Volume-15 ~ Issue-6
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Survey on Fuzzy Association Rule Mining Methodologies |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Aritra Roy, Rajdeep Chatterjee |
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: | 10.9790/0661-1560108 ![]() |
Abstract: Fuzzy association rule mining (Fuzzy ARM) uses fuzzy logic to generate interesting association rules. These association relationships can help in decision making for the solution of a given problem. Fuzzy ARM is a variant of classical association rule mining. Classical association rule mining uses the concept of crisp sets. Because of this reason classical association rule mining has several drawbacks. To overcome those drawbacks the concept of fuzzy association rule mining came. Today there is a huge number of different types of fuzzy association rule mining algorithms are present in research works and day by day these algorithms are getting better. But as the problem domain is also becoming more complex in nature, continuous research work is still going on. In this paper, we have studied several well-known methodologies and algorithms for fuzzy association rule mining. Four important methodologies are briefly discussed in this paper which will show the recent trends and future scope of research in the field of fuzzy association rule mining.
Keywords: Knowledge discovery in databases, Data mining, Fuzzy association rule mining, Classical association rule mining, Very large datasets, Minimum support, Cardinality, Certainty factor, Redundant rule, Equivalence , Equivalent rules
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Abstract: The diverse and dynamic nature of elements and techniques used to develop Web Application, due to the lack of testing technique and effective programming principles which are used for implementing basic software engineering principles, and undisciplined development processes insure by the high pressure of a very short time to satisfy market request to develop Web application. This paper represent approaches of reengineering in web that how reengineering process can be carried out to evolution activities in legacy system as well we propose the V-model for re-engineering process. This paper presents the need of the technologies and approaches for building new web-services from existing web-applications. In this paper we present the processing of V-model for Reengineering in web application which is the extension of V-model used in software domain. In our approach V-model incorporates with the methodology throughout the phases of web development process to re-engineer the web system.
Keywords: Re-engineering, reverse engineering, forward engineering, V-model, application migration.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Survey on Vehicle to Infrastructure Communication System |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Ms. Bharati Punjabi |
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: | 10.9790/0661-1561822 ![]() |
Abstract: Vehicle-to-Infrastructure (V2I) Communications for Safety is the wireless exchange of critical safety and operational data between vehicles and roadway infrastructure, intended primarily to avoid motor vehicle crashes. Vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) communication based on wireless local area network (WLAN) IEEE 802.11 standard technology can support user in-motion to achieve preferable Internet connectivity. This standard is created for urgent short message transmission.The IEEE 802.11 standard defines an infracture mode with at least one central access point connected to a wired network. In this paper we present an experimental study of IEEE802.11g using off-the-shelf devices in vehicle-to-infrastructure small scale scenario. In order to evaluate the V2I the type of communication in large scale scenario and intelligent transportation systems (ITS) will necessitate wireless vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) communica-tions. This wireless link can be implemented by several technolo-gies, such as digital broadcasting, cellular communication, or dedicated short range communication (DSRC) systems. Analyses of the coverage and capacity requirements are presented when each of the three systems are used to implement the V2I link.
Keywords: Short Range Vehicle Network; 802.11g; wireless network; goodput; network performance; transport; mobile stations; auto traffic; vehicle speed.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Steiner Tree: approach applying for shortest path in selected network |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Manisha Wadhwa, Dr. Kanak Saxena |
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: | 10.9790/0661-1562326 ![]() |
Abstract: This paper focus on approach for shortest path from source to destination in which an autonomous system for virtual private network, whose communicate with each other in a private area. For selecting a shortest path we focus on Steiner tree. The general concept of finding minimum path describes an undirected graph, in which vertices (node) and edges (links) are playing main role. we focus on Steiner tree problem, extra intermediate vertices and edges may be added to the graph in order to reduce the length of the spanning tree.
Keywords: Steiner tree, Autonomous system (AS).
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Abstract: Digital Signature technique is widely being used to detect unauthorized modification to data and to authenticate the identity of the signatory. It is essential for secure transaction over unsecure/ open networks. Digital Signature schemes are mostly used in cryptographic protocols to provide services like entity authentication, authenticated key transport and key agreement. The PKI (Public Key Infrastructure) based digital signature architecture is related with RSA algorithm and secure Hash functions (MD5 &, SHA variants). RSA digital signature algorithm is an asymmetric cryptographic method whose security is associated with difficulty of factorization and hash function is applied to the message to yields a fixed-size message digest. This paper explores the PKI architecture based digital signature and presents an efficient way of its implementation and discusses various issues associated with signature schemes based upon RSA and hash functions. The results show that signing and verification are much faster in the developed application.
