the user, but detected automatically by the machine. In order to do that, user's facial expression data is captured from the webcam and then used as inputs for emotion detecting process. The motivation behind this system is the lack of a context-aware Music Recommendation System where automatically detected user's mood plays the most important role as a contextual key. The need of such system is made obvious by the fact that digital music libraries are constantly expanding, which thus makes it remarkably difficult for listeners to recall a particular song matching their present mood.By training the system to recognize user's emotional state by facial expression, it is made possible for listeners to generate a playlist which suits with their current emotion, and of which songs are rated also by the potentially mental influence on user's emotion.
Keyword: Face recognition, Face detection, PCA, Emotion Extraction and detection, Euclidean Distance.
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Abstract: Intrusion detection systems play a key role in detecting such malicious activities and enable administrators in securing network systems. Intrusion detection can detect malicious attacks that have penetrated preventative mechanisms such as firewalls, which can help provide damage assessment, response and prosecution support. This paper describes a novel approach using Hidden Markov Models (HMM) to detect Internet attacks. In this paper we describe an intrusion detection system for detection of signature based attack. These attack signatures encompass specific traffic or activity that is based on known intrusive activity. We performed single and multiple HMM model for source separation both on IP and port information of source and destination. This approach reduced the false positive rate and we made this type of source separation as our basic step for building HMM.
Keywords - Intrusion Detection, TCP/IP Packet Analysis, Detection, Hidden Markov Model, algorithm
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Abstract: The self configuring dexterous autonomy of MANET imposes some network challenges constrained to traditional dynamic routing behaviour. So as working with different mobility and traffic patterns with normal management schemes may lead some minor pitfalls to some important network performance parameters and hence can degrade the whole network performance. Here, Our aim is to make some DSR and MAC based cross layer optimizations and testify it on different mobility and traffic scenarios so as to justify the robustness of our proposed improvement.
Keywords – cross- layer,MANET,MAC,optimization
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Abstract: The overall success of a software project depends on the quality of its software requirements specifications (SRS). Hence, it is very important to get the requirements correct from the onset of the project. This research paper proposes a web-based system to perform SRS quality analysis using Case-Based Reasoning (CBR) and Artificial Neural Network (ANN). CBR is an AI technique that learns and deduces solutions based on past cases or experiences that are stored in a case base. However, when the case base becomes very large, the "Retrieve" phase of CBR becomes very tedious. So, in this research, we use ANN to improve the retrieval phase within the CBR. ANN measures the similarity of the new case against all existing cases in the case base. This results in a more efficient method of performing quality analysis for a given SRS document.
Keywords – Software Requirements Specifications (SRS), Quality Analysis, Case-Based Reasoning (CBR), Artificial Neural Network (ANN), Similarity Measurement
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