Keywords: Digital Signature, MD5, RSA, SHA1, SHA2.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Design Issues for Search Engines and Web Crawlers: A Review |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Deepak Kumar, Aditya Kumar |
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: | 10.9790/0661-1563437 ![]() |
Abstract: The World Wide Web is a huge source of hyperlinked information contained in hypertext documents. Search engines use web crawlers to collect these web documents from web for storage and indexing. The prompt growth of the World Wide Web has posed incomparable challenges for the designers of search engines and web crawlers; that help users to retrieve web pages in a reasonable amount of time. In this paper, a review on need and working of a search engine, and role of a web crawler is being presented.
Keywords: Internet, www, search engine, types, design issues, web crawlers.
[1]. A.K. Sharma, J. P. Gupta, D. P. Agarwal, "Augment Hypertext Documents suitable for parallel crawlers" , accepted for presentation and inclusion in the proceedings of WITSA-2003, a National workshop on Information Technology Services and Applications, Feb'2003, New Delhi.
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Abstract: Vicon system is implemented in almost every motion analysis systems. It has many applications like robotics, gaming, virtual reality and animated movies. The motion and orientation plays an important role in the above mentioned applications. In this paper we propose a method to estimate arm joint angles from surface Electromyography (s-EMG) signals using Artificial Neural Network (ANN). The neural network is trained with EMG data from wrist flexion and extension action as input and joint angle values from the vicon system as target. The results shown in this paper illustrate the neural network performance in estimating the joint angle values during offline testing.
Keywords: Vicon system, Joint angle, Surface EMG, Artificial Neural Network, Virtual reality, Robotics.
[1] Ajiboye, Weir, "A Heuristic Fuzzy Logic Approach to EMG Pattern Recognition forMultifunctional Prosthesis Control", IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NEURAL SYSTEMS ANDREHABILITATION ENGINEERING, VOL. 13, NO. 3, SEPTEMBER 2005
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[3] Kuiken, Li,Lock, Lipschutz, Miller, Stubblefield, Englehart, "Targeted Muscle Reinnervation for Real-time Myoelectric Control of Multifunction Artificial Arms", 2009 American Medical Association
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Abstract: Web services describe a standardized way of integrating Web-based applications over an Internet protocol backbone. Mobile devices are getting more pervasive and it is becoming increasingly necessary to integrate web services into applications that run on these devices. We introduce a novel approach for dynamically invoking web service methods from mobile devices with minimal user intervention that only involves entering a search phrase and values for the method parameters. The architecture overcomes technical challenges that involve consuming discovered services dynamically by introducing a man-in-the middle (MIM) server that provides a web service whose responsibility is to discover needed services and build the client-side proxies at runtime. The architecture moves to the MIM server energy-consuming tasks. Such tasks involve communication with servers over the Internet, XML-parsing of files, and on-the-fly compilation of source code. The MIM Server programmed with the intelligence to identify a set of services whose collective functionality can serve the user's request. We perform extensive evaluations of the system performance to measure scalability as it relates to the capacity of the MIM server in handling mobile client requests, and device battery power savings resulting from delegating the service discovery tasks to the server.
Keywords: Geocode Services, Location Based Services (LBS), Man-in- the-Middle (MIM), Web services, XForms.
[1] Q. Yu, X. Liu, A. Bouguettaya, and B. Medjahed, Deploying and Managing Web Services: Issues, Solutions, and Directions, The Very Large Databases J., (Springer) vol. 17, no. 3, pp. 537-572, 2008.
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[9] T.V. Raman, XForms: XML Powered Web Forms [ISBN: 0321154991].
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Comparative study of two methods for Handwritten Devanagari Numeral Recognition |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | S. L. Mhetre, Prof. M. M. Patil |
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: | 10.9790/0661-1564953 ![]() |
Abstract: In this paper two different methods for Numeral Recognition are proposed and their results are compared. The objective of this paper is to provide an efficient and reliable method for recognition of handwritten numerals. First method employs Grid based feature extraction and recognition algorithm. In this method the features of the image are extracted by using grid technique and this feature set is then compared with the feature set of database image for classification. While second method contains Image Centroid Zone and Zone Centroid Zone algorithms for feature extraction and the features are applied to Artificial Neural Network for recognition of input image. Machine text recognition is important research area because of its applications in many areas like Bank, Post office, Hospitals etc.
Keywords: Handwritten Numeral Recognition, Grid Technique, ANN, Feature Extraction, Classification.
[1] U. Bhattacharya and B. B. Chaudhuri, "Handwritten numeral databases of Indian scripts and multistage recognition of mixed numerals," IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell., vol. 31, no. 3, pp. 444–457, Mar. 2009.
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[5] U. Bhattacharya and B. B. Chaudhuri, "Handwritten numeral databases of Indian scripts and multistage recognition of mixed numerals," IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell., vol. 31, no. 3, pp. 444–457,Mar. 2009.
[6] R. Bajaj, L. Dey, and S. Chaudhuri, "Devanagari numeral recognition by combining decision of multiple connectionist classifiers," Sadhana, vol. 27, no. 1, pp. 59–72, 2002.
[7] M. Hanmandlu, J. Grover, V. K. Madasu, and S. Vasikarla, "Input fuzzy modeling for the recognition of handwritten Hindi numerals," in Proc. Int. Conf. Inf. Technol., 2007, pp. 208–213.
[8] A. Elnagar and S. Harous, "Recognition of handwritten Hindi numerals using structural descriptors," J. Exp. Theor. Artif. Intell., vol. 15, no. 3,pp. 299–214, 2003.
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Abstract:In this paper, we present Development of computer aided environment for drawing (to set) fill in the blanks that can generate for given paragraph. The System finds fill in the blanks, blanking key generates from the selected statement. Syntactic and lexical features are used in this process. NLP parser is used, part of speech taggers are applied on each of these sentences to encode necessary information.
We present our work in designing and implementing the system which generate the blanks. The System is developed in Java using JDBC which is open source.
Keywords: Natural Language Processing NLP, Key selection, POS tagging, Sentence selection.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Novel Interface to a Web Crawler using VB.NET Technology |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Deepak Kumar, Dr. Sushil Kumar, Narender Kumar |
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: | 10.9790/0661-1565963 ![]() |
Abstract: The number of web pages is increasing into millions and trillions around the world. To make searching much easier for users, web search engines came into existence. Web Search engines are used to find specific information on the World Wide Web. Without search engines, it would be almost impossible to locate anything on the Web unless or until a specific URL address is known. This information is provided to search by a web crawler which is a computer program or software. Web crawler is an essential component of search engines, data mining and other Internet applications. Scheduling Web pages to be downloaded is an important aspect of crawling. Previous research on Web crawl focused on optimizing either crawl speed or quality of the Web pages downloaded. While both metrics are important, scheduling using one of them alone is insufficient and can bias or hurt overall crawl process. This paper is all about design a new Web Crawler using VB.NET Technology.
Keywords: Web Crawler, Visual Basic Technology, Crawler Interface, Uniform Resource Locator..
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Abstract: Three major problems have been found in the existing algorithms of image inpainting: Reconstruction of large regions, Preference of filling-in and Choice of best exemplars to synthesize the missing region. The proposed algorithm introduces two ideas that deal with these problems preserving edge continuity along with decrease in error propagation. The proposed algorithm introduces a modified priority computation in order to generate better edges in the omitted region and to reduce the transmission of errors in the resultant image a novel way to find optimal exemplar has been proposed. This proposal optimizes the reconstruction process and increases the accuracy. The proposed algorithm removes blurness and builds edges efficiently while reconstructing large target region.
Keywords: Image inpainting, texture synthesis, Image Completion, exemplar-based method.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Virtual Community in Interactive Teaching: Five Cases |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Subhenur Latif, Narayan Ranjan Chakraborty |
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: | 10.9790/0661-1566975 ![]() |
Abstract: Modern teaching methods demand innovative and effective use of technology at utmost level. Incorporating a virtual community outside classroom teaching has become inevitable in digital age education. This research was intended to find out how this can be used in terms of interactive teaching and how it can facilitate students to recover the lacks of learning in classroom. A web community of a university called Learning Feedback System (LFS) has been used here as the methodology to analyze five sample cases. Effects of a significant level of interaction in LFS indicated that it helped to reduce the communication gap between students and teachers that of course leading to proper learning.
Keywords: ICT, Interactive teaching, LFS, Technology education, Virtual Community.
